Mia Eloise

Mia Eloise

Sales Coach specializing in food sales to increase bonus income by exceeding sales goals.


We all have unhappy clients. Do they feel they didn't get what they contracted or promised? Or do you/your team simply feel they are entitled? Whatever the reason for grumpy clients, there is one way to change the situation from tense and uncomfortable to one of understanding.

I don't know anyone who doesn't feel the stress in the pit of their stomach when they get an email/survey/call from a client who is sharing they had a bad experience. Sometimes you're expecting it and other times you're completely caught off guard. So how can you improve the situation right away?

You need to LISTEN. Allow your client to tell the story from their vantage point and how they felt about it/their attendees/boss felt about it. Ask questions as you would a good friend in the same situation. Write down what they say. Then tell them you're going to look into it and give them a time that you will contact them to follow up.

Read the full article at www.miaeloise.com/sales-tips/grumpy or visit the link in bio "Sales and Leadership Tips".


The reason for the lack of food…:)

Photos from Mia Eloise's post 19/05/2023

Is your team happy with their salaries? Are you?

What have you done about it? Let's start by doing our homework and making a list of facts.

First, have you done your homework on what similar positions make in a similar market? You need to start there. If there is a gap, add it to your list.

Why do you feel you want a raise above and beyond what is given out once a year? Write out your answers without any judgment. You may surprise yourself with what is on there. Take the facts of that list that will help you sell it to your leader and add it to your list.

Next, what do you do personally well? Do you sell at an expert level? Are you an excellent forecaster? Do you go above and beyond training other team members? Are you the go-to person of other departments because they know they can count on you? What makes you stand out? Write it down.

For the full article with the rest of the tips to present to your leader, click the link in the bio "Sales and Leadership Tips" or visit www.miaeloise.com/sales-tips/happysalary

P.S. I love helping people get to their next level. Check out my services page (www.miaeloise.com/services) when you feel ready to refine and keep moving up your career path. I know you can have a fulfilling career and have a beautiful quality of life. That's how I lived the best years of my career and led my team to do the same. I know the steps to get you there.

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Need an easy dinner? This is one of our favorite flavorful, EASY options. I actually made this originally early last month but I always freeze half of it to eat at a later date. It freezes beautifully! I just half it before I put in the half and half and make a note of what I need to put in after I defrost it. So. Easy.

always nails her flavors and it's simple and pantry friendly even making it from scratch!

For my and friends- Which soup on your menu do you like the most? When talking with your clients about food, always, always describe the flavors and why you love it. Let’s say you have a group that is budget conscious- Want to sell the idea for a lower price to your chef? Make it the same soup that is already being done that day. That way it takes less labor to create it and you can offer a better price.

If you like this tip, grab your free Menu Tasting Guide that boasts upsells on your tastings 95% of the time! Link in bio or visit www.miaeloise.com/tasting.

Save, Like, Comment, and Share so that others who could benefit from this will be able to see it. Thank you so much!

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Do you love blueberry banana bread but don't have the budget or desire to wait until blueberries are in season? Well, I have a recipe and a solution. I love the freshness that comes from blueberries! And while my favorite is the "pop" of fresh blueberries, I find using frozen blueberries is also very satisfying...if done correctly.

I take a measuring glass/cup and rinse the frozen blueberries in hot water and then let them sit in hot water for about 5 minutes. Then I rinse one more time and dry the best I can and put them in 1 TBSP of flour so they stay even throughout the bread and don't streak blue through the bread.

has the recipe!

For my and friends- You typically see loaves like these as an inexpensive option for breakfast. If your client is choosing it, help educate them to also choose some kind of protein or the attendees will be hangry in no time! Hard-boiled eggs or Greek yogurt are an inexpensive way to do this. It increases upsell value and keeps attendees and clients happy!

If you like this tip, you’ll LOVE my free guide to Menu Tastings that will increase tasting revenue 95% of the time! Download at www.miaeloise.com/tasting or at the link in the bio.

Save, Like, Comment, and Share so that others who could benefit from this will be able to see it. Thank you so much!

Follow .eloise.food for more and for !



What was the first thing that came to your mind about yourself when you read that?

What are YOU trying to do right now that you feel passionate about?

Each quarter I would fret until I hit my goal. I hit my individual goals every quarter, every year. But I would stress it until that number was a done deal every single quarter, every single year. As the years progressed, I tried to be less anxious about it and trust my history. It helped.

COVID hit our industry hard and we’re still suffering the effects of it. I know goals feel overwhelming. I know the amount of work makes you feel like you’re drowning at times. I know that being nice to one more entitled person will make you want to poke your eyeballs out. I believe you should have a true work-life balance. I also believe that there are some weeks that you must put in longer hours. Finding balance is key.

What if we fail? I believe the only failure there is, is giving up.

"Failing" is a part of the process that makes us better, stronger, smarter, more resilient, empathetic, and all-around better for the lesson- IF we keep moving forward.

Read the full article on the link below.

May you forever fly after giving your all to those goals that mean everything to you.



Big fan of quick, tasty meals over here! This is one to save. makes a tasty, flavorful Spaghetti Carbonara.

The first time I made it I used bacon pieces from Costo instead of cut-up bacon slices and I think I prefer it now. It carries more of the bacon flavor in each bite while still luxuriously creamy. I also use whole wheat noodles. Have you tried it with bacon pieces? What did you think? Comment below or DM me!

For my , , and friends- having a pasta dish is the option we all go to when a client's budget is WAY below our pricing. Is there a way to do something tasty like this instead of a red or Alfredo sauce? I get it! What I am thinking about is the ATTENDEE. If they are getting your lowest offering, can they taste that? Or is there a way to still make it taste fantastic? New business WILL come from attendees that have a great experience.

Follow .eloise.food for more and for !



First, have you ever had buttermilk syrup?! It's a game changer and elevates the taste of pancakes at home or in a business. And it takes less than 10 minutes to make.

Pancakes are the perfect dinner when you simply only have 30 minutes. We always have some kind of fruit and veggie to add to it. Done. Less stress for dinner! And it actually tastes good! for the sourdough pancakes and I use "Grandma's Buttermilk Syrup" from Allrecipes.

For my , and friends- why not add buttermilk syrup to your catered breakfasts?! To make you stand out, you can change one thing. It's easy to keep maple syrup available but have another option and make it memorable. Buttermilk syrup is an easy way. I could sell it alllllll day long. 🙂

Follow .eloise.food for more and for !



“Catering Manager 101 to Promotion” can do precisely this…

Discount ends TOMORROW Friday, March 17, 2023, at 11 pm CST.



“Catering Manager 101 to Promotion” can do exactly this…

Discount ends Friday, March 17, 2023 at 11 pm CST.



Big news coming tomorrow! Want a sneak peak…?! Visit www.miaeloise.com/yes or click the link in my bio!


is someone I trust to deliver great recipes. She didn’t disappoint with this cookie recipe! They are dark chocolate cookies, and milk chocolate chips with melted white chocolate in the middle. SO TASTY!

I think they are meant to be flatter because you melt the butter and cocoa together. I think I will try a few ways to see the difference. More to come. 🙂

For my and friends- you have some slower time coming up in July. Typically a lot of business meetings (outside of conferences) hold off because many take vacations. This is a slower time to be able to catch up and get ahead. Another great option is to get out of your office and bring cookies or something wonderful to your clients- current, past, and potential. It makes an impression. Be memorable so they call you the next time they need a meeting.

For more sales tips, click the link in my bio for many, many articles to increase sales and improve work-life balance!

Photos from Mia Eloise's post 04/03/2023

We are bombarded with messages telling us that we need to create time for self-care in our lives. But self-care looks different for each person. Do you know what works best for you? Let’s talk about it.

I need different self-care at different moments. The picture above to me is a calming beach, quiet, with a book and a yummy snack. I mean this is definitely not happening right now in my life. Haha. But it is calming for me to picture myself in the picture.

Real-life self-care for me these days are the following:

1. Getting my workout in…by myself
2. Going on a walk. Walks are powerful for me.
3. Laying on the couch and binging a show/movie I am into for a night.
4. Getting together with a friend(s).
5. And food!
Click on the link in my bio "sales tips" for the full article and tips! I’ve shared ways that help me.

I need different variations of self-care on different days.

Feeling rejuvenated impacts your personal health inside and out, family, work, and every part of your life. If you are neglecting it, you will feel the impacts in the same areas. Identify the ways that help you feel your best and then make time. Be your best by filling up YOUR cup.


We love our air fryer! We just made this EASY, moist, flavorful whole chicken in an hour! My husband made the comment it was better than rotisserie. I also love to use the leftover bones to make tasty, deep-flavored chicken stock. does it again with a great recipe!

For my and friends- What kind of feedback are you getting about your chicken? Are they positive reviews or negative feedback? Make sure you know exactly what attendees are saying. Use it. If they are great comments, sell to your future clients how well-loved this dish is. If you receive negative comments, address it with your leader and the kitchen with an attitude of how collectively can we improve it as a team.

Don't forget to download your free Menu Tasting Guide to increase your tasting revenue 95% of the time! Click the link in my bio to download.

Photos from Mia Eloise's post 28/02/2023

Many of us are leading teams. Are you building up your team or tearing them down?
Just looking at this picture brings me back to a leader I had who yelled, screamed, allowed others to yell and scream, and didn’t care about his people. Be honest, do you want to work for someone like that even if they are high up in an organization? I sure don’t. I also don’t want to lead this way and hope neither do you.

I believe when you choose to accept a leadership role, you are committing to putting your focus on growing each member of that team to be their best self. What does that look like?

That means seeing them as a whole person and not just the worker employed by you. If they seem to be “off” or struggling in some way, pull them in and be a safe place for them to share. Being a safe place doesn’t happen overnight. It is earned through countless opportunities of you showing them they can trust you.

If you notice your team member is acting out or quick to anger, or simply acting out of character, try to see the whole picture. Is there something else happening in their life that is worrying them, stressing them out, overwhelming them? Is it work? How can you help?

I had a wonderful person who worked for me years ago who was phenomenal. This person was always on time, always on top of their work, always eager to help, didn’t give attitude, and genuinely cared for and helped others. This person came to me and shared that there were concerns with one of their children and needed to adjust their schedule to be home with the child after school. It would have an effect on different departments as well as mine. I didn’t have to think about it; it was an automatic yes, we will find a way to make this work. It wasn’t a question because it was incredibly important to them and I could find ways to make it work.

For more tips, click the “sales tips” link in the bio or visit www.miaeloise.com/sales-tips/leader.


I eat this every single morning and look forward to it! It’s so well balanced with protein, fat, and carbs with fiber. It gives my body and mind what it needs whether I’m doing an class, , or . Check my stories to see my youngest eating it- she LOVES it!

I’m also frugal and don’t have fresh blueberries all year long. In the reel, I showed you when to pull the oatmeal off the stove, frozen blueberries soaking while you cook, chia seeds for added body benefits, and my favorite, vanilla bean paste that really makes it.

For my and friends- this is SUCH an easy way to create a memorable experience for your client and attendees. Most people don’t make fancy oatmeal every day. You already have everything in-house and can easily make this a station where the chef makes it for attendees or just have attendees do it themselves with a small recipe next to it.

Berries and Cream Oatmeal
1/2 cup old fashioned oats(or GF oats)
1/2 cup of milk of choice
1/2 cup water

-Bring just to a boil then turn to low. Add:

1 tbsp chia seeds
1 cup frozen blueberries (rinse in hot water and then let soak in warm water while oatmeal cooks then rinse again)
1 tsp vanilla bean paste
1-3 tsp honey
1 tbsp half-and-half or heavy cream
Almond milk to taste after the cream is in

Then! Throw it in the microwave for 1 minute to get it nice and warm.


Creamy, chocolatey, slightly crunchy, and so, so delicious! My husband asked me to make a trifle for Valentine’s Day. The recipe comes from from Pinterest. The best part, it was REALLY easy. Definitely give it a try!

For my and friends- I just posted a blog post about how to increase sales through desserts whether you have a full pastry kitchen or you order everything from Sysco. Click the link in my bio for “Sales Tips” to go to “Craft Beers and Desserts”. Or visit www.miaeloise.com/sales-tips/dessert.


I have a good friend who needed some extra love a couple of weeks ago and so I split the recipe and made 2 Onion Cheese Braided Loaves,

is great with walking you step by step through it. I use sharp cheddar. I added a bit more cheese and added cotija because it has a nice salty flavor.

For my and friends- Think outside the box when it comes to your rolls and bread category. Make it delicious and exciting! You want people to rave about your food to create repeat clients. And…Don’t forget to grab my free Menu Tasting Guide to make sure you’re not missing any steps! Click the link in my bio.

Photos from Mia Eloise's post 10/02/2023

When you accept a role to be a leader, take this quote to heart.

Our job is to believe so hard in our team that the only thing they can do is believe in themselves and work hard enough to achieve success. They will fail themselves at times and they will fall. These moments are crucial. You need to teach them how to learn from their mistakes, get up, start walking, and then fully run at their goals.

That doesn't mean you micromanage them. It means you simply encourage them at every opportunity. When they make a mistake, you treat it as a learning experience rather than a punishment. You shout their wins as loud as you can to anyone that can hear. Make sure they know you're in their corner. In my opinion, it's the only way to lead.


Okay, friends, I didn't like potatoes for most of my life. I know, I know. But they just weren't flavorful enough for me to enjoy.

I made these EASY, creamy, flavorful mashed potatoes this week and we all loved them. The recipe is below. What are your favorite add-ins for mashed potatoes?!

For my and friends- potatoes are a great side. But make sure they are NOT bland. What can you do to spice them up and make them more exciting on your plating? If it's a buffet, what can you add to really take those flavors to the top and have everyone raving about them and wanting the recipe?

Chefs- Do you know what happens when you have an elevated product? Your sales and event people can upsell them increasing your goals and their goals while providing attendees with an unforgettable experience.

Cream Cheese Mashed Potatoes
2.5 lbs of washed Yellow/White/Yukon Gold Potatoes (I don't peel mine)
1 Tbsp Chicken Bouillon
1/3 cup Unsalted Butter
1 8oz Package of Cream Cheese (I used full fat for the creaminess)
1 tsp Salt

Bring potatoes and water to a boil. Add bouillon. When done a fork will easily go through the potatoes. Drain nearly all of the water and add butter to melt. Mash potatoes with butter. Then add cream cheese and mash to desired consistency. Add salt and voila!

Photos from Mia Eloise's post 02/02/2023

I remember being a Senior Catering Manager interviewing for the Assistant Director of Events and Catering at the beautiful Hilton San Diego Bayfront. I REALLY wanted this job. I had been in sales for four years at this point and had no fear of negotiating contracts with clients. But negotiating for my own salary, I didn’t even know that was a thing.

I grew up with a single mother who worked very hard to provide for her 4 kids- me being the eldest. We were on welfare at times because life is simply expensive for someone without a college degree (or even with a degree) trying to make ends meet. Feeling like the “welfare kid” at times gave me a chip on my shoulder and I made it my job to prove everyone wrong who thought I wasn’t going to amount to anything. I was determined.

I tell you this story for a few reasons:

1. I don’t care what your past is; YOU CAN SUCCEED if you put in the work.
2. If you haven’t found anyone else to believe in you, it doesn’t matter. The most important person you need to believe in is YOURSELF. Look back at your wins and help them propel you into future successes.
3. I had seen a lot of success in sales and knew how to negotiate, so why didn’t I know that I was supposed to negotiate a better salary for myself? No one told me. So today, I am telling you.
4. I was a people pleaser and didn’t want to rock the boat so I didn’t ask. I didn’t see my worth clearly enough. Please don’t make that mistake. Learn from my mistake.

To read the entire article, click on the link in my bio.

Just like I didn't know that I needed to negotiate for my own salary, there are others who also don't know this. Please LIKE, COMMENT your experiences, and SHARE so that others can see this post. Thank you!

Photos from Mia Eloise's post 29/01/2023

Mmmmm! Listen, I am all in for homemade hot fudge and caramel! This recipe from did not disappoint. So easy and so delicious! We made it a Saturday afternoon family activity- so fun!

For my and friends- we had leftovers and put them into cute little mason jars, the kind you put the jam into for a giveaway for Christmas, and they would be a GREAT gift to give your clients! It's cute, very tasty, and cost-effective. It's a sweet treat for them. Always do a little extra for your client. That little extra goes a long way.

Comment below and drop me a "Yes!" if you agree!


ure yourself opening an attachment with a menu. Right as it opens there is a giant picture of the juiciest burger with melted white cheddar cheese, BBQ sauce spilling out over the thick-cut bacon on a brioche bun. Would you want to take a bite out of your computer? YES, ABSOLUTELY!

This is exactly the feeling we want to create when designing a menu for hotels, catering companies, restaurants, anywhere you're selling food. There are so many free stock images on Upslash.com or find your perfect stock image and purchase the rights for it. Whatever you do, make sure it's a picture that makes you want to reach through the computer and eat whatever is shown. It will increase your food and beverage sales.

Click www.miaeloise.com/sales-tips/menu for more tips!

If you find this helpful, please like, comment, and share it so someone who could benefit from it will see it. Thank you!


Let's talk about pie crust. I don't want to eat pie crust made out of lard. Sorry. It lacks flavor for me. I have continued to refine my chicken pot pie recipe for a couple of years and it is GOOD. I always double it and freeze 1-2 extra. They are perfect months later with no work. Here are some tips for success:

1. I use half unsalted butter and half butter-flavored Crisco. I mix it with a pastry cutter and then a fork. I handle it as little as possible so the butter stays cold and I like to see the chunks of butter throughout.
2. Don't overcook your chicken. PLEASE. I use thighs and season with salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Leave the chicken leftovers in the pan and add onions, carrots and celery to it to get all of that flavor.
3. It's easy and painless to make your gravy from scratch. and have great flavor. I combined the two for mine.
4. Use sweet potatoes to add slight sweetness and balance to them. SO GOOD.
5. No soggy bottom- bake it long enough. Then let it sit for 20 minutes so it's not a liquid mess when you cut into it.

For my and friends- What do you make from scratch in-house? Find out. Then taste it. What flavors are packed in there? Which one is your favorite? Now, go and sell that and describe it to your clients. You will see upsell revenue.

For more tips on increasing food and beverage revenue, download your free Menu Tasting Guide at the link in my bio or www.miaeloise.com/tasting.

"Conflict is Inevitable. Contention is a Choice." — miaeloise.com 17/01/2023

What happens at work when things heat up?

I remember something went really wrong with one of my holiday parties. I don’t even remember what it was now but I knew the client would be upset. The banquet event order had stated what needed to happen and the kitchen was short and needed to improvise last minute. I was not happy about it one bit.

This happens. It happens a lot more when there isn’t good communication between departments and banquet event orders aren’t detailed with everything needed.

“Conflict is inevitable. Contention is a choice.” That means that at that moment when 1,000 desserts are going out and they do NOT look like they did at the tasting or how the client had asked them to look, you take a moment to take a breath. You calmly go talk with your Chef to inquire about what happened. You get curious about it instead of blaming, yelling, etc. Then you decide on the best course and when to discuss that with your client. You may have to refund some money or offer a different concession you hadn’t planned on and/or wanted to offer. It’s not ideal but it happens.

Click the link below for more tips on how to improve relationships with your team and other departments that you can start TODAY.

Please, like, share, and comment to allow others like you to be able to see this post. Thank you!

"Conflict is Inevitable. Contention is a Choice." — miaeloise.com What happens at work when things get heated? Do you lash out or do you take a moment to breathe and remember that the person in front of you is a person.


These cookies were delicious and different from your normal chocolate chip cookie recipe. nails the instructions step-by-step.

Did you see and her post showing the same recipe but one cookie with expensive ingredients and the other with the least expensive ingredients?! It was FASCINATING. Check it out and make sure to use good quality ingredients. As she states it doesn't have to be the most expensive but using good quality ingredients does show.

For my and friends- I worked at DoubleTree which is famous for its chocolate chip cookies. While there I had them do a chocolate-dipped version of their famous cookie to upsell. It was absolutely delicious and was social media-worthy. Look at your menu. What is there that you can elevate to the next level? I recently wrote a blog post about how to increase sales through your menu. Visit www.miaeloise.com/sales-tips/menu or click the link in my bio.

Videos (show all)

The reason for the lack of food…:)
Need an easy dinner? This is one of our favorite flavorful, EASY options. I actually made this originally early last mon...
Do you love blueberry banana bread but don't have the budget or desire to wait until blueberries are in season? Well, I ...
Big fan of quick, tasty meals over here! This is one to save. @damndelicious makes a tasty, flavorful Spaghetti Carbonar...
First, have you ever had buttermilk syrup?! It's a game changer and elevates the taste of pancakes at home or in a busin...
@cakebycourtney is someone I trust to deliver great recipes. She didn’t disappoint with this cookie recipe! They are dar...
We love our air fryer! We just made this EASY, moist, flavorful whole chicken in an hour! My husband made the comment it...
I eat this every single morning and look forward to it! It’s so well balanced with protein, fat, and carbs with fiber. I...
Creamy, chocolatey, slightly crunchy, and so, so delicious! My husband asked me to make a trifle for Valentine’s Day.  T...
I have a good friend who needed some extra love a couple of weeks ago and so I split the recipe and made 2 Onion Cheese ...
Okay, friends, I didn't like potatoes for most of my life. I know, I know. But they just weren't flavorful enough for me...
I am a big fan of sugar cookies! I am also loving adding sourdough discard to as much as possible so I don’t waste. The ...