

Follow us and discover how many of us question, explore and evolve in order to walk our true path in life.

Timeline photos 23/04/2021

It's more than ok to say "no": it can transform your life.

Who would you be if you said "no" to the things that distract you from your mission, your focus, your integrity, your truth?

Timeline photos 22/04/2021

Remember who we are, ultimately. We are a part of nature and she provides us with everything we need. Really really. Seek and you shall find...

Timeline photos 21/04/2021

Surrender to nature and listen... it may take some practice, but eventually you will find a blissful sense of clarity.

Timeline photos 20/04/2021

Life brings us many lessons through experience.

Unless we take the time to inwardly process these teachings and grow as a result, they will remain "occurrences".

Timeline photos 08/04/2021

What is your wish? In this moment.

Does it cater to your grandness, or to an escape?

Either is fine, as long as love is present! πŸ’œ

Timeline photos 07/04/2021

Feel this proverb... does it not bring a sense of grand wisdom? Humility? A call to action maybe?

What calls to you when you sit with this?

Timeline photos 06/04/2021

Sometimes I think this is at the source of my frustrations: the fact that I know that I am the source and I can't blame anything external to myself when my ego wants to throw a fit!! πŸ˜‚

On a positive note, I get to chose... this brings humility and helps me grow.

Timeline photos 02/04/2021

What do you look forward to savouring? What do you yearn for? What brings warmth to your heart, joy to your soul?

Timeline photos 01/04/2021

Deep breath. Calm the mind, and connect. Connect with that part of you that seems far away when you get distracted. Have a chat with them. Like an old friend. Send them my love and regards. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’œπŸ’«

Timeline photos 31/03/2021

Isn't it such a pleasure and relief when we meet someone authentic, who has nothing to prove or hide?

Be that gift. Really. It's a pleasure to know You.

Timeline photos 30/03/2021

Sometimes things can feel unnatural, or stressful because of unnecessary and/or self inflicted pressures. Remember that nature has its pace and we are a part of nature... 🌱πŸ₯°

Timeline photos 29/03/2021

"They will come to a fork in the road. One road will lead to Materialism and Destruction... for almost all living creatures... The other road will lead to a Spiritual Way upon which the Native People will be standing... This path will lead to the lighting of the 8th fire, a period of eternal peace, harmony and a "New Earth" where the destruction of the past will be healed." - Anicinabe prophecy

Timeline photos 24/03/2021

Sometimes it's just a matter of choosing it!


Timeline photos 23/03/2021

We are such good givers. Giving makes us feel like we are doing our part as we want to make a difference in the world. 🌱🌎

I know for myself that I love when someone openly and gratefully accepts what I have to offer. I, on the other hand, sometimes feel guilty, undeserving, or like I must return the favour when someone gives to me.

So I observe that part of myself and practice accepting with gratitude as I know receiving is a gift to the giver... and a gift to me. πŸ’œ

Timeline photos 22/03/2021

Oh but it's Monday!!

What if though?

What if the discomfort and inconvenience this could potentially cause is majorly outweighed by a breakthrough or a discovery?

Evolve your truth.

Timeline photos 19/03/2021

Truth can be a feeling. An action. A way of being.

What's your truth today?

Timeline photos 18/03/2021

Rediscover things newly as a means to get a new understanding of them.

How often to we go about our daily tasks and chores, look at everyday objects, eat the food and do it all like we already know it.

What if we experienced next time it as the first time ever?

Timeline photos 02/03/2021

Reenergizing where I do it best!

I love the forest. 🌳

Timeline photos 01/03/2021

When I travel or go somewhere new, I try to divert from my natural tendency to compare it to some thing or place I'm familiar with.

We can discover so much when we enter a world without relating or comparing it to what we know.

It's just fun and different!

I even sometimes go to a familiar place pretending it's my first time being there just to bring a new level of appreciation and awe for it.

What have you re-experienced for the first time?

Timeline photos 27/02/2021

We won't help someone evolve their truth by making them wrong.

Instead we can meet them in their world, get their truth, acknowledge it, all the while stand in our loving intentions.

With all due respect. Words are not necessary.

Timeline photos 26/02/2021

Indeed it does not apply to everything.


How often do we catch ourselves adding when we could be minimizing or simplifying for better results?

Words... things... concepts... thoughts... diversification...

How could you simplify for efficiency? Where could you minimize for peace of mind? What could you reduce for balance?

Timeline photos 25/02/2021

It always seems to be an appreciated reminder.

So simple, so easy, so effective. πŸ’“

Timeline photos 24/02/2021

Some battles are definitely worth being fought. If you're fighting that battle, congratulations: you are living in alignment with your purpose.

But some battles are simply taking your energy away from that which supports what is truly important.

Sometimes it's healthy to surrender to a fight that is not ours to take on, with all due respect.

And sometimes, a fight is simply futile.

Can you look into your life and make that distinction?

Can you look in the mirror and see that we may have treated as an enemy someone that deserved to be treated like a friend?

Timeline photos 23/02/2021

The amazement I get when I get present to how complex beyond the mind's comprehension the earth is, that this comprehension can only be felt at best... at least in my current opinion, makes me feel incredibly expansive.⁠
Those moments of presence and realization are treats to my soul! πŸŒπŸ›πŸŒ±βœ¨β 

Timeline photos 22/02/2021

Doesn't it seem like there's always another layer to explore? I'll speak for myself when I say that there's a level of "depth" that I go to when inner work is being done. And I'm present to that being my comfort zone to a certain degree. ⁠
I'm not sure what the next level of depth looks or feels like but I'm curious to go there...⁠
How about you? Do you challenge yourself in your inner work? ⁠

Timeline photos 20/02/2021

It can take just a short moment... or even a breath, to reset your energy right NOW.

So let's have at it, shall we?πŸ’žβœ¨πŸ™πŸ»

Timeline photos 19/02/2021

What cuddles your soul? Dancing? A hug? Meditation? Music? A bath? A walk in nature? A meaningful conversation? ... πŸ₯°β 
Will you be doing some of that today?⁠

Timeline photos 18/02/2021

Everything is perception. And perception can simply change if you bring some attention and intention to it.

No, it's not always easy. In fact it's a journey.

But the more we bring awareness to our inner state and to our vision of the world, we can position ourselves in such a way that we see the world as perfect...with all its imperfections... because perfection is also a perception.

Timeline photos 17/02/2021

Just a quick reminder that who you were yesterday is no who you are today. Some of your beliefs have surely changed as time went by.⁠
Isn't it freeing to know that truth evolves?⁠

Timeline photos 16/02/2021

"You must be willing to give up what you are in order to become what you want to be." - Orrin Woodward

πŸ‘‰πŸ»Do you see where your attachments are?πŸ‘€πŸ’œπŸ§˜πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

Timeline photos 15/02/2021

It's good to check in once in awhile. I'm sometimes surprised to realize that I'm functioning under stress, maybe some anxiety, or frustration and it's simply not how I love going about my day. ⁠
What is there to do about that?? Nothing but notice and be with it. Quietly, kindly, lovingly. πŸ’œπŸŒ±β 
I then find a gentler side of myself and my actions mirror this new way of being.⁠

Timeline photos 13/02/2021

Emotional suppression is not always obvious or caught in the moment. πŸ’œ

That's very ok! What a freeing feeling it is to discover hidden emotional blockages and setting them free!! ✨πŸ₯°
See how your truth evolves in this process?

Timeline photos 12/02/2021

What comes to your mind and heart when you get present to who you are?

Timeline photos 11/02/2021

When I feel overwhelmed and life weighs heavy on me, I take time to myself and open my senses and my eyes to my divine connection. The signs then appear. They are seen and felt.

This in itself transforms my state. It energized me, changes my perspective on a situation, I'm re-centred, refocused, calm, collected, and my Self again.

Timeline photos 10/02/2021

Taking charge is not about taking control, it's about taking responsibility and owning. Owning not like possessing, owning like stepping up.

By stepping up we become vigilant and aware. We can bring intentionality and purpose. We can dance with life's circumstances as opposed to be taken down by them...

Timeline photos 09/02/2021

Close your eyes and open your mind to all possibilities. The outcome you are currently foreseeing is simply a projection of a single possibility amongst an infinite range of outcomes.

We never know what tomorrow may bring.

Where you focus is where you're heading. So chose where you set your intention.

Do you believe in being in control of your destiny?

Timeline photos 08/02/2021

Being reminded to be kind to others seems like a given. A valid given if I may say so: we can all relate to being a little reactive during emotionally trying times.

✨Let's further that reminder to being kind to ourselves. πŸ’œAre you giving yourself the TLC you need? πŸ§šβ€β™‚οΈCheck in with all of your "bits and parts" and tend to what's missing or to what's needed.

All in simple love and kindness.πŸ™πŸ»

Timeline photos 05/02/2021

Dear human,

Rise up as it is your time to shine.

If your eyes are closed, rest assured that a world of wonders awaits you when you will decide to open them.

In the meantime, wherever you are is perfectly fine.

With love always.

Timeline photos 03/02/2021

When we need to recharge, remember that the earth is our battery. ✨We simply need to connect to her, through intention will suffice, and feel your vibrational body expand.

It's a yummy feeling. πŸ₯°

Timeline photos 02/02/2021

It may not always be easy, or it may not always be the answer we want to hear, but answers are most of the time way simpler than we think. πŸ‘€

✨So calm your mind, ask the question... and LISTEN.πŸ§˜πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

πŸ’œWhere did your answer come from?