Universal Healing Collective

Universal Healing Collective

Universal Healing Collective is an alternative healing space designed to incorporate various healing


For all my crystal lovers. This is a great super easy reference.


When I was 10 I picked out a little black barn kitten and she ended up being my best friend for 15 years. I haven’t had a black kitten since she passed but have been feeling one in my aura for weeks.
I kept telling myself I didn’t need any more animals but she was insistent.
I would dream of her. See her. Hear her.
She showed up last weekend and has been such a sweet little thing.
Last night she blew my mind, and slept beside me like my old black cat used to do. Right beside my pillow.
Every time I look at her I see her - my old cats soul in her little fluffy body.
Welcome home pumpkin. I’ve missed you.


The card meanings from yesterday.

It is encouraging you to embrace both the shadow and the light, the wanted and the unwanted, as equally essential on your journey. The way to do this is to bring love to any unloved places still residing within off around you. These are then transformed and revealed as perfect.

Frog Spirit
Life with its constant change teaches me to let go, with its constant returning teaches me to trust.
This indicates a time of transition. Frog spirit is inviting you to embrace this stage of your journey knowing that you will continue to land in the right place at the right time, when that time arrives.

Macaw spirit
I am here to be seen and heard, in my own colorful and unique way.
The message is to be loud and proud of who you are. Show all your colors and don’t be shy, you are meant to be seen and heard in all of your uniqueness, even quirkiness, please show off a bit for the world to see and benefit.

Fire spirit
When you know who you are, when your mission is clear and you burn with the inner gifs of unbreakable will, no cold can touch your heart, no deluge can dampen your purpose.
The message is to be ready for passion to arrive in your life and allow it to burn through any obstacles in your way.


I don’t miss you today. Have you crossed my mind? Many times, but it’s slowly beginning to stop hurting.

Maybe because I started loosing my emotional attachment to you months ago, slowly realizing you weren’t who you pretended to be. Realizing I deserved more from a relationship, even if you were real, but you weren’t.

I don’t miss you today, for the first day since meeting you. I’m letting you go.

I am so very grateful for you and for the time we had together, you will forever be a part of my story.

I don’t miss you today, maybe tomorrow I will.

📸 cred:


The thought of being divinely protected has crossed my mind a lot in the past few days. Protected by the divine. Protected by your guides. Your angels and the universe.

When something or someone is set out to hurt or betray you in some way that is not aligned with your souls purpose, the divine steps in and protects you.
Saves you in a way that cannot be explained.

This has happened to me several times in my life and while we all have free will, there is definitely something bigger than us watching out for you. Trust that.

Has this happened to you?


If you are stuck or trying to level up in your souls journey, try this affirmation before bed.
Repeat it until you feel it…
Dear Universe (or your belief system), in the morning allow me to wake up in the highest timeline available to me.
When you wake up, affirm, I am now living my highest timeline available.


If you were given the ability to save one persons life, would you? Of course. Would you choose to share possible information about the lives of 17 teenagers? I feel as though I have to share this.

I saw a vision of 17 teenagers on a su***de pact. They parked their cars in what looked like a barndominium type of structure in what would appear to be the middle of nowhere. It had roll up doors or something similar and was a 2 story structure with stairs inside.
They all turned on their cars with the doors closed.
Some went faster than others, some hesitated, but eventually they all passed.
After this pact was discovered I saw the news media covering the story and the devastation on those families faces. Particularly one mother who was brought to her knees with grief.
The location seemed to be somewhere with a large land mass available, Texas comes to mind but it doesn’t have to be.

It’s not easy to share a vision like this, and it’s not something my mind could have made up with the knowledge I have available in my logical mind. However, I felt called to share this in the hopes that it might save even one life.

This would be what the spiritual world calls Precognitive dreams and they are defined as dreams that seem to include knowledge about future events or situations that cannot be inferred from actual available information.

Your logical mind cannot provide you with knowledge about the future, however you may wake up from a dream as if you actually are seeing future events unfolding.

I’ve struggled with these precognitive dreams for years and have never known why, or what to do or share about them, until now.

If you feel called to share or comment acknowledge that calling as you could potentially be saving a life. If you happen to hear of this tragic event actually unfolding please let me know?

***deprevention ***deawarness ***depact


Today is the day that life changes. Changes for the better. Things start moving again. Energy comes back. A smile. A knowing look. Hope. Optimism. For the future. For all the things that you never thought could happen. They’re all happening. In divine timing. We sit back. Relax. Allow all the greatness that life has to offer to wash over us. We smile knowing this is the start. This is going to be the most amazing season of your life. Get ready baby!


I went to church today for the first time in a very long time and as I was listening to the music and the messages (choking back tears) it occurred to me that church, Jesus, God or whatever you call it, is not much different from spirituality in a lot of ways. Level up. Ascend. Allow something bigger than you to guide you and know that it’s all going to work out in your favor. “No wasted tears”. Thank you to for the amazing morning. We will be back for sure!


Something has been on my mind the last few days and I want to share it with you.

Do you see tarot readers, Oracle readers, psychics or intuitives for guidance? If so. Do you ever question their abilities or trust fully what they tell you?

Did you know that one of the first lessons in reading for clients in any aspect is the principle of “do no harm”. This principle applies across many different disciplines, but I feel it’s often overlooked in the intuitive or psychic realm.

How many times have you seen a psychic and they predict negativity? Give you an outcome that is less than desirable? We all have freedom of choice in the end but please know that predicting negative outcomes is never a good thing, even if we see it, it should be said in a way that can help your client process the emotion or the experience they are going through in a positive way for their benefit.


We have been fed a lie.
That we have to grind in order to get ahead.
That we have to be treated poorly to value getting ahead in life.
To pay our dues and work for someone else 9-5, 40-80 hours a week just to make ends meet.
That’s a lie that you’ve been told to keep you a slave.
That’s not reality. The truth is, chase your dreams. F**k the rest.


If you close your eyes, how do you see yourself? Who are you with? What are you doing? How does your life feel? Are you happy? If not, practice tuning into your soul and listening to its whispers. If you don’t, it will start to scream.


Healing is not linear. There’s no one way to heal from injury, trauma or to level up in your spiritual consciousness.

Anyway you slice it, the world needs a healed version of you, not a wounded version of what other people think you should be.

Raspberry Leaf - Life-Changing Herb 14/07/2021

One of my favorite healing teas.

Raspberry Leaf - Life-Changing Herb Medical Medium Blog: read Raspberry Leaf - Life-Changing Herb now at www.medicalmedium.com


When you have energy work done, do you ever wonder what healers actually DO with the energy they move or the spiritual gunk they take off you?
If you’re at all curious, ask me.

Healing Animals with Reiki 07/07/2021

Any animal I have reiki’d has been very receptive to the energy. ❤️

Healing Animals with Reiki This article shares some tips in opening our heart-space to animals and working on them via Reiki.


Try it and see what you feel. What would you say to your younger self? Repeat as necessary.


If you selected the card on the right -
Warriors. Devotion, Assertiveness, Focus.
When Warriors steps forward from the cards it’s a reminder for you to be in alignment with your deepest purpose and apply yourself to it with open-hearted fierceness. Focus your attention on what you’ve truly devoted to and assert yourself 100% in the direction you want to take your life. The Warriors Spirit will strengthen and guide you, and your love and devotion towards your purpose will ensure it’s complete success!


If you selected the middle card.
Spirit Warrior. Courage, Commitment, Wisdom.
The Spirit Warrior is here to initiate you into your Sacred Masculine energy. Call on the Spirit Warrior and access the wise and powerful masculine with his inner strength, courage and focus. You’re in your true and complete masculine power when your actions are coming from love, kindness and respect, and in service to the Divine Feminine. It’s time to emerge from the shadows and show the strength you’ve always had within you. This is the kind of strength and courage that’s so needed in the world right now.


If you selected the card on the left -
iSpirit Guardian. Protector, Defender, Responsibility.
Spirit Guardian’s message is to recognize your important place in connection with all of life. When you truly feel your connection with the Natural world it awakes a sincere desire to protect it. Now not only are you being blessed and supported by by this connection, but you yourself are a blessing to all of life. By being in this awareness you naturally offer your service with your thoughts, words and actions to others. This cycle of gratitude and service activates a higher vibration in you and with all you came in contact with, and as you move through your day you are guided to places and situations where your unique help is needed. All of life benefits from your presence and you are making a difference in the world more than you know.


3 cards for the coming week. Which card do you feel most drawn to?
I will be back tonight with their meanings.

Cards are from the Spirit Cards Oracle Deck by a local Encinitas CA artist John Arthur Moseley.


Super moon crystal water! How did you prepare for the super moon tonight?

Photos from Universal Healing Collective's post 14/04/2021

It has been said that the meaning of a hummingbird visit is “love and happiness. It represents the miracle of life, and all the wonderful things that make up life. ... The hummingbird totem encourages you to enjoy life and keep yourself light and free. Enjoy life because it is fleeting. Release all the negativities to let the love and light in”.

This is the 4th time I have had such an interactive encounter with a hummingbird (see the second photo and ignore my dirty windows).
Do you know what happened each time I encountered a hummingbird for an extended period of time? I got pregnant shortly after! 😆.


These are my people. We have been together for lifetimes.
I can remember when I was a kid, walking home from school and I heard him tell me his name, above me, to my left. I’m also told I had an imaginary friend with the same name.
He came earth side again 30’ish years later.

My middle daughter came and left in 6 weeks. Her heart stopped beating. We both worked hard for the next 4 months for her to come back, and she did. To this day she protects her heart and talks about how she came into my tummy two times.

The youngest is a miniature version of myself, in all ways. She can see spirits, most times better then I can.

We will be together for the rest of this lifetime and many more to come.


Grounding, or Earthing my feet in the sand today.
This technique of connecting your body with the surface of the earth can have some profound effects on your energy, your mood, it can improve things like chronic fatigue and pain, depression and anxiety.
You can connect your feet, your hands or your whole body to any of earths surfaces and just soak up the benefits.
Have you grounded with the earth lately?


Do you see the magic in your life?

A lot of us make life choices that are safe, practical, don’t rock the boat or that are good enough. We live in those parameters for years, maybe even decades or longer, cruising along at life.

If you aren’t being true to your soul mission, eventually you will get sick, mad, depressed ...

Take a long hard look at who you are and why you are here, in this body, in this time, and align that with your external life.

The universe is waiting to support you!


When you can feel that it’s the right decision in your soul, it’s not scary.


If you selected card #3 on the Right.
Sometimes you need to weave a bit of magic and sometimes you need to be practical - and sometimes, you need to find a combination of the two. This card suggests that this is where you are now. you need to use the laws of attraction to draw in what you want (by imagining it, expecting it, welcoming it) but you need to balance that with taking down-to-earth steps towards your goals. This isn’t about wishing on the Moon and hoping for the best, it’s about making something like a list of bullet points about how to achieve your dreams. If you’re asking about money, this card heralds a change of financial fortunes depending on both your past actions and what you’re expecting and therefore attacting.
Additional meanings for this card:
- Laziness could explain your current situation. If so, change that and own it.
- Chasing money doesn’t work - you need to chase a dream.
- Jealousy or envy create negative energy and attact negatively.
- More exercise is called for.
The teaching:
The Full Moon in Ta**us is a time to get back to earth, to get grounded, to work through any negative feelings you’ve been dealing with and to find a balance between being passionate and being overly intensive. Many issues may come to a head at the time of the Full Moon in Ta**us but you can take this cards as a sign to pay more attention to your cash flow no matter when you draw it.


If you selected card #2 (Middle Card)
As the saying goes, some things happen “only once in a Blue Moon”. In other words, hardly ever. Drawing this card suggest you’re about to get a rare chance, and that something “one-off” cold well be about to happen. This card is a very positive sign if you’ve felt like you’re hoping for too much, or asking too much of the Universe. Whatever you are asking about - well, it might only happen once in a Blue Moon but it can happen! However, with this rare opportunity before you, it’s important that you believe in it, if you convince yourself that whatever you’re asking about can never go in your favor, then guess what? It won’t go in your favor! Be grateful for this card which is a reminder to believe in your dreams.
Additional meanings for this card:
- Miss this chance and it might not come back any time soon.
- What happened may only happen once.
- The person you’re inquiring about is a rare find.
- If you can believe it, you can achieve it.
- This situation is unlikely to repeat.
The Teachings:
There are usually three Full Moons between each equinox and solstice (and vice versa). Sometimes, though, we get four Full Moons in a single season. When that happens, the third of the season’s four Full Moons is called a Blue Moon - at least, that was the original definition of a Blue Moon. These days it’s popular to use the Blue Moon for the second Full Moon in any calendar month that has two full Moons.


If you selected card #1 (Left) it came with a BONUS CARD. (I didn’t know two were stuck together when they fell out of the deck as one, and I felt that shouldn’t be ignored.)

Mutable is all about change - shape shifting, even that something is still still developing. This card indicates that something is indeed changing and there’s room for maneuver. So thatch it as a sign that the situation you’re asking about is far from finalized. If you’re not happy with the current state of play, that’s marvelous - it means you can still change the course of the outcome. However thats is also a sense that the situation could perhaps be al little unstable. For some this is great news because you can still influence it. Others will struggle with the uncertainty, but should stay with it a little longer. Either way, nothing is set in stone yet.
Additional meanings of this card,
- You’re meandering towards your goal and that’s okay
- Staying adaptable is the key to success for you now.
- Make sure you’re not being led astray.
- Have you become distracted? Time to focus.
- Stay with it, whatever “it” means to you.
The teachings:
In astrology, there are three so called quadruplicates. Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. The Mutable signs are Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces, and when the Moon is in one of these signs, you know there’s going to be more flexibility in a situation. Any time this card is revealed, it suggests there’s opportunity to keep visualizing and affirming what you want, as there’s still room for change. So think about what you want, and enjoy the daydream.

This card suggest that the answer to whatever you’re asking is writ large like the silvery Full Moon set against the velvety night sky. If you’re wondering how successful something is going to be, such as a job, or a relationship, the answer is VERY! To use common parlance, the answer to your question may well be that it’s under your nose! This card is about being larger than life, being special and bursting with energy that you can tune into and work with. You can expect plenty of good things and a positive outcome


Have you ever read something that blows your mind?! This book was recommended to me by a good friend and healer. It has validated things I’ve thought for a long time but never had the ability to express because everyone around me is always in a state of lack. Let’s change that right now!

Raspberry Leaf: Life-Changing Herb 22/02/2021

The amazing benefits of Raspberry Leaf Tea! (I’ll be making some later).

Raspberry Leaf: Life-Changing Herb Medical Medium Blog: read Raspberry Leaf: Life-Changing Herb now at www.medicalmedium.com

Lemon Balm: A Life-Changing Herb 21/02/2021

The healing power of Lemon Balm! 🙌

Lemon Balm: A Life-Changing Herb Medical Medium Blog: read Lemon Balm: A Life-Changing Herb now at www.medicalmedium.com


The universe brought these two items to me today without any intention on my part. Meditate good intentions into your water and your body will absorbe that higer frequency.


Cats are spiritual!


This card popped out of the Energy Oracle card deck by Sandra Anne Taylor as the energy card for all of us this week.

The Thinking Man

The card shows man standing before an archway, gazing at a crystal in his hand.He is a thoughtful and reflective man, representing the potential presence of a teacher in your life now, or about to arrive soon. This person may be there to educate you in the finer details of your chosen direction, or may be there to assist you in some specific spiritual, mental or emotional pursuits. The card is telling you to pay attention, for this could lead to great strides in personal or professional growth.
This man may also be a love interest coming your way - or perhaps just a new male friend. But be on the lookout for this guide in the physical world and be open to his information. Learn what you can. A new discipline, technique, course of study, or healing practice could change your life forever.


If you picked the card on the right,


Sooner or later in our evolutionary process, each of us begins to realize that it’s not the having that fulfills our soul, but rather it’s the act of creating that brings us satisfaction. Contentment is what we’ve created, no matter how grand, inevitably subsides, and our creative juices one again long to flow. That’s why the once-ideal partner ceases to mesmerize, the perfect job eventually becomes mundane, and the great adventure becomes tedious. although there’s a lot to be said for enjoying what we have now, we must nevertheless respect the fact that our basic nature as creative beings is … to create. Without the process, we can’t be fully content, at least not for long.
Your Muses are present, and they call on you now to embrace your creative discontent and undertake new projects. Their message, “See your frustration as a longing to learn more, expand more, dare more and create more”.


If you picked the middle card,


Your Master Teacher is reminding you that nothing is entirely good or bad, even people, and that every person has their own version of reality, which may not necessarily agree with yours. Instead of arguing with or feeling wronged by those who refuse to submit to your point of view, give up your righteous and rigid demands, and broaden your perspective to include the interests of those you struggle with now.
Mentally move toward center, and open your mind to look at the situation from their point of view.
Although it’s easy to feel indignant and defensive as you deal with this current impasse, the truth is that no one’s trying to harm you. Instead, your detractors are simply supporting their own interests and priorities, which are different from yours. Rather than reacting emotionally to their resistance, strive to understand them. Be mindful not to be overly self-centered, however justified it may feel. Strive to be fair instead.
your Master Teacher’s message: “Accept that your interests are no more or no less important than those of people around you, so the only way to progress to higher ground is to compromise”.


If you picked the card on the right....


Our culturally perverse notion of “doing, doing, doing” is the correct use of time, and that “doing nothing”is a complete waste of time, has indeed made us a sick society. Your overwhelming desire to back off from this whirlwind of activity and take a break - even throw in the towel altogether - isn’t crazy or unrealistic. It’s a direct summons from the Holy Spirit to withdraw your attention from the outer world and reconnect with your soul. Your life is not to be frittered away in meaningless and unexamined activity. You came in with a purpose, and specific soul in tension that are being neglected. They’re now knocking a the door of your attention, reminding you that you have commitments to keep. If you don’t heed this call and begin to self-examine, you may even enter a dark night of the soul, a time where nothing feels meaningful.
Listen to the Holy Spirit and open your heart to it’s direction. Take lots of time to be alone, and get in touch with your soul. Write a journal, seek counseling, and pray. Allow yourself to be in direct contact with the guiding wisdom of the Holy Spirit on a daily basis. Withdrawing from the world - whether through contemplation, meditation, or even a sabbatical - is the most powerful way to use your time right now. The Holy Spirit is guiding you in your quiet moments. It’s message: “Make time for yourself”.

Universal Healing Collective 14/02/2021

My new website is now up and running. Check it out at https://universalhealingcollective.com

Universal Healing Collective Feel better the natural way!

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Try it and see what you feel.  What would you say to your younger self?  Repeat as necessary. ..........#healing #selflo...
Cats are spiritual! ...........#catsofinstagram #catsareawesome #catsarespiritual #spirituality
