Vibrance : Breath Sound Movement

Vibrance : Breath Sound Movement

Workshops and courses using breath, sound and movement to support you to disconnect from your mind and reconnect to the wisdom and peace of your soul.

Gain healing, vibrance and perspective.


Here is a short sound taster session


Really looking forward to this evening. Our first online session using breathwork followed by a sound bath. Do come along. Be fab to have your feedback!

This evening we are focusing on the heart ♥.

Tuesdays 7-8pm (UK) from 15th, 22nd and 29th September 2020.

***Booking and registration***

Free of charge and held on Zoom. Please register in advance here and you'll get the link emailed to you:


Here we are, telling you what we're about! 🧡

Videos (show all)

Here is a short sound taster session
