Herbalists & Herbs

Herbalists & Herbs
Homeopathy for Shock, Grief, and Trauma: An Archetypal Approach to Healing. 26/01/2024

Happening next weekend (February 3 & 4th) - there is still time to register.

Homeopathy for Shock, Grief, and Trauma: An Archetypal Approach to Healing.

In this two part webinar series, we will explore the unique approach that homeopathic medicine has to offer in the treatment of shock, grief, and trauma. Homeopathy presents us with an archetypal, dynamic, and psychosomatic approach to healing that is based on nature’s universal curative principle: the law of similars. We will explore in detail several important remedies that can be reliably used by home prescribers in situations of acute shock and grief. We will also discuss the significant potential of homeopathy to work on deeply entrenched, chronic states of traumatic experience.

States of shock, grief, and trauma can be stored in the organism in the form of cellular memory, a kind of energetic charge, that in severe cases cannot be directly accessed through the vehicle of the conscious mind. Repressed memories, which are somatized on the physical plane, can activate latent disease susceptibilities of the individual sufferer, thereby leading to the manifestation of chronic disease states. In homeopathy, mind and body are not considered to be separate entities, but rather as inextricably entangled in a global field effect. It is this field effect, as it manifests through the dynamis or vital force of the organism, that homeopathy seeks to treat. In so doing, homeopathy significantly challenges conventional understandings of what belongs to psyche and what belongs to soma.

The archetypal field patterns which underlie and are encoded in the vast diversity of material forms which populate earth possess similarities to, and hence hold the curative potential for, the psychosomatic totalities of diseased persons. The healing powers of such field patterns are made accessible through the ultra-high dilutions (or ‘potencies’) that are employed in homeopathic medical practice. Homeopathic potencies can serve to both address the effects of trauma incurred in a patient’s lifetime as well as the malign influences of ancestral trauma and associated miasmatic (or epigenetic) patterns of inheritance.

Price: $55

Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/homeopathy-for-shock-grief-and-trauma-an-archetypal-approach-to-healing-tickets-782645502767?aff=oddtdtcreator

Or write to [email protected]

Homeopathy for Shock, Grief, and Trauma: An Archetypal Approach to Healing. Homeopathy for Shock, Grief, and Trauma: An Archetypal Approach to Healing. February 3 & 4 2024, 11AM - 1PM

Homeopathy for Shock, Grief, and Trauma: An Archetypal Approach to Healing. 26/12/2023

Homeopathy for Shock, Grief, and Trauma: An Archetypal Approach to Healing.

In this two part webinar series, we will explore the unique approach that homeopathic medicine has to offer in the treatment of shock, grief, and trauma. Homeopathy presents us with an archetypal, dynamic, and psychosomatic approach to healing that is based on nature’s universal curative principle: the law of similars. We will explore in detail several important remedies that can be reliably used by home prescribers in situations of acute shock and grief. We will also discuss the significant potential of homeopathy to work on deeply entrenched, chronic states of traumatic experience.

States of shock, grief, and trauma can be stored in the organism in the form of cellular memory, a kind of energetic charge, that in severe cases cannot be directly accessed through the vehicle of the conscious mind. Repressed memories, which are somatized on the physical plane, can activate latent disease susceptibilities of the individual sufferer, thereby leading to the manifestation of chronic disease states. In homeopathy, mind and body are not considered to be separate entities, but rather as inextricably entangled in a global field effect. It is this field effect, as it manifests through the dynamis or vital force of the organism, that homeopathy seeks to treat. In so doing, homeopathy significantly challenges conventional understandings of what belongs to psyche and what belongs to soma.

The archetypal field patterns which underlie and are encoded in the vast diversity of material forms which populate earth possess similarities to, and hence hold the curative potential for, the psychosomatic totalities of diseased persons. The healing powers of such field patterns are made accessible through the ultra-high dilutions (or ‘potencies’) that are employed in homeopathic medical practice. Homeopathic potencies can serve to both address the effects of trauma incurred in a patient’s lifetime as well as the malign influences of ancestral trauma and associated miasmatic (or epigenetic) patterns of inheritance.

Price: $55

Registration: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/homeopathy-for-shock-grief-and-trauma-an-archetypal-approach-to-healing-tickets-782645502767?aff=oddtdtcreator
Or write to [email protected]

Homeopathy for Shock, Grief, and Trauma: An Archetypal Approach to Healing. Homeopathy for Shock, Grief, and Trauma: An Archetypal Approach to Healing. February 3 & 4 2024, 11AM - 1PM

Practical Homeopathy Lecture 1 14/10/2023

Have you heard of homeopathy and would like to learn more about how to use it to help yourself and your family with common ailments and conditions? Are you an herbalist who is looking for a solid introduction to homeopathic medicine? Consider joining 'Practical Homeopathy for Self and Family Care' - a 12 week course. The first lecture is available at the link below.

Registration: [email protected]


Practical Homeopathy Lecture 1

Practical Homeopathy Lecture 1 22/09/2023

For the next week only, the first lecture of my new 12 week course on Practical Homeopathy will be available for viewing. For anyone who is interested, there is still time to join the course (register by writing to: [email protected]). This course will be of great interest to Herbalists who are curious about homeopathy, and who would like to deepen their study of materia medica.

In this lecture, we introduce the practice of homeopathic medicine, explore the law of similars as a universal healing principle, and begin to elaborate on the notion of the Vital Force as the foundation of health and disease. We also take a deep dive into one of the most archetypal remedies in homeopathic first-aid: Arnica montana.

Practical Homeopathy Lecture 1

Photos from Hawthorn Herbals's post 02/09/2023

If you're in, or near Prince Edward County, you may want to join this late summer plant walk, led by Tamara Hawthorn Herbals


What a fun event! Who's going?

Sunflower, Lynx & Stories with Author Abrah Arneson | The Herbalist Hour Ep. 13 24/04/2023

Sunflower, Lynx & Stories with Author Abrah Arneson | The Herbalist Hour Ep. 13 In this episode of The Herbalist Hour, I'm joined by author Abrah Arneson. We talk about our love of sunflowers, Abrah's four books she's written, a story ab...


I encourage a grow/harvest-your-own (GYO/HYO) policy when it comes to herbal medicine. Folks who come to me for herbal support know this.

If it's possible for you to harvest your medicine from your garden or land, do it!

You'll have a more potent, higher vibrational remedy. And you'll deepen your connection with the land where you live. If it's not possible, the next best thing is to get herbs that grow in gardens or wild lands near you--perhaps from a farmer/gardener, or forager.

The plants that adapt to the ecosystem where you live will be best suited to help you adapt too.

When I work with people online in distance consultations, I encourage this before I offer to send them my remedies in the mail. While I feel strongly about the strength and quality of my herbal medicines, and have good confidence in their efficacy, if you can get locally grown herbs where you live, that's often your very best option, IMHO 🌿


All are welcome!

Lady slipper Herb Gathering is a committed safe space for people of all gender identities and expressions. In calling this gathering a "women's" gathering we are not limiting the attendees to cis-gendered women. This gathering invites people of all gender identities, who may feel connected to immersing oneself in feminine energy and feminine wellness education for the weekend.


Lady Slipper is a unique event. 6 women, from different herbal traditions, plant medicine woven into every fibre of their being, sharing their experience of healing with you. I'll be telling the story of three women, all tried as witches, their grandmother and contraceptive plants. Women and herbal medicine is a history rarely told. For more info: www.everythingherbal.ca/education/lady-slipper


The children are our future and if we invest in them, while we can not know for sure what kind of world they will live in, we can rest assured we prepared them the best we could💚


Lady Slipper: A Gathering of Women and Plants

You know when that sigh of contentment, like a knowing you are in the right place, spontaneously let go. Lady Slipper: A Gathering of Women and Plants will be like that sigh. It is will a good place for you to let go.
And then there is Laurie Hoeg, an Anishinaabe Kwe and a proud member of the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation where she lives and creates in her studio by the water called “Eagles in the East”. Inspired by her First Nation culture and island surroundings, Lauri loves to create.
Come join Lauri to learn about and make your own medicine pouch to carry on your personal journey.
More information at:


Have you registered yet? :)

Have you booked your spot at Lady Slipper - a gathering of women and plants?



Help save at risk medicinal plants, one post at a time :)

It's the season! Ramps are a wonderful and tasty plant, but did you know that they are also a threatened, native species in North America?

If you do decide to harvest any this year, make sure that you do so sustainability:

- Only pick the leaves and do not uproot the entire plant.
- Take only one leaf from established plants.
- Only harvest in areas with large populations.
- Try to give back to the area and plant more Ramp seeds in the fall time.
- Don't purchase Ramps at markets or from other sellers unless you know that they are sustainability sourced.
- Share and educate others about this wonderful plant!!

It takes around 7 years for one Ramp plant to fully mature - help keep our native plants thriving and alive for many more years to come!



When I think of Lady Slipper, I kind of get teary. Its just a feeling I get that something very special will happen that weekend. Aku will be joining. I am so looking forward to getting to know this woman.
Aku is a member of the Ewe tribe of West Africa from the village of Dagbamete, in the Volta Region of Ghana. The daughter of a village priest who is also a prominent traditional psychic herbalist, Aku moved to Canada to join her husband, Conrad Richter of Richters Herbs, in 1996. She was a member of Kekeli, an African traditional drum and dance ensemble based in Toronto. She is the greenhouse manager of Richters Herbs in Goodwood where she lives with her husband and three children. In 2013, Aku was initiated as Queen Mother of her village in Ghana by the elders in an elaborate ceremony.
Check out Lady Slipper at https://everythingherbal.ca/education/lady-slipper/

Photos from The Ginkgo Tree's post 26/04/2022

We can all make a difference! Help your endangered plants!


Happy Monday.... all 20 spaces for the early planter discount for Lisa Ganora Herbal Constituents in person course in May are gone.... but because I started my seeds yesterday, waning moon in Ta**us, I am going to extend the discount to the next 5 people who register. Cost 295 plus tax as oppose to 355 plus tax...and the tax adds up.
Message me!


We are excited to host our first in person herb class after two long years of being separated from the community that we love. The class is this Saturday March 26th from 10am - 1pm at the home of the Ginkgo Tree herbal course in Cannington. We will gather outside around the fire, hopefully the weather will cooperate, but if rainy cold we will gather in our classroom.

We will be joined by Herbalist Abrah Arneson (RH), who is going to speak about the Body as Landscape.

"Herbal medicine has two parts: the herbs and the medicine. The medicine part of the herbal medicine is the relationship between the body and plants. To understand a plant's medicine is to understand this relationship. This morning workshop we will explore the healing relationship, old as time, between the body and plants. We shift our gaze to seeing the body as a landscape that shifts and changes according to the seasons and the play of the element. We will discover some ways plants can restore balance to this dynamic, complex beautiful landscape we all live within."

To register we need you to email [email protected] - keep in mind we have only five spots left guest @ 25.00 per spot.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon!

Lady Slipper - Everything Herbal 16/03/2022

cant wait for this!

Lady Slipper - Everything Herbal Join us for a unique, intimate gathering of women, herbs & plants at beautiful Kina gegoo Botanical Plant Sanctuary, August 12th to 14th, 2022

Herbal Tea for Mental & Emotional Wellness 13/02/2022

A bit about soothing nervine herbs...

Herbal Tea for Mental & Emotional Wellness I show and discuss some of my favourite herbs for a soothing nervine tea for stress, anxiety, agitation and depression. While I talk about the herbs, we watc...


Tamara on the fire element in herbs & foods...

We each bring the fire in our own ways. I build it and tend it, adding fresh logs to keep us warm. She's the sun-worshipping fiery hunter, protecting our home from rodent encroachment. Together, we connect in affection and love, which kindles the flame in our hearts and brings more light into our lives.
The fire element, with its energizing light and heat, fuels the life force that keeps us going. It consumes, defends, and metabolizes like a hungry hunter who fends for themselves. It hurts or maimes if you get too close, or are in the wrong place at the wrong time. So, as with all elements, we are called to work wisely with fire's gifts and dangers.
Some herbs resonate strongly with the fire element, helping to warm the system while also taming the fiery heat of inflammation. Turmeric is a wonderful example of this. Other herbs offer hot, quick heat that stimulates change quickly, but can easily burn. Cayenne pepper is a great example.

I'll be talking about the fire element in its many representations---from the astrological chart to the physical/mental/emotional/spiritual body to the foods, herbs and practices that help to bring it into balance---in my upcoming series "Herbs, Health, the Elements & the Moon". It starts in one week and runs weekly into mid-March. (All classes are recorded for those who miss them) Lots more info on my website, under the "Classes" menu. Check it out if you're interested in delving into the interplay of herbalism, astrology and the elements as factors influencing our health 🔥


Sometimes the earth calls up a fierce, unrelenting life force. One that survives and thrives in the face of assault, poison, disrespect and dishonour. Amidst this, it blooms and bursts with unwavering vitality. One that gathers up poison and transmutes it into soil, clean air and water to nourish more life. One that draws water into parched, exhausted lands, reconnects broken lines of communication, feeds those who have lost their food source, and provides intelligent medicine for stubborn, complex disease.
Sometimes this force seems to threaten. To cause imbalance and upheaval--even while it may in fact serve as a healing force for profound imbalance and upheaval that already exists.
This warrior force has been stepping up, louder and stronger in recent years. It is often viewed as the "problem" of "invasive" species. But I prefer to examine the many ways in which this force seems to offer profound solutions--in long term, holistic ways.

I'll be talking about the medicine of "invasive" plants in a two-part series offered through the Herbal Village platform at I hope this series reaches many, and sparks more conversation about the ways in which the earth's intelligence provides the medicines needed--even when the people don't always see it this way.


I'll be speaking about the very pertinent medicine of "invasive" plants in a two-part series offered through Wild Rose College's Herbal Village platform. Part one airs tomorrow for the first time.
It's also recorded, so it will be available to view at a different time for those interested. This is a topic that always grabs me. I'm eager to share new perspectives on the ways that these plants seem to be actually helping to bring things into balance, both in terms of healing damage to the earth, and also addressing hard-to-treat illnesses of humans in the modern day world. The earth is a highly intelligent being, much like the human body. I feel we have much to learn yet in these realms, and it is worth our while to humble ourselves and pay attention.
https://wildrosecollege.com/ #


Over the holidays I was working on The Vessel: Plants, Women and Contraception. It really exciting, a bit dark as the history contraception is, but extremely interesting. In Canada we are not really taught or do we talk about plant contraceptives. It really is time to begin. Here is a small piece on an extinct plant called Silphium which was wildly poplar with the ancient Greeks and Romans. I posted it on my website: https://www.abraherbs.com/silphium-a-plant-contraceptive/


Tamara shares a bit about some of our cold hardy herbs and their medicine...

Timeline photos 06/10/2021

Such a great book, perhaps you would like to join the book club?

Come join us for our book club tomorrow from 7Pm EST where we’ll talk about our latest book, Plants, Planets, and People by 🌿 🌎 👫


As nights become chilly, ginger poultices are our warming friend.

Last night I felt a chill. So I made a ginger kidney poultice and crawled into bed with a novel. The ginger kidney poultice is deeply warming and relaxing... perfect for a damp, cold night. Here is how to make a Ginger Poultice. It's easy. https://www.abraherbs.com/ginger-kidney-poultice-when-you-catch-a-chill/


Welcome Autumn, the time of digging up roots and sowing seeds with a story from The Weaving. Take a listen and enjoy. https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/4pJsxTPMu-c46Vw83X00djUIVNfKIJ3gyCIMMRBylpRM8DX_6mOQdZKZGYHaeAiJ.9gusEkjrgSjHGDja Passcode: 6

Book Club: Discussion with Abrah Arneson - Everything Herbal 02/09/2021

Victor sat me down and interviews me about The Weaving. It was interesting to hear his thoughts on some of themes in the book. https://everythingherbal.ca/book-club-discussion-with-abrah-arneson/

Book Club: Discussion with Abrah Arneson - Everything Herbal Join us for an Interview with Abrah Arneson as she discusses her book, The Weaving: Plants, Planets, and People for our Book Club!

The Story of the Haiti Naturopathic Clinic: An Interview with Julia Graves - Everything Herbal 01/09/2021

Victor's interview with herbalist and homeopath Juila Graves about the Haiti Naturopathic Clinic is now available on Everything Herbal. Many topics are explored in this interview, including the intersections, similarities and differences between homeopathy and herbal medicine, Haitian healing traditions, and working as a clinician in the context of disaster relief. Please consider supporting the clinic in their ongoing efforts in light of the many crises that Haiti is currently undergoing.


The Story of the Haiti Naturopathic Clinic: An Interview with Julia Graves - Everything Herbal In this interview Julia Graves talks about her use of homeopathy and herbal medicine in the Naturopathic Clinic in Haiti.

Herbalists & Herbs:

An ongoing herbal webinar series featuring 5 clinical herbalists. Stay tuned for free herbal educational offerings throughout the summer 2020 and to get to know our herbalists:

Penelope Beaudrow RH- www.ginkgotree.ca

Tamara Segal RH– www.hawthornherbals.com

Victor Cirone RH – www.victorcironeherbalist.com