

African Church gal was birthed out of the need to help teenagers, young adults, know more about them


Dear Parents,
How has life as a parent been? I guess not easy...
I just have something to tell you...

Yes, you are going through a lot to provide and protect but the major thing a child, teenager or this Generation Z wants is;
_Affection and

Money doesn't cover these things! While you're giving and providing "money", please pay attention to their real needs!

Many young children are going through alot (Cultism, drugs, depression, prostitution, etc) as a result of neglect from parents/guardian just in the bid to feel wanted, accepted, heard etc and they will show you the side you want to see and leave their main side outside while others don't care what you think!

Be a friend!
Listen and listen and keep listening before you give your opinion and in most cases, keep you opinion first and reach out till they're calm enough to listen to you.

To be continued....

Happy 2nd Mother's day of 2023


Hello Human god!

We are back!!!!

For everyone that has stayed put, we really appreciate and for new followers, you guys are beyond amazing😘

Yes give yourself more value including what you give out and allow to come in!

You remain, PRICELESS!

*x #


Happy New Year Friends!

Photos from African.churchgal's post 06/12/2021

Meet the woman with a child barely a month old that sells bottle water to feed her child on a highway! She's a street hawker and she's one of the many that inspired PROJECT REACHOUT! Let's celebrate Christmas for this woman! Looking for a way to set up a business for her so she can stay away from the highway cos it's not just risky for her but for the little baby. If you can help, please reach out to me, let's get her off the highway🙏🏽


Have you seen how expensive things are?
Have you seen how these so called 'government touts' harass these street hawkers?

I watched one as they carried her goods- she was heavily pregnant (should be around 8months, her tummy was really big), she cried and begged but they threw her things into their bus and drove off!

Many might not meet up, please can we help?

Photos from African.churchgal's post 01/12/2021

So while growing up, I watched my mum give out free bags of rice almost every other month, not because we were that wealthy but we had more than we needed! In fact a bag of rice we were eating from once spoilt before it went half! Mind you, rice is almost a daily food in my house, we weren't the sunday-rice-only-day family!

But guess what?
Some few years ago, on one faithful Christmas, there wasn't a grain of rice in the house and it really made me think of how many families haven't had the privileges I had while growing up!

Join me let's give about 100 families rice and other food items to celebrate Christmas with!


Have you ever tried carrying something heavy on your head for 30mins under the Nigerian 12pm sun?
Personally, I can't carry even 10litres of water on my head for 5mins because my neck will become stiff!

It's the Christmas season and we have this project to reach out to at least 100 street hawkers with at least N5000 worth of food items!

Christmas is about Christ and Christ is About Giving!

We can't do it alone, we need your partnership!
Please feel free to call the number or send a DM!


Keep pressing on!
Whenever I get to that junction that I feel I can't go on and I notice I'm slipping into depression, I quickly find my happy place...

My two favorite places are;
1. God's presence; Oh I'm free there to cry it all out to Him, tell Him how weak I am at that moment and how much I desire His help!
2. I love water- beach especially, rain on my face, pool: Oh the beach especially helps me a lot, I enjoy the wind on my face, get to play and free my mind!
Oh the rain on my face?🙈 While taking a long walk, I could cry and no one will notice and I talk with My King( priceless moments)!

Find your happy place!
Miracles don't meet you in depression!
I love you!


Yes the truth is bitter and today we have to say it!
Even in death, your life can still count!



Our stories are different!
Our journey isn't on the same route!
But Our destination is One!


Happy International day of the Girl Child!
Your dreams are valid!
You matter!
Don't let anyone silence your voice!
Speak up!
Don't hold back!
The world awaits you!


Queens pray for their Kings!

When last did you pray for him?

Oh you've been praying for him and it seems he's never coming?

Queens don't quit!
Pray again Darling, God is listening!

Even in this generation where divorce has become a plan B even before marrage, may we find that someone that doesn't have that word as part of his makeup!

No one is perfect, find that one you can live with his/her imperfections for life!

You're valuable😘


Hi beautiful,
So something been happening to me for over 2weeks, I noticed my smooth face was making very rough and Oh how that has been a huge issue to me so I got praying about it and I was led to check my makeup stuffs and lo and behold most have expired😳 even up to a year🙉, And I had no idea!

So Darling take this evening to check your makeup bag and remove the expired items so you keep looking fresh!

I love you😘


It's okay to feel lost sometimes!
Everyone does...

Today I heard of a banker that committed su***de- a young lady.

Stop beating yourself so much, enjoy every moment!

Since last week I decided to take a break from work and just rest and be taken care of by myself especially- took myself out, gave to people, gave for charity, played, danced, 'jonzed' etc! Not because I have so much- oh you will be shocked at my acct balance and definitely not because I'm where I want to be, no I'm not close BUT I intentionally chose to be happy!

Be truly happy!
You're specially loved😘


Sometimes people appear so strong that we forget to check up on them and most times when we do is to end up saying things we feel is okay to say not knowing its bad timing!
Many are living on a slim life wire, be nice next time with your so called advice/comment!


So while growing up, I wasn't opportuned to grow up in a topical African home( will tell this part someday). Somehow the feeling of 'I don't belong' creped in and I had a very low self esteem and to cover it up, I built very high walls.
I was lacking something vital which wasn't my fault, when I opened up to some people I was mocked, insulted, judged and even blamed, oh I grew thicker walls with attitude to shield myself with the deepening low self-esteem that I was battling with of which not many knew.
This continued for many years till I realized...


That you were not wanted or have faced rejection doesn't mean you also have to reject yourself- Even if you made a mistake!

FORGIVENESS is the first step in healing of Rejection! It hurts, trust me I know the pains! At a point in my life, I realized that each time I get hurt, I start having severe heart pains!
Oh Darling, this girl writing this has felt the pain of rejection and guess what? I'm happier than ever!

You too can heal...
Forgive today....
You're loved by me😘
(Feel free to chat me up, I can share more)


Welcome back Priceless😘

In African, we are accustomed to the term, 'bride price' which is paid by the man to the woman's father/family.
It's a thing of pride and honor for the woman especially and her father, a mark of respect.

Today, most villages has turned that ceremony as a time to reap the soon to be couples of the money they have and so most have chosen to neglect this symbol of honor and pride....

**What do you think???**


Guess what?
When Man sinned, he lost his place in God and in other to get it back, someone needed to pay to redeem him and so when Jesus volunteered to redeem man, He was told he couldn't do that with sliver or gold or diamonds or any precious stone on earth or in heaven but it required a Price of HIS BLOOD!
His Blood was the bride price paid to give us our honor and pride as His bride and Respect to God our father!

You and I were redeemed with the most expensive price ever! The costliest bride price was paid for your dignity, honor and pride to be restored! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

You remain, PRICELESS!


You're not alone Beautiful....


Thank God it's truly Friday!
What new thing will you be trying?

Timeline photos 19/05/2021

It's never an option!
Life doesn't end here!
Don't make an eternal mistake!
You're not alone!


Can I invite you?
Lunch on me if you come...

Timeline photos 24/04/2021

Dear Churchgal,
Was I wrong? Or maybe he felt I wasn't proud of him so I kept him like a secret! He was special... I wasn't in a hurry to share him, I just wanted to enjoy our relationship with no one involved- just the two of us!
But I still lost him!
Where did I go wrong??

Hi beautiful,
It's another Secret Saturday!
PS; Remember you can always send a DM of any issue bothering you.

In relationships we try to try different approaches that will suit our present relationship and sometimes we make the decision one sided- find out if your partner is really okay with it.

Secondly, sometimes when someone special comes our way, we tend to keep them hidden, away from people around us plus wagging mouth!
I've been in such a relationship, he was really special, I told him he shouldn't tell anyone yet and I wouldn't tell too but I didn't get his opinion... Also I was scared he liked me but not loved me and I was scared it wouldn't last but...

Lolz, today isn't about me😂 back to the matter...

Tell at least a close friend about your relationship, let there be someone that knows about you two. Even if you both don't end up together, let there be someone you can tell, 'oh I miss him small'😂

Thirdly, hey beautiful, don't blame yourself, if he didn't make an effort to stay, don't make an effort to belittle yourself! You're priceless!
Move on!
Be better than you were!

Whatever will be yours, will definitely be yours!

Timeline photos 20/04/2021

****Having liked this guy for over 2years, I was always willing to do whatever he wanted to satisfy him even allowing him touch me in places that weren't his to touch.
Oh it made me feel so dirty afterwards, he knew my stand but couldn't agree with me and made me feel bad for refusing him some pleasures...

Hi beautiful,
Yes there is a difference between LOVE and LUST!

LUST deals more with physical attractions and selfish desires while,
LOVE deals more with selflessness, long term, deeper emotional connection and, usually, a desire to make that relationship last.

LUST focuses on looks, body, s*x, fantasy talks and avoids discussing real feelings.

Dearie, yes we all want to give out love and receive it back but let's be careful of what we are receiving in place of love!

Whatever you give out in a relationship that comes between God and His principles are not worth it!

If you allow yourself to really love YOURSELF, you will know when what you're receiving is LUST! their fruits you shall know them...

You're not alone...
If you need to talk to someone, you can chat me up.

You're loved😘


Timeline photos 19/04/2021

When last did you hear that question?
When last did you ask yourself that question?


Hope you had some 'MOMENTS MONDAY'? 😉

At on point or the other we try to discover ourselves. First we are asked the question then at we point we start asking ourselves same question!

Most times in a bit to answer and the process of discovery, we start imitating others and sometimes we totally get lost in becoming someone else other than ourselves!


Consider this; there are three of you;
-The you, you think you are,
-The you that people think you are,
-The you that God knows you are and can be through Christ!

Have you ever heard people talk about you and you're like that can't be me, I guess they are talking about someone else😂
Oh trust me, I've been in that shoes severally but guess what, that was me that they think I am!

It's only the manufacturer that knows everything about his product more than anyone else or even the product!

The real YOU, is the You that God knows you are!
One prayer I always pray is;

That I may see myself the way God sees me!

Trust me the view is so much better!🤗

Timeline photos 10/04/2021

How did I get here?
Just one moment of pleasure and I'm at this injection??

Hi beloved,
Have you read this scripture-

Ps.127.3 - Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward.

Is it just me or have you ever wondered why God will REWARD a woman that was r***d with a child?

Or why will God give as heritage to two Believers or one strong believer that fell for the split seconds of pleasure?

PS; I'm not in support of Adultery or Fornication or s*x outside the confines of Marriage- God's principles stands!!!

Dearie, take a rest...
Yes the mistake have been made!
We all have made a mistake at one point or the other!

Whatever mistake you've made, God knew you would do that and yes His plans for you are still plans of God and not of evil!

For every mistake, God has a plan so instead of running away from God, run to Him!

Yes it wouldn't be easy- the looks, the critics, the blames, the rejections etc, if only you will stay with God, He will turn it around for God!

You're loved😘

*x ********on

Timeline photos 09/04/2021

It's Friday!
Our series on Friday will be centred on;

Hello Priceless,
Have you ever had doubts about this One God Christians worship?

Are you a Christian because you were born in a Christian home?

In fact, why are you still answering a Christian?

In my little journey, I've met people who for one reason or the other decided that God wasn't real and chose to walk away..

But guess what?

He is Real!!!

Yes! I'm not saying it because my mother taught me about God from day 1 of my birth or my pastor has kept preaching about that!


There are TWO EXPERIENCES that every true Believer or follower of Christ must have in other not to fall out in this shaky times!

1.) The Legal side of salvation; This is when you accept Christ as your Lord and personal Savior as a result of Conviction!

2.) The experimental side of salvation; This is when you have a personal experience of God's existence and encounter with Him!

Oh God wants to reveal Himself to us more than we want to even know Him!

-The experimental side of salvation hangs on the legal side of salvation. The legal part lays the foundation for the experimental part!

PS; Show me a man that has stopped believing in God and His Christ and I will show you a man that hasn't experienced an encounter with His Maker!

God is real!!!

Timeline photos 06/04/2021

How was your day really?
Of a true, putting this love number wasn't an easy decision but I understand the pressure in our generation!

Are you about make that last decision of living planet earth by yourself,

Tired of everything and just need an ear to listen while to vent your hurt or pour your heart out, about talking to someone that cares, a stranger, a secret holder, a new friend?

That's who .churchgal is!

I've had times and times again that all I wanted to do was call up a stranger and talk and probably cry and I will be okay but....

You can call because we really care...
We might not do much but we can listen...


Timeline photos 06/04/2021

I've known her for two years, I guess at some point I felt something towards her but she wasn't giving me the feed back I needed...
Fast forward to 2 months ago I came into her state and finally met her best friend she has always spoken about and I think I'm head over hills in love with her...
But while spending time during the period I came around, she confessed she had feelings for me and that it was her best friend that convinced her to tell me about her feelings...
What do I do?
How do I tell her bestfriend that I'm in love with her now and her that I'm not in love with her, that I just want us to be friends!

Hi Gracious one,
Compliment of the season!
Christ really died...

Back to our discuss, talk about complicated issue then you wouldn't be far from describing the heart and it's love feelings?

Most times dear brother, when you like a lady even if you think she's in a relationship, please tell her, don't just assume she understands/ knows! Speak out your feelings! Most ladies doesn't know till someone points it out but sometimes it might be very late!

Secondly, dear caring friend/best friend, I know you want the best for your friend but be careful how you push your friend while pointing out heart matters!

Thirdly, dear sister when a guy is showing uncommon attention, find out his motive, be sure you both are on the same page to avoid showing your feelings when his has been withdrawn!

Fourthly, dear brother, how sure are you of the feelings you have? What made you stop loving sister A might make you stop loving sister B. Be careful with your feelings so you don't come in between friends!
Straightened things with Sister A before speaking with Sister B.

PS; what are your thoughts and advice?

Timeline photos 30/03/2021

I've been in love with him for 4years now and it's still a one sided love affair...

Why can't my heart stop loving him?
Why can't I love another and be at peace again?

All I want is to help him achieve his dreams!
In his dream, lies my dream too...

Hello, Hello, Hello,
Yes you, yea I mean youuuuuu!

Firstly, it's not your duty to find him, it's his assigned responsibility to fine you! Adam found Eve and so did all the mighty men in the Bible. All you need is to position yourself well😉

Secondly, yes you are created to be a helpmate but that does not mean you can't discover and pursue purpose before he finds you!

In fact, finding purpose is the best position ground!

Be a Virtuous woman! Don't wait idle to be found- start doing something!

PS; sometimes what we think is a strong love for someone might not be for relationship or even marriage purpose... Sometimes it's soft spot that will make us listen to that one in other to find purpose!

You're stronger than you think!


Some days, I just don't want to wake up or if I do then I don't want to do anything- not even eat...

The pressure...

As an a lot is expected of you...
your family, your church, your friends, your neighbors, even the unbelievers...

expects you to have it all figured out!!!

Some days I just want to scream but it will be misconstrued!

I know the pressure, I go through it too, so you're not alone!

And guess what?
Majority of us, if not everyone on earth doesn't have it all figured out!
Take a deep breath, don't push yourself to depression!
Don't allow the social media lifestyle or the lifestyle of your mates or even that lady that just joined church last 3months and it seems God has all His attention on her, make you go into depression!

He will never leave you or forsake you!
He plans towards you are of Good and not evil...

His Attention is still on you and He is working out things in your favor!

You're loved and valued!

Videos (show all)

Queens pray for their Kings!When last did you pray for him?Oh you've been praying for him and it seems he's never coming...
Yes marriages might be breaking!Spouses might be cheating!Martial problems might be pushing many to divorce!But..'The co...
