The LION ETHOS Fitness

The LION ETHOS Fitness

We will make you stronger. We will make you more agile. This page is all about fitness

Exercise reduces stressful brain activity, which can lead to less heart disease risk, study shows | CNN 16/04/2024

Exercise reduces stressful brain activity, which can lead to less heart disease risk, study shows | CNN Research has long shown that exercise reduces heart disease risk, but a new study finds the connection between the two may be a decrease in the brain’s stress signals.


How to prevent injury when you workout :

👉🏼 Frequently lift more with progressively heavier weights under controlled conditions.

👉🏼Strengthen your core (abs and oblique) muscles by intensely tensing them when lifting heavy weights.

👉🏼 Frequently stretch to warm up and relax your muscles (very crucially) In winter period.

👉🏼 When it comes to the gym👇🏻

✅ Your priority order should be injury prevention first

✅ Followed by getting comfortable

✅ Followed by have lots of fun.

✅ And then look into specific results.

That is the only way you will keep getting result for a very long time and make it sustainable for life.


“It's a wonderful thing to be optimistic. It keeps you healthy and it keeps you resilient.” Daniel Kahneman (Author of Thinking, Fast and Slow)


Compounding takes a long time. Some take months some take years some take decades. So long as it’s building you up and not tearing anyone else down.

There will be series of small and large short comings along the way. Some might even seem catastrophic in the short term. However, understanding that not shying away from any of them is what creates the compounding effect.

This is simply a process of personal development and self improvement. This applies in your fitness journey as well. It also happens to be the best advice for living a sustainable fitness and healthy life. Whose path will always give you a constant clarity.

Photos from The LION ETHOS Fitness's post 18/03/2024

110 reasons to stay alive until 110 years old:

Photos from The LION ETHOS Fitness's post 12/02/2024

I came across a fascinating quote recently that got me thinking. It goes something like this: “Humans overestimate what can be done in a year and underestimate what could be done in a decade.”
In my personal opinion, I took this as a reminder – it’s not about the timeline, but about the distance you cover once you’ve mastered the skills to reach your goals.
Now, I’m not suggesting it’ll take you a decade to sculpt that dream physique or build that million-dollar empire. Nah, it’s about cancelling out the noise of time, honing your skills daily, and witnessing the real magic unfold over time.
And hey, even if it does take a decade, who cares? You still smash those goals.
Regardless, you’ll worry less about daily ups and downs, rocking a solid confidence knowing you’re crafting something substantial, and that takes time.
Adopting this mindset lifts unnecessary pressure, lets you work in flow, and sets your own pace towards the grand vision.
What’s your take on this? Share your thoughts below!


Quick tip on the benefits of sticking to what you love especially at the beginning of starting a fitness or lifestyle transformation journey.

Sticking to what you love but with right micronutrients is crucial. Better to first build healthy and structured habit. Once established then move on to something else (another habit). It is what will start the consistent ex*****on mindset through habit building. This is the LION ETHOS framework way of step by step transformation. I’m sure there are many different opinions out there and millions other permutations to get various results. This is one amazing way that I know for sure will guarantee a specific result of building healthy habits that are both sustainable and works.

I’ve been working out, building consistent habits and keeping in shape for over 2 decades before becoming licensed in this area. I know it from both anecdotal and academia perspectives

Photos from The LION ETHOS Fitness's post 10/02/2024

"I've got the end result crystal clear in my mind, but the path to get there? That's a bit of a mystery.”

Ever been in that spot? Knowing precisely what you want, but feeling clueless about how to actually make it happen?

Not having a clue about what you're doing is like being stuck in a never-ending loop of the same old patterns. Someone once dropped this truth bomb on me: 'Life will keep throwing the same lessons at you until you actually learn them.'

And guess what? This applies across the board – relationships, work, and yeah, even your journey to fitness.

So, is it genuinely that simple to figure out where you're going wrong and course-correct for the results you crave? Yeah, it is – without oversimplifying, of course. Once you pinpoint those mistakes, you've got a shot at fixing things up.

Learning not to touch a hot stove only takes one burn, right? But when it comes to fitness, we somehow repeat the same stuff, expecting a different outcome. That's practically the definition of insanity.

Why? Probably because the pain isn't hitting hard enough. Touch a stove, and you feel it instantly. But with fitness, the pain sneaks up gradually, or worse, it hits you when the doctor drops the pre-diabetic or other even more serious health bomb.

The fix? Step up your awareness of what's really going on with your nutrition and training. The quickest way? Get guidance from someone who's been there, done that, and has the results to show.

It doesn't have to be the LION ETHOS Fitness, – you do need a guide to scream, 'Here's how you escape the hamster wheel!'

Hope this sheds some light! Best of luck to all you fitness warriors out there. Crush that goal you set at the beginning of the year 💪🏻

Photos from The LION ETHOS Fitness's post 10/02/2024

Planning to sneak in a bit of diet rebellion this weekend? 👀 If so, here's your 'cheat sheet' to prevent a complete blowout, haha.

A quick note about cheat meals.

They're crucial to your success if you're on a fitness transformation journey.

They help replace hormones that take a hit during the week and prevent mood swings.

They work wonders for motivation to get back on track.

Someone once claimed they're also a lifeline for your sanity while dieting, lol 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️

Cheat meal your way to success this weekend, but do it responsibly with these tips.

Have fun.


How to reduce that feeling of stress and anxiety on those stressful days. Start the day by doing something that makes you smile and it is just for you. Regardless if you have kid(s), significant others, pets..

For an example : Immediately after you get out of bed. Do a quick 30-60 seconds light stretch (or yoga.. something simple and no need to complicate it nor make it any longer than that). The trick in this tool is : you do it with a huge (over exaggerated) smile on your face the entire time. Then move on with your day.

For those with significant others, the alternative is to do a QUICK horizontal gymnastics with your significant other.

The two above will have the same effects which are :

👉🏼 dramatically change the momentum of your preceding hours and rest of the day. 🚀

👉🏼 Give you an extra boost of natural nurturing energy to kickstart your day. Just like my silly face 👉🏼 :)


What’s required for fitness goals to become a transformation which are both sustainable and get you actual results? 3 crucial parts must be present.

They are :

✅ 1. Fitness : Doing the correct exercises for the goal you have (getting lean, shedding extra bits, power output, strength, cardio burn, endurance, intensity...)

✅ 2. Nutrition : Right nutritional contents to sustain your specific fitness goals.

✅ 3. Accountability : Someone holding you accountable, adjusting your fitness program and nutrition requirements and guiding you on the tough days to make sure you don’t quit.

It is like a 3 legged stool. It will eventually tip over overtime If one is missing, if not immediately. So to get the result that sticks, you need to have the 3 layers in place.


How to use cold water to dramatically better our physical health in a very sustainable fashion.

ℹ️ Have this in mind before taking a cold plunge or bath.

👉🏼 Try to raise your body temperature first. For example with sauna or high intensity workout (or whatever else you ❤️ to do that raises your body temperature)

You’ll get way more health benefits like…

✅ decreased stress

✅ improved skin health

✅ improved sleep

✅ improved mood

✅ improved immunity

✅ improved cardiovascular health

✅ longevity

✅ detoxification

✅ reduction in chronic pain

Plus the added benefit of your body becoming used to cold temperatures (and environment). It will become very effective in generating heat and regulating your body temperature in the extreme cold.

This will make you feel less physically cold when the surroundings temperature is very low (for example in winter periods).


Everyday will not always be the same. The only control we have in our possession is what we choose to do. With the day option presented to us. Then act according to what we aspire for the rest of that day to be like. This will become our startup engine that will drive the momentum for the other 90% plus of our waking day.


Progress is not linear. Some days will be straight forward. Some days will not be so much as so. The knowledge to know, understanding and act accordingly whichever day you get. It's what will make a difference in the longer term. It's what will separate you from the pack of reactors based on just now.

So focus on your path and JUST GET IT DONE.


What we've learned from all the scientific research about slowing down or maintaining human ageing process all summarised to exactly the same points. All articulated using difference words and phrases in their own ways.

They are:

1. Eat well (does not need to be whole food, organic or whatnot, just eat well)

2. Stay hydrated all the time

3. Sleep well (not long, deep sleep well as much as possible)

For the last most important 3 are

4. Exercise frequently without breaking down your body

5. Strengthen your core as much as possible with strength exercises. This is an extension of point 4 (Exercise frequently). It is what will define the quality of your life beyond certain age. Generally beyond 60.

6. Stress speeds up ageing process and breaks down the body more than any other human emotions or actions. So try not to stress often.

It is that simple.


How to prevent injury

👉🏼 Frequently lift more heavy weights under controlled conditions.

👉🏼Strengthen your core (abs and oblique) muscles by intensely tensing them when lifting heavy weights.

👉🏼 Frequently stretch to warm up and relax your muscles (very crucially) In winter period.

👉🏼 When it comes to the gym. Your priority order should be injury prevention first 👉🏼 followed by getting comfortable 👉🏼 followed by have lots of fun. And then 👉🏼 you look into specific results. That is the only way you will make it sustainable for life.


Anyone can follow a program, workout routine, a diet plan. However, mindset is where the long term results will come from.

Mindset change is a process of self identity re-evaluation and constant accountability until the self identity becomes a self habit.

Without those nothing will change.


Self growth is a long process of turning down the volume of what other people think and believe of us and turning up the volume of what we think and believe of us.

Happy New Year 🎉


Your energy is your daily life currency.
The more energy you have the more you’ll be able to do with the time you have now.

Low energy means you’ll spend 2x the time to do what you could do half of the time when you are not low in energy.

To have more energy, focus on burning more body fat (not just losing weight). Meaning, weight is not the problem, body fat is the problem.

Less body fat = higher rate of burning bad content in your body naturally = you feeling more healthy = you having more energy = you doing things much faster = your life becomes a little less stressful


Want to lose weight for real?

Focusing on lifting weights will get you there and at the same time making you stronger.

Pick up any weight and rep it until it gets uncomfortable then stop. Overtime, once it gets too easy to do 12-20 reps without discomfort, increate the weight by about 10-15%.

Result : you will loose the weight, with less or no saggy/loose skin, you will get stronger and you will build muscle endurance.

Track your weight change weekly (not daily) and have someone hold you accountable. You will lose the weight in no time and keep it off that way.

That is the way you will make it sustainable and enjoyable in all seasons, all year round and for a lifetime. Without the stress and efforts that comes with the latest diet trends, fitness routines and gimmicks or whatnot. :)


Lower Fat = More Sugar

Zero Sugar = More Fat

It is as simple as that.

Lesson : It’s not about what you eat (so long as it is not pure rubbish/junk247). It’s about how you eat them. Pure and simple. Everything else are gimmicks.


When it comes to losing weight, getting leaner, gaining weight/muscle, having more energy and become more highly productive at the same time. Coffee is a huge key to that process.

The key is “integration”. However most people sees coffee as something to drink to make them less tired. NOPE! It plays so much more bigger role than that and can give you extra 30-50% more hours in the day if you use it correctly (especially if you work in leadership position or professional that requires you to be highly effective and alert).

More to come in the future on how you can make that shift to achieve your fitness goal and having more time to do more of what you love.

In the meantime, here are the best coffees from around the world 👇


At the junction now where doing the complete opposite of what mainstream media recommends for health is the best.

Don’t eat eggs? Amazing, Eat more.

Don’t eat red meat? More roasted beef please.

Exercise makes you older? See you at the gym later.

Can’t trust their health advice nowadays.


Certain oils are promoted as healthy foods. However, not even coconut oil, flaxseed oil, or olive oil is truly healthy. Oil contains more calories per gram than any other food. This is because it is entirely made up of fat (all other nutrients have been removed).

Without even realising it. Most people consume more calories in oil than their entire daily calories requirement in just one sitting.


Treat your body like your home you are going to live in for a minimum of 75 years.


6 Fitness tip...

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