Mayor Hipolito Angel Cerros

Mayor Hipolito Angel Cerros

25 Year Old Mayor for the City of Lindsay

Encuesta de opinión de la comunidad del Centro de Lindsay 18/02/2022

Como parte de la asociación de la Ciudad con Retail Strategies; la principal firma nacional de reclutamiento minorista, la Ciudad está pidiendo a la comunidad de Lindsay que complete una encuesta en línea.
El propósito de esta encuesta es comprender el área a través de los ojos de los lugareños y ayudar a Retail Strategies en sus esfuerzos de reclutamiento minorista, planificación estratégica del centro y apoyo a pequeñas empresas para la ciudad de Lindsay.

Encuesta de opinión de la comunidad del Centro de Lindsay Take this survey powered by Create your own surveys for free.

Downtown Lindsay Community Input Survey 18/02/2022

As a part of the City’s partnership with Retail Strategies; the leading national retail recruitment firm, the City is asking for the Lindsay community to complete an online survey.
The purpose of this survey is to understand the area through the eyes of the locals and assist Retail Strategies in their retail recruitment efforts, downtown strategic planning and small business support for the city of Lindsay.

Link to survey:

Downtown Lindsay Community Input Survey Take this survey powered by Create your own surveys for free.


Mortgage and Utility Assistance is now available for residents of the City of Lindsay. The assistance funds are currently available and fully launched. Information is available on the City of Lindsay's website and Facebook. Eligible utilities include: Electricity, gas, water, sewer, trash, broadband, and mortgage assistance.
