Marc Miller Writer

Marc Miller Writer

I created this page to promote my published writing. I will post my new published short stories on t


I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted a new story but I’m working on an anthology of holiday themed horror stories and a new short story. I will resume writing again once my knee has healed from the surgery I had almost 2 weeks ago. Please be patient with me. This new anthology will hopefully knock your socks off!!!! Until then we can blame Dinkleberg for the hiatus.

The Dead Body in the Hotel Room 04/01/2022

Story #4 is published!!!!!!

The Dead Body in the Hotel Room A Janus Chronicles Story


Finally came up with a plot for a story I got writer’s block for. I changed the title to go with the plot since I wasn’t too fond of the old title. This one will definitely increase the gore factor to 11. I still have 2 stories to write before I get to my holiday horror anthology which it going to be fun to write. I don’t want to be the next Stephen King or Clive Barker but it would be cool to be almost as good as they are.


I have list of 17 titles for my holiday horror story anthology.


I have been thinking of a new short story for my holiday anthology and I’ve come up with a title for it. It will be called: Hell-O-Ween. It will be based off of the Hellraiser series but a short story.


For those of you who have read my stories, please leave a review so others would read them.


Hey everyone please remember to recommend my page to your friends.


We are up to 154 likes. Please pass this page around and also please read my stories.


I'm still working on the 4th story. I've hit some bumps due to severe depression and anxiety but as soon as I can, I will start writing again and submit the next story. As I've mentioned before, this one is the darkest yet and I've gone to my influences of Barker, King, and Lovecraft with this one. I hope when I do finish it, everyone likes it.


I just want to thank everyone for liking my page so far. Please tell your friends about my work and please ask them to like this page as well.


I've started on the 4th story. It is a horror mystery that will hopefully go back to my favorite kind of horror, the kind that scares the living bejesus out of you. I'm going back to my influences of King, Lovecraft, Lumley, Stoker, and Shelley with a little Sir Arthur Conan Doyle for the mystery part. I'm also going back to my paranormal horror influences such as The Exorcist, Poltergeist, etc. I hope this one is scarier and gives the chills that I want to give.

Inertia 17/02/2021

Hey everyone, I got my 3rd story published!!! Please read and pass it around.

Inertia A Janus Chronicles Story


Just got to page 67 and Chapter 18 of the short story. I have one more chapter and the epilogue to write as well as the author's note in the beginning which will also be there to thank those who helped me write this one. I still need a title for it. So far I have My Coma but I want something a little better than that as a title. It is not really horror but more fantasy because it is based on the coma I was in almost 2 years ago. I want to have it finished before the two year anniversary of my going into the coma which was on Feb 27, 2019. If you have a better title than My Coma, I would appreciate it and put you in the author's notes and dedication as well.


I'm on page 59 of the story and chapter 17. I have at least three chapters left to write before I finish it. I'm surprised I was able to write this as fast as I have since I started it two years ago with Chapter 14 first. I know the next story will be darker and scarier than my other stuff so when you read the 4th one, don't read it at night. I'm going to take a break for tonight and write more tomorrow. I may finish it tomorrow.


Thank you so much for following me. Please check out my first two published stories in the links below. Please also ask your friends to like this page. I would appreciate it so much.

Zombies Devoured The World 10/02/2021

Story #2 which should be Story #1 in the novella has been published. Please check it out!!!

Zombies Devoured The World A Janus Chronicles Story


I just submitted my 2nd story to be published. This is actually the first story that I wrote. I hope this one gets published as well.


Thank you for following me. Please send invites to add to this page, please?


Please tell your friends and pass this page around.

Bring Me to Life 10/02/2021

Please pass around this story. The more people who read it, the more I will get recognized.

Bring Me to Life A Janus Chronicles Story
