Judith Schuman

Judith Schuman

Pilates instructor/health and wellness coach. Helping people to create the best version of themselves


Shout out to my two beautiful Pilates friends. "Small disciplines repeated with consistency every day lead to great achievements gained slowly over time:."(John Maxwell)

That is so true when it comes to Pilates consistency is the key. if you practice Pilates with consistency, you will see the beautiful transformation!

Join me every Thursday@12pm for a free Pilates Class! In San Diego.
Location: 1005 C Ave
Coronado, 92118


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Photos from Judith Schuman's post 26/08/2024

Best Live Ever 2024!

Photos from Judith Schuman's post 22/08/2024

I had the privilege of working out with the strong, amazing women!


First day of High School 2024!


Beauty chat inside and out with Kelly Williams!! #

Photos from Judith Schuman's post 16/06/2024

Summer nights with friends! #

Photos from Judith Schuman's post 06/06/2024

Sharing the Love in our community by bringing organic superfoods nutrition to everyone!

Photos from Judith Schuman's post 06/06/2024

Celebrating together, our passion of helping people with their health journey in our own community! #

Photos from Judith Schuman's post 29/04/2024

Celebrating my friend! What a privilege to support and help my friend in her health journey!

Photos from Judith Schuman's post 29/02/2024

Peligro consumo excesivo de azúcar, hábito que pone en riego tu vida!

Altas cantidades de glucosa generan daños en riñón, corazón, ojos, nervios y páncreas, así como creación de desechos que entorpecen y envejecen las células.

Si tu nivel de glucosa sanguínea es demasiado alto, es posible que presentes lo siguiente:
* Aumento de la sed.
* Visión borrosa.
* Cansancio o debilidad.
* Dolor de cabeza.
* Náuseas y vómitos.
* Falta de aire.
* Dolor estomacal.

El azúcar puede afectar el peso corporal. Puede contribuir a la obesidad, que significa tener un índice de masa corporal (IMC) de 30 o más. Esto a su vez puede aumentar el riesgo de desarrollar cáncer y otras enfermedades.

Si nesecita ayuda en como mejora sus hábitos de alimentación, envíame un mensaje privado para recibir una consulta de bienestar gratuita sobre nutrición y cómo esto puede mejorar su salud general.


Join us Monday, February 19th at 6pm pst! Happy Healthy Hour/Transformation table talk!
A mind and body reset!

- [ ] Loss the bloat
- [ ] Increased energy
- [ ] Reduce inflammation
- [ ] Healthier looking skin
- [ ] Loss the brain fog
- [ ] Gut support
- [ ] Deeper sleep
- [ ] Hormonal balance
- [ ] Glyphosate removal

Photos from Judith Schuman's post 19/02/2024

I love my corgi!😍😘 🐶

Photos from Judith Schuman's post 17/02/2024


Discount Promo code: 4YLBOGO
Buy one get one free and free shipping while supplies last!!!


Photos from Judith Schuman's post 08/02/2024

Join me this Thursday, February 8th @ 5 PM, pst.
I will be hosting a Spanish presentation on nutrition, focusing on Hormonal balance.

I will be discussing the following:

What are the main functions of hormones?

What are the 8 major hormones in a human body?

What foods to avoid to balance hormones?

What are the foods that complement hormonal balance?

Do hormonal imbalances only affect females?

If this is your pain point and you're struggling with hormonal Imbalances, What is the solution?


Habits are what make and break us. Build better habits that stick. What can you do to build healthier habits and transition into a healthy lifestyle?

Feeling great starts from the inside out!

Real food can fuel a real lifestyle. I help clients make healthy changes easy, sustainable, and delicious.

DM me for a free Wellness consultation!


I am back!!!
4YL Pilates Workout!

Join me every Thursday@12pm for a free Pilates Class! In San Diego.




4YL Pilates Workout!

Join me every Thursday@12pm for a free Pilates Class! In San Diego.


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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
Nearly 270,000 people will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. That could be any of your loved ones - or even you.

About 13% (about 1 in 8) of U.S. women are going to develop invasive breast cancer in the course of their life. DM me for a free Wellness Consultation on nutrition, and how this may improve your overall health and lower the risk of breast cancer.


Happy Healthy Hour/Transformation table talk!

A mind and body reset program! Are you looking for the following:
- [x] Better Energy
- [x] Gut support
- [x] Reduce weight/shrink the midsection
- [x] Reduce inflammation
- [x] Balance hormones
- [x] Healthier glowing skin
- [x] better sleep
- [x] Develop better eating habits.

We will answer all these questions and more.
They were also be prizes so join us tomorrow Octubre 15th at 6 PM Pacific time.


Wednesday Wellness day! Healthy tip of the day.

Photos from Judith Schuman's post 10/10/2023

October is depression and mental health awareness month.

I will giving a Spanish presentation on " How to Boost Mental Health Through Better Nutrition".


Photos from Judith Schuman's post 07/09/2023

9 out of 10 Americans are Living with Parasites
We’re talking about nasty critters.

It’s easy to contract parasites, even when living a clean and healthy lifestyle. They sneak into our bodies from eating undercooked food, drinking tap water, touching infected door k***s, even walking barefoot in the grass.

Many of these parasites set up shop in the gut, where they can tear holes in the gut lining and cause uncomfortable digestive symptoms. But that’s not the only type of havoc they can wreak.
Common Signs of Parasite Infection
As we mentioned, gastrointestinal signs tend to be the most common:
* Gas
* Bloating
* Stomach cramps
* Nausea or vomiting
* Loose stools
But the misery of parasite infection can extend beyond the GI tract. Here’s a list of other surprising symptoms that may result from parasite infection:
* Fatigue
* Weight loss
* Constant hunger, even after eating a large meal
* Joint pain
* Depression
* Anxiety
* Skin rashes or hives
* Poor sleep
* Itching and irritation of the a**s and ge****ls
* Repeat yeast infections

So what is the solution? The answer is to be proactive when it comes to our health.

DM me if you are ready to start your parasite cleanse/detox reset program!

Photos from Judith Schuman's post 07/09/2023

9 out of 10 Americans are Living with Parasites!
We’re talking about nasty critters.

It’s easy to contract parasites, even when living a clean and healthy lifestyle. They sneak into our bodies from eating undercooked food, drinking tap water, touching infected door k***s, even walking barefoot in the grass.

Many of these parasites set up shop in the gut, where they can tear holes in the gut lining and cause uncomfortable digestive symptoms. But that’s not the only type of havoc they can wreak.
Common Signs of Parasite Infection
As we mentioned, gastrointestinal signs tend to be the most common:
* Gas
* Bloating
* Stomach cramps
* Nausea or vomiting
* Loose stools
But the misery of parasite infection can extend beyond the GI tract. Here’s a list of other surprising symptoms that may result from parasite infection:
* Fatigue
* Weight loss
* Constant hunger, even after eating a large meal
* Joint pain
* Depression
* Anxiety
* Skin rashes or hives
* Poor sleep
* Itching and irritation of the a**s and ge****ls
* Repeat yeast infections

Ahora ¿qué vamos a hacer? El conocimiento es poder ¿verdad? Pero si no hacemos nada al respecto, ¿qué tan bueno es ese conocimiento? Necesitamos ser proactivos y tener un plan de acción. La solución es realizar un programa de desintoxicación/limpieza que elimine los parásitos y reequilibre el microbioma de su intestino. Envíame un mensaje privado si estás listo para iniciar tu programa de reinicio de desintoxicación y deshacerte de esos desagradables bichos.


Consejo saludable del día! Los mejores tips para ganar masa muscular y construir músculo magro!

Para lograr desarrollar y construir músculo magro nesevitamos proteína. Pero no todas las proteínas son iguales. Por eso es importante saber que proteína es de alta calidad para que el cuerpo la pida asimilar y no afecte a nuestros órganos vitales como los riñones.

Si desea obtener más información sobre una proteína vegana, predigerida y totalmente orgánica que no ejerce presión sobre los riñones, envíeme un DM y estaré encantado de compartirla con usted.


Success leaves clues!

Photos from Judith Schuman's post 24/08/2023

Aging Gracefully

As we cultivate our life, our beauty becomes as much about what we are creating from the inside out!

There are no get-fit-quick diets. You get healthy by making simple, positive choices that will bring lasting change to your life.

* I have a true passion in helping people achieve their wellness goals, from food allergies to weight loss.
* A healthy lifestyle is a crucial part of staying healthy and is essential for maintaining the body.
* I help people achieve their health goals by coaching them on fitness, nutrition, and mindset!
* Nourish your mind, body, and soul from the inside out.
* Good nutrition is the key to radiant beauty.
* Real food can fuel a real lifestyle. I help clients make healthy changes easy, sustainable, and delicious.

Join our community of health advocates, that are helping to build strong healthy families/ communities!

Thank you for following me and for your support. Be well and remember health is wealth.

DM me I'm going to take you by the hand and guide you through your transformation every step of the way!


Healthy back to school tips!

Photos from Judith Schuman's post 18/08/2023


If you need help to have a balanced diet and upgrade your



Come Join Our Superfood Social/Healthy Happy Hour in OC!

Videos (show all)

Mi secreto a mi sonrisa!
Happy client! Jessica started the spring reset challenge in only 20 days she's lost 10 pounds!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Energy is betterHer...
