My Two Cents

My Two Cents

Helping you gain a new perspective about money that brings purpose -not just freedom! 💵

Photos from My Two Cents's post 28/08/2024

Did I miss any? 🤔 Tell me how many times you felt this Bible passage was point at remembering God not chasing wealth?👇🏻💵📖🤍


What part of this Bible verse stuck out to you the most? 👇🏻 vote or comment!

Photos from My Two Cents's post 19/08/2024

That last one has me like 🥹🙌🏻

Does stewarding our finances take grit and determination-a willingness to try again and again? Absolutely! But there’s more! 👇🏻

As Christians, we get an advantage that others don’t have! The Holy Spirit is with us to guide, direct, empower, and strengthen us when we don’t know what to do and need help to keep going.

Not only that but God word is CHUCKED FULL of timeless financial wisdom and it’s our pleasure to seek it out! 🙌🏻

It’s worth the cost to follow Christ! And following him in our financial life is no different 😉

Photos from My Two Cents's post 25/07/2024

🫵🏻 Have you done any of these things to be more ✨intentional✨about your generosity?

If you are looking for more resources and organizations to help spur you on in your hearts desire to be more like Christ in your generosity here’s some accounts you might like to follow


Have you done any of these things to be more intentional about your generosity? 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻


How can we know this? 🤔👇🏻

Matthew 16:20
“But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.” 👑

Matthew 6:31-33
“So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” 🍽👕

Matthew 7:11
“If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!“ 🌻

Ephesians 6:12
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms“ ⚔️

1 Chronicles 29:14
“But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.“ 🤲🏻

Which truth did you need to be reminded of today?

Photos from My Two Cents's post 09/06/2024

I, personally recommend that if you don’t know what to give… start with 10%. (And if that’s impossible… then do feels as if it would be difficult!)

Give first- because if God prioritizes generosity, then we should too!

10% is not a magic amount, but if you haven’t heard otherwise from the Lord, try starting there (I can almost guarantee that on your financial journey the amount will eb and flow but ultimately increase as your grow closer to the Lord!)

Are you curious what the Bible has to say about money or are to embark on a Financial journey with the Lord? 📖💵🤍 comment FREE for my faith and finance bundle!

Photos from My Two Cents's post 07/06/2024

VOTE! ⬇️What are you going to focus on today?

👉🏻Learn from the Past, and don’t allow it to hold you. ⛓
👉🏻Plan for the future, and leave it resting in Gods hand.🤲🏻
👉🏻Today, live in Jesus’ deep love for you and continue faithfully on the adventure he’s leading you on! 🥾

My financial journey with the Lord has been an incredible adventure! The uncomfortable things he’s called me to do that left me wrecked by his incredible kindness have led me to implore others to trust him, trust his word, no matter how hard it may be. 🥹😭

He is calling you to so much MORE than Financial freedom- he calling you into PURPOSE!

If you have never embarked on a Financial journey with the Lord if have a bundle of freebies to help get you started- comment START and I’ll send you the link 🫶🏻💵📖

✨What are you going to focus on today? ✨

Photos from My Two Cents's post 21/05/2024

The verse is often a sobering reminder for me.
If forces me to ask “Do I truly not have enough? Or am I loving what money could give me so much that I’m not seeing the plenty I have?”

Photos from My Two Cents's post 24/04/2024

When was the last time someone told you that you they admired your determination to turn your financial life around?

I’m proud of you
You’re doing great!
God is so pleased you embarked on this hard journey with him! 🤍

Photos from My Two Cents's post 15/04/2024

🤔Wait, so what should we do instead?!

Can I begin by saying that I 🙋🏼‍♀️ was the self-righteous one- who “tithed” (gave 10% to my church) since my very first source of income (think.. lemonade stand! 😅) and usually it’s people like me that get REALLY upset when I post posts like this.-so if that’s you hang in there-let me tell you more of my story!

When I was 17 I began to realize how very much the Bible talked about money. 💰 It talks about it
👉🏻more than Heaven and Hell combined
👉🏻the word “give” is used more times than the words Faith, love, and grace. 😲

Thus began my financial journey with Christ👉🏻 but it wasn’t until I discovered that “tithing” was most certainly not a biblical command for Christians that I finally began to actually ask God “Lord how much do you want me to give then?”😯
(Ps. the answer I got was not an easy one!)

Realizing that I actually needed to invite Jesus into my financial life was the catalyst to truely allowing Christ to be at the center instead of my money decisions instead of man made rules.

You see, tithing, although a useful principal when we understand it fully, was a rule that I had grown up with and had grown to believe that was how God wanted me to handle my money, and as long as I gave my 10% to church I had checked the box and done what God wanted me to.
But what if there is so much more….

More joy

More purpose

More venture

More goodness

More of Jesus in my life

🤍So let’s start doing this instead🤍

👉🏻Let’s start using the word “give” when we talk about partnering in this kingdom mission with our local churches and reserve the word “tithe” for when we are actually talking about one of the 3 (yes theres 3!) “tithes” that are in the Bible. 🫶🏻 this will begin the process of cutting through the man made rules (like the Pharisees had!) and helping the next generation have a less clouded understanding of why we really give to our churches! 🤍

Photos from My Two Cents's post 12/03/2024

Did you notice…🤔👇🏻

That all the financial knowledge was FACTS.
None of that was false information.
It was all legitimate knowledge


Gods divine Wisdom often seems to contradict our knowledge. 😬

This is when we often need to make a choice… go with the worlds knowledge (which I have noticed is incredibly incomplete!- have you heard how often even financial experts contradict one another?!?)
Go with Gods wisdom … even though the world may say we’re acting foolishly.

It really is up to you- but the more and more studies that come out the more I laugh and shake my head… because they simply prove how Gods word was right all along. 😏

So how can we find the financial wisdom that is steady and unchanging? Look to Gods word. Come to him in prayer. Know his voice. Listen and Obey.

🫶🏻 -inspired by Proverbs 8 -

🤍💵📖 .sg


I’ll be praying, studying, and establishing new rhythms in my day throughout the next 30 days.

My prayers over you will be passionately pushing for you to see Gods truth and call put the lies of the Devil that have been whispering to your heart far too long.

My studies will include finding what the Bible tells us about how to work and rest well as we walk on our financial journey with Christ.

My new rhythms will include stewarding new things and prioritizing correctly the many blessings God has placed under my management.

Your prayers for me would be so welcomed and I will miss you all so much!

Add me to your favorites ⭐️ to make sure you don’t miss me when I get back ;)

Photos from My Two Cents's post 26/01/2024

I have seen WAVES of pastors doing all the 🙌🏻best 🙌🏻 things for their congregations when it comes to talking about money and it makes my heart so happy to see their commitment to handle the Word rightly and in a way that serves their people well! 😍🙌🏻

But I know there’s still a lot out there that so badly WANT to talk about money from the pulpit but aren’t a little nervous about what to say- and if that’s you, I hope this sheds some light on things!

I have dreams of finding ways to, not only come alongside other Christian’s to help them in their financial journey with Christ, but to also be able to come alongside pastors and churches to help equip them with the knowledge and resources to do that too! …. All in Gods perfect timing… for now, this post and a book recommendation are the best o have!

If you want to know what book I recommend for Pastors (or anyone who works in the church) comment “Church” and I’ll send you the link! (Pssst… you could buy it for your pastor ;)

Follow for more
💵 .sg
📖 .sg
🪙 .sg f

Photos from My Two Cents's post 19/01/2024

It’s one of those moments in life that helped me see not only Gods extravagant kindness but also his unfailing trustworthiness.

He is such a good good Father!

Do you have a story of when you saw God move in your life that showed off his trustworthiness and kindness?? Tell me in the comments 👇🏻

Photos from My Two Cents's post 13/01/2024

Just a few thoughts on how to handle money within the family circle!

Some verses to think about in light of this: 👇🏻

1 Timothy 5:8 - “if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”

Leviticus 6:5- “anything about which he swore falsely; he shall make restitution for it in full and add to it a fifth more. He shall give it to the one to whom it belongs”

2 Thessalonians 3:6-12 “Now we command you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you keep away from any brother who is walking in idleness and not in accord with the tradition that you received from us. For you yourselves know how you ought to imitate us, because we were not idle when we were with you, nor did we eat anyone’s bread without paying for it, but with toil and labor we worked night and day, that we might not be a burden to any of you. It was not because we do not have that right, but to give you in ourselves an example to imitate. For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies. Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living.“

Photos from My Two Cents's post 07/01/2024

I’ve so often heard that “money is a tool to build the life you want.” But the truth of the matter is… that’s only true if the life you want is the life God has called you to.😅
It’s only true if your “want” is the same as His “want”- and that’s definitely not what the quote is referring to…😒

👉🏻So many truths are found by asking questions! 👈🏻By being brave enough to look at things from every angle, knowing it might not bring us to the conclusion we were hoping for. Knowing it might prove us wrong.

But where there is Truth… that’s where the freedom is guys!

✋🏻Throughout the last 10+ years I’ve changed my opinion about quite a few financial beliefs due to seeing the WHOLE of what the Bible says vs. just pockets of verses. And, ya know what, it doesn’t really bother me that I used to believe something I know isn’t right🤷🏼‍♀️- I grew- 🌱I learned new information📚- and I changed my mind. 🧠
✨That’s how growth and maturity works. ✨
And I hope that encourages you to be brave enough 👉🏻 to dig deep into the Bible
👉🏻 to Never stop seeking to know God more
👉🏻 to Never stop seeking the truth found in His word
👉🏻 to never be afraid to grow and change your opinion.

Photos from My Two Cents's post 04/01/2024

Want to because an incredible leader?

Learn to serve others well! 👊🏻

🙌🏻How to do that is found in the pages of this book!

📖You can purchase it through author ‘s Instagram page by following the 🔗 in his bio!


Photos from My Two Cents's post 03/01/2024

When it comes to paying back debt I ALWAYS recommend focusing on paying back PEOPLE first.
👉🏻 relationships matter, - so as far as you are able pay back what others have loaned to you.

I recommend paying it back in full (or more!) all in one payment.
This lessens the chance of miscommunication about how much has been paid/is left to pay.

THEN- once you have paid back all the people you have borrowed money from- focus on using your margin on paying off the debt of money you have borrowed from companies (credit cards, car loans, etc..)

I also NEVER recommend lending friends and family- but that’s another subject for another time.

I talk about this an other things, as well as having printable worksheets for you, all in my PennyWise course.

Remember- paying off debt isn’t the goal, honoring God in our goal! Paying down debt is simply one of the ways we can honor him. 😉


Photos from My Two Cents's post 01/01/2024

I dislike this phrase
“support your local church”

And not because I disagree with it, but because it makes it sound as if the church has a broken leg and needs a crutch to keep limping along.

That’s not why we give to our local church homes.

We Give to our local churches because the local church is one of the best ways to impact our communities for christ. Its is one of the best ways to disciple, encourage, hold each other accountable, send out, spread the word, and live ON MISSION to build the body of christ in our communities.

We aren’t just giving to pay a mortage and a pastor. We’re giving to further programs that reach into our schools, neighborhoods, states, coumrty, and across the world!
Were giving to impact the kingdom of God.

Photos from My Two Cents's post 26/12/2023

That last one though! 👏🏻🤍✨

Such great quotes from some incredible men and women!

Which one was your favorite?


Photos from My Two Cents's post 19/12/2023

Was this interesting to you? Want to know more?? ☑️ check out the “tithing” highlight on my page .sg 🤗

✋🏻🤚🏻The word “tithe” does mean 10th. But when we study it further we see it’s not necessarily a percentage…👇🏻

🐂🐃🐑🐓🕊Tithing was very specific to the land of Israel 🕍 - so any livestock that was grazed and raised in The promised land was tithed by giving one out of every 10.
If you had 27 cows you tithe 2 of them not 10% (this doesn’t not include other offerings!)

🌿🌾🌻A 10th of all the crops that were grown in Israel were to be tithed.
👉🏻the Pharisees took this so far to even tithe their herbs -which Jesus mentions in Matthew.

👉🏻Giving a tenth is a principal we see to help us practically honor God. But tithing is impossible for us since we are not in the agriculture industry in Israel.

🙇‍♀️📖 Studying tithing helps us understand what God desired his people to do with their “income” and can be a tool for us to use in our own financial lives today 🙌🏻✨🤍

Photos from My Two Cents's post 15/12/2023

These three things are what caused me to step away from Dave Ramsey. 👆🏻

As I began studying what the Bible says about money I begin to see how Dave Ramsey’s recommendations were set on biblical ideas but they didn’t take into account valuing FIRST ☝🏻 what God valued.
🤯 I see now how honoring God in our financial lives is something we can do today! 🙌🏻

👉🏻 we don’t have to wait until we’re out of debt
👉🏻 or until we have an emergency fund
👉🏻or until we have a mortgage paid off
👉🏻 we don’t have to wait until we’re wealthy to honor God with our finances.
👏🏻We get to do that today.👊🏻

Wanna look for yourself? 📖 Check these Bible verses out:

Compassion for the needy: 🤍 Deuteronomy 15:11, Deuteronomy 24:14, Psalm 12:5, Proverbs 14:31
Enjoying life: 🤩
Leviticus 26:34, Numbers 14:31, Deuteronomy 6:2, Nehemiah 8:10, Job 33:28, Acts 9:31
Building his kingdom: 👊🏻 Matthew 28:16-20, Acts 10:42, 2 Corinthians 9, 1 Corinthians 12:12-29

This is the main thing that I teach differently than financial peace does 🗣 I teach to value the things of God first above everything else. Because I realized that if I value what God values first☝🏻 that gives me the ability to reach my biggest financial goal every single day.

So how do I recommend to do this practically? 🤔

I have a lot more information all laid out in my Pennywise workshop, but to sum up: when I looked at the Old Testament I realized that the principal of tithing could help give us a platform to make this practical, so I recommend
🤲🏻 giving 10% to your church or missions
🏦 put 10% away to spend on holidays Christian conferences Christian concert concerts etc. for your family (this comes from the festival tithe).
💸 give 3% specifically for the needy (this comes from the charity tithe)
👉🏻 obviously we are not bound by tithing anymore, and you can still honor these principles without using these exact percentages.
Simply take this as a tool in our tool belts 🛠 to help us practically honor God in our financial life.

Photos from My Two Cents's post 13/12/2023

🫵🏻 SHARE to help stop the lie 🛑

1 Corinthians 12:14 Yes, the body has many different parts, not just one part. 15 If the foot says, “I am not a part of the body because I am not a hand,” that does not make it any less a part of the body. 16 And if the ear says, “I am not part of the body because I am not an eye,” would that make it any less a part of the body? 17 If the whole body were an eye, how would you hear? Or if your whole body were an ear, how would you smell anything?

18 But our bodies have many parts, and God has put each part just where he wants it. 19 How strange a body would be if it had only one part! 20 Yes, there are many parts, but only one body. 21 The eye can never say to the hand, “I don’t need you.” The head can’t say to the feet, “I don’t need you.”

22 In fact, some parts of the body that seem weakest and least important are actually the most necessary. 23 And the parts we regard as less honorable are those we clothe with the greatest care. So we carefully protect those parts that should not be seen, 24 while the more honorable parts do not require this special care. So God has put the body together such that extra honor and care are given to those parts that have less dignity. 25 This makes for harmony among the members, so that all the members care for each other. 26 If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad.

27 All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it.

Photos from My Two Cents's post 05/12/2023

As I’ve grown in my walk with the Lord I’ve had to learn to distinguish the difference between feeling guilty or ashamed and feeling a godly sorrow or grief that brings me closer to the repentance that I truly need.
👉🏻That conviction is life-giving even though at the time it feels unpleasant.🤍

There’s many things that God has convicted me about on my financial walk with him- from getting rid of debt, to planning well, to giving sacrificially (or at times outrageously!) but through it all, the one thing I have learned the most is how deeply trustworthy he is and how good it is to step into that conviction, repent, and walk forward with Jesus in obedience.
Financial peace does not happen when we have more money in the bank financial peace happens when our finances are aligned with God’s will in our lives.

Photos from My Two Cents's post 02/12/2023

Save this if you find this helpful! ✨🤍

Photos from My Two Cents's post 29/11/2023

There are the five financial principles I’ve found while studying what the Bible has to say about money 🤓

They are worth their weight in gold 💰- not because we’re guaranteed wealth if we follow them but because honoring God in our financial lives has a way of bringing us into a deeper relationship with Jesus❣️- and that is worth far more than any amount of gold this world has to offer! 🙌🏻🤩


Photos from My Two Cents's post 28/11/2023

One more reason to feel great about investing into a workshop or buying yourself that book you’ve been eyeing! 👀

Right now my PennyWise course is still on its Cyber Monday sale! Get it for just $1/day! Comment


and I’ll send you the link and the discount code good through 11/29/2023!

Photos from My Two Cents's post 27/11/2023

Sale coming in hot! 🔥

I was late to the game offering this to you, SO- I’ll be running it through Wednesday! (11/30/2023)

I’ve never had the price this low before and it comes out to less than $1/day!

If you need some guidance in your financial life and want to know what Gods word says about it this is the workshop for you!!

Comment “CMSALE” and I’ll send you the link and the discount code 🙌🏻✨

Photos from My Two Cents's post 25/11/2023

👇🏻Freebie in here 👇🏻

I had read through Deuteronomy at least 4 times before I got my first journaling Bible… something about having that margin I wanted to fill made me search for gold-and man did I find it!!!! 🙌🏻
Deuteronomy remains a book I’m wholeheartedly fascinated with!
If you really want to get into Gods word and haven’t tried Bible journaling yet- I’d encourage you to think about it! (As well as reading it through chronologically!)
I have some FREE Bible study resources if you’re interested!
Comment 💬 STUDY 💬 and I’ll send you a link!

Photos from My Two Cents's post 21/11/2023

Comment 🤯 if this one hit you hard!

One of my favorite quotes from


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Comment ✨Lydia✨ to get the link to enter the giveaway! It was SO fun to get to hear about all the things the Lydia netwo...
Over 15 years ago I read this book and it sparked the fire in me that the Holy Spirit then blew into a flame. 🔥 Now I wa...
I cannot begin to tell you how freeing  it was when I realized what I could do to honor God today was all I needed to do...
⏸Save this! (in case this comes up at Church in conversation) ▶️👉🏻Let me for start off by saying that I firmly believe 🙌...
The discount code for 30% off is 👉🏻 MY2CENTS 👈🏻Here’s the link👉🏻👉🏻
