Overcome 24 Hour Prayer

Overcome 24 Hour Prayer

Christians coming together to praise our Lord. Prayer is a powerful thing. Be constant in prayer, for the Glory of God. WE WILL OVERCOME


feb 28 songs - last day!


feb 28 scripture - last day!


feb 28 - day 21!
This marks three weeks of constant prayer! thank you so much to everyone who has joined me in this journey! You are much appreciated, there is more to come! This doesn't stop here:)
Today's Prayer

Lord, Thank You for the last three weeks, thank you for all of these people who have come together, in your name, to give you praise and glory. Bless these people Lord! I pray that this commitment to spending time with you would not end after today. However it looks, I pray that this past time would encourage us to spend more time with you and to live for you! Thank you for your faithfulness through these tough times, thank you that we can rely on you in all times. I pray that we wouldn't just seek you in times of need, but everyday! We will overcome by the blood of The Lamb and the word of our testimony. Lord, I pray that this line would run through our head and hearts, through our highs and lows. Thank you for the people that you have surrounded us with, I pray that you would guide our relationships and friendships. Lord, bless these people who have committed an hour out of their day for you. Ma we live to give you Glory:)


feb 27 songs


feb 27 scripture


feb 27 - day 20
Today's Prayer

Thank You Lord for your goodness and everlasting love. Thank you for all the things you have done in our lives. We cannot do this life without you! Lord, I pray that we would not keep your good works to ourselves. Give us a new boldness, that reaches out to the unlovable. A confidence in You! Let us tell people about the hope that floods over us when we abide in you. You are great! Lord, I pray that we would have the words to tell people about Your love. Guide us in sharing our testimony, our relationship with you. Help us encourage people, through sharing Your heart, and all that you've done for us. Let us be joyful in the things You have done for us! Thank you for your blessings:)


feb 26 songs


feb 26 scripture


Feb 26 - day 19

Today's Prayer

Lord, thank you for another day that we get to follow you path for us. Thank you that you have a perfect, heavenly plan for our life. Thank you that you are so great. Lord, thank you for Your Love. Your love is so strong, it reaches out and captures our hearts, fills us with joy, peace and stillness. Thank you that your love reaches us in our "lowest" points. When we think that nothing is going right for us, your love reaches us and brings peace over us. Thank You. Lord, you call us to love others. This is a common struggle in our lives. Lord I pray that you would help us love the "unlovable" just like Jesus did. I pray that your love would shine through us to bring people peace. Thank you for your agape love, that does not run out:) Thank You!


feb 25 songs


feb 25 scripture


feb 25 - day 18
Nearing the end of three straight weeks of constant prayer!
Today's Prayer

Dear God, thank You for holding us in your arms as we go about our day today. Thank you that no matter what, you are watching over us. Lead us in your path Lord! Lord thank you for guiding us. Thank You that you have blessed us with Your Word. You have blessed us with the Bible. Thank you that you have left this with us, and that it is always relevant. Your word isn't out dated. Lord, help us spend time reading and living out Your Word. Lord I pray that we would use what has been given to us, may your word and presence lead us through everyday. Without you and Your Word, we would be lost, not knowing where to go and who to follow! Thank You for this everlasting blessing, Lord! Help us share your word with others, may they see the relevance in their own heart, let them be captured in your wisdom and love. Guide us Lord, Thank You.


feb 24 songs


feb 24 scripture


Feb 24 - day 17
Today's Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, we come before you in thankfulness today for your abundant forgiveness. Lord, we have failed you countless times and we will always fall short of your glory, and yet you choose to forgive us. Thank you, Jesus, for a love so big to forgive our mistakes, our sins, and our mess-ups when we come to you. Sometimes it is hard to forgive those in our lives who wrong us, and who hurt us. But God, you teach to always forgive, not just seven times, but seventy times seven! Lord, we ask for your strength and power today to allow us to forgive like this, so we can move on in the reconciliation and peace you give us. God, thank you that you forgave us first, so we can forgive now. Help us to release these grievances and troubles to you today, Lord. Thank you for being a God of forgiveness and everlasting love.


feb 23 songs


feb 23 scripture


feb 23 - day 16

Today's Prayer

Father, thank you again for a new day, a fresh start. Lord, I pray that you would take yesterday's worries away from us, refresh us. God, thank you for who You are. Thank you for your strength, love and faithfulness. Thank you for never leaving us, but instead protecting us everywhere we go. Lord, let Your Glory reign in and through us. May people see how great you are, through your love extended through us. I pray that we would shine for you, and only you. I pray that we would live for You and not our own recognition. All glory to the Most High. Your ways are so great, so much higher than worldly possible, may people see that and know where it comes from. We are nothing without you, help us live as disciples for Your Glory.


feb 22 songs


feb 22 scripture


feb 22 - day 15
Start of the last week of 24 hour prayer
Today's prayer

Lord, thank you for this beautiful day:) Thank you that you have prepared this day for us long ago. I pray that we would follow Your plan for us today, lead us. Lord, thank you for growth. Growth in faith, relationships, jobs and even our body! Thank you that we don't ever stay the same. I pray that we would always be growing in a relationship with you Lord. I pray that we would see growth in our families bond, throughout this pandemic. I pray that you would help our friendships and relationships grow, I pray they bloom into a space where we can talk about you and share Your love. I pray for personal growth in intimacy with you, that our relationship would flourish into a beautiful thing that brings peace daily. I pray that through this 24 hour prayer movement, that we would grow in a routine that involves spending time with you daily. I pray for growth in our heart, that reminds of who You are constantly. I pray for Growth in all of these wonderful people's life:) Thank You Lord.


feb 21 songs


feb 21 scripture


feb 21 - day 14
2 weeks of constant prayer:) Thanks y'all
Today's Prayer

Thank you Lord for your daily blessings. Thank you for the blessing that is today! Thank you that we get to spend an hour of our day with our Creator, that is so exciting! Lord, thank you that we can put our trust in you. I pray that as the world lies and hates, we know we can't put our trust in it, but instead, I pray that we put our trust in Our Almighty God, who doesn't let us down. That is so comforting knowing that we don't have to worry about the outcome, because You have already won the battle for us! Thank You Lord! God, in times of distress, I pray we look to you! You have never failed us Lord! And you never will! Let us rest in knowing that! Why worry when You are in control, and promise to keep us in your sight. Lord, let us find peace when we trust you in all situations.


feb 20th - songs


feb 20th - scripture


feb 20 - day 13
Our Heavenly Father is our Healer:)
Today's Prayer
Lord, thank you for being with us today. Thank you for your provision no matter where we go. You are so good to us. I pray that you would be with those who are in pain. Lord guide us through prayer, for wisdom for who to pray for and how. We all need healing Lord. We can’t do this without you. Heal our hearts, souls, bodies and mind. May your kingdom’s healing power rest on us. For people in need, I pray that they would feel relief from their pain. Lord for anyone who needs emotional healing right now, I pray that you would refresh their mind. Heal their hearts from any wounds that have been created. Lift us up, out of the area of pain! Let us know your presence daily:)


feb 19th songs


feb 19th scripture


feb 19th - day 12
In this tough time, stay strong knowing God is in control
Today's Prayer
Lord, thank you for another day! Thank you for the joys that today has brought. Thank you for this hour that we get to spend with you, Lord, I pray that you guide each and every one of us through this next hour:) Lord, times have been tough, the world seems like it is getting worse every single day. I pray that we would stay strong, and take courage knowing that You're in control and that you have an amazing plan for our future! We will overcome this virus, through your great and mighty strength, guide us each and every day Lord. We can not do this on our own, I pray that this hurting world would know that we need YOU LORD! You take our stresses away and fill us with peace instead! You are such a Great God! We will overcome these obstacles through you and you only.


feb 18th songs


feb 18th scripture


feb 18th - day 11
Today's prayer,
Heavenly Father, thank you for another amazing day. This day is amazing because you created it, it has been a part of your plan forever, let us rejoice in it! Lord we are so thankful for all that you are and all that you have done. I pray that we would not be ashamed to call ourselves children of God, instead, I pray that it would excite us that you welcome us into a relationship with you. Thank You Lord! Lord, when people ask us about our faith, I pray that we are not ashamed but instead tell them about Your love and why we believe. We say we are followers of Christ, but are we really followers if we stray from the leader to please others? Lord I pray that you would forgive us for any times that we deny you. I pray from now on, we are not ashamed to acclaim Your goodness and love. I pray that instead, we would be full of joy for an opportunity to share Your word to someone:)
