Be A Rich Nurse

Be A Rich Nurse

Helping Nurses Retire Rich

Photos from Be A Rich Nurse's post 30/01/2024

Hey Nurses

Ever wondered about the true measure of your financial health? It's time to delve into the significance of knowing your net worth!

From understanding your assets to managing debts, your net worth is a compass guiding you toward financial freedom.

Let's dive into why it's crucial to embrace this financial metric and how it empowers your financial journey.

1️⃣ Financial Clarity: Knowing your net worth gives you a clear snapshot of where you stand financially. It's the starting point for setting goals and making informed decisions.

2️⃣ Tracking Progress: As you work on your financial goals, regularly monitoring your net worth helps you track your progress. Celebrate milestones and adjust strategies as needed!

3️⃣ Debt Management: Understanding your net worth allows you to see how your debts impact your overall financial picture. It's a crucial step in creating a plan to pay off debts and build wealth.

4️⃣ Building Wealth: Your net worth reflects your assets minus liabilities. By focusing on increasing assets and reducing liabilities, you pave the way for long-term wealth accumulation.

5️⃣ Financial Empowerment: Taking control of your net worth empowers you to make informed financial decisions, whether it's investing, saving for retirement, or making major purchases.

Remember, your net worth isn't just a number—it's a tool for financial empowerment and building the life you envision. Start today by calculating your net worth and taking charge of your financial future! 💪💼


Weekends are a time when we spend - we spend time, we spend money! Going into the weekend when you're not on nurse duty is often times a quick way to deplete your bank account. Amiright?

This weekend, consider spending time on quality experiences rather than 'things'. Drop a heart below if you'll consider doing this 💙.


"A year from now, you'll wish you had started today!"

What do you need to get started on your RICH NURSE journey? Maybe it's a just a call.

Link in bio to book a free one with me. Let's get you started today my friend.


Have you heard of the 50/30/20 rule? If not, let me share it with you my nurse friends.

Here's the deal...
50% of your income should go to your NEEDS.
30% of your income goes to your WANTS.
20% of your incomes goes to your RETIREMENT.

Learning to follow this rule is how you become a RICH NURSE and one that doesn't stress about money for retirement. Want to learn how to put this into practice? DM me and let's set up a call.

Photos from Be A Rich Nurse's post 19/01/2024


Last night I met with some nurse friends and share with them a cure to a disease that plagues nurse, causes stress, headaches and unnecessary financial instability!

This disease, as I've so aptly named it - BROKE NURSE DISEASE! Do you suffer from this?

If you're living paycheck to paycheck, have no money saved for your retirement and you're overspending on your wants rather than focusing on yoru needs, you could be coming down with this!

So, if you want to grab the replay and learn how to take control of BND and start working on the cure, DM me the letters: BND and I'll send you the link to watch the recording.



I know you've got a lot going on and commiting to things is hard these days. That's why i'm here to offer you this friendly reminder that today is my FREE Workshop for Nurses - no matter what stage of your career you're in or how old you are, it's never a bad time to learn how to budget and close the income gap. I"ll be giving you tools you can start implementing immediately and information that will help you today, tomorrow and for years to come.

Can't make it live? No worries, sign up anyway and get access to the replay.

Link in bio to register.


Tomorrow is the day you'll learn a whole new set of nursing skills that will help you cure BROKE NURSE DISEASE! Yes, it's a thing and so many nurses are suffering from it. You don't have to live in fear of retirement. You don't have to live paycheck to paycheck. You don't have to live in debt.

In my FREE workshop, I'm going to show you how to close the Income Gap (that space between what you're getting paid and what you need for retirement - no matter how old you are. Nurses in your 20's, I'm talking to you. Here's what we'll cover:
✅ Budgeting Basics
✅ Paycheck Management
✅ Saving and Investing Tips
✅ Financial Goal Setting
✅ Q&A Session

Don't let your hard-earned money slip away! Take action now and invest in your financial future. Sign up at the link in my bio.


Nurses, is your hard-earned paycheck disappearing faster than you'd like?

It's time to give those wings a break! 💸

Join me this week and let's talk about budgeting strategies to help you make the most of your income and secure your financial future.

Link in bio to register.

Photos from Be A Rich Nurse's post 15/01/2024

Are you a newbie, a pro, a part-time nurse... doesnt matter, this workshop is for everyone who has trouble managing their budget!

If you want to learn how to budget like a Rich Nurse, join me at my upcoming workshop in 3 DAYS on January 18th at 6pm pst. I'll be dropping tons of value and tips on how to make the most of every dollar you make. Sign up at the link in my bio.


Do your finances give you a headache? Heartburn? Anxiety? The runs?

I've got just the right cure for you!


Knowledge is power when it comes to your finances.
Knowing what you're monthly overhead is... you know, those expenses that show up every month.
You also need to know how much you've got coming in each month.
And don't forget about the list of things you want.

On January 18th at 6:00 pm pst, I'm hosting a FREE workshop to help you cure your issues when it comes to money. The best part is, I'll be sharing tools that will help you start your money plan RIGHT AWAY!

Join me by signing up at the link in my bio and let's start treating the symptoms.


Hi. I'm the nurse on call today and wanted to jump on here and do a quick re-introduction for some of the new faces on my account.

I’m Toni, a Registered Nurse with 30+ years under my scrubs. I'm here to help you reach your retirement goals. I've seen it all. And I am not talking about the daily chaos that nurses face. I am talking about nurses who have worked for years and now don’t have the money to retire. I was a nurse case manager and home health nurse so I get it. I believe all nurses should have the support they need to live a fulfilled life without financial worries. We were all young once and felt bulletproof but eventually, life catches up to you. I guide nurses to a pain-free retirement and help them avoid retirement collapse.

My passion is to teach newbies, pro's and part time nurses, how to plan their finances so they can retire rich.

Sound like something you want to be a part of?
Got nurse friends that need some help too?

Tag them below. Nurses are powerful when we rally together... like during that Covid thing!

Photos from Be A Rich Nurse's post 10/01/2024

Here's the #1 Tool Every Nurse Needs:

Having this tool will bring you more financial freedom and security.

That tool is: A BUDGET!
Here's why - Financial Security and Peace of Mind

A budget provides financial security and peace of mind for nurses.

Nursing can be a demanding profession and let's face it, nurses like to spend money! Amiright?

Well, having a well-structured budget will ensure that you can effectively manage you finances, save for the future, and weather unexpected expenses.

It offers a sense of control over your financial well-being, reducing stress and allowing you to focus on the important work without worrying about money-related concerns.

If you want to learn how to budget like a Rich Nurse, join me at my upcoming workshop on January 18th at 6pm pst. I'll be dropping tons of value and tips on how to make the most of every dollar you make. Sign up at the link in my bio.

Photos from Be A Rich Nurse's post 08/01/2024

I can cure you in just 45 minutes!

Registration is open for my 'Learn to budget like a Rich Nurse workshop!

It's time to stop stressing about your finances! You've got people to heal, stitches to sew and IV bags to hook up! You don't have time to worry about when your next paycheck is coming because you're in Amazon debt. Join me for this 45-minute workshop on January 18th and I'll help you cure BND.

Here's what you'll learn:
✅ Budgeting Bliss: You'll banish budgeting blues with my unique, nurse-approved budgeting hacks. No more wondering where your paycheck went!

✅ Retirement Revelations: Get the inside scoop on how to plan your retirement like a pro. I will unravel the mystery of retirement planning, making it as easy as taking your patient's vitals.

✅ Tools & Plans: Leave this workshop with goodies and personalized plans that you can dive into straightaway! I've got your back with actionable tips that will make you feel like a financial superstar.

Photos from Be A Rich Nurse's post 03/01/2024

A new year! New plans! New goals! Is saving money for retirement one of yours? How about learning to be a Rich Nurse?

I've got a Free workshop coming up on January 18th. Click the link in my bio to sign up for this FREE 30 minute Money Mastery session for Nurses. Click the link in my bio to register.


Happy New Year! Wishing you all a happy, healthy and rich new year! May 2024 be filled with many blessings.


From my family to my nurse family, Merry Christmas to all who celebrate! For those of you working the holiday shifts, sending you much love and big hugs today! Thank you for all that you do and your commitment to serving others.

Your friend, Toni

Photos from Be A Rich Nurse's post 21/12/2023

Are you working on your 2024 money goals?

Here's are my tips on how to get started:
1. Write them down - I know it seems like a no-brainer but it makes all the difference to see what you want to achieve on a piece of paper.
2. Break the goal down into bite sized pieces - If you have a yearly goal, divide it into monthly or weekly goals to get a better idea of what you need to do each day or week to hit that goal.
3. Track your progress each week. Make sure you go back and look to see how you progressed or didn't to get to that goal. And if you fall off track, don't beat yourself up. It's ok. Just start again the next week. 1% change is enough to make a difference.

Drop a heart if this was helpful. Comment TEMP to take your financial temperature today! Knowing your temperature gives you a basis for where you're at!


This will help you stop stressing about your finances....

Education! Learning more about how your spending, where you could be cutting back and how you can be saving will eleviate some of your stress.

If being a Rich Nurse is in your future plans for 2024, let's set up a FREE CALL!

We'll do a quick financial analysis in just 30 minutes and review how to get you on the path to being a rich nurse.

Comment below with the word CALL and I'll send you the link.


Rich Nurse Reyna!
Rayna is powerful name and that of a queen. Let's call her the Queen of Capitol.

She took control of her life.
She was once a Betty but no more. She looked at that bank account and realized that she doesn't want to be a nurse when she's 70! She wanted to retire Rich! So here's what she did:
- She started taking her lunch to work
- She's advancing her degree
- She follows 50/30/20 rule
- She no longer impulse purchases items over $100
- She focuses on her needs instead of her wants
- She has a business mindset
- She lives without financial stress
- She has money saved for retirement
- She's not in debt to her credit cards
- She no longer lives paycheck to paycheck
- She enjoys her job
- She's friendly and welcoming
- She plans her vacations in advance and finds deals
- She's respected by her colleagues
- She practices gratitude with every bill she pays

You can be a Reyna! It's time to learn how to manage your money with intention. Set up a FREE 30-min call with me to learn how to use your money as a vehicle for options!


Do you know this woman?
This is Broke Nurse Betty!
Lashes, Nails, Faux Chanel. She's got scrubs in every color and leasing a BMW. She's out of town in destinations like Cabo and Miami! Posting with a cocktail. She's talking about advancing her degree but isn't sure she can afford it. She worked hard to become a nurse and feels right now is all about her! Living the life. Living the dream. And her bank account is empty. Retirement isn't even a thought! She's been diagnosed BND... Broke Nurse Disease.

Don't be a Betty!


Xmas stresses me out! How about you?

Do you have a big family where you're expected to show up with a gift for everyone? This made me crazy about spending time with my family on Xmas. At first, I would stress out about what to buy everyone and of course how much all of those gifts were costing me on my nurses salary.

At one point, I started buying the same gift for everyone and then felt bad about it. Eventually, I stopped going to the big gift giving family events.

Do you feel like the holidays are an obligation?
Here are a few tips to help you manage them:
1. Stop going to big family gift giving exchanges
2. Create a White elephant gift giving where each person shows up with a gift of the same amount and you get to pick a number to decide who picks a gift in what order. Then you can steal a gift from someone else if their gift is better than the one you got. This is one of my favorites.
3. Make it a pot luck gift exchange where each person draws a name
4. Get creative. Create something digital.

Most importantly, your time together is the best gift of all. And nobody will have to exchange it!

Let me know if this helps you feel less stress and more focus on the family fun.

Photos from Be A Rich Nurse's post 05/12/2023

When you're a nurse and holiday sales are calling, but so is your savings account!

Are you budgeting for the holiday season? I know it's hard. There are too many fun sales and too many people on your holiday shopping list. Here are a few things to help you out:

#1 - Set up a budget and stick to it. Make a list and price everything out so you know exactly how much you're planning to spend.
#2 - Avoid impulse purchases. If you make that list, it will prevent you from buying on impulse
#3 - Get your shopping done ahead of time - don't wait till the last minute
#4 - Try to use cash and not your credit card. When it goes on credit, it's easier to spend more.

Was this helpful? Drop your favorite holiday budgeting tip below.


Photos from Be A Rich Nurse's post 01/12/2023

Hey nurses, welcome to my Budgeting Series Part 1!

Do you want it or do you need it.

Needing means you need it to survive.

If you don't need it to survive, it's a want!

Knowing the difference is a great place to start. You can put your needs into a list on one side of a page and your wants on the other. Once your needs are met - like rent, gas, food, necessary clothing, necessary shoes - then you can start purchasing the things you want that you can afford.

Stay tuned for the next part of my budgeting series.
Let me know if this was helpful in the comments below.


"I love when the moon is full", said NO NURSE EVER!

Not many people really see the effects of a full moon but nurses certainly do.
Hey nurses, can you relate?

Tag a nurse friend who can relate to this one.


Hey nurses, are you feeling depleted after the holiday weekend? I GOT YOU!

Many of you might have gone and spent all of your money on those Black Friday and Small Biz Saturday sales and now you're like... how the hell am I going to pay off that debt.

Well, here's how I can help - just set up a quick 15-minute all with. me and I'll share with you ways you can get started today to ease some of the pain and keep you on track with your spending for the rest of the month and beyond. Click the link in my bio to book a call.


Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours! Sending gratitude to all of the nurses out there who give up their holiday to serve others. Your dedication is commendable.

Tag a nurse you're thankful for.

Photos from Be A Rich Nurse's post 22/11/2023

Nurses, don't let the holiday shopping leave you broke AF!

While there are tons of sales calling your name this week, keep these three things in mind before you start shopping:
1. Set a budget before you start shopping
2. Is it necessary? Prioritize your needs over your wants
3. Take advantage of discounts

Before you start shopping, make suare you put money aside for the necessities - like food, rent, gas. It's important to go into the holiday shopping season knowing that you'll still have money when all is said and done.

Was this helpful? Drop a comment below on the one item you're getting for yourself this holiday season.


Hey nurse friends... don't be left feeling like this poor kitty! There are ways you can enjoy some holiday shopping this week without putting yourself into debt.

1. Put money aside first for your necessities - like food, rent, gas.
2. Shop the sales and the deals - no nurse should ever pay full price
3. Make a list and check it twice - don't shop without knowing exactly what you need and who you're buying for. Having a list and being prepared helps you know how much you're willing to spend.

Share your favorite Black Friday deal below to help out your nursing friends.


Hey Nurses, this ones for you:

I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy – I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.
― Art Williams

Did you follow that? Need help on securing your financial future? Book a call with me today! Link in bio.

Photos from Be A Rich Nurse's post 16/11/2023

Hey Nurses, do you know the 50/30/20 rule?
This is one of my favorite budgeting rules that can take you from poor and broke to rich and stoked.

A simple budgeting guideline is the 50/30/20 rule:
50% of income goes to necessities (like housing and food)
30% to wants (like entertainment)
20% to savings or debt repayment.

Here's how you can break it down:
50% - Necessities: Half of your income should be allocated to life's essentials. This includes rent or mortgage payments, utility bills, groceries, healthcare, transportation, and any other basic needs. As a nurse, this may also include professional expenses like licensing fees or union dues. Prioritizing these expenses ensures that your fundamental needs are always covered.

30% - Wants: Thirty percent of your income is designated for your wants. This is the more flexible part of your budget, including costs for dining out, hobbies, entertainment, vacations, and other non-essential purchases. It's important for nurses to have this designated space for enjoyment and relaxation, lord knows we need it to maintain a healthy work-life balance and reduce nurse burnout.

20% - Savings or Debt Repayment: The remaining 20% is for savings or paying off debts. This includes contributions to an emergency fund, retirement accounts like a 401(k) or an IRA, and any other savings goals. If you have debts, prioritize high-interest ones like credit card balances. Consistently allocating this portion of your income towards financial growth or debt reduction builds a foundation for long-term financial security.

Do you have a bugeting rule that you follow? If not, start with this.
Want to set up a call and see if my strategy to take you from broke nurse to rich nurse will help?

Videos (show all)

Tomorrow is the day you'll learn a whole new set of nursing skills that will help you cure BROKE NURSE DISEASE! Yes, it'...
