Independent Business Owners

Independent Business Owners

When you hang around with still people, you become still. Keep moving.


I would appreciate if everyone can share and join my group. Thank you 😊


Sometimes we don’t see the opportunities as they fly by us everyday. Open your mind and grasp these before it’s too late. 😊

Photos from Independent Business Owners's post 15/05/2021

5 years have flown by 🤲🏽❤️


Happy Birthday Mary. I miss you everyday 🤲🏽❤️❤️❤️


Thank you for all the birthday wishes, cards and presents. I appreciate them very much.

Chris called me which always makes the day better of course.

I’m not gonna lie I just wish Mary was here. 🤲🏽❤️

Photos from Independent Business Owners's post 08/03/2021

I don’t know what to say anymore, yesterday my best friend, grandmother and mother all rolled into one sadly took her last breath. I was definitely not looking forward to a day where I have to post on here that Mary is not with us anymore.

She was an inspiration to me and taught me about life and I learnt an awful lot from her. We had lots of happy and sad times together but she was always Mary. I’m so sad that I couldn’t come see you for the whole year because of this crazy pandemic.

I hope you are at peace my Queen and your memories will forever be with me. You came and made a massive impact on not just me but everyone that met you. We will always love you.

I used to write every Thursday and today I’m writing 💔💔😔😔



Photos from Independent Business Owners's post 12/02/2021

Association Sanad Alajial Agadir
‎ جمعية سند الأجيال أكادير
Number 1 CHARITY in Morocco 2020
Sadka Opportunity
100% Donation Policy

Salam, Only 8 weeks left to the blessed month of InshAllah and Alhamdulila like the past years we will again be distributing .

In the past we distributed 4/450 meals daily at the cost of £250.

This year we aim to give 500 meals daily InshAllah. This will only cost £300!! Don’t miss out and book your slots now!!!

Last year we had many people who missed out on this opportunity but now you have the chance for being part of this sadka.

Anyone wishing to donate please contact me or brother Bachir Abounnaime to book your slot.

Also you are all welcome to join our team for the distribution and have first hand experience in helping the most needy. Or just take part by liking and sharing this post with your family and friends.

May Allah (swt) reward all involved 🤲

Bank Details;
Name; Sanad Alajial Agadir
IBAN; MA 64 2300 1035 5406 4221 0004 0078



Coming soon... protect yourselves from criminal activity online.




You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.


Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.


Speak in such a way that others love to listen to you. Listen in such a way that others love to speak to you.


Find the sweetness in your own heart so that you may find the sweetness in every Heart.


Extend to each person, no matter how trivial the contact, all the care and kindness and understanding and love that you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again.


Sometimes, people will have a problem with you and spread misinformation & lies so others have a problem with you too. People that seek to destroy your character are only doing it because something about your character is destroying their inner-peace. It’s never personal.


When you think about it, basic human decency is so simple: treat others how you wish to be treated. If we all adopted it, the whole world would improve. Be a part of the solution, not the problem. Treat others well.


10 skills that require ZERO talent:

- Being on time
- Work ethic
- Putting in effort
- Being positive
- Being passionate
- Being teachable
- Being prepared
- Doing extra
- Being supportive
- Being kind



When you love yourself, you glow from the inside. You attract people who love, respect, and appreciate your energy. Everything starts with and how you feel about yourself. Start feeling worthy, valuable and deserving of receiving the best that life has to offer. Be magnetic.


Don't use your energy to worry.

Use your energy to believe
Use your energy to help others
Use your energy to inspire others
Use your energy to think positively
Use your energy to get things done
Use your energy to love your family


9 Steps to Self Care:

1. If it feels wrong, don’t do it
2. Say exactly what you mean.
3. Don’t be a people pleaser
4. Trust your instincts
5. Never give up on your dreams
6. Don’t be afraid to say no
7. Don’t be afraid to say yes
8. Let go of what you can’t control
9. Love


FEAR has two meanings:




the choice is yours!


Something really special happened to me and the brother pictured a couple of weeks ago.

I have known Kyle for over 4 years and seen him going through tough times because of his past. A prime example of people acting superior to others because they sin differently.

I met him upset, confused and living life without purpose with scars haunting him from the past, rightly or wrongly nobody deserves to be made worthless regardless of how they are seen by other's, most of the time by people who don't know them.

We had a very long chat around 6 months ago and I decided from that day that my job is to help him be himself without thinking of what other's have to say. I got him into my work team and have been directly working with him to make sure he knows he has my full support and help.

He asked me recently why I'm always smiling and why I'm always happy even though eveyone will understand we all have good and bad day's. My answer was pretty simple that for the first time in my life I made sure that praying was the most important thing in my life and anything that comes in the way of this is secondary. I put my full faith in my religion and prayed not just for me but for people I don't even know.

I gave Kyle the Holy Book for Muslims called the Quran in English and asked him to read it and also understand what being Muslim is about. Once he had read the Quran, he told me he wanted to be a Muslim, (Alhamdulillah) praise/thanks be to God.

So after a couple of months mainly due to the Covid-19 restrictions we decided that it would be better once the restrictions had eased. 2 weeks ago today Brother Kyle walked into the Masjid with me and with the guidance and help of our brother's at the Masjid Kyle took the Shahadah and went from Kyle to Ismail Alhamdulillah.

I met a man who was lost within himself and today a man who inspires me with his prayers and charity work. Never ever give up on people because someone else might not have a good opinion of them. I wish everyone to support and help him with his journey which has just started.

Welcome to Islam brother Ismail 🤲🏽❤
Prayers and Peace with you always.


• Choose kindness.
• Declutter & simplify.
• Dedicate time to yourself.
• Accept what you can't change.
• Appreciate where you are in life.
• Work towards your greater goals.
• Choose to have a positive mindset.
• Let go of what no longer serves you.

Time of need creates times for us to further give our talents, our kindness, our generosity, our creativity, our love for the world. If you are in a position to contribute positivity in any of these ways now is the time to give.


First time in nearly 6 months, I have put my business attire on. Feels good.

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Beautiful Charley
