

urban magik
temple science
magnus opus

Photos from Okkultopia's post 24/08/2022

what is following you like your shadow?

let it ascend and watch it in plain light of day…


one may indeed say that it is not the event that happens to the person,
but the person which happens to the event.

- dane rudhyar -

Photos from Okkultopia's post 13/08/2022

dear berliners, ritual friends and fellow magicians,

swipe and save the date for our last outdoor ritual this year!

“you cant escape your prison if you dont know you are in one”

following the investigative drive of the waxing scorpio moon, in this month's ritual we want to plumb deep into our subconscious water reservoirs and ask them to reveal some occult (hidden) programming which is influencing our beings / emotions / thoughts and actions without our conscious knowledge and consent. By bringing such scripts to the light of understanding, we are able to scrutinize them, and position ourselves consciously towards them. The knowledge of them enables us to take an informed descision, whether letting them go, or accepting them as part of ourselves, but at least knowing and deciding what it is that is pulling our invisible strings or making up our emotional armours.

scorpio is the fixed watery home of mars. it is watery, nocturnal, feminine, cold, fixed, northern and phlegmatic. Physically it symbolizes the male and female sexual organs, the reproductive and excretory systems.

as an animal the scorpio is armed and armoured, protective at the same time as attacking.

scorpionic keywords are:
fiercessness, drive, determination, focus, intensity, obsession, taboo, suspicion, depth investigation, long term strategy, awareness of death, decay, pain, mortality, the occult, shadow

Scorpio is associated to the tarot trump XIII - death, and to the qabalistic path nr. 24, NUN נ
(50 / fish) connecting the sphere of beauty (TiPhAReT) with the sphere of victory (NeZaCH). The okkult title of the path is imaginative intelligence.
This path speaks to us of deep transformation in a twofold way: the transformation from the scorpio into the snake and the transformation from the snake into the eagle. The alchemical mode of transformation which is intrinsically scorpionic is called putrefaction and means transformation by death, a sort of composting.

With this months ritual, we invite you to open up our subterranian plumbing systems and let our imaginative intelligence flow forth from the depth to show us, what needs composting and transformation.

Photos from Okkultopia's post 28/07/2022


Photos from Okkultopia's post 21/07/2022

what do you want to purge? tell me in the comments!

dear berliners, berlin lovers and ritual friends,

in this months’ ritual we invite you to purge and sacrifice emotions that no longer serve our becoming
we will work on making space and the art of letting go, assisted by the waning cancer moon and our beloved river spree.

Cancer, the crab, is domicile of the moon and exaltation of jupiter.
its cardinal water, nocturnal and feminine.
as we enter the realm of water, we are moving through the ocean of emotions.

cancer keywords are:
memories - emotional memory - emotions - impressions - psychic input - receptive intelligence - reflection - caring - nurturing - the well - rhythms - nostalgia - ancestry - (emotional) roots - moods

physically cancer corresponds to our lymphatic system & fluids, the chest & stomach and the female reproductive system: womb, va**na and breasts

Cancer is associated to the tarot trump VII - the chariot, and to the qabalistic path nr. 18, HET ח (fence), connecting the sphere of understanding (BINaH) with the sphere of strength (GeBVRaH).
By living through our different (and many times uncomfortable) emotions, we acquire a deeper understanding and the strength to endure and overcome the emotional reactions, that do not serve us anymore.
the path of cancer has also the okkult title “the house of influence”
it is through our emotions that we influence and orchestrate our realities

In the Tarot card of the Thoth deck, the knight is holding the spinning wheel of the living holy grail, which is symbol of the deepest female mysteries. When we let go of something, we create space. this empty, negative space is full of possibilities and the womb from which creation crystallizes forth.

Next weeks waning cancer moon invites us to dive deep into our own house of influence, and to do an inventory of the forces and impulses reigning there. Are they still justified? helpful? generating growth? or are they maybe a bit dusty? residues of old patterns?
Can we identify them, the ones to let go of? sacrifice them for a higher pursuit and give them away to the running spree?

want to participate? -> dm for details
exchange is 19,90


council of marys

Photos from Okkultopia's post 03/07/2022

hey magikal berliners... looking forward to our berlin egregor ritual tomorrow!
.. and be sure to bring your familiars!

write us if you want to participate, we will send all the further info via email

see you tomorrow by the lake for some invokation playtime...

Photos from Okkultopia's post 26/06/2022

dear fellow magicians, berlin-lovers and ritual friends,

first of all we want to apologize to you, because we are not on time, this time, for the new moon. We are late. Being late is kind of an embarrassing thing in an art based so much exact cosmic timing. But well, we will do the second best to being punctual: adapt to the new circumstances ;)
So instead of cancer new moon, we will be working through virgo moon twice.

virgo is the night house and exaltation of mercury. Its feminine, nocturnal, earthly, mutable, humane, commanding. It corresponds to the tarot trump IX - the hermit and to the qabalistic path nr. 20 - YOD - intelligence of will
physically it corresponds to your digestive system.
its topics are:
analysis - breaking sth down into its components - digestion - efficiency - editing - fact checking - quality control - that which is small - details - earth

Like the last times, we will be opening the temple to invoke and converse with our dear city egregor mama berlin and make sigils to fullfill our earthly, mercurian desires.

In preparation to our ritual, your task involves something very magikal and very virgo at the same time: book-keeping.
We want you to go out to the streets of berlin and find your magikal journal. obviously they are rarely lying around under the trees, places like boesner or modulor have a good selection of different sizes and designs. choose a book that attracts you. it will be your first magikal tool and a secure way to enter in a deeper conversation with yourself, our egregor… and maybe your soon-to-be familiar?
You might be wondering: Whats a familiar? keep your wondering up, we will address this question in the next posts...

so keep the date and join us the 04.july to invoke at the lake...


awakening to the god within

Photos from Okkultopia's post 16/06/2022

27 - al farg

Photos from Okkultopia's post 04/06/2022

the magikal diary is map and trace of your path, it describes the circles in which you weave the yarns in between the times, it contains your melodies as well as your bars.
you hide messages inside which are mend for a different you. far from being only descriptive in nature, it is a tool for spelling, creating by word, the performative use of language.

Photos from Okkultopia's post 22/05/2022

Im happy and excited to be able to offer Talismans of the XIX mansion of the moon:

Al Shaula - for safe and easy childbirth

Amutiel, the spirit of the mansion Al Shaula will assist you during labor, calling forth safe, easy and fast birth for mother and child

The talisman was made with a lot of love following meticulously the instructions in Picatrix, book IV,9 and consecrated at the election: 18.04.18 23:23 (GMT+2)

After consecration it has been sealed and is waiting to be opened by the mother to be, for a personal, second consecration ritual.

If you are giving birth soon, or have a dear friend who will, dm me, I still have 3 talismans left for your aid and of course you will get instructions for your personal consecration.

happy, lucky, easy and fast labour for you strong women*

Photos from Okkultopia's post 21/05/2022

dear witches and wizards, seekers and seers, yoginis, dancers, dreamers, souls wandering around in our beautiful city of berlin, dressed in their suits of flesh, who want to re-member and re-connect themselves…

As we had such a great time in february, manifesting our desires and calling our city egregor Berlin together with you guys, we decided to do a series of manifestation rituals, following the new moon through the signs and using the start of each lunar month (new moon) to work on our desires and plant our seeds into the fertile grounds of our place, berlin.

the new moon on monday 30.05.22 takes place in the sign of gemini, in the element of air:

In gemini we are entering the terrain of mutable air, which means air in its most volatile form. We will work within the domain of this gemini / mercurian energy and manifest desires related to:

communication - messages - expression - speaking - writing - listening - thinking - sound - breath - coding - ideas - creativity - information - logics - mathematics - counting - accountability - commerce - IT -digital technologies - crossroads

what do you desire?

Photos from Okkultopia's post 17/05/2022

dear witches and wizards, seekers and seers, yoginis, dancers, dreamers, souls wandering around in our beautiful city of berlin, dressed in their suits of flesh, who want to re-member and re-connect themselves…

As we had such a great time in february, manifesting our desires and calling our city egregor Berlin together with you guys, we decided to do a series of manifestation rituals, following the new moon through the signs and using the start of each lunar month (new moon) to work on our desires and plant our seeds into the fertile grounds of our place, berlin.

the new moon on monday 30.05.22 takes place in the sign of gemini, in the element of air:

In gemini we are entering the terrain of mutable air, which means air in its most volatile form. We will work within the domain of this gemini / mercurian energy and manifest desires related to:

communication - messages - expression - speaking - writing - listening - thinking - sound - breath - coding - ideas - creativity - information - logics - mathematics - counting - accountability - commerce - IT -digital technologies - crossroads

what do you desire?


invoking the lord of 3, aima the mighty, fertile mother
.. come to our aid i pray
grant us safe haven...
or else... allow us to become a place ourselves


Thank you very much to all participants of yesterdays ritual...
im still touched by the loving vibes we all created and shared

seeing all the colorful eggs today makes me think of our desires popping into reality like the seeds we planted will soon popp and produce flowers

happy spring awakening to all of you


swallows bring happiness, luck, love and spring....

have u already seen them this year?
.. they are also said to be the messengers of aphrodite...

Timeline photos 06/04/2022

and its in the periphery of this horizon where magik is done

Timeline photos 04/04/2022

very happy to announce that on the 16.04 we do it again! ​​​​​​​​
we will hold a sound journey peace meditation in the heart of Berlin, welcoming and honoring all our new temporal and not-temporal parts.

Timeline photos 02/04/2022

varada mudra ​​​​​​​​
fingers facing downwards​​​​​​​​
varada mudra is a sacred hand seal symbolizing the art of giving and the art of forgiveness and the connection between them. ​​​​​​​​
it is also known as the wish fullfilling mudra

Timeline photos 31/03/2022

experimenting with a new setup for a spell and this will be its foundation. ​​​​​​​​
its the third intent and i super enjoy drawing on stone


egyptian godess seen in ubahnhof hermannplatz today


invokation of Gabriel on his day, today, 24.03.2022
Gabriel - strength of El


"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."
— Friedrich Nietzsche


the servant - the sun

Photos from Okkultopia's post 16/03/2022

Invoke thursdays at dawn


abhaya mudra

hamsa - main de marie - hand of fatima - hand of ishtar - mano pantea
one of the oldest protective symbols of humanity representing blessing, power and strength
with the fingers pointing down it invokes the aspect of grace, mercy, wishfullfilling and bliss
pointing up it inspires fearlessness, protection and the warding off evil

feel free to use it, print it and hang it in your house
soon ill make some stickers and wall hangers to be available to all of you...

Photos from Okkultopia's post 22/02/2022
Photos from Okkultopia's post 18/02/2022

happy graciously flowing venus day to all of you

the orphic hymns are very old prayers, used to invoke the spirits of the planets for millenia...
try it, use it... call her into your life
she blesses everything she touches with love, so let your life be touched by her...

image by


"Any pattern of sufficient complexity will act intelligently when treated as an entity.
A pattern more complex than ourselves could be said to be more intelligent than we are.“

(Law of Intelligence; Bill Whitcomb - The Magician's Companion)

We invite you all to celebrate with us a secular mass to honor our citys' personality and to connect to it directly through magikal ritual...

in HAR Studio - Urbanstrasse 116
5.2.2022 - 20:30-23:00


いただきます- itadakimasu - humbly i receive… the wisdom and faculties of my familiar, the crow

any of you also has a familiar (friend)?
what are your experiences of working with familiar spirits? comment below!


"Any pattern of sufficient complexity will act intelligently when treated as an entity.
A pattern more complex than ourselves could be said to be more intelligent than we are.“

(Law of Intelligence; Bill Whitcomb - The Magician's Companion)

We invite you all to celebrate with us a secular mass to honor our citys' personality and to connect to it directly through magikal ritual...

in HAR Studio - Urbanstrasse 116
5.2.2022 - 20:30-23:00


source and reflection are very different modes of being
while the source exists alone, the reflection needs to borrow light from above and body from below to exist
are we source or reflection?


vinculum quippe vinculorum amor est
love is the greatest of bonds


making some sigils to aid the abramelin operation....

אהיה אשר אה׳ה

happy being to all of you...