Expressions of Life with Bishop Blaylock

Expressions of Life with Bishop Blaylock

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Serving The Lord Joshua 24:1-15


New Beginnings

marvin blaylock 04/01/2024

marvin blaylock


Different and New


Accepting The Things We Cannot Change. In the serenity prayer is a request for Elshaddai ( God) to grant us peace of mind to except the things we cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference. Life sometimes will seem or will feel overwhelming especially, when we receive an unfavorable diagnosis from a doctor. You've been mindful of your health, keeping up with your doctors appointments and recommendations and advice, eating and exercising and doing your part. But in spite of all you've done you now find yourself suffering with some physical condition that you have no control over that has now changed your life. Sometimes truth be told, even if we don't want to admit it is, the result of the bad choices and decisions we've made that has caused us to be in the condition we are in and sometimes it's not. The good news is Elshaddai has promised to keep you in perfect peace provided we keep our minds stayed on Him and not what the diagnosis of the doctor or anyone else says. God has the last say so over and about our lives AMEN. I therefore still believe in Jehovah Rapha's healing power, and peace of mind that he is able to provide when we cast all of our cares upon him as 1.5:7 says. No matter what we face in the seasons of our lives please know that our God is Still Able to carry us through. Just look back at the time and things he has already. And if you are willing he said he Will bring you through whatever you are facing right now if you just pray 🙏 and trust him. Even Christ face d simalar circumstances in his final days and promised to never leave not forsake us and he hasn't. Because of him we have access to God. Amen. So if you are experiencing a crippling or physical problem and have prayed for relief like Paul remember Gods words of sufficientcy to him is still enough for us who like him thought he could not go on unless God healed him. You may feel the pain is too much to bear at times. But he knows just how much we can bear and he'll never put more on us than we can bear. Those of you who study and know Rom.8:18; 28 know that what God is doing is growing our faith and preparing us to be a living testimony of his keeping power and faithful commitment to his children who are called by his name. If that is you then Rom.5:3 says take joy in your afflictions. Yes you may have even lost your independence and feel tired and want to quit but don't because God has not finished working out the planes he has for you as in Jeremiah 29.11 and Philip 1.6. All that we are experiencing is just a test of our faith and to help us to grow, increase our faith and demonstrate our professed faith in Elshaddai.Therefore accept the physical limitations that have altered your life. Have the courage or ask God to increase it so that you can face and adjust to them. And ask Him for Wisdom to guide you to make the right decisions concerning your current conditions and situations. Pray about it Amen. Remember God loves you and so do I.


We've Come/ We've come this far by faith trusting in the promises of El shaddai even though the roads was often filled with tears and pain as Glady's Night and the Pips said, there were times we thought that there was no hope but our Heavenly Father brought us through. Therefore we've come this far by faith believing and leaning on the LORD. It was our trust that gave us hope to keep on trying to make life better for ourselves and families and even our neighbors and communities just like everyone wants for theirs and are entitled to. Now here we are looking back in retrospect at our lives with mixed emotions of the way things were in comparison to the way life is today. Mass shootings, make shift memorials of our loved ones with teddy bears, pictures, flowers and balloons is a far cry from were we've come. As i sit here reminiscing over my three score years and ten plus eight Praise God. I begin to think about the good old days. Make shift go carts, skate boards girls playing jumping double dutch, and hot scotch while boys played stick ball, dead block, marbles and wall ball. And when there was a need to fight because we could not settle a problem with words, you got a fair one and lived to go home but not today, Instead, we kill like it's a badge of honor not realizing that what goes around comes around to you or your family. And even through all of this I can say that all of my good days have outweighed my days so I won't complain because GOD STILL HAS BEEN GOOD TO ALL OF US. We may not have had much, but we learned to value and appreciate what we had, even our old hand me downs and card board shoes and patched clothes. We respected and Honored our Father's and our Mother's and even our Elders because that's what God said we should do with a promise of long life for those who do unfortunately some don't and as a result God is not pleased. He did not say agree with them but HONOR THEME, AND PARENTS ARE TO RAISE AND TEACH THEM ABOUT GOD. In those days we watched over one another's children house's when they where gone. Unfortunately as in every race there was perversion, childhood abuse by those who were suppose to raise and protect God's inherited children. Many who were abused were told what happens in this house stays in this house and as a result many grow up with open wounds of in**st that have not been healed. If you have been caring this and want to be free God is ready and able to heal the whole in your soul and heal the wounds in your heart. HOW through the power of Prayer. 1 Pet 5. 7 " Cast all of your cares upon him for he cares for you." This is his promise to those who are burdened down, still carrying the pain of the past
The heart ach, loneliness, despair, anger at God for taking your loved ones but forgetting they were never ours to keep but his all the time. Christ said therefor in Matt.11:28 " Come unto me ALL who are heavy laden and burden and I will give you rest." He is our burden barrier and he is willing and able to deliver you from the pain of you past or present conditions. If you are ready PRAY. PRAY The Prayer Christ taught his Apostles. Our Father, help me to overcome, heal the wounds in my heart so that i can forgive as you said I must to receive yours. Help me Lord to be what you would have me to be, wash my mind clean my heart so that i can be free to live for you and be a faithful servant of Christ until you call me home. Remember We've Come this Far By Faith, so hold on to it. AMEN.


The Necessity for Change.


Falling Away.


If Jesus can't fix it nobody can.


The Presences Of God.


The Empty Chair
As we gather this day from far and near with family and friends, we hold so dear, even if the relationship has had some unpleasant memorable discrepancies, let this be the day that it is all set aside with empathy. Instead of continuing to do and say things that keep us divided, let us begin to do things that will bring us together because all of us have made and make mistakes everyday. Some of us do not do what we say, when we say we are going to do it. Some reasons are justifiable and some are not. Some are the result of procrastination and some are because we are not willing to do so, but want others to.
One day and for many unfortunately it has already passed, the opportunity to say I’m sorry for what I’ve done, the lingering guilt of would have, could have, should have, hangs now heavy in the heart and mind that is sometimes hidden behind a painted smile that you are left to live with inside.
So today, let us mend the broken relationships if we can with our fathers, mothers, grandmoms, pop pops, children, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, in-laws and even neighbors too. So enjoy this day while you can with forgiveness in your heart the way God through HIS SON FORGAVE YOU AND ME. For when God calls our loved ones and us too there will be better memories of those who once sat in the empty chair..
Therefore, remember the two great covenant requirements of Matthew 22:37-39, Love the lord, our God with all your heart, all your soul and with all your mind and love our neighbors as ourselves, (families included) and remember, it matters not what people say or do to you, it is how you respond.


God's Reason and Purpose.


Unlocking the door to God's Forgiveness

The Open Wound 12/09/2022

An open would is a wound that has not been healed as a result of some type of invasion that was caused by something or someone. Some wounds are more grievous than others, and as a result, has sometimes caused sever psychological wounds because of what was done to the victim. The situation that occurred to them as a baby, young teen or adult, has left an opened wound that has not been healed....

The Open Wound An open would is a wound that has not been healed as a result of some type of invasion that was caused by something or someone. Some wounds are more grievous than others, and as a result, has somet…


God's Promises Of Hope


The Open Wound.


God's Purpose And Reason.


A Confident Hope.




The Sufficiency Of God's Love.

The Empty Chair 25/11/2021

As we gather this day from far and near with family and friends, we hold so dear, even if the relationship has had some unpleasant memorable discrepancies, let this be the day that it is all set aside with empathy. Instead of continuing to do and say things that keep us divided let us begin to do things that will bring us together because all of us have made and make mistakes everyday. ...

The Empty Chair As we gather this day from far and near with family and friends, we hold so dear, even if the relationship has had some unpleasant memorable discrepancies, let this be the day that it is all set as…


Follow the leader


Responding to God


Its Time


Seated in Heavenly Places


Hold on to your FAITH


The One and Only


New Beginning

Videos (show all)

Serving The Lord Joshua 24:1-15
New Beginnings
Different and New
The Necessity for Change.
Falling Away.
If Jesus can't fix it nobody can.
The Presences Of God.
God's Reason and Purpose.
Unlocking the door to God's Forgiveness
