Allamuchy PTO Silent Auction 2021
Thank you again to everyone that participated and donated towards the Silent Auction! What started out last year as Tricky Tray planning with a small but mighty team, quickly took a turn when everything shut down. Some donations came in afterwards but things were at a stand still. So we waited. And waited. The light at the end of the tunnel was a the lingering silent auction option. And here we are! Thank you for your patience in getting this to what is has turned into! This event was quite successful, thank you for "bidding" farewell to the school year with us! We appreciate you!
There are still a few items waiting to be picked up by the winners! Please come to the Mountain Villa entrance for item pick up!
Please do not forget to pick up your Silent Auction winnings today from 1 to 3 at the Mountain Villa entrance! Please have your cash or check made out to The Allamuchy PTO ready upon arrival. Thanks again to everyone that participated!
The Silent Auction is now over! Thank you everyone for your participation! We appreciate you joining us for this fun experience. Winners will be announced soon under each items picture. Pick up will be tomorrow, Saturday June 12th from 1 to 3 in front of the Mountain Villa entrance. Please have cash or a check written out to the Allamuchy PTO ready upon arrival. Thank you!
The Silent Auction closes in just a few minutes at 6pm!
15 minutes left!!!
OHH NO!! There are a few items with no bids on them yet! Hurry! Go place a bid! Don't forget to watch the items you have already bid on, and please make sure your bid is within the minimum bid amount. There's only a little over 24 hours left of this Auction!
**It has been suggested that I post pictures of a few products out of the plastic wrap to make them easier to view. Please DO NOT place bids under these 4 pictures, ONLY the original posts. Here is a clearer view of the Picnic set, the Vera Bradley bag set, the Coach wristlet and the Thirty One bag set.**
A huge Thank you to everyone who has placed bids, liked, followed, and shared our page so far! The first two days have been pretty successful! Please keep the momentum going!
Welcome! Our Silent Auction is finally here! Let's "BID" farewell to the school year by placing some bids!
Here's how this works!.. in the albums you will find a series of 36 pictures. Each picture will describe the item up for Auction, who it was donated by, the value, the starting bid and the bid increments. Your bid goes in the comments, make sure your bid is the proper Increment or more from the previous bid or your bid will be void. ALL BIDS ARE PER PICTURE! This Auction will be open Monday June 7th, 2:00pm until Friday June 11th, 6:00pm. Any bids/comments before of after the set times will be void. Winners will be announced/written on each individual item.
Payment is due at pick up and will be CASH OR CHECK ONLY! Pick up will be Saturday June 12th, 1:00 - 3:00pm at Mountain Villa school outside the front entrance.
Thank you to everyone that donated towards this as to what it would've been last year. I appreciate your help! Thank you for your patience with this process. Thank you for supporting our PTO!
Any questions please contact Lori at [email protected]
Picnic set
Donated by The Sarno Family
Value : $125.00
Starting Bid :$45.00
Increments of $3.00 (minimum)