Daizy Mae

Daizy Mae

"Never give up and continue your dreams for your future" 😘


Happy mother's day to you ma,
love youπŸ₯°πŸ˜˜


God is good all the time,All the time God is good



When I'am happy because I belong in my protractedly dreams but God doesn't like my dreams,He dicide to make more better place in my journey that I'm in comfortable and make me happy most.I trust him because He know my future and my journey



I miss all my classmate on my previous school because of so many memories there and dreams that I want to be happened to my self, and I did all to myself that I'm a self-sufficient,and all nights I always study for being my family will proud me.But I'm failure because of the personal problem.Now I show my classmate that they are in near in their dreams than me.I cried but one night I pray God that I hope that I'll reach my dreams soon.Now I contented when I belong here and I'm always thankful to God.


Late upload with my friend😘



It's bored now 😣😣
