

introduction to ict


Group 1 Vodcast✨


I've learned a lot from ICT...Because Information and communication technology Inshort (ICT) And is an extensional term for information technology Inshort (IT) that emphasizes the role of unified communication. And the integration of telecommunications, telephone lines and wireless signals, and computers, as well as the necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage and audiovisual, which allow users to access, store, transmit, understand and manipulate information.And ICT facilitates communication anywhere, anytime and by anyone.While Global communication has become easier through the use of ICTs, for example, social media sites and apps, blogs, wikispaces, etc. The use of ICT saves time and is effective in various ways. So now ICT has changed the world.


learned a lot about the ICT course, it helps me to be more creative in many different ways. It gives me the opportunity to discover somethings and some new learnings about this subject. There are so many topics and a lot of things we have learned about. Most of the things I’ve learned makes me understand how it is important in our life to have an internet.

I learned how to make a Power Point presentation more accurate in terms of it is somewhat professional. Although I already knew how to create one, it gives me certain knowledge that you need to be specific of what are you going to put in your presentation. It needs to be readable to your audience and of course if you’re going to put a picture, make sure it is not too small. At first, I thought that the power point presentation was only for presenting a report or data in a group of people.

Last but not the least, I learned how to make my own website and create my own blog using WordPress It gives me the opportunity to make, create and design my own website. This is one of my favorite and also probably the one when we learn how to create our own blog. I was already making my own.




At first, I do not have any ideas what is the purpose of ICT to us, but when our Teacher introduced that we need to learn about ICT, I got more excited. As the lessons goes along, I have realized many things like the use of technology to us. Through the help of ICT, we're appointed to the awareness of different varieties of issues involved in the youths.
With the help of ICT, it will guide us to accomplish our tasks and works immediately. I became more aware on the issues going on our society because of the use of Social Media.

Because of ICT this would be a great help in making full of research and paper works, preparing blog, research design, project proposal, and many more. There are much opportunity that is given to us, such as enhancing our knowledge and capacity by learning the use of ICT, including the concept and it's role.



I was eager to learn when I initially started school and was introduced to ICT. When our class, Empowerment Technologies, covered the introduction to ICT, I learned a lot. I had no idea that the Philippines was Asia's ICT hub at first. As a Filipino, I gained knowledge of the origins and history of ICT. I gained knowledge about the history of the internet, who created it, and other topics. I believe that our teacher makes learning enjoyable.

Many things that were previously hard for us to accomplish are now possible thanks to ict, like online bill payment, calling loved ones, live selling of goods and cuisines, and many other things. Without the assistance of our teacher, I doubt I would have learned as much about ict. His clear explanations and effective teaching style have inspired me
Learning. Information that can be used to ascertain the precise nature and purpose of this website. Before learning about it and seeing instances, I didn't know that a webpage similar to a static one existed as an ICT student. To be quite honest, I still have a lot to learn, but due to the teacher, this subject allows me to do so in an entertaining way. I like this subject so far, and even if I'm used to ICT, it's still wonderful to be introduced to it again. Finally, I'd like to express my appreciation for your time and reiterate how much I enjoy this topic.

-Bryan Lopez


The main reason why i enrolled as an ICT student is that i really want to learn all about Information and Communication Technology inshort ICT. For me ICT is very important because in this generation, humans are now using the ICT in their daily life routine. ICT also had a good influence in our life because it makes the world work better and more faster. So that is why i think that is the reason why they also applied the subject "Empowerment Technology" in Senior High School which is to teach students like me about what is ICT.

Based on what i've learned in that subject, first i learned that Philippines is the "ICT Hub of Asia" which is i didn't know but after my teacher discussed it now i already know it. I also learned about the difference of Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and Web 3.0. Web 1.0 is the static page, while Web 2.0 is the dynamic page, and lastly is the Web 3.0 is the semantic webpage. Even the topic is just the Introduction to ICT it was just like i already learned more. So that's all what i've learned in ICT.

-Clyde Dela Cruz


my favorite part in introduction to ict is the web 2.0 because web 2.0 enable users to create, share, collaborate and communicate their work with others, without any need of any web design or publishing skills.Web 2.0 captures a combination of innovations on the Web in recent years. A precise definition is elusive and many sites are hard to categorize with the binary label.and i've learned that we shouldn't tolerate cyber bullying because it may effect their mental health issues, increased stress and anxiety, depression, acting out violently, and low self-esteem, They may lose interest in things they once enjoyed and spend less time interacting with family and friends. Cyberbullying is a very serious issue affecting not just the young victim.ICT is also used to refer to the convergence of audiovisuals and telephone networks with computer networks through a single cabling or link system. There are large economic incentives to merge the telephone networks with the computer network system using a single unified system of cabling, signal distribution, and management. ICT is an umbrella term that includes any communication device, encompassing radio, television, cell phones, computer and network hardware, satellite systems and so on, as well as the various services and appliances with them such as video conferencing and distance learning. ICT also includes analog technology, such as paper communication, and any mode that transmits communication.

-christian lagman


As a student I am happy that we studied about ict because it will help me to learn more about ict, i learned that the
Information and communications technology (ICT) is an extensional term for information technology that stresses the role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications and computers.
Necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage and audiovisual, that enable users to access, store, transmit, understand and manipulate information.
ICT is a broad subject and the concepts are evolving. It covers any product that will store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit, or receive information electronically in a digital form. It also includes analog technology, such as paper communication, and any mode that transmits communication.

ICT benefits us students to improve our engagement and knowledge about ICT.Because when ICT is integrated into lessons, we become more engaged in our work.
But there are some negative impacts of ICT in our lifestyle, it can reduced personal interaction in our loved ones and it can damage our eyes. So we have to use it wisely and not lose time with our loved ones.



As a student without proper knowledge about ict, I'm really grateful that we tackled this topic. I learned about the evolutions and generations of computers and it's one of the interesting topics in introduction to ict. I also learned the types of security threats and how to prevent them. I learned about the ways to protect privacy. I learned the appropriate security measures to overcome any identified computer threats.

Thanks to ict, we can do a lot of things that is impossible to do before, like buying/selling things and foods through live selling and etc, paying bills online, talk to our loved ones through call and many more. I don't think I'd get a lot of knowledge about ict without our teacher's help, he discussed it clearly and he's good at teaching which makes me want to learn more about ict.



When I first entered school and got introduced to ICT, I was excited to learn. I learned a lot of things when our subject, Empowerment Technologies, discussed the introduction to ICT. At first, I never knew that the ICT Hub of Asia was Philippines. I felt proud of that, as a filipino. I learned about the history of ICT, and how it came to be. I learned about the evolution of the web, who invented the World Wide Web, and more. I think our teacher makes our learning fun.

To reflect, I believe that learning these things are important especially as an ICT student. Learning who or how things you know are invented are nice to know, and it gives you new information, too. Learning the static, dynamic, and semantic webpages are useful information to determine what exactly is this website and what it is for. As an ICT student, I didn't know a webpage like a static one existed until I learned about it, and saw examples. To be honest, I have a lot to learn, and this subject lets me learn it through a fun way, thanks to the teacher. So far, I like this subject, and being introduced to ICT again despite being already accustomed to it is still nice. To conclude, I want to thank you for reading this far, and I once again want to say that I love this subject.

~Zyra R. Uy


•Information and Communication Technology or “ICT” includes products that store, process, transmit, convert, duplicate, or receive electronic information. Although there is no single, universal definition of ICT, the term is generally accepted to mean all devices, networking components, applications and systems that combined allow people and organizations ( businesses, nonprofit agencies, governments and criminal enterprises) to interact in the digital world. ICT is sometimes used synonymously with IT (for information technology) however, ICT is generally used to represent a broader, more comprehensive list of all components related to computer and digital technologies than IT.
Examples are:
software applications and operating systems; web-based information and applications such as distance learning; telephones and other telecommunications products; video equipment and multimedia products that may be distributed on videotapes, CDs, DVDs, email, or the World Wide Web; office products such as photocopiers and fax machines; calculators; and computer hardware.
ICT's societal and economic impact
ICT is leveraged for economic, societal and interpersonal transactions and interactions. ICT has drastically changed how people work, communicate, learn and live. Moreover, ICT continues to revolutionize all parts of the human experience as first computers and now robots do many of the tasks once handled by humans. For example, computers once answered phones and directed calls to the appropriate individuals to respond; now robots not only can answer the calls, but they can often more quickly and efficiently handle callers' requests for services.

ICT in Education

• ICT in education is the mode of education that uses information and communications technology to support, enhance, and optimize the delivery of

