Poem The Art

Poem The Art

Poem and art let your express your feelings in form of words and colors & lines.

Most astonishing fact is that everyone interprets the work of art as per their understanding, beliefs and values.


In Poem

In the skies,

Below the clouds,

Where everything is dull,

One grey color makes it all,

In each grey there was something,

You have never seen,

In each grey there was something,


If you saw it,

Your mind would go deranged,

In every sky,

There is always something,

This was only one sky,

In another world,

Through a portal in the blue sky,

You will reach to them,

In a little spark of light,

You will see it all.


Flowing around me

I know it flows through me,

As it glows too bright,

It will light the dawn on its own will,

It will rise the sun on its own time,

Crouching slowly before time,

That will deafen the day into night,

Silently the rocks crack,

Into the mountains we see,

Seemingly the ground moves,

On the land we walked all over,

Charmingly the ice melts,

To the seas we haven’t catch sight of,

It still flows around me,

But silently and silently.


Poem on Mother

Oh, Mother, you are,

Sweeter than the honey,

Calm and still so composed,

Comfort in all of my life’s storms,

All your life surrounds hard work for us,

All those days spent around cooking and caring for us,

Comforting us in sickness without bothering about your health,

Showering all the love, disregarding our mistakes and your griefs,

How I can repay for all you have done for me,

All those years passed under the comfort of your shadow,

You have done so much for me all days every day,

What have I done, it’s less than a fraction,

We wish you stay jolly and good,

A joyful life with all your dreams come true,

Only God can reward you for all the hard work,

We thank God for the blessing of Mother bestowed upon us,


Running Weasel

A weasel with no home,

Running for one,

With no family,

With no friends,

Running away from danger,

Running away from fear,

The weasel with claws,

That grips on the tree,

Finds a house with no danger,



As it flies through the sky,

With no money to slide,

Wishing it could have,

With the pinch of a fly,

Going in circles,

Nowhere to hide,

Little dragonfly with money to slide,

Flowing inside the others pockets,

Waiting for feather to fall,

And scare to disappear,

But it can’t just fly,

As it gets money to slide.


Cat and Dog | Child Poem

The Cat,

Under the tree,


As the moon go over it,

The Dog,

Over the lake,

Stays still,

As the sun goes underneath it,

The droplets,

Move in the air,



Into the lake,

Making the cat and dog wet,

At the lake.



Stories have been told,

That a creature lived,

With no might,

It was not seen,

It was said,

Enter the dark forest,

With a little glitter,

It can be seen,

Whoosh, you may hear in the dark forest,

You may be encountered by a legendary unicorn.



Long time ago,

It was living in the old caves,

With coldness,

No fire,

Warmth is low,

Might be time to let it go,

The legend soon died out,

No one believed in it,

But in the old caves,

There may be fossils of the legend.


Barn Owl

At night,

Mom tells stories,

About the creature,

That doesn’t howl lightly,

But hoots with passion,

Inside the forests,

Under the trees,

There’s a barn owl,

With no enemies,

Flies safely,

With no fear,

Has no enemy,

With little light.



Flies with no laws to adhere,

Breaking the walls with no care,

Annoying everyone with no fear,

Injecting people without the gear,

Running in speed,

Crossing the roads,

Without looking out,

Making everyone angry,

As it flies in, nobody likes it,

With its painful sting, hitting everyone,

Can’t it stop hitting everyone?

With no laws the mosquito crashes and feels bad.



Blows the flowing dandelion,

Away from home,

Far away it goes,

With a plenty of push of whoosh,

It can go on far away,

The dandelion,

Over the mountains,

Over the seven seas,

Landing on top of the lucky tree.


Sad day

It is a terrible day,
I simply can’t stay,
This was too much for me,
But I had to move on,
Now I can’t,

My friends locked the door,
Because of their little secret,
Event I crawled down,
They still stood idle,
Thinking they have done nothing wrong,

They don’t know that they will regret it later,
I hope to escape as they all made a mistake,
They forgot me in that place, in my little time,
They stood there, thinking it was over,
And not for use, they pretend otherwise,

My day was terrible as I did not do anything,
As there were many things to do, on that day,
I may come back out there,
And they will regret it forever,
I will stay strong, hopefully I will..



Shelter in the Rain

It rains a lot, without leaving a mark,
All day it rains, everyone wants to know why,
The thunder bursts into action,
Leaving the audience frightened,
Many people wonder,
What is it really like?
Some say that the rain cries,
And all its tears fall,

The little kittens roam around,
Seeking the shelter to be given by us,
But we never understand the fear,
As we stay inside, away from them,
Ignoring the help wanted by animals,
They feel lonely and cold,
Not to mention their fears,
When they first encountered rain and thunder,

Like us they will get it slowly,
But will remain puzzled, why is it raining?
And why are there nobody to help them?
Please do help those animals looking for shelter..!


A Collection of Animal Poems

A collection of Animal Poems consists of a poem on Artic Reindeer, Puffin or Penguin, Sharks’ fear and dolphin. These poems contains varied subjects for the audience.

Arctic Reindeer
A reindeer that goes all white,
Doesn’t go without a fight,
As it doesn’t show any expressions,
But shows a huge aggression,
It might look and act calm,
But it will stand up against those,
Who will have no moves,
But a mind full of fright,
It chases them away,
Till the moon full of hay,
It slowly falls asleep,
Without leaving a fight.

Puffin or Penguin
Little swimming creatures,
As they see them glide,
With no fear, they move swiftly,
But still look like penguins,
Not penguins they see,
They look like little birdies,
But the birds with red beaks,
Larger than a penguin’s beak,
As they saw the pattern was close,
As close as if it is a penguin,
A penguin not in ice, but warmth,
So, we call them puffins not penguin

Sharks’ fear
Sharks’ fear that was so severe,
It was not the rear that they fear,
Scary villain of the water so rare,
Calling them sea dog is not that fair,
It was the fact, of the ocean,
The sky’s that hold the stone,
That was hidden under the ocean,
Where sharks can’t feel, there lost.

As they swim beneath the star,
With no way to go beyond,
Wishing that stars go blue,
And will till the ends,
Now we know the secrets,
That they hide in fear,
Waves that crash to the surface,
Vanish but leave no marks on the planet.


In this difficult time

In this difficult time, we have a lot to save,
Each day, we wave to another far,
We stay inside locked up, protect ourselves,
We will stay brave, even locked in our gates,

Can’t visit my friend because of this time,
All these days of staying at home,
It feels like being in a maze,
That keeps on putting me back to the start,

All these days, tired and lonely,
Left me drained and gave up,
I wish, I had someone to play,
To comfort in this difficult time,

My days turned boring,
As I’m not with someone,
I hope this all ends quick,
So, I can go to school again,

In a lonely place in my home all day,
Can’t go out anywhere,
I hope you will visit me soon,
To live through this tough time,

My friends can’t gather and play neither I can,
There are many ways to be safe in this difficult time,
I hope you will follow them all,
Make sure you will wash your hands,

In this challenging time,
Keep the surrounding area clean,
So, you and others will be safe,
And visit each other once again..!


Arabian Horses

Long ago, most battles used the Arabian horses,

As there’re no traditional long span battles,

Short span wars use no horses, karma settled it,

But mostly peace later spread, no more violence,

Was heard, everyone was settled until one came,

The one in the modern era, with modern means,

Long ago, Arabian horses were lions of the battles,

As they set their feet on the ground, not like cattle,

Everyone felt and honoured their presence,

They too felt great and honoured to be with us,

All those years with us in war,

And now everything has changed,

They are now free from war and force,

As a part of family, they stay with us,

As we mended to grow with them since ancient times,

Our friendship bonding has changed all along the time,

Later on they accompany and travel like us,

Now the Arabian horses are everywhere.


Lonely in the Forest

The lonely one, looked up at its den,

As it has been destroyed by fire,

It slowly went near a pigeon, ready to pounce,

It cannot lift its own paw, as its injured,

As it slowly went back, it turned in a corner,

Seeing a lake, it looked at its lonely self,

It had no family, or anyone to play with,

It ends up in an abandoned house,

Looking for food and proper shelter,

It has nowhere to go and nowhere to live,

The lonely one, went out,

As it finds a special tree,

As the tree had many colorful fruits,

And a tree big enough for shelter,

It decided to live there and eat its fruits,

As it marked a happy friendship, and so on,

Its real life begins here.


Timeless Connections

The cherished friends who hold great worth,

I yearn for their presence, moments of mirth,

In my heart, their impact lingers and stays,

Thoughts of them fill my mind’s intricate maze,

Their friendship, a treasure, brings joy untold,

A bond that weathers both new and old,

Through thick and thin, together we grow,

In my thoughts, their essence continues to glow,

The friends that people always hope for,

The friends that I’m lucky to have,

The ones that make me feel blessed and needed,

Their presence fills the empty void of my heart indeed,

The stars that twinkle in the night sky above,

Their radiance pales as my friends I love,

Their arrival brings warmth and delight,

Conversations ignite, ideas taking flight,

Through shared moments, our bonds grow strong,

Memories cherished, they’ve kept all along,

In the tapestry of time, these friendships endure,

Their light shining bright, pure and secure,

My friends stand by, a comforting embrace,

Remembering the nuances that make me embrace,

In their hearts, they hold my story dear,

A testament to friendship, genuine and clear,

Through ups and downs, they remain steadfast,

Recalling the details, memories that will last,

Their presence assures me, I’m never alone,

In their friendship, a place I truly belong,

The times we shared, etched in our souls,

Moments together, a tapestry that unfolds,

May they reside in your heart, as we journey ahead,

Growing together, the bond never to shred,

Through the passage of time, may memories endure,

Our connection evolving, steady and pure,

With every step forward, our friendship will thrive,

Rooted in the past, as new chapters arrive.


Happy New Year Every One Have A Wonderful Year...


Get Well Soon

We hope you get well soon,

You help those in need,

Now you need our support too,

We will stay by your side

And stay until you heal,

You must be facing a lot of discomfort,

That we can’t understand,

You help those, affected from the virus,

But as the corona virus get in you too,

We hope you get well soon,

You are the frontline soldier to fight it,

Real hero of the world, we mean it,

We wish your will power prevail over it,

All our prayers for you to fight it,

Meet us in your best of health, we wish it!

We will not be able to know,

How you are experiencing the pain,

We will pray for you until you heal,

You help a lot of people with the virus,

You should not have deserved this,

We will pray until you get better..


House Crows

Black and grey creatures,

Camouflage themselves in the shadows,

Can’t be seen in the nights,

Making loud noises,

During the day or night,

Pecking all cats who enter their territory,

Flying and making many nests,

Living next to ours,

Finding food in our territory,

Finding shiny stuff to decorate their nests,

It has enemies in all shapes and sizes,

If we disturb them, they might consider us enemies,

Even if we don’t, they still will peck mercilessly,

Making loud noises if we enter their territories,

Never wanting to stop..



Swiftly following,

The ways of the wind,

Shifting far away,

Into the woods,

As they see round,

As it moves,

It’s a tornado,

That has arrived,

As it enters the woods,

With no one in the woods,

As it throws the objects around,

With no stopping around.


Happy New Year

New year is making its way here,
Make sure you’re all set till its arrival,
As many fireworks will start and then vanish,
It will feel like there was no new year celebration,
So better be ready for its welcome,
As many parties will start and then end,
You will have no clue if you miss them,
The fireworks will spark,
That may wake the desire,
A reminder to the sentiment,
An intension of the people,
To not miss this astounding event,
A one-off event of the wonderful present,
As the year slowly passes through the minds,
Each year will have its own new year,
So better don’t miss this year’s festivities,
A joyful happy new year... !!!


Round Shaped Birds

Free Verse Poem | Cute Poems
Cute small round shaped birds,

Soars through the sky,

As their light weighted body,

Carry them, as feathers in the air,

No predator will harm such cutie,

While they sing their beauty.



Cute Poems | Animal Poems
They live their lives round,

Without any sound,

They roll down to those found,

Even though they can fall,

Since they are such a ball,

They care for others without them to notice,

They protect others without some notice,

They will always sleep,

They will always creep,

They might look dangerous,

But they sure are adventurous,

They will snuggle up to you,

When they know that you also care for them too.


Cute Poem

A kitten with cute wild eyes,

Smiled as it walked through the park,

As the day get dark,

And as the lights spark,

It rushes back as a shark,

It combs its fur, as it purrs lightly,

And goes to sleep.


Funny Birthday

Poems about Happiness
The flowers were dancing,
As you jumped out of the bed,
The sky smiles as it sees you open your eyes,
Everyone wished for better moments that day,

Their day can’t get any better,
As you sing a lovely dovely song,
They all dance to the tune,
The tune was nice, forget the lyrics,

The cake was mystery with full of surprises,
And they told you stories of your prizes,
They all knew it was a happy birthday,
Everyone wished for better moments that day,

The day which was amazing,
The day when you were born,
Your parents have no regrets,
Your friends have all the cheers,

The day was getting better be seconds,
They all laugh and jump,
Waiting for your super surprise,
Everyone wished for better moments that day


Sad Poem

Free Verse Poem | Sad Poetry
Having no friend makes me sad,

Even the days go bad,

With nobody around,

No one to play with me,

A bee stung me,

As pain glides through my soul,

As my body burns like coal,

I have to cry, to leave all the pain out,

As I scream through my jaws,

Asking for help,

With nobody around,

To look far out,

If I go out,

I won’t be able to find my way in,

As they covered the exit, full of sadness,

With no way in,

With no place full of happiness,

I will stay locked out,

With my soul covered in coal.


Poems About Community

We are equal, but with diverse ways and meaning of life,
We are equal, but end with same manner in this life,
At least, we all shall wind up, not knowing the end,
At least our fate make us equal to each other, in this life,

We stumble upon the unknown end,
As if it’s a new place or planet,
That we would be going to discover,
As we go, we can’t come back,

Our community is large,
But with less friends,
As we consider others as strangers,
Even though they are our same kind,

They came to this world just like us,
And will come to an end just like us,
Our flowers grow, and rot till time,
Just as us, everything carry same fate,

In our world, everyone is equal,
But we are confined to communities,
Communities are built on a new dream,
That will come to others hands as well.



I Miss You Poems

Poem about Life | Free Verse Poem | I Miss You Poems

I feel so worried, as if I’m going to get sick,
If it was a trick, I would be delighted to wake up,
I don’t see you for a while, as if I am isolated,
As isolation will blow my mind away

Through the ice, I hear your voice,
As if it’s the only hope, that I can’t cope,
Your voice gets spotted, but still stuck in ice,
As your voice gets louder, I start to sink

They pull me down, while you try to pull up,
They won’t stop neither you,
Since you never showed up on the right spot,
I feel lonely as I miss you

I feel so sad that I only visited you for a day,
As gloom surrounds my wishes and dreams,
Without expressing or anyone knowing,
As I know, I miss you

I am stuck on an island missing you,
My feelings are being fearful,
As you are not around,
Please comeback, I miss you
