

🎙A podcast about living free from dieting and the scale.

👩🏻‍🦰👩🏻 Two friends wh


This week we welcome guest Noni Vaughn-Pollard to the show! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
In this episode, we discuss normalizing gaining weight as we go through different transitions in life, unlearning perfectionism, and much more. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
🎧 TO LISTEN search We're Not Weighting on iTunes, Spotify or Google Podcasts. We want to know if you’re listening so share it and tag us!⁣ ⁣


Body image isn't what appears on the surface. Most people who struggle with their body image don't show it on the outside. Unfortunately because we live in diet culture, a lot of these behaviors are normalized. ⁣

The work of healing your body image is getting to the things below the surface. Is your body checking really about wanting to fit in and be accepted? ⁣

If you're looking for support in healing your body image, click the link in our bio and sign up for a free discovery call today. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


We don't feel the same amount of shame around shoes not fitting our feet as we do about pants not fitting our body. ⁣

That's because diet culture has conditioned us to believe that our pants not fitting is our fault and something to be ashamed of. ⁣

But when we learn that bodies change because they aren't meant to stay the same, buying a pair of pants in a different size doesn't need to make us feel any differently than buying shoes in a different size.⁣

Be sure to check out this week's episode of the podcast, Shopping For Your Right Now Body. Subscribe in your favorite podcast app so it lands right in your phone on Wednesday. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


That’s right folks, BELIEVE in yourself. BELIEVE in the process. All the Ted Lasso hype with your journey.
Approaching food freedom and peace with your body with curiosity will help you.
Listen to our latest episode about the Eating Personalities, and how our tendency toward food can affect our intuition.
🎧 Click the link in our profile to subscribe in your favorite podcast app so new episodes land right on your phone on Wednesdays.


Happy Follow Friday Friends!
This week we want to highlight accounts that help you keep your feed serving you, not discourage you.

If you don't already follow them, you are missing out on some great content.
Who would you add to this list? Tell us below.


We are happy to share our conversation with Dr. Celeste Holbrook this week! Dr. Celeste Holbrook is a sexologist and speaker who helps her clients evolve into the women they were created to be, in and outside of the bedroom.
Dr. Celeste drops some truth, reminding us that sexy does NOT have a look. She says one of the most liberating things we can do is realize that we don't have to look a certain way to experience pleasure.

Y'all are going to LOVE this liberating episode!⁣
  TO LISTEN search We're Not Weighting on iTunes, Spotify or Google Podcasts. ⁣


Diets don't work for everybody. In fact, most people who go on a restrictive diet end up having a more complicated relationship with food and their body.


Making peace with food can seem daunting, but we decided to share some of our top suggestions toward making food more neutral in your life.
1. Assigning a moral value to foods confuses your brain if you actually want the food or just want a reward or to rebel by eating it.
2. The unconditional permission to eat takes away a food's power over you.
3. In our calorie and portion-obsessed world, consider that food is for nourishment and energy so you can function.
4. Your body is your ally, learning to trust your internal signals will bring you peace.
What would you add to this list?

Timeline photos 13/09/2021

Does finding freedom with food and body seem like something you have tried to do on our own, but just can’t figure out how to move forward?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
It sure used to feel that way for us. Especially because when we did try to stop dieting, it always felt like we were swimming upstream. How could we find peace with our now bodies in a society that celebrates before and after pictures like they’re the biggest achievement a person can have? Can you relate?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
If the answer is yes, we want you to know that we were there too. We struggled to give ourselves permission to just be who we were meant to be. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
But little by little, we started doing the things we felt like we were waiting to do until we were a different size. We started showing up and we want you to do the same. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Go to the link in our bio to sign up and get instant access and then shoot us a DM and let us know what you experienced.


When we coach women around body image, the thing that comes up the most is how to get rid of bad body image days, like how to never have them ever.⁣

The only time that will happen is when we no longer have a body. So in the meantime, we know and accept that they will come. The goal isn't to only have good days and no bad days. ⁣

The goal is to think about your body less. The goal is to show up and not let the way you feel about your body hold you back from being fully present in your life. The goal is to get the women we coach to see that their body is not the greatest thing they have to offer. They are the greatest thing they have to offer, period. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


They will not be getting our rose. 🌹⁣

Tell us your favorite Bachelor in Paradise couple? 👇🏻⁣

Or if you don't watch, tell us your favorite ACTUAL inclusive clothing brand. 👇🏻 ⁣


Healing your relationship with food and your body can be hard. However if we judge and criticize ourselves every step of the way, we make it even harder on ourselves. ⁣

Instead get curious when those old diet thoughts come up, they are asking you to dig deeper. You don't have to get upset with yourself for having them. Thank your body for bringing them to the surface. ⁣


Be patient with yourself as you rebuild your relationship with your body. ⁣

Your body is on your team, it always has been.


Is there such thing as Tuesday mantras? Is so, this is ours.


We're taking a little break to rest up so we can bring you great content for the fall. You're welcome to listen to other podcasts during this time, however, we do not want to break up with you.
New episodes will resume September 15!
But were Ross and Rachel really on a break?? 🤔 Let us know what you think below. 👇


Have you ever heard "it's a lifestyle, not a diet"??
If your "lifestyle" cuts out whole food groups so you can lose weight...that's a diet.
If your "lifestyle" recommends you don't eat certain fruits because they are too many calories...that's a diet.
Blessed be the fruit loops and let the Keto diet be for medical interventions, not a lifestyle.
If you’re craving more freedom and peace in the midst of diet culture, our Live Free Collective is made for you. We created a monthly membership just for listeners of our podcast.
You get a monthly coaching call with Tonya and Tracy, a supportive community of women who just like you are on their own their LIVE FREE Journey. Plus bonus downloads like mantra cards, phone wallpapers and backgrounds and a monthly meditation. And it’s all available on your phone for just $20 a month.
Click the link in our bio to join our LIVE FREE Collective.


When you've listened to the food police and diet culture for a long time, it's hard to reconnect with yourself again. Your intuitive voice is very quiet at first. The enneagram is a great tool to help you learn to listen to yourself again.⁣

We have Erin of back on the show for a second time to dive into what it's like to be fully embodied and how it can help you in recovery.⁣

🎧 TO LISTEN search We're Not Weighting on iTunes, Spotify or Google Podcasts. We want to know if you’re listening so share it and tag us!⁣ ⁣ ⁣


Throwing away your diet books, recipes books with points and calories or any other reminder of diet culture is like throwing away your ex's things after a break up.⁣

It's a huge step forward and we are proud of you! What diet culture thing have you thrown out that you want to celebrate? Tell us below. ⁣


Buying clothes that fit your body is self care. We rush to buy clothes in a smaller size when we lose weight but we have every excuse to not buy clothes in a larger size. ⁣

Buying clothes in a different side isn't a morality issue but we often can't see that because there is so much shame about buying clothes in a larger size.⁣

If you're looking for a place to process these feelings, join our Live Free Collective where you can get support and community right on your phone. ⁣


We don't keep weighing ourselves to see if we have made peace with our weight. So why do we keep checking the mirror to measure if we love our body yet?
Body image isn't something that can be measured by the mirror. Don't miss this week's episode of the podcast where we answer the question WTF is Body Image?


We are delighted to share our conversation with productivity coach and mindfulness expert Dr. Brooke Smith. If you would like to learn more about how to tap into your productivity like a vinyasa flow, this episode is for you!
Dr. Brooke also talks with us about her journey with learning about intuitive eating and body acceptance.
🎧 TO LISTEN search We're Not Weighting on iTunes, Spotify or Google Podcasts. We want to know if you’re listening so share it and tag us!⁣ ⁣


Are you ready to starting showing up exactly as you are?

Our podcast started as a result of not wanting to wait to live our lives. We are working on living in the present, and we want you to join us!

If you’re craving more freedom and peace in the midst of diet culture, our Live Free Collective is made for you. We created a monthly membership just for listeners of our podcast. You get a monthly coaching call with Tonya and Tracy, a supportive community of women who just like you are on their own their LIVE FREE Journey. Plus bonus downloads like mantra cards, phone wallpapers and backgrounds and a monthly meditation. And it’s all available on your phone for less than $20 a month. Click the link in our bio to join our LIVE FREE Collective or go to werenotweighting.com/live free collective

Our next group coaching session is tomorrow night, 8:00 pm EST!


Rejecting diet culture in your life means letting go of the dieting tools that do not serve you. Unless it is medically necessary, having a scale at home will only get in the way of you being able to listen to your body. ⁣

If you want more freedom with food, peace with your body and to stop obsessing about movement, don’t wait another minute to download our free We’re Not Weighting Workbook and get started. It’s a game-changer. ⁣

Go to the link in our bio to sign up and get instant access and then shoot us a DM and let us know what you experienced.


Have you heard of interoceptive awareness? ⁣

The basic definition from Intuitive Eating is “interoceptive awareness is our ability to perceive physical sensations that arise from within the body. This includes bodily states such as a full bladder or a racing heart, and satiety and hunger cues.”⁣

It’s basically the ability to listen to what your body is telling you, thus, building trust. ⁣

If you want to learn more about our take on Interoceptive Awareness and Intuitive Eating, then our newest episode 120 is for you!⁣

🎧 Click the link in our profile to subscribe in your favorite podcast app so that it lands right on your phone when the episode drops on Wednesday.


We've shared this example on the podcast before but say you're shopping for new cars, a trusty ol' Honda Civic. You start seeing Honda Civics everywhere. Were the Civics always there? Yes but you didn't notice them because you weren't focused on them. But since you are car shopping, it's on your mind and therefore you start to see them everywhere. ⁣

Our minds do the same things when we only see on type of body represented in the media. We "see" that body type everywhere else too. Then we we go to the mirror we expect to see that and we don't and there is a disconnect.⁣

The work of body image is training your brain to see Toyota Corollas, Chevy Malibus, Ford F-150s and Kia Souls. Just like cars, we all come in different shapes and sizes, training our mind to see that takes work.⁣

Not sure where to start? We've put together a We're Not Weighting workbook that combines all of our best resources on Intuitive Eating, Health at Every Size, Body Image and Joyful Movement. Click the link in our bio to download your free copy today. ⁣


We had the joy and the privilege of having Breanne Failor of on the podcast this week.⁣⁣
We talked about:⁣⁣
🧘‍♂️ What it means to create an inclusive movement space.⁣⁣
🧘 How movement can be accessible to all bodies.⁣⁣
🧘‍♀️ Using movement as a way to connect with yourself.⁣⁣
🎧 TO LISTEN search We're Not Weighting on iTunes, Spotify.⁣⁣


Each rating and review means so so much to us. Thank you for taking the time to leave feedback, it helps boost our podcast and helps spread our message.⁣

Have you left a review yet? Click the link in our bio to leave us one. ⁣


We recognize that having the money to buy new clothes is a privilege and having access to clothes in your size is also a privilege.⁣

But there is so much cultural shame around buying clothes in a larger size, thanks diet culture 🙄⁣

Maybe you can't quite get to a point where buying clothes in a larger size is a celebration and that's okay. Can you try to buy clothes in a larger size as an act of self care?⁣

If you're looking for a place to process these feelings, join our Live Free Collective where you can get support and community right on your phone. ⁣⁣


We have so much to celebrate this year as things continue opening up, vaccinations and mask mandates being lifted. It feels extra special to gather after not being able to for so long. ⁣

Eating in celebration is part of normal eating. That means that you don't have to do anything differently today. You don't need to restrict or push yourself extra hard in the gym.⁣

How did you celebrate freedom with food this weekend? Tell us below. 👇🏻


We are NOT giving diet culture a rose or Thomas for that matter.

Would you have given Thomas a rose? Let us know below. 🌹

We’re Not Weighting

We’re not “weighting” and we don’t want you to either! We’re two friends who were tired of “weighting” to live our lives. “Weighting” to be a certain size, lose X number of pounds, get the dream job, have the family, etc. We just started showing up for our real life, right now and amazing things started happening, one of which is this podcast. We’re so glad you’re here!

Videos (show all)

This week we welcome guest Noni Vaughn-Pollard to the show! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀In this episode, we discuss normalizing ga...
That’s right folks, BELIEVE  in yourself. BELIEVE in the process. All the Ted Lasso hype with your journey. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀App...
We are happy to share our conversation with Dr. Celeste Holbrook this week! Dr. Celeste Holbrook is a sexologist and spe...
They will not be getting our rose. 🌹⁣⁣Tell us your favorite Bachelor in Paradise couple? 👇🏻⁣⁣Or if you don't watch, tell...
We're taking a little break to rest up so we can bring you great content for the fall. You're welcome to listen to other...
When you've listened to the food police and diet culture for a long time, it's hard to reconnect with yourself again. Yo...
We are delighted to share our conversation with productivity coach and mindfulness expert Dr. Brooke Smith. If you would...
We had the joy and the privilege of having Breanne Failor of @antidietyoga on the podcast this week.⁣⁣⁣⁣We talked about:...
We are NOT giving diet culture a rose or Thomas for that matter.⁣Would you have given Thomas a rose? Let us know below. ...
We had a lovely time speaking with @alissarumseyRD! Alissa Rumsey shares about her new book titled Unapologetic Eating. ...
We had such a great time interviewing @victoriaevansofficial we talked about tools for recovery and what science based i...
This week, we have the pleasure of welcoming Dr. Lisa N. Folden from @HealthyPhit to our show! Dr. Lisa is a licensed ph...