The Messiah Ministries Inc.

The Messiah Ministries Inc.

The Messiah Ministries is here to have real live discussions about real uncomfortable subject matters. Understanding the true Messiah's message.


Book Club starting soon!


Can a Holy God make mistakes? Who words would you trust? Hello brothers and sisters! Often times we hear people say things that sounds like they're questioning God himself. We question why did he create this that way or this way. We question why couldn't things be that way or this way. In any event, we question the one who created us. In most cases, people come off as if they're smarter than God. Humans want to control everything!! How the food should be that we consume, how our bodies should look ( all these transplants being desired ). Coming up with all types of doctrines to explain him. Mankind believe himself to be better than the God of creation. Perhaps this is why we're in the state of Chaos that we're in. Confusion is the spirit in control! Just look and listen and you'll see the fall of Mankind like never before. Are you living with a reprobate mind? Take spiritual inventory of self. Who are you listening to? People that create doctrines and philosophies to fit their agendas to do what they want, or the spirit of our Heavenly Father who convicts us when in search for guidance in when in era. Yes, our Father YAH love all of us, but we can't live uncontrolled lives.


If we be honest, what spirit is winning over the population? Before answering, please consider the fruits of the spirit. There's a lot of actions being displayed by the human race that doesn't exhibit the image or likeness of Father YAH! There are times that I believe that we don't think we're going to die and face the Creator and have to answer for our actions. What's lacking: Honor our Mother and Father ( no excuses provided ) Love thy neighbor as you love thyself ( no excuses provided ). Put no other god over Father YAH! ( no excuses provided). It's easy to judge other people lives but where do you honestly stand? Blessings

Photos from The Messiah Ministries Inc.'s post 06/09/2022

The 1st Camp!!

Photos from The Messiah Ministries Inc.'s post 06/09/2022

Coach Bardwell, Coach Moore from Messiah Ministries and Coach Knox (Coach Wilson not present). Give them praises for helping the youth!


Shalom family and friends! Just to share a praise report, my older brother received a Kidney last week and everything is going well thus far. Those that has prayed and still praying I would like to personally thank you. The power of prayer is still in full effect! As children of the most high we should continue to trust in one of the weapons available to us on the daily basis. It is the blood of the Messiah, the trust and hope with the belief in our hearts that activates the power of prayer. Be blessed my family!!


Man should not live on bread alone!


Coming soon: Live conversations on difficult subject matters! Blessings


Shalom my family and friends! It has definitely been a very long time since writing and connecting with you. I've definitely missed the interactions with you. One of the things I've always pride myself with was to always be transparent with myself and people that comes across my path. It's no secret that life is similar to a roller coaster system: it goes slow, fast, up, down, twists and turns and at the end stops. This metaphor is so symbolic to life do to the experiences of life that we're faced with. In the past two years I've been trying to ground myself into nothing short of Father YAH'S plan for my life. In this process, I was moving without guidance from Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the only one that can give 100% of information pertaining to our purpose. I allowed myself to let my emotions of disappointment of others to hinder my hearing of his word, wisdom and sound counsel for my place in this world. The word encourages us to bare ye one another burdens and to pray for each other. This is definitely a lost art in the faith community because of the lack of understanding his word!! What do I mean? Well, when we become true followers of the Messiah we are now adopted into a new family with Christ being the head. This isn't practiced in the faith community because we believe that we are to put our earthly family first. But what does the word say? Nevertheless, I should have never stopped this connection because I was going through...I should have asked for prayer for strength and kept moving forward. This is how we should move in the faith community. Not worried about the evil spirits of gossiping,judging and being false witnessing. No, we must stand together in this world of darkness and rely on the power of our Heavenly Father and Messiah! As I conclude, I truly apologize for my distance. Peace to all!!


This is a simple note to a Good Man. Knowing you since 2003, I've witnessed a progression in your life; your falls and triumphs, your ups, sideways and downs, your defeats and your victories. I must also add that I've witnessed your willingness to be transparent and admit your truths (good and ugly); how you continue to encorage ANYone, rather they know to take heed to your advice or not, and to root for them, despite of and no matter what! To always strive to do better today than on yesterday and to purposely stay optimistic about change and wanting to stay grounded in heart, spirit and in mind. This Man is human. He too can be knocked down in his feelings at times, yet smile for you in your need, when you need. He too can wake up on the wrong side of the bed some days, yet place himself to the side, to strive, to be by your side. Because of these truths, our Heavenly Father chooses to wake this Man up daily. Why? This man has things to do, tasks to complete, mountains to conquer and more hills to climb. Our Heavenly Father has given this Man the neccessary tools to do what he must do and given the permission to draw from HIS infinite strength. With that being said, this Man is more than alright in my eyes! He is kind, nuturing, loving, smart, strong, willing, able and is Real! This Man created by the Most High is enough of a Man for himself, for you and for me! I want to thank our Heavenly Father first and to you Good Man for being who you are and whose you are for you, for them and for us. This man of God is my mentor, my breath, my earthly example, my heart, my love and my husband! Blessings.


Shalom my brothers and sisters of Father YAH! First allow me to apologize for this long delay. As always, it's an honor and privilege to be able to share some wisdom concerning our Heavenly Father. One of the things that I often think about is.. why do we see people that claims to be under some form of religion for such a long time appear to not have any spiritual growth or positive influences on others? To be one that prays daily and to be in the presence of a Holy being .Why does it seem that there's no affect to one's life? We're talking about spending time with the creator of all! I believe the solution to be simple... we must not only spend time reading spiritual sources, making prayer requests and giving drive by thank yous for physical temporary gifts, but we should be spending time intimately with our Heavenly Father. Spending time with him will help us understand his will for our lives, it will help us become familiar with his likeness, it will help our worship and praise to be honest and genuine! Does he not deserve our time every day? Does he not deserve our very best in living the very best lives that we can? Spending time with him will help us journey through this life that guarantees ups and downs, temptations that leads to spiritual disconnections from him and our decisions will be clearer on who,what and where we dwell. Confusion of who we are and what we should be doing would be a lot easier to discern. My brothers and sisters, there will be a day when we will have to face the inevitable! We must make the choice of stop robbing our Heavenly Father of poor productivity with the lives he blessed us to have. It's because of him that we're here! We'd given loyalty to everything that this world inhabits and not to the one who created it! Food for thought: when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, many punishments were handed out. One of the punishments was that Father YAH cursed the ground. When did the curse get lifted? Blessings my Family!!


Shalom my brothers and sisters! I'd like to open this up with a series of questions that we may want to discuss or to just think about. According to the Bible, in the last days we will see a variety of evil being considered for good. If you were to be honest with self, what is it that you see from a moral perspective and spiritual that can be viewed as a flip flop? Once upon a time under the family unit, you'd see a structure that would insist that family would sit at the dinner table together and discuss their daily activities. This is a forgotten gesture in the average home. Almost every institution that Father YAH has blessed and ordained has been violated by idealism that I believe could only come from Satan's influences! Not realizing that there are consequences for our disobedience to our Heavenly Father's will for the way we should be living and valuing the opportunity of living here on this earth. If we look honestly at the state of this world, it is clearly in a fallen state!! What happened to respecting our elderly, what happened to honoring our parents and may your days be long, what happened to blessed is he who findeth he a wife, what happened to husbands love your wives and wives love your husbands, what happened to all of the things that Father YAH has asked of us to do while existing on this earth? In his word, he says that: my sheep will know my voice. Living in this fallen world, tells me that we have been listening to a whole different voice that's opposite from Father YAH'S! This is why evil things are now accepted and his way is shun upon. We must change up on what and who we're listening to!! Blessings!


It's so important to stay true to self and just keep it 100 always! Putting on false faces or being someone that you're not, can be a real chore/headache, all on its on. You won't be any good to other's (your mate, your kids, your love ones, friends, family, etc.) if you keep deceiving self! Take the time by taking a real good look in the mirror at self. Speak positive goodness to your inner self and remind self that you are special and wonderfully made! YAH made no mistake in your design. He designed you to fulfill a purpose, to pursue a goal, and YES--He has a plan made especially for you! Find out what that is, align your footsteps to match his and just go for it! Remember to tell the truth.. the good, the bad and especially the ugly to self and then trust YAH to assist you with all of it! Trust him to help you see...who you really are. Let him guide you and nurture you, because you are worth becoming the best self that you are meant to be. Stay safe, be well and keep it real always...Shalom.


Shalom my family! Today is a day to try and become better than yesterday. How do I exactly do that? Well for starters, we must always consult with the one who created us. Secondly, as we examine our yesterdays, it would behoove us to learn from our bad decisions and to grow from our great success. Forgiving ourselves for any damage that we may have caused anyone or ourselves. To be better is simply an idea of conquering failures of our past. To be better isn't to try and live to someone else's expectations of us but the expectations of our Heavenly Father. I believe with the expectations that he has of us has also been empowered by him with the necessary tools to achieve those expectations. As I echo the scriptures ' we are more than conquers '. That's very powerful if we truly focus on what that is saying. Brothers and sisters the God ( Elohim) that we serve is not weak, blind or stupid, when he created each one of us he blessed us with everything we need to be the very best! The areas in which we may have failed in can be attributed to our poor decision making. Our decisions is what will help us be better than yesterday! We don't have to own every thought that comes to our minds. Remember, Satan can influence our thoughts. Often times we take ownership from thoughts that didn't come from our Heavenly Father and this is why we often make bad decisions. So today, let's strive to be better by trusting in the voice of the one who created us! Be blessed!!


Shalom and good morning family! It seemed that everyday when the Messiah started out, he began his day with communion with our Heavenly Father before engaging activities with other people. Afterwards, he would go amongst the people to teach and dwell then end it by going back in communion with our Heavenly Father. Why was this so significant? Well, we knew that people were vexed with evil spirits, evil intentions and were operating on a daily basis without having the presence and knowledge of Father YAH! Dealing with all of that can be spiritually, emotionally and mentally draining without the strength, the wisdom and knowledge of Father YAH. We must learn how to imitate what the Messiah did in order to deal with people whether it be family, friends or strangers! We must draw strength from the one who created all of us. He knows exactly what everyone needs! What better person than the one who created you to go to and to seek counseling? Today, let's try and depend upon him more than what we've been depending on prior to. Yes, it is a challenge to shut the noise of the world out because we're right here in it. But know that our Heavenly Father is more present that we'll ever give him credit for. Seek him out and I'm positive that he'll be there for you because he loves you and he loves us! Be blessed my family and know that we're all in this together!


Shalom family of the most High! First, allow me to thank you for joining us on this page. This page is designed to have real deep discussions that aren't talked about on the regular. I believe that most struggles we're faced with is due to our lack of confidence in each other and in the leadership and words of Yeshua the Messiah. The ultimate goal here is to draw nearer to the most high by leaning on his wisdom and knowledge. To be clear, I am only a student and a child of the Most High. Blessings!!

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