Sri Sathya Sai Baba Centre of Raub.

Sri Sathya Sai Baba Centre of Raub.

Help Ever, Hurt never, services to mankind is a great service to God.


Forgive and start a new day of Diwali as a joyfull and happiness light inside and shines as swami bless us always.
Happy Diwali to all.


《Sai Inspires》- Divine Discourse, May 21, 2006.

Constant association in good company will promote the feeling of detachment. - Baba

This is a blank paper. If you pack vegetables in it, it will acquire the smell of vegetables. If you pack fruits like plantain in it, it will acquire the smell of plantain. If you pack dry fish in it, it will emit the smell of dry fish. The paper has no smell of its own; it absorbs the smell of the substance that you pack in it. Man by nature is pure and sacred. But he acquires evil qualities by associating himself with bad company. It is said, “Tell me your company, I shall tell you what you are”. If you tell what type of people you are associated with, I can tell you the type of person you are. It is therefore necessary that you associate yourself with good people in all your activities. It is the company that makes you good or bad. Therefore, keep away from bad company. Join the company of those who have a pure heart and sacred feelings.

《赛的启示》- 28/05/2021



Sathyam Shivam Sundaram Vol III
真善美 赛巴巴传奇之三 连载

8. 舍地的脚



那位〈九时日报〉的编辑针对神蹟这个主题访问巴巴时,Sri Bharde也在场,几个星期之前,他曾在同一份报纸上写道:「我从未见过任何人能像师利沙迪亚赛巴巴那样自然、自发地行使神蹟。当时祂站在著名的Pandharpur庙裡Rukmini 女神的偶像前,挥动祂的手,说:『这尊神像少了最重要的珠宝饰物!』说著,一条金项鍊——吉祥的珠宝——就出现了!然后祂把那条项鍊挂在神像的脖子上,项鍊如今仍旧在那裡!」

那天Sri Bharde问巴巴:「您虚空取物的法力用之不竭吗?」巴巴回答:「它无穷无尽,像大海一样,用之不竭。每个人,不论在哪裡,不论他是谁,都可以从中取其所需,直到心满意足。」P. K. 萨旺先生闻言,斗胆问道:「若它用之不竭,无穷无尽,那为何不用它来治癒人类的贫穷和痛苦不幸?」


是的!一位非常富有的商人对笔者展示巴巴变给他的鑽戒(巴巴亲自将其套在他的无名指上,大小刚好),一面告诉笔者:「卡斯督里先生,每当我的视线落在这只戒指和这颗大鑽石上时,我就想起巴巴给我戴上戒指时说的意义深长的话:『这不是diamond ( 鑽石),这是时时给你警惕:Die Mind(让妄心死去)!让你的心念,以及它所有的好恶,消失,而安住在平静中。』」

Samasta Loka Sukhino Bhavantu


Help Ever - Hurt Never.
- Sri Sathya Sai Baba ❤️


《Sai Inspires》- Divine Discourse, Sep 28, 1984.

A pure heart is the essence of all spiritual practices. - Baba

Without putting into practice the teachings of Gita, we cannot derive the bliss from it. Reciting Gita endlessly or listening to it, will be of no avail if nothing is done to purify one's heart and get rid of evil qualities like ego, selfishness and pride. It’s better to put into practice a single stanza of Gita than to learn all 700 shlokas by rote. No spiritual study or Sadhana can help to purify one's heart unless one makes the effort themselves. And when the heart is purified, it becomes a worthy abode for the Divine. Whatever you do, regard it as a duty done without any motive of self-interest or selfish gain. It is only when all actions, whether they are Yagnas, Tapas or any Sadhana, are done as offerings to the Divine, will they become sanctified and liberating. Through desire-led actions (Icchashakti karmas) we take birth, through desireless actions (anasakti karmas) we can attain freedom from re-birth.

《赛的启示》- 25/05/2021



Sathyam Shivam Sundaram Vol III
真善美 赛巴巴传奇之三 连载

8. 舍地的脚

孟买的达摩史刹道场(Dharma kshetra ,意为「达摩之地」)于1968年5月12日成立,在那个中心,「永恆达摩」(Sanathana Dharma)[注一],以及从它衍生而出的佛法、耆那教达摩、伊斯兰达摩、所罗亚斯德达摩、基督达摩,都受到尊重,而它们各自的信徒彼此也都情同朋友和同胞。该道场也是孟买信徒法喜的一个来源,因为巴巴每年固定于五月第二週,孟买庆祝道场成立的划时代事件时,造访孟买。

[注一] 此处Dharma 意为「正法」、「法」,音译为「达摩」。Sanathana 意为「永恆」。


对那群修行人,巴巴讲如何手持和拨动念珠、108这个数字的意义、持念Soham 做为修行、万法的真如实相。对扶轮社社员,祂谈到模仿美国文化,说那是彻底的荒谬,说这个疾病正在迅速为害印度——一个有丰富的无价传统的国度。祂说:「一些人把美国耳朵、美国眼睛、美国头脑移植到自己身上,用它们来听、看、想」。祂警告说,历史、气候、植物、语言、邻国文化、外国势力和敌人——所有这些都会塑造一个国家民族的文化趋势。一昧的崇洋和模仿,会毁掉个人和社会的和平。对那些老师,祂说,宗教就像一栋宽敞的大厦,由那些圣者所建立,提供人们和平、繁荣、满足。祂劝他们去研究宗教的基本原理,并应用于人生中。祂说:「老师要当个榜样,充满快乐,对神有执著爱恋,没有世俗的执著贪婪,这样他才够格当一位老师。」

达摩史刹是一条砖块和灰泥构筑成的「般若之川」!祈祷厅取名为Sathyadeep,其大门上有磨得光亮的黄铜浮雕,是代表各宗教的神圣符号: 梵文的Om、十字架、象徵伊斯兰的新月和星星、海螺、法轮、火焰、神祕的字母Sri、以及圣杯。它宣佈:「每个宗教都是一盏灯,照亮了真理之路;每个宗教都走过Dharma (达摩)的Kshetra ( 区域);」是对每个进来的人的欢迎词。进门后,迎面是那盏灯,回应人类的永恆祈祷:「Thamaso maa Jyothir Gamaya :引领我,从黑暗走向光明」。灯的两旁牆壁上各绘有虔诚的手,一边的手上托著象徵五大元素——地、水、火、风、空——的符号。地元素具有色(形状)、声、香(气味)、味、触,可以用所有五种感官——眼、耳、鼻、舌、身——来感知;水元素缺少「香」,可以用四种感官感知;火元素没有「味」,可以用三种感官来感知;风元素没有形体,可以用两种感官来感知;空元素(以太),只有声音,只能靠耳来感知。在另一边,则有 五大人类价值:Sathya, Dharma, Shanti, Prema, Ahimsa(「真」、达摩、和平、爱、非暴力)的符号,以及般若手印(Jnana mudra) 、油灯、莲花、月亮、以及合十祈祷的双掌。在祈祷厅裡,巴巴叫人画《阿特曼罗摩衍那》和《阿特曼摩诃婆罗多》,重新解释印度两大史诗,让其成为明心见性基本修行步骤的课程。

因此,祂在达摩史刹开幕週年庆的演讲,是达摩史刹建筑宣佈的讯息:「人身就是Kshetra(场域),要把它变为DharmaKshetra (达摩之地)!身体的拥有者,若抛弃欲望、激性情感、有害的衝动,其身即是『达摩史刹』」。

Samasta Loka Sukhino Bhavantu


No one can understand what valuable, sacred and Divine favor God chooses to confer on a deserving devotee. Hence man should not seek from God, nor desire, nor pray for some petty trifles. More precious and desirable than anything else is God's love.

If you wish to ask for anything from God, pray to Him thus : "Oh Lord! Let me have you alone." Once you have secured the Lord, you can get anything you want.

(SSS Vol XXII - Chap 34)


Happy Teacher's Day's

Mandhir as known to everyone who has power by the educational centre and the guidance in every path, name it thousands example still won't be able to complete the scope is so huge and wide variety, the love, trust, guidance and support the development thru showing with love.
Thank you to all the teachers, my pranam you're beloved feet as you are presented behalf of swami.
Because you believe in me, i never give up. Now i am in the right path to accomplishment and success in my dream and field.
Balvikas was my first time meeting gurus with love, with the learning process i won't be what i am in spirituality and awareness about love all serve all without any difference any system of being human.
Thank you teachers and all the aunty and uncle, who guide me as their own child.
No words can describe the terminological term but without the guidance i wont be where am i now.
The trust for beloved swami as teacher and the guidance he shows, unbelievable because the bond has grown and closer than ever. Thank you
Thank you teachers. There's no word of the help, advise, support and guidance show me.
Thank you will never be enough to be told by words and help and support has been limitless beyond words but only express my love that live in this beautiful souls. Without teachers, masters, gurus and parents I won't be where i am standing now.
Thank you teacher's.

