Kathleen Hawk

Kathleen Hawk

Energy Healing & Natural Wellbeing

Timeline photos 14/04/2020

“It’s easy to meditate. Meditation is a vacation for the mind”
If you want to meditate more easily and frequently, repeat this affirmation.
I used to find it difficult to meditate every day until I started seeing it this way.
Now, it’s become so easy that I sometimes find myself meditating without realizing, until I’ve already closed my eyes and tuned into my breath.
Shift your perception 👌✨

Day 215 of

Timeline photos 13/04/2020

Sacred sisterhood.
Do you know that there are people just like you, open and willing to be your friend, everywhere in the world?
This is one of the most beautiful things I’ve discovered in my life.
I can meet people anywhere, who can end up feeling like family, tribe.

It’s made it very difficult for me to stay in one place for too long. I’ve moved every few years my entire life (and if not moved cities, then moved school districts/languages so it’s a whole new set of people I’m surrounded by).

If you ever feel alone, or like the people around you don’t resonate with who you truly are, here’s my advice:

1. Get clear on the types of friendships you want to have - do you want friends who enjoy specific activities? Or who have a specific mindset? Or who you can do or talk about specific things with? Write it all down.

2. Believe it’s possible to find them and that they’re looking for someone like you too.

3. Put yourself out there. This can be the scariest part, especially if you aren’t an extrovert, but guess what - extroverts love introverts! If you put yourself out there, an extrovert might flutter over and start a conversation then maybe another introvert will notice you and feel safer to talk or vice versa. I implore you to get into situations that scare you, out of your comfort zone, to meet these people.

4. Keep in touch - make sure you get people’s contact info that you resonate with, so you can keep in touch.

5. Say yes - when meeting new friends and you get invited places, say yes every time. At least until you build your group or friends you feel more solid with. Be open every time they invite you to hang out, as this will develop the friendship. And if they don’t reach out, then be the one who reaches out first - invite them to something you have in common that they’ll probably want to go to / do.

6. Appreciate them, and know that if you ever move or life circumstances change, you can find other friends elsewhere too - what you have now exists everywhere 😊

(Just some post-social distancing prep for when we’re released back into society) 😂😉👌

Timeline photos 13/04/2020

Sometimes, when you put an intention out there, or you plant a seed, it takes time for it all to manifest.

Sometimes, parts of our current reality, beliefs, habits need to shift in order to make our dreams possible.

Do you believe that every problem can be seen as an opportunity?

I do.

I believe we collectively manifested the current situation in the world.

Not in a dark or vindictive way.

But in a way that allows certain parts of our everyday lives, and collective systems to crumble, to make way for opportunities.

I think back to all the prayers I’ve said for the earth to heal, all the love and healing energy I’ve sent to Mother Earth. The love and healing we’ve all sent collectively.

And now she has space to breathe. The animals have space to thrive. We have space to relax.

It’s like we’ve hit “pause” in a way. To give ourselves time, and to shift course in other ways.

In the grand scheme of things, i see this all as a blessing.

Every day, my intention is to give more focus to that which I’m grateful for and excited about, than anything else.

Though I’m also letting myself grieve and be frustrated and heal a lot too. I just choose to see the big picture as a blessing and opportunity.

The thing about the present, is it’s a gift. Are you willing to see the gift you’ve been given?

Are you open to receive all the miracles the universe is sending your way? 💖


THE 7 CHAKRAS ✧ What they mean, do, and how to open them: https://youtu.be/E4IwEbB2nUc

Timeline photos 04/09/2019

“Don’t talk to strangers”

But when you live in a big city,
Or you travel a lot,
Most people are strangers,
Are they not?

Are we meant to live in fear?
To question those we meet,
Wondering what they’ll do
On the street?

When we live in fear,
We close off our love.

When we open our hearts,
We live in trust.

This is a lesson
We’re all learning in a way
To live in love
And to have faith

Thank you to all these strangers

Whom I hadn’t known
Before that day
For trusting me to guide you
Into your heart, in this way


Timeline photos 28/08/2019

Even when you’re gone
I hear you asking me
To go for a walk
So I go
To escape the sorrow
Of the space you’ve left
Because outside I feel you
In your favourite place
So today we walked
I talked with
And you brought me
To all the best spaces
We saw 2 woodpeckers,
Chipmunks, ducks, a squirrel,
Birds and 2 bunnies
And I felt you with me
It’s not the same
As getting your licks and hugs
And feeling your body with mine
But you’re there
You’re here
You’re surrounding me


“Every day, my body feels better & better, and can do more & more.” Your words are powerful. Abracadabra means “I create as I speak”. We have the ability to choose our words, and therefore choose our reality by repeating those words.

When we say positive affirmations, we are programming ourselves, to be open to opportunities. Example: if you’re injured and you say the above affirmations, you’re more likely to do the things that make your words a reality. You’re more likely to choose actions that align with the words you speak.

A big part of what I do in a reiki session, is I receive intuitively the affirmations that will best serve you in that moment. I help you restore healing within yourself, by connecting with your energy, and receiving these affirmations, which I ask you to repeat out loud or in your head, and they’re accompanied with visions. I see what’s possible for you, I see where you thrive and I help you to see that too.

Reconnecting you to your inner power, through words, and energy.

Book your session, or sign up for the online course, to become a certified reiki practitioner:



❛ The Seed of Life is a universal symbol of creation. These seven circles mirror our chakras, the colours of the rainbow, and even the musical scales. This symbol forms a foundation upon which the infinite, fractal nature of life can be understood. ❜

Timeline photos 26/07/2017

Reiki is a holistic form of healing that takes universal life-force energy - divine love - and targets it to a specific area to activate healing within, of specific body parts and emotions that correlate to them.
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For me, Reiki has been a gateway for my mediumship - when I practice reiki both on myself and others, I receive messages from that person's higher self to help assist them in releasing their emotional blockages, find peace, empowerment and self love. Sometimes the spirit of a loved one who has passed comes through with a message for them as well.

It's crazy how accurate and relevant the messages are to the specific person I'm having a session with. Whatever they need to hear in that moment will come through as loving guidance and support. This is how it works when I do a skype session. I scan the person's body, sending them distance reiki, and I receive those personal messages from their higher self, spirit guides, and loved ones who have passed.

Timeline photos 13/06/2017

I am so grateful for every single one of you. I led my first retreat this weekend with .tohana and it went amazingly 💚 We had beautiful weather in a wonderful location, with incredible people, connecting deeper with ourselves, with nature and with each other. I love you all so much, thank you for making this experience a dream 😊✨🌿

Timeline photos 25/05/2017

This is for the women. The ones who give so much to others. Who show love to so many. Who put others before themselves, and forget about who they are, what they want. They expect to receive what they're craving from others, because they're giving so much - someone should be giving to them, right? In reality, we need to give to ourselves. We need to be our own knight in shining fu***ng armour, because we are goddesses and goddesses know their worth. We nurture ourselves. We see ourselves as the angels we are, and we give ourselves attention, presence and loyalty. We are loyal to ourselves because we value ourselves and know how important we are. I don't want the attention and praise of someone else because it doesn't mean as much as receiving it from myself. Once I give enough to myself, I can then overflow and give to others. Once I appreciate myself and the universe for all we do for me, I can then better appreciate others when they do something for me too. I need to see myself in the mirror every day as my best friend and most important person in my life, because that's what I am! Women, if you aren't getting what you want from someone else, start giving it to yourself. You are a divine fu***ng goddess and you need to love and cherish the s**t out of yourself. Has anyone told you yet today that you're beautiful? You are. You are sent here from heaven to heal and care for this world. Recognize first that you are this world - you are everything and everyone around you, and when you treat yourself like a goddess that's what you attract. I'm so fu***ng tired of seeing women who give and give and give to everyone else and forget about themselves. I'm so tired of being that woman. Look at yourself in the mirror sweet angel. You deserve your own time, attention, affection, and support. I love you. My focus is cleaning. Cleaning to create a haven for myself to bask in my own divinity. Goddess vibes are strong today 😉🙏💚✨🌿

Timeline photos 23/05/2017

Don't worry baby
Everything will turn out alright 💕 - The Beach Boys

Timeline photos 23/05/2017

Started out my day with a morning meditation and reiki in the forest 💚🌿🙏

Timeline photos 23/05/2017

I've been guided to do this, and I questioned it - just like most things when your heart tells you what to do, your brain will often find 20 reasons not to. We can be our own worst critic and enemy if we let ourselves. But I want to do this. I am open to it. This past year, the most consistent piece of guidance my intuition has given me is "love yourself more". For so many questions I have, that's the answer I've received. And talking with others, especially my soul sisters and women in my life, I see so clearly that we all need a reminder of how to love ourselves. I had the idea of creating a challenge for myself. 365 Days of Self Love. For the next 365 days, starting today, I will focus on one thing each day that I am doing to express love to myself. Today, I went for a walk in nature. The smells were incredible. The flowers so fresh and vibrant. The air so warm and moist. There are so many reasons why practicing self love is important and necessary, right now. I'll talk more about this in the coming 365 days. For now, I feel it's important to just start. Happy First Day. This will be a year to remember 💚 Who's with me? 🌿

Timeline photos 12/05/2017

I believe in the good things coming 💜

Timeline photos 15/01/2017

I am grateful. For Bailey, for winter, for snow, for sunshine, for friends, for family, for playing, for dancing, for singing, for my body, for movement, for massage, for sleeping, for healthy food, for clean drinking water, for baths, for warmth, for safety, for community, for expression, for vulnerability, for ceremony, for to***co prayers, for ancestors, for this land, for mama Gaia, for fresh air, for this life, for all the love in my heart, for all the beautiful souls on this planet, and all the children not born yet but who are coming, for the world we're creating. I'm so grateful for it all. Thank you, miigwetch, mahalo, merci, gracias 🌈🙌✨❤

Science Now Says That Your Subconscious Thoughts And Beliefs Can Actually Cause Molecular Changes In Your Genes | Mindvalley Academy Blog 06/01/2017


Science Now Says That Your Subconscious Thoughts And Beliefs Can Actually Cause Molecular Changes In Your Genes | Mindvalley Academy Blog Love this article. It talks about just how powerful our subconscious blocks can be in terms of governing our life.

Timeline photos 11/12/2016

Loneliness comes when we feel a void, when there's pain we haven't fully dealt with. It's natural for us to want to be with people, but it's also important for us to be able to be on our own and keep ourselves company. I used to be scared to meditate because it would just be me and my thoughts, emotions, and whatever was inside of me.
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But I realized that once I got past all the junk and old baggage I was still carrying, there is an infinite reserve of love inside me. It's great enough to love the whole world. Unconditionally. When you sift through all the pain that you're avoiding and you let yourself release it, being alone is the most incredible feeling - because you feel a connection to everything. Home is where the heart is - it's love, and it's in you. 😉❤️️
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In a 1 on 1 Skype session, I will lead you through a guided meditation, and receive personal messages from spirit guides to help you along your journey. Feel empowered to live your happiest and best life ❤️🙌 Send me a dm or email at [email protected]

Timeline photos 30/11/2016

We are only ever treated as well, or as poorly, as we allow ourselves to be. Stand tall in who you are, and what you deserve. State to the universe what you desire and what you will allow for yourself. Let go of the pain of the past. Let it fully surface so you can see it clearly, heal from it, and move forward. We will keep being presented with the same situations and types of people until we fully learn and heal. Until we're ready to move forward and not keep repeating the same things. I love myself so much. I want the best for myself. As I stand in my power, others will rise to meet me where I am. Relationship dynamics are totally shifting. We were in a male dominated world for so long, where we're now at the point that women are allowing ourselves to be treated as s*x symbols and get such little respect from men. We are rising. We are healing. We are demanding change. We have somehow allowed "r**e culture" to be the norm and it will not continue. Stand in your power. Claim what you deserve. Love yourself more than you ever have. That's what is required for the world to change. I love you 💚🌿🙌

Timeline photos 26/11/2016

Take care of yourself first.
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We cannot give from an empty cup. We need to fill ourselves first, before being able to give.
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One thing I love about reiki energy healing is that when we get our certification, we're counselled to practice reiki on ourselves every day, especially for the first 21 days. We need to be clear and balanced in order to be better at channeling the energy to heal others and provide clear messages for them.
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I work with spirit guides who deliver messages for myself, and for others. When I work with clients, their spirit guides come through too. Sometimes the spirit of a loved one who has passed will come through with a loving message for them. One of the guides who works with me is my grandfather's spirit who has passed. He often comes through as a dragonfly to let me know he's present.
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I've asked my spirit guides to keep me on top of my self healing and to stay disciplined with what I need to do on a daily basis.
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Yesterday, I hadn't practiced reiki on myself. As I fell asleep last night, I was abruptly woken up with the vision of a dragonfly, and told to practice reiki on myself. So I listened, and I did.
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The next morning, one of my best friends called letting me know of an accident that had happened to her, and how upset she'd been feeling. I told her to come over and I would practice reiki on her.
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Profound messages came through during our session, and I was able to clear and open her chakras to create more balance, clarity, and peace.
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I need to stay on top of taking care of myself, because I never know when someone else will need me. I want to be ready in every moment to help others and that can only be possible if I consistently help myself.
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Thank you to all the energies working with me. 💚 If you're interested in an energy healing and spiritual guidance session please contact me at [email protected]

Timeline photos 19/11/2016

How the Law of Attraction works - You may have heard of the book/movie The Secret, but if it still isn't clear how to attract what you want in your life, here's what to do (video): https://youtu.be/mIvWq_Iqh4s


Time in nature can help us heal from anxiety, depression, stress, and physical illnesses. 💚🍃

Timeline photos 15/11/2016

Never mistake a flower for being delicate. Every time they are chopped down, they grow back. They come back every season, and regardless of their surroundings, they bloom. They give beauty to the world, and love to their receivers. They feed the fu**in bees - who in turn feed us through crops that keep us alive. They even turn into food. Most fruits and vegetables start out as a flower. These soft, beautiful beings are incredibly resilient, transformative and nurturing. They sustain human life on Earth. Don't ever mistake them for being fragile.

Timeline photos 15/11/2016

We need to feel our emotions in order to heal. FEEL to HEAL. All of them. The good, the bad, they all need to be felt.

We live in a society where we're taught from as young as we can remember to stop crying. To behave. To stop showing negative emotion.

We never learned to properly feel our pain.

Instead it's often bottled up, pushed down, or ignored. It can cause us to develop physical pain and issues in our bodies. It can cause addictions. It can also prevent us from truly being happy.

Feel your pain, your rage, your sorrow. Let it surface so you can feel it, release it, and heal.

Your heart doesn't need a wall built around it.

You deserve to clear your traumas and pains so you can fully feel the good in your life.

New YouTube video on feeling your rage: https://youtu.be/D_6-L3ozS04


Showing vulnerability is one of the strongest things you can do - man or woman. Crying, feeling, and expressing pain allows you to heal instead of suppressing it. 💕

How to Awaken Your Potential for Self Healing 02/11/2016

We All Have The Power to Heal Our Bodies ✨

How to Awaken Your Potential for Self Healing Do we need to rely solely on medical practitioners to heal our injuries? These true stories of self-healing show the incredible power of our mind and body.

Timeline photos 31/10/2016

Happy Halloween! 🎃✨ This holiday originated in Celtic Ireland, as a time when the divide between the spirit world and the physical world was at its thinnest. Celebrations were held to honour our ancestors and the spirits of those who have passed. Last night at the Lifestyle Centre I led a special meditation session to honour and connect with our ancestors and loved ones who have passed. Thank you so much to everyone who attended and made this night so special ✨