姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese

姥姥讲故事  Grandma's story in Chinese

Grandma's story include children's stories, myths, idioms, classics, historical stories, and knowled

伊索寓言:乌鸦喝水 Aasop's Fable: The crow and the pitcher by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 31/08/2022


How did crow raises the water surface? We can do an experiment and show it to our children. When encounter difficulties, we should try our best to find a way to solve the problem, just like the crow in this story.

伊索寓言:乌鸦喝水 Aasop's Fable: The crow and the pitcher by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 小朋友知道乌鸦的办法是怎样让水面升高的吗?可以做个实验看一看!遇到困难的时候,应该像故事里的乌鸦那样,尽量想办法解决问题。 How did crow raises the water surface? We can do an experiment and show it to our children. When encounter difficult...

儿童故事:小青虫的梦 Children Story: Little caterpillar's dream by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 31/08/2022


Although the cricket looked down on the little caterpillar and did not let it listen to music, the little caterpillar never gave up on music and never gave up its dream. It finally turned into a beautiful butterfly and could dance with the music.


儿童故事:小青虫的梦 Children Story: Little caterpillar's dream by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 尽管蟋蟀看不起小青虫,不让它听音乐,但是小青虫始终不放弃音乐,不放弃自己的梦想,它终于变成了美丽的蝴蝶,能够与音乐共舞。 Although the cricket looked down on the little caterpillar and did not let it listen to music, the little caterpillar n...

成语故事:自相矛盾 Idiom and Fable: The sharpest spear and the strongest shield by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 31/08/2022


This idiom comes from "Han Feizi" (3rd century BC). It refers to actions or words that are inconsistent and contradict each other.

成语故事:自相矛盾 Idiom and Fable: The sharpest spear and the strongest shield by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 这则成语出自《韩非子·难一》,比喻行事或言语先后不相应、互相抵触。 This idiom comes from "Han Feizi" (3rd century BC). It refers to actions or words that are inconsistent and contradict each other.

儿童故事:梅花鹿和山羊 Children Story: Sika deer and goat by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 28/08/2022


Sika deer and goat are best friends. But in a dangerous situation, the sika deer left its friend behind. It only needs to happen once, to lose the trust of the friend forever.


儿童故事:梅花鹿和山羊 Children Story: Sika deer and goat by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 梅花鹿和山羊是最好的朋友,可是在危机的时刻,它却丢下朋友不管了。这样的事只需发生一次,就会永远失去朋友的信任。 Sika deer and goat are best friends. But in a dangerous situation, the sika deer left its friend behind. It only needs to happen once,...

经典童话:魔鬼的三根金发 Classic Story: The devil's three blonde hair by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 28/08/2022


This story comes from "Grimm's Fairy Tales". The young and brave man not only reversed his own destiny under the blessing of good luck, but also won the respect of everyone with his wisdom and courage.

经典童话:魔鬼的三根金发 Classic Story: The devil's three blonde hair by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 这个故事出自《格林童话》,年轻勇敢的小伙子不仅在好运的眷顾下逆转了自己的命运,更是靠智慧和勇气赢得了众人的尊敬。 This story comes from "Grimm's Fairy Tales". The young and brave man not only reversed his own destiny under the blessing of good l...

伊索寓言:乌鸦和狐狸 Aesop's Fable: Raven and fox by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 26/08/2022

伊索寓言:乌鸦和狐狸 Aesop's Fable: Raven and fox by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 乌鸦为什么会受狐狸的骗呢?世上有不少骗子,他们的骗术并不一定高明,为什么总有人受骗?受骗的人都像乌鸦一样,吃了虚荣和贪婪的亏。 Why are crows deceived by foxes? There are many liars in the world, and their tricks are not necessarily brill...

儿童故事:萤火虫找朋友 Children Story: Firefly looking for friends by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 26/08/2022

儿童故事:萤火虫找朋友 Children Story: Firefly looking for friends by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 萤火虫一整天都在找朋友,可是为什么一个朋友都没有找到呢?听了这个故事,小朋友会明白,一个从不愿为朋友付出的人,是很难找到好朋友的。 The firefly was looking for friends all day, but why didn't it find any friend? After listening to this ...

中国民间故事:三个和尚 Chinese Folklore: Three monks by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 24/08/2022

As the saying goes: One monk carries water by himself, two monks carry water together, and three monks have no water. This is a simple but philosophical story. According to this saying, Shanghai Fine Arts Film Studio made an animated film in 1980, which won many awards at the time.

中国民间故事:三个和尚 Chinese Folklore: Three monks by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 俗语说:一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃。这是一个看起来浅显,却很有哲理的故事。根据这个俗语,上海美术电影制片厂在1980年拍了一部动画电影,在当时获得了很多大奖。 As the saying goes: One monk carries wat...

中外经典:海的女儿 Classic Story: The little mermaid by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 26/04/2022

中外经典:海的女儿 Classic Story: The little mermaid by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 中外经典:海的女儿 Classic Story: The little mermaid

儿童故事:退休的鞋子 Children Story: Retired shoes by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 16/04/2022

儿童故事:退休的鞋子 Children Story: Retired shoes by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 小动物们用穿旧的鞋子建游乐场!看看他们都有哪些新奇的主意吧! See how little animals build playgrounds out of old shoes!

中外经典:小红帽 Classic Story: Little Red Riding Hood by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 16/04/2022

中外经典:小红帽 Classic Story: Little Red Riding Hood by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 小红帽和大灰狼的故事,出自格林童话。 The story of Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf is from Grimm's fairy tale.

儿童故事:小猴子摘桃 Children Story: The little monkey picks peaches by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 10/04/2022

儿童故事:小猴子摘桃 Children Story: The little monkey picks peaches by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 小猴子想带一个好东西回家,它一会儿想要桃子,一会儿想要西瓜,一会儿想要小兔子。它能成功吗? The little monkey wanted to bring home something great. First he wanted a peach, then change to watermelon, and change to little rabbit again. Will the little monke...

中外经典:卖火柴的小女孩儿 Classic story: The little match girl by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 10/04/2022

中外经典:卖火柴的小女孩儿 Classic story: The little match girl by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 这篇安徒生的经典童话让每个听过的人久久难忘。 "The Little Match Girl" is a literary fairy tale by Danish poet and author Hans Christian Andersen.

儿童故事:寒号鸟 Children story: Bird howling in the cold by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 05/04/2022

儿童故事:寒号鸟 Children story: Bird howling in the cold by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 冬天就要来了,有一只鸟儿却不着急搭窝,它能度过寒冬吗? Winter is coming, there is a bird that is not in a hurry to build a nest. Can it survive the cold winter?

成语寓言:叶公好龙 Idiom and Fable: Ye Gong is fond of dragons by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 05/04/2022

成语寓言:叶公好龙 Idiom and Fable: Ye Gong is fond of dragons by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 成语寓言:叶公好龙 Idiom and Fable: Ye Gong is fond of dragons

中外名著:桌子金驴和棍子 Classic story: Table, golden donkey, and stick by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 02/04/2022

中外名著:桌子金驴和棍子 Classic story: Table, golden donkey, and stick by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 中外名著:桌子金驴和棍子 Classic story: Table, golden donkey, and stick

文化知识:纷纷细雨说清明 Culture knowledge: Qingming festival by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 01/04/2022

文化知识:纷纷细雨说清明 Culture knowledge: Qingming festival by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 清明节快到了,你知道清明节的来历,特别的习俗,以及有趣的美食吗? The Qingming Festival is coming soon. Do you know the origin, special customs and interesting food of Qingming Festival?

中国神话:大禹治水 Chinese mythology: Great Yu controlling the flood by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 30/03/2022

中国神话:大禹治水 Chinese mythology: Great Yu controlling the flood by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 相传大禹是鲧的儿子,接替父亲未完成的事业和洪水对抗,是中华民族几千年来敬仰的英雄人物。 Great Yu was Gun's son, who took over his father's unfinished task and fought against the flood. He is a hero who has been admired by the Chinese nation for thousands of ...

儿童故事:小丑鱼 Children Story: The clown fish by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 29/03/2022

儿童故事:小丑鱼 Children Story: The clown fish by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 儿童故事:小丑鱼 Children Story: The clown fish

成语寓言:胸有成竹 Idiom and Fable: Well-thought-out plan by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 28/03/2022

成语寓言:胸有成竹 Idiom and Fable: Well-thought-out plan by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 画竹前竹子的完美形象已在胸中,比喻处理事情之前已有完整的谋划打算。 This is a story about having grown an image of bamboo in one's mind, when trying to draw a bamboo plant.

儿童故事:我们的树屋 Children Story: Our Treehouse by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 27/03/2022

儿童故事:我们的树屋 Children Story: Our Treehouse by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 造一个树屋,让好朋友们都来一起玩儿,大概是每个小朋友都梦想得到的吧! Building a tree house and inviting good friends come and play together is probably every child's dream!

传说故事:猎人海力布 Folklore: The hunter Hai Li Bu by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 25/03/2022

传说故事:猎人海力布 Folklore: The hunter Hai Li Bu by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 海力布是一个好心的猎人,一天他得到了一块神奇的石头,使他能听懂所有动物说的话…… Hai Li Bu is a kind hunter. One day he got a magical stone that enables him to understand all the animals say...

儿童故事:狐狸和猫 Children Story: The fox and the cat by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 24/03/2022

儿童故事:狐狸和猫 Children Story: The fox and the cat by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 儿童故事:狐狸和猫 Children Story: The fox and the cat

中国神话:鲧治水 Chinese mythology: Gun controlling the flood by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 23/03/2022

中国神话:鲧治水 Chinese mythology: Gun controlling the flood by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 鲧从天帝那里盗取息壤,用来给人间治水。 Gun stole the soil from the Emperor of Heaven and used it to control the flood in the world.

儿童故事:大象森林里的小小象 Children Story: A small elephant in the elephant forest by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 22/03/2022

儿童故事:大象森林里的小小象 Children Story: A small elephant in the elephant forest by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 玩具小小象梦想着有一天可以到森林里,和真正的大象在一起。 The toy little elephant dreams of going to the forest one day and meet real elephants.

成语寓言:杞人忧天 Idiom and fable: Qi people worry about the sky falling by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 21/03/2022

成语寓言:杞人忧天 Idiom and fable: Qi people worry about the sky falling by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 这则成语出自《列子,天瑞》,用来讽刺那些不必要的担心。 This idiom comes from "Liezi, Tian Rui", which is used to satirize those unnecessary worries.

儿童故事:地球清洁工 Children Story: The earth cleaners by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 20/03/2022

儿童故事:地球清洁工 Children Story: The earth cleaners by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 这个科学小故事让孩子了解保护环境的重要。 This little science story teaches children the importance of protecting the environment.

中外名著:爱心树 Classic story: The loving tree by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 19/03/2022

中外名著:爱心树 Classic story: The loving tree by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 从前有一棵树,它很爱一个男孩儿,男孩儿也很爱它…… Once upon a time, there was a tree. He loved a boy, and the boy loved him.

中国神话:夸父追日 Chinese mythology: Kua Fu chase the sun by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 18/03/2022

中国神话:夸父追日 Chinese mythology: Kua Fu chase the sun by 姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese 夸父为了他的族群要和太阳赛跑!这个神奇的故事让我们看到中华民族的祖先战胜自然的愿望和决心。 For the interest of his clan, Kuafu decided to race against the sun! This special story shows the desire and determination of the Chinese ancestors to conquer natur...