Algorithm Of Yoga

Algorithm Of Yoga

Welcome to Algorithm of Yoga - a unique approach to explore the world of yoga the software way! Visit


Yes it's Yoga day is tomorrow! Just as we like to begin a new year afresh with renewed commitments, this free online masterclass with my teacher on 21st June 2023, 7 am -8.15 am IST, is a great opportunity to renew your commitment to Yoga practice.
Register soon at the below link. Recordings will be shared for a limited period after the session.

Looking forward to practicing with you all!

In yoga, motivation is profoundly personal and daily practising is a commitment. Renew your commitment. We warmly welcome everyone to the Yoga Masterclass with Saraswati Vasudevan.

Registration here: #/registration


In the world of body shaming, we place a lot of emphasis on our looks. Skin-care, hair-care nail-care routines are emphasized upon. It is funny that one of the most popular USPs for Pranayama is long-lasting skin-glow and radiance.

No wonder 'face-yoga' is gaining popularity.

Amidst this body shaming pandemic, we are asked to cultivate self-love, we are asked to affirm to ourselves how beautiful and unique we are, no matter what the bullies might tell you.

But regardless of our affirmations, we may unknowingly be caught up in the idea of loving a "manicured" version of our physical selves. The self-love affirmations often spring from a haste for change, the motivation to keep up the self-care practices is clouded by an underlying anxiety to see results. Very less often, do these spring from a space of acceptance, compassion and curiosity.

Spiritual practices on the other hand work inside-out. They transform you before you realize it.

Developing reverence for the body is one such transformation.
With reverence sprouts deep love for the body.
Self-care practices then become an outcome of this love.

This understanding has been one of the most beautiful gifts of my daily practice.

In one of his famous couplets, Kabir, the 15th century Indian mystic poet and weaver saint explores the body as a subtle and delicate weave. Like most of Kabir's works, he condenses his whole experience of his body in layman's terms.

झीनी झीनी बीनी चदरिया॥
काहे कै ताना काहे कै भरनी
कौन तार से बीनी चदरिया॥

इडा पिङ्गला ताना भरनी
सुखमन तार से बीनी चदरिया॥

आठ कँवल दल चरखा डोलै
पाँच तत्त्व गुन तीनी चदरिया॥

साँ को सियत मास दस लागे
ठोंक ठोंक कै बीनी चदरिया॥

सो चादर सुर नर मुनि ओढी
ओढि कै मैली कीनी चदरिया॥

दास कबीर जतन करि ओढी
ज्यों कीं त्यों धर दीनी चदरिया॥

In the end, he says, unlike others who sully this weave while wearing it, this servant of god (Kabir) is returning his weave unsullied.

What stops us from looking at our own bodies with reverence?
After all, it is our only home for life.


Today is the New Year as per the Indian Lunar Calendar. Wish you all a very Happy Ugadi, a very Happy Gudi Padwa!

It's a new beginning in its own right.
The wisdom of Yoga has been a boon to many. Some of us practice Yoga as exercise. Others seek something more, perhaps a quieter state of mind, perhaps a spiritual mooring.

Regardless of what we want to achieve through Yoga, it is important to know that Yoga is a vast and deep ocean. It has the ability to offer us, whatever we seek from it. As with any system of practice - all we need is consistence and patience.

We also need to understand that each one's pursuit is their own. So, even if we practice Yoga in a group - your practice is your own. Yoga is personal.

But in this era, where information is so freely accessible we have very many ways to learn Yoga. Ever since I started teaching yoga in groups, many friends have been asking me to get more active on social media. I get requests to broadcast short practices, guided meditations, recorded chants and short go-to videos on yoga for ""

I have stayed away as there is a discomfort to teach someone whom I can't see, I know nothing about, I have no connection with and vice-versa. It feels like I am reducing the powerful tool of Yoga to a piece of information.

As I was sitting with my choice, the universe led me to this beautiful interview of Sri T.K.V Desikachar.

In the interview, Sir, as he was lovingly called, shares his answer to this dilemma so clearly.

"There are 2 tracks.
One is information. The other is transformation."
We broadcast information. We cannot broadcast transformation.
"Yoga is relationship, without this there can be no transformation."

I find this so straight to the point!

Broadcasting is a good approach to reach the masses in the case of the former track. But the latter requires a 1:1 connect between the aspirant and the teacher.

None of the teachers in Sir's lineage have gained popularity via broadcasting. Their teachings have borne fruition due to a blossoming of their students. Having touched so many lives in the span of their work, they continue to grow in popularity.

In the world of AI, Information Retrieval is just a snap of a finger away, what we need is a human connect, without which there can be no healing, no transformation!

I urge all practitioners of yoga, teachers or those who'd like to hear Sir speak, to watch this interview. It may help us better understand what a beautiful gift he and his father cm teacher, Sri T. Krishnamacharya brought to the world in the form of personalized yoga practices.

May we practice with conviction, with an open heart, with an empty mind! May we receive with grace, all that Yoga has to offer us!

Experience Yoga With Ramyam - 8 Week Online Program 04/08/2022

Dear Friends,

Would you like to experience the benefits of Yoga through simple yet powerful practices designed as per your individual capacity?

Would you like to learn to lead a movement with your breath?

Would you like to discover silence and wellness?

Welcome to the first online group yoga batch of 2022!
8 weeks. 24 sessions. Classes Start 8th August!
Register now @

Experience Yoga With Ramyam - 8 Week Online Program Learn Asana, Pranayama and Meditative practices in the traditional way, in steady progression over 8 weeks in the tradition of Sri T. Krishnamacharya. This program is open to anyone between 25-55 years of age who can access and practice group yoga classes via Zoom In these 24 sessions spread over 8....

An ode to the Master 05/02/2022

On January 22, 2022, the world mourned the passing away of a true master, world renowned monk Thich Nhat Hanh.
Lovingly known as Thay (Teacher) among his students, his teachings were simple and profound. All through his life, he practiced mindful breathing, mindful walking and peaceful living in the present moment.
I share my learnings from the master

An ode to the Master Hi! My name is Ramya Iyengar. I am a yoga therapist who loves to code among many other things. My articles reflect my current understanding which is always work in progress. It is enriched by my personal practice and continuous study with my teacher and mentors who lead by example.

Keep it simple. Focus! 18/01/2022

Wish you all a very Happy New Year!

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the famous French writer and aircraft designer once said -
"A designer knows he has arrived at perfection not when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away”.

What does it mean in Yoga practice? Read on...

Keep it simple. Focus! Less is more! Even more so in Yoga.


Today, 21st June is Sri TKV Desikachar's birthday.
Today is also the International Yoga Day.

Sir, as they fondly called him, doesn't need any introduction.

Although I never had the opportunity to meet him, he remains alive through the teachings of my mentors who learned, practiced and blossomed under his loving guidance.

It is very inspiring to see my teachers in their fifties and seventies, committing their lives to practicing and embodying that which they directly received from their teacher, from Sir.

I take this day to thank my teachers for keeping this ‘thread’ alive and it is this special ‘Teacher-Student’ relationship that stands out to me as the bedrock for a sustained practice.

Sometimes, I find myself in a very difficult spot teaching Yoga. It is much more difficult than what I thought! After all, all Yoga Trainers are meant to teach AsanAs, Pranayama, Relaxation and Meditative Techniques - isn’t it yet another skill that you can quickly learn and teach? But what if your state of mind isn't peaceful or relaxed when you are teaching? What do you then?

I experience Yoga as a tool for inner transformation and when I hold this intention for my students, then the state of my mind, my ability to listen and hold the space, my awareness, what I am anchored in, how I establish the connection with my student - all become extremely important.

And that is why it is a big responsibility!
Teaching it digitally has made it all the more essential to deepen my practice.

For avid Yoga Teachers, each session with our students is a reminder of where we are located and how much we need to work with ourself to keep the ‘essence of Yoga’ alive.
If we are serious about transformation, (and not transaction), it starts from connecting to the self!

Happy Yoga Day!

Defragmentation using Depth-First-Search 23/04/2021

Question : What really drives me to my yoga mat everyday?
Answer : My attempt to defragment and reorganize myself!
What about you?

Defragmentation using Depth-First-Search Fragmentation is a necessary byproduct in computer storage. And so it is, in the course of our lives. How do we defragment ourselves?



My next newsletter is out and in this post, I map the two most common search algorithms Depth First and Breadth First to Yoga practice.
How do you orient to your Yoga practice?

Read on, to explore further.

Urgency of Slowing Down in 2021! 06/01/2021


I have started a newsletter, "Algorithm of Yoga". In my first newsletter, I write in detail about the need to bridge gaps in our understanding of Yoga.

Urgency of Slowing Down in 2021! Bridging the gap in our understanding of Yoga


Trying to practise Asana as a work out is as futile as attempting to walk upstream in an escalator that is coming down.

P.S. - This is Part 2 of my exploration on the Understanding Of Yoga.
Here is the previous video on this exploration


Wish you all a Happy New Year!

COVID 19 has made Yoga far more accessible, thanks to the digital medium. However, our understanding of Yoga hasn't evolved with times.

I explore this in my latest video.

Although the language may make it seem so, body and mind are not exclusive of one another. We can’t separate the two.

How have you understood the mind of the body and the body of the mind?

I will continue this exploration in further series of videos. Stay tuned!

P.S. - This is the best I look in the morning while trying to finish off my work before my toddler wakes up :) :)


One word has been ringing in my mind continuously for the past few days.


1. What triggers a commitment? What is the intention behind it?
2. What does it take to stay motivated towards a commitment?
3. How do I re-align my energies when I lose motivation?

All through my teens and adulthood, I remained commitment phobic. 'How much time does this require ?' used to be the first question I'd ask before taking up something. This attitude defined the gamut of roles I played.

As I sit back and sip my cup of lemon grass tea this morning, I realise there has been a huge shift in my attitude towards learning.

I find myself asking 'What is important for me?' instead of 'How much time does this require?'

There is a sense of clarity around this. It has given me both power and responsibility. I think this is a result of my yoga practice.

The practices of Yoga and other indic domains like Ayurveda demand a paradigm shift - they require the practitioner to focus more on the process rather than the end goal. This is completely opposite to how we are schooled by the modern world.

How do you commit? Have you looked into it?


Welcome to Algorithm of Yoga - A Location Independent Yoga Studio that aspires to bring forth the understanding of Yoga in simple laymen terms.
I invite you all to explore the beauty and benefits of integrating Yoga in your daily lives!


Shall we unpack some of the most common myths surrounding Yoga?

☞ Health means Physical Fitness
☞A gentle means to this Physical Fitness is Yoga
☞Yoga means Asana
☞Asana means Exercise
☞Exercise means sweating it out


Welcome to the second episode of , my ongoing attempt to explore yoga, the software way.

Last week, we spoke about Perception Debt.

But, how is Perception debt created in the first place?

I am going to open the bonnet and explore the mind-body architecture.

Disclaimer: I have tried my best to simplify things. If you want to get technical, let's discuss in the comments section.


Welcome to Algorithm of Yoga.

An ongoing attempt to connect the dots between the world of software and yoga.

Let's talk about technical debt, and, well, perception debt.


How do you relate to food?

One of the fascinating things I have discovered in my journey with Yoga is that whenever we are going through stress, it shows up first in the way we consume food.

When our psychology is disturbed, our relationship with food changes immediately - either we overeat or under eat. We hold behavioural patterns around food. Have you observed how you eat your favourite food?

Welcome to the third episode of Algorithm of Yoga:

Let's talk about Food.

Videos (show all)

Unpacking the Myths of Yoga
Perception Debt