Luca Mezzetto Chirurgia Vascolare

Luca Mezzetto Chirurgia Vascolare

Consultant Vascular Surgery
Altissima specialità in Chirurgia Aortica Endovascolare Advanced


Two intense days filled with learning, collaboration, and hands-on practice have come to an end at SIFARV - AOUI Verona, as the 'Vascular Surgery Suture Course' for young surgeons concluded successfully.
It was a pivotal opportunity for attendees to delve into theoretical concepts and refine their suturing techniques.
Heartfelt gratitude goes out to colleagues and friends whose invaluable contributions made this course a resounding success.

Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata Verona



Exciting sessions at the Italian Congress of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery in Milan.
Topics with large discussion on 'Laparoscopic approach in patients with Type2EL' and 'Use of CO2 in endovascular treatment of AAA'.
SICVE Society


Great session on CLI in Belfast. Talk with interesting discussion on use of transit-time flow meter as predictor of Propaten graft prognosis.
A real pleasure to share our exp with wordlwide collegues.

University Hospital of Verona
Transonic Systems Inc.
W. L. Gore & Associates