The Opium Den Times

The Opium Den Times

Daily news on o***m. A little sunshine in your gloomy day is all we aim for.

Florida's new Black history curriculum says "slaves developed skills" that could be used for "personal benefit" 03/08/2023

If slavery enabled Black people to develop beneficial skills, then Adolf Hi**er was simply cleaning the Jews sinuses with lethal gases. In addition, those gas chambers were actually meditation rooms. Somebody in public relations must have fu**ed up the naming scheme in both instances.

Florida's new Black history curriculum says "slaves developed skills" that could be used for "personal benefit" The lessons will be taught to sixth through eighth grade students this year.

Biden puts all his chips on the table with a push on ‘Bidenomics’ 27/06/2023

While DeSantisnomics insidiously rebrands Nuremberg Laws in America's wang, grandpa, not to be outshined, rebrands highlighted passages from Bullsh*tnomics 480 textbooks as Bidennomics. After all, the effects of Trumpnomics are still being peer reviewed by the federales and that is no bueno.

Biden puts all his chips on the table with a push on ‘Bidenomics’ The push to own the economy, by literally branding it with the president’s name, is not without risk.

Trump ex-adviser Bannon sentenced to four months for contempt of Congress 21/10/2022

Didn’t I tell you to stop crying ma? I told you justice is a revolving door for men of my complexion, I mean conviction. The judge said I’m free to do whatever it is that I do until the appeal kicks in. If Fox News call, I’m at a t***y bar.

Trump ex-adviser Bannon sentenced to four months for contempt of Congress Steve Bannon, a one-time adviser to former President Donald Trump, was sentenced by a judge on Friday to four months in prison for refusing to cooperate with lawmakers investigating last year's U.S. Capitol attack.

Texas officer fired after shooting teen eating a hamburger in McDonald's parking lot 08/10/2022

I instantly knew the kid is white when the cop was fired after the shooting. Couldn't get that level of administrative reation even if it was five black kids in that car. Justice may be blind but it's racially sensitive.

Texas officer fired after shooting teen eating a hamburger in McDonald's parking lot San Antonio Officer James Brennand was fired after shooting Erik Cantu, 17, on Oct. 2 in a fast food restaurant parking lot, police training commander Alyssa Campos said in a video statement released Wednesday.

Shocking moment United Airlines worker ‘punches passenger before being battered’ 23/05/2022

In Newark this is how people normally great each other.

Shocking moment United Airlines worker ‘punches passenger before being battered’ SHOCKING footage shows the moment a United Airlines worker appeared to hit a passenger before being battered to the ground at the check-in desk. A man and an employee seemed to be squaring off at t…

Pennsylvania man becomes the 11th 'Pac-Man' player to get perfect score 23/04/2022

Ain't a better way to polish your own future eulogy than this. The speaker will thank you.

Pennsylvania man becomes the 11th 'Pac-Man' player to get perfect score A Pennsylvania man joined the ranks of the video gaming elite by becoming one of only 11 people worldwide to achieve a "perfect score" in classic arcade game "Pac-Man."

Illinois nurse sentenced for drug diversion, health care fraud 19/09/2021

This nurse made foot traffic flow so easily in hospitals until management realized his chirpy demeanor is powered by opioids. Premium Opioids routed from patients. Word on the streets is melancholic coworkers got to together and pushed him in front of an oncoming traffic. You click here and be the judge of that statement.

Illinois nurse sentenced for drug diversion, health care fraud Joseph M. Mattingly, 42, was sentenced to four years of probation and ordered to pay a $500 fine along with a $200 special assessment

Black Family Escorted Off Oregon Beach After 7 Men Launched Racist July 4 Attack 06/07/2020

It would have been boys will boys but they challenged the coppers to a fist fight on 4th of July no less. You just don't do that. On the 3rd and 5th of July is alright. And the cameras were rolling too, so tah tautology was capped in the knee.

Black Family Escorted Off Oregon Beach After 7 Men Launched Racist July 4 Attack Seven men were arrested after allegedly shouting racist terms and performing N**i salutes at the family.

Monkeys sn**ch COVID-19 blood samples after attacking lab worker in India 30/05/2020

You can't make this up. The news practically wrote itself. Even the caption is voice dictated, yo.

Monkeys sn**ch COVID-19 blood samples after attacking lab worker in India The monkeys attacked a lab technician before taking off with the samples, officials said.

US store guard killed after mask row with customer 05/05/2020

Very good people don't do this . They just don't. Perhaps on Pluto, but I've heard even they turned things around ever since they've been stripped of their "planet" designation. That only leaves us.

US store guard killed after mask row with customer A Michigan store guard is shot in the back of the head after confronting a customer who had no mask.

Oklahoma city ends face mask rule for shoppers after store employees are threatened 03/05/2020

Who would have known one could get his way from government authorities by threatening private citizens! Somebody informs the Joker and the Riddler. It's all good now. So Shway.

Oklahoma city ends face mask rule for shoppers after store employees are threatened "Store employees have been threatened with physical violence and showered with verbal abuse," the Stillwater city manager said. "There has been one threat of violence using a firearm."

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick on reopening economy: 'More important things than living' 21/04/2020

Oh yes, anything more important than living is paying as much taxes to the state as you can before you die. What a class act!

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick on reopening economy: 'More important things than living' Patrick was heavily criticized last month for suggesting on Fox News that senior citizens might be willing to die of coronavirus to save the U.S. economy.

Illinois Gov. Pritzker Secretly Bought Medical Supplies From China. And The White House Is Not Happy. 19/04/2020

Hip hip hooray to you sir. Well played.

Illinois Gov. Pritzker Secretly Bought Medical Supplies From China. And The White House Is Not Happy. “I wanted to make sure that we received what we ordered,” Pritzker said.

Pastor Tony Spell Challenges People to Donate Stimulus Money to Churches 16/04/2020

What a glorious day, Lord I tell ya, a glorious day indeed. I'm calling on all fools to line up and heed the calling of your money strapped shyster, I mean shepherd. Lord touched the heart of the US Treasury Department to issue those stimulus checks just so you can hand it to your favorite shyster, I mean shepherd in the pulpit. God bless.

Pastor Tony Spell Challenges People to Donate Stimulus Money to Churches Pastor Tony Spell's got a plan for your stimulus check: take it, and give it away to evangelists.

The Shutdown Backlash Is Coming Soon—With a Vengeance 16/04/2020

The old whisper "big government is bad for businesses" withers as folks politely wonder: what the f**k happened to our stimulus money! Strange times call for stranger ideologies.

The Shutdown Backlash Is Coming Soon—With a Vengeance It’s possible to support the stay-at-home order and still deeply resent it.

Trump Asked Fauci Why Health Officials Couldn’t Simply Let Coronavirus ‘Wash Over’ the Country: WaPo 12/04/2020

Breaking evil news: Thanos has finally made a clean break from the Marvel Cinematic Universe to the white House.

Trump Asked Fauci Why Health Officials Couldn’t Simply Let Coronavirus ‘Wash Over’ the Country: WaPo Trump reportedly challenged Fauci on why the U.S. could not use such an approach.

Democrats delayed stimulus bill to insert tighter ban on Trump family profiting 26/03/2020

When you fill up shortage of personnel in the senate with Cheshire cats due to their strong immunity against human empathy in this treacherous times, one can only wonder if omissions are deliberate or accidental.

Democrats delayed stimulus bill to insert tighter ban on Trump family profiting The strengthened language was accidentally omitted due to a clerical oversight, according to people familiar with the situation.

Harvey Weinstein Tests Positive for Coronavirus in Prison 23/03/2020

I can't help but wonder the method of transmission. Was it physically, orally, or through where the sun doesn't shine? It's imperative to the brigade.

Harvey Weinstein Tests Positive for Coronavirus in Prison The disgraced studio executive is being isolated at Wende Correctional Facility in New York, according to a new report.


Yes you did, senator, yes you did.

Rand Paul's coronavirus infection sends shockwaves through Senate during major stimulus debate 23/03/2020

These are strange times when a politician is able to contract a hoax infection. Strange times.

Rand Paul's coronavirus infection sends shockwaves through Senate during major stimulus debate The diagnosis comes as the Senate prepares to move forward on a massive coronavirus stimulus aid package.

American furloughed from Iranian prison as coronavirus raises concerns for those detained abroad 19/03/2020

We thank you for being a model inmate, however, it's time for us to part way. You take the left corridor that leads straight to the boarding area. Your boarding pass code is coronavirus.

American furloughed from Iranian prison as coronavirus raises concerns for those detained abroad Iran has granted medical furlough to a former U.S. Navy veteran who had been detained for over 600 days on trumped up charges, according to Pompeo.


This is the confirmation Donald Trump's 2021 presidential inauguration tailors and caterers have been waiting for to start designing. "It's just too easy, Joe, too easy," chuckled a voice in the rose garden.

School closures of 8 weeks or more may better mitigate coronavirus spread, CDC says 15/03/2020

The CDC leaves students in a depressive state of mind by declaring school is out for the summer. Chances of the same CDC sealing them off at home is highly probable. Hang in there.

School closures of 8 weeks or more may better mitigate coronavirus spread, CDC says Closing schools for eight weeks or more may have a greater impact on mitigating the spread of the novel coronavirus than two- to four-week closures, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has said.

What does proximity to fast food have to do with longevity? 13/03/2020

Fast food restaurants booths are now covert euthanasia booths. Leave your mass shooting weapons at home and lead your preys to the next Mcdonald and the slaughtered cows will take it from there.

What does proximity to fast food have to do with longevity? A new study looks at the community factors behind the dip in American life expectancy.

WHO says pets are generally safe from being infected with coronavirus 13/03/2020

Let it be recorded from this day forward, it was WHO who let the dogs out. As of last night, the World Health Organization cleared pet owners to continue hugging, kissing and - if they're on an isolated farm - doing those things that are frowned upon by society with their dogs.

WHO says pets are generally safe from being infected with coronavirus At this time, there's no evidence for being concerned about getting the virus from your pet.

Who is getting sick? A look at coronavirus risk by age, gender, and more 09/03/2020

Men with passionate flare for gaming systems in their favor realize what the majority of humans have already known: the new coronavirus is not an equal-opportunity killer.

Who is getting sick? A look at coronavirus risk by age, gender, and more For a variety of reasons, researchers want to figure out who’s most at risk of being infected and who’s most at risk of developing severe illness.

How to stop your smart home spying on you 09/03/2020

Are you getting chased in your dreams by the mascot on your cereal boxes, waking up in the middle of the night in cold sweats to the cryptic murmurs of your Amazon echo, and possibly witnessing the vacuum cleaner smoking cigar in the living room, then a minimalist lifestyle may be right. Just don't buy stuff.

How to stop your smart home spying on you Everything in your smart home, from the lightbulbs to the thermostat, could be recording you or collecting data about you. What can you do to curb this intrusion?

Erik Prince Recruits Ex-Spies to Help Infiltrate Liberal Groups 08/03/2020

Democrats forfeited their rights to complain in face of such articles because they wilfully voted for a thersitical man when they shunned voting for the woman because the crazy Doc did not win the party nomination in 2016.

Erik Prince Recruits Ex-Spies to Help Infiltrate Liberal Groups Mr. Prince, a contractor close to the Trump administration, contacted veteran spies for operations by Project Veritas, the conservative group known for conducting stings on news organizations and other groups.

A malfunction causes red wine to flow from faucets in an Italian town 08/03/2020

In a weird case of intellectual property violation, the Italians must now pay Jesus Christ a colossal amount of money for infringing on his patent for turning water into wine.

A malfunction causes red wine to flow from faucets in an Italian town The incident provided a moment of levity to the town that's in the midst of the coronavirus crisis -- which has hit northern Italy the hardest.
