Videos by Coffee Enema.
SHOP NOW: #krisgethin #coffeee***a #coffeee***adetox #coffeee***as #biohacks #biohacking #biohackingsecrets #biology
SHOP NOW: #krisgethin #coffeee***a #coffeee***adetox #coffeee***as #biohacks #biohacking #biohackingsecrets #biology
Coffee e***as saved my life! And you will be amazed what they can do for your energy, skin, mood, and mental clarity. If you have never done one and would like a step-by-step video to show you how, check out my flat belly pack, which is on sale — and includes not only my happy, gut, cleanse, but my coffee e***a home video. Go to cleansing for or Lincoln bio. DM me with any questions!! ##ittakesgutstobehappy##coloncleanse##coffeee***a##coffeee***adetox##liverdetox##livercleanse##lymphaticdrainage##lymph##lymphaticdrainagemassage##toxins##toxinsout##flatbelly##flatbellypack
Who else has been there?!😂 I remember the first time I did a coffee e***a, I was about seven minutes in and everything seem to be going really well. I laid there thinking, “I don’t know why people say these are so hard to retain! I’m doing just fine!”…. Only to realize that I never fully opened the valve and almost all of my e***a solution was still in the bucket🤣🤣\n\nThen once I got it flowing, I felt like this about 20 seconds in! It doesn’t happen to everyone, but it’s not an uncommon experience until you get used to things!\n\nDepending on variables such as how much stool💩 you have in your distal colon, the last time you ate, your hydration level, the pathogens🪱🦠 being stirred up during your e***a, The length of time that you are able to retain can vary. \n\nWhen it comes to retention tips, I have found that trying to do your e***a in the morning before eating, and after you have had a morning bowel movement tends to allow for the most ideal experience. I will be fully transparent and say that that specific flow of events doesn’t typically happen for me before I do my e***as, but I have plenty of clients that follow that pattern and find it helpful! You could also try adding a tablespoon of organic blackstrap molasses into your e***a solution!\n\nFor more coffee☕️ e***a content, tips, etc., dive into my coffee e***a highlight bubble on my profile!\n\nDid you have this experience the first time you did your e***a? Tell me below! And share with a friend who does coffee e***as😂🙌🏼