Free opinions

Free opinions

A place for those who want to share their opinions about the situations going on in the world, including police, COVID, and Black Lives Matter.


More time to be an angry white guy. So, I fu***ng hate that people are saying stuff about the Muslim Holocaust that's going on, not because i think it's fake or because I think that Muslims don't matter, but because of the fact that everyone who talks about it or makes posts about it compare it to the Jewish Holocaust of WW2. Not only are they comparing two things like that, but most of the time they are BELITTLING the Jewish Holocaust. "The Muslim Holocaust in China has now reached more deaths than the Jewish Holocaust." What does it fu***ng matter? People are dying, that should be the only concern. It doesn't matter if more people died in this one or the other one. I see this as blatant belittling and I HATE people that do this kind of stuff. Now, you may say, "But Austin, you're a hypocrite if you say that." and i say to that sure. I hate most of the stuff BLM does and I hate Anti-fa, but it's because the dems are fueling the fire. They pour money into these things and they make it worse because they want to destroy the country. In my opinion, all of this stuff should just go away and NEVER come back. EVER. I'm so sick of seeing and hearing about this s**t EVERY SINGLE DAY. There are a lot of things I could say and a lot of friendships I could ruin, but I will keep them to myself cause I don't want that to happen. Thank you for your time in reading this.


Well, since this page is dead, I may as well give some of my opinions. I hate the bulls**t that BLM is shouting. They say they want reform, yet they riot and pillage. They say they want equal rights, well you have them. You just need to go out and get a fu***ng job. Not to mention all of the people that say they support BLM but then they berate others for things that happen. People like Derrick LaMar Gaddie are scum and in my opinion, they deserve to fu***ng rot in a hole. People who are "with BLM" like LaMar, are fu***ng hypocrites. I support people regardless of the color of their skin, but that kind of s**t? Uh-uh. They can die for all I care.


As the first post on this page, I am going to state this now. There will be ABSOLUTELY no crucifying ANYONE on this page, regardless of what is said. This page is meant for those who want to share their opinions on the issues of the world and this country (being the United States of America for those who like specifics). If you have an issue with something, take it up directly with the person you have a grievance with. DO NOT blow up on the page and try to crucify anyone with your own opinions. If you don't like the way this is set up, then leave. No one wants to deal with those who wish to destroy a peaceful and open discussion.
