indu Gupta

indu Gupta

The journey has been eventful. These are lessons, gleaned along the way.


We have come a long long way...from the stone and bronze the age of inventions and scientific discoveries. The human mind has been growing in the most wonderful ways.
We now stand at the next logical stage of growth, expansion of human consciousness...
I am getting ready, are you???


I see a new Earth rising
Its time is drawing close,
I know.
I feel it in the air I breathe
It's everywhere, I go.

The time of the great awakening,
as shadows , exposed...
Begin to fall away.
And the new Earth arises,
Unscathed, from the ashes,
Of hatred,
Of anger
And despair...
The illusion crumbles,
The matrix lies revealed.
Laid bare ,
And held powerless,
As we wake up from the dream..

It is the fear of dying,
Dying, unheard.....unseen.
That turns this world into a great conundrum,
Of a countless, clashing dreams.
Of thoughts that weave the fabric,
Of a world we choose to see.
And deeds conjure them to life,
They construct reality.

But chaos,
only gains momentum,
When our dreams collide.
Mine, I hold above all else
Yours, I banish ,
In unconsciousness,
To my unloved side.

Today I choose to forgive my world,
And all that is 'done to me',
I lay down my arms in silence,
And my shield and armour too,
All judgements of the 'other'
Of who should stand with whom.

Today I offer healing,
Just as I have received.
For I can only give to you,
From what has been given me.
Love and peace and joy I am.
To you, I offer these...
Letting go of all I fear
I embrace,




What do I do to feed this hunger,
That grows within my depths?
It writhes and it rumbles
It churns inside my chest.
It carries all my eloquence ,
Upwards, through my throat,
There it sizzles awhile,
upon my tongue,
Then vanishes into wisps of smoke...
Keeping another form,
from being born,
before I even spoke.

And I fall back into the empty space,
left by that rush of words,
Covered in the ashes ,
Of thoughts that were never heard.
Swallowed up ,into that abyss,
of a myriad dying dreams.
Where wisdom waits in silence ,
Waits for me to cease my trying,
So I can hear her speak...


Paint medium, embellished, acrylic pour.



Pain may feel real
in the moment,
It dulls
when sensation dies.
leaving behind
the illusion called,
Made up of thoughts
that plague the mind.
And one day I know,
These lines will grow,
faint, as I ,
Prepare to fly...

So , for now,
I fold my wings,
I shed my skins,
Like a moth ,
Letting go,
Of percipience,
I am drawn,
into the light.
And death,
It is not the end,
it's just a doorway,
That leads into ,
the rest of life.


Paint medium: Acrylic pour and epoxy.



I wake up so slow,
On this expanse
of nescience,
To find,
the struggling mind,
Like a troublesome child,
led firmly ,
down this
Winding road...
of dwindling words,
like crumbs for birds...
Vanishing ...
in a gust of breeze.
They leave ,behind,
This screaming dirge,
of words ,
still unheard...
Meandering ,slowly,
into a dribble,
then to a trickle.
And in a burble ,
they are gone.
Washed into the vacuity,
of a wordless , maelstrom .
The self is sucked
into nihility,
On a vacant path,
Of Murky mirrors,
and shattered glass,
That holds
but puffs of smoke ,
and shadows ,
of the past.
Each unreflecting ...
A lacuna profound,
No sound,
No form,
And I am gone,
stripped , stand I,
Of all pretense,
Of old notions,
they make no sense...
Now, they lay
scattered around me,
my absence.
Yet am I whole,
More alive ,
than I could ever be.
In step with all eternity.
I see love,
It begins to pour me,
into a single,
gushing dance,
Unbound ,
brimming free.
I can see,
We are one!

Life and me.

Ah! Life!
It wears me .
Wears me.....perfectly.



Love begins in me. To love another truly, I must first learn to love myself.


Love is seeing myself reflected,
In another's eyes.

Love is recognising the oneness,
That in all creation lies.

It cries out to me, in all I see.
And yet my eyes are blind.
Veiled with thoughts ,
Of how I'd suffer,
If I should let it slide.
So I spent my days,
Digging chasms of hate.


what's yours ,


what is mine....

But one day, I shall learn to love myself ,
And begin to know and feel...
And be brought into that stillness,
The place where blind men see.
That place where all of life springs forth,
That place which begins inside of me.



I am quick to judge 'another', forgetting that we are all one and the same.


Walking down
the street today,
I saw her,
And wondered
who she was,
That face ,
That I had never,
seen before,
Yet the memory
Of it arose,
so familiar...
Like a photograph
from the past,
decrepit , decaying,
Yet, so very dear.

I seemed to know
each line,
upon that face.
Etched deep,
with worry
and with care,
The faded lights ,
Of her greying hair
Dangling about her
sunken cheeks,
in woeful clumps ,
of dark despair.
The hands,
blistered and worn,
From holding on,
Wrestling outcomes,
Through her life ,
And then digging graves
For her dreams that died.

And the awesome wonder,
That once shone
in her callow eyes ,
and strangled...
by smothered hopes.
And hypocritical lies.
She carried the weight
of insecurities,
Bearing them heavy,
upon her thighs.
Dreams that she
gave succour to,
She nurtured
day and night,
They hung limp
about her ageing bosom,
Shrivelled up and dry....

The image brought me to sudden stillness
As a tear escaped my eye.
And all my judgements
I felt them trickle down my sides
As I stood there melting,
Dissolved in trembling sighs...
It began to dawn on me...
It took me by surprise!
That face!
So tired and forlorn,
That face! I could have sworn...
That face!
From so many years ago,
That face ,
It was no other,
That face,
It was my own .




Oh! To hear, the jubilant cry,
of a tiny tree,
As it breaks out through the earth,
Unfurls itself towards
the sky,
in that unheard song
of birth.

Imagine the muffled groan,
of a caterpillar,
to grab the other leaf.
The noiseless swish of a butterfly's wings,
As it brushes across your cheek,
And mama birds,
mum kisses, on her babies head,
The muted muddy conversation,
of earthworms,
Fixing flower beds.
Or, the unheard 'flop' when a spider, drops ,
a spool of thread...
Have you ever observed
A marching army
of ants disperse ,
From the meandering course,
Of a stomping centipede?
Scattering in sheer terror, of his hundred thundering feet!!
Don't you love the soundless giggles
of the reeds,
As they are tickled
by whispy fingers of the mist?
And then the soundless 'plop',
Of those happy little drops,
As they slide down ,
to the ground,
Without a sound...
And are swallowed by the earth,
did I really hear a burp?)
Then they laughing, journey through roots and trunks and leaves,
chatter and pit-patter
Then inaudibly, scatter,
into the breeze.
Like happy children,
returning to the sky.
To await their turn
On the next trip down,
Of a roller coaster ride.




My life too ,was spent,
adding words ,
to the endless babble ,
that floods the earth.
Voices drowning
in their own drivel ,
Each wying to be heard...
Maybe someday,
The sounds abate,
Melt into,
a quieter day...
The day when,
All words run out...
With silenced thoughts
The doing stops
And the world begins to see.
You ... me,
the breeze,
the trees,
tattered egos,
Like fallen leaves...
Gathered rustling,
About our feet.

With the voices
Steadily ,
growing hoarse,
the very last
distracted word,
Spoken and dispersed...
A hush, quietly ,
fiills the earth.
As we wait,
Our silence...
It floats up...
And is softly merged
with all around....
....The last pretention,
hits the ground,
With a mighty thud,
That does resound,
And strike a chord
in every heart!
As reigning chaos,
Is rent apart...
And in that stillness
Love comes forth .
Silent sounds ,
of change
Are heard.
And peace does emerge
from every the earth stands
Still and purged.



You ask, 'who am I?'
The finger points you
To the sky
Look up !
Thats us
There's no you,
There is no I ,
Only source,
The universe,
that perfect,
living awareness
That words
cannot express .
And your form and mine,
But, clusters of dust,
In that living light of consciousness.
You and I
In the separate sense
Live but within the dream.
Once awake
We dont exist .
And yet,
we never cease to be .





I , a drop,
Of the essence of God.
Distilled , upon the earth .
For a while ,
afloat on this little boat.
This whithering form,
Of which, I am identified.
I recalled, once more,
How I had been,
so wonderfully,
so lovingly made,
Then expressed
upon this plane ,
of breath,
And of forgetfulness.
Left here in love,
to collect ,
In my laughter
and in my tears,
precious scents,
Experience, love ,
and meet with fear.
Savour flavours.
Absorb alien smells.
Glean shadows
from the toils of day,
decoct colours
from the night...
All of these,
then would be,
added to whatever
lives or dies..
Each extracted drop,
Of me, infused, into,
The, quintessence,
of all life.



A drop
In this sea of love and stillness,
On a little leaf ,Im steered,
So much love surrounds me,
But I hold fast, on to fear.
The rising wind, rocks my tiny float,
I tremble, but can't let go.
His icy fingers, hold me down,
Tightening, with the ebb and flow.
I hear, Fears' rasping voice ,
As he worms terror, into my ear.
My helpless cries, arise,
They take me, up,
They raise me high,
Then break me,
till I am, finally ,
Flung deep,
into surrender...
It was in the stillness of the depths,
That vision began to clear.
Memory came rushing back,
I remembered...!!
who I was!
My purpose...
The reason I was here .

The epiphany,
It stilled me,
the heart grew quiet,
And ears began to hear.
In that beating silence,
The Father's voice
Below ,
the mother's gentle form ,
Laid on a bed
of endless love.
In me they meet.
In me they animate.
In me they are,




I know,
this does sound absurd,
but I feel ,
I have just emerged,
Like a genie ,
from a magic lamp
After years and years
of living cramped,
Inside a limiting version of me.

And as I waited patiently,
There, upon the verge ,
I began ,
to understand,
The murmurings
I had heard,
One form of me,
Would cease to be,
So my resplendence
Could emerge.

And even though I,
Still couldnt fly,
I was that rapidly
growing grub,
That lay curled ,
with, it's waxing wings,
Dreaming of the sky .
And revelling in the wonder,
Of someday ,
becoming, a butterfly.

And now,
I recall the darkness
Wherein I was formed
Forged in pain and joy ,
And love and hate and loss.
It was in the black of that cocoon,
That I realised,
There's no such thing as darkness,
It's just an absence
of the light.



Holding on to outcomes.
Fish tailing through my life.
Swerving at each hurdle
Instead of letting go
and flying.....
I thought I was in control,
But life had other plans
It took the reins ,
And chucked them far,
out of my bleeding ,calloused hands.
Then! Oh lord!
What a ride it was!!
One I wish would never end.



The wonder of the universe
Like a never ending stream,
Courses through this body
Rushing through my veins
And I am able,
to do all things well.
Because the one who dwells
and breathes through me,
Harnesses , the winds...
And commands ,
Great thunderstorms,
To pulse the power of that lightening,
gently through my being.




Let me
Flow free
In and out of you.
And under ,
Lift up,
And carry you...
to your boundaries
Your existential needs
Your groaning cries
For validation...
Wailing, "Look"...
"Edify me!! '...
So you raise me up
Then dash me down
You try so very hard
To twist
To bend
To break me
upon your jagged parts...
...but I flow still...
I flow, beyond
Set boundaries,
The borders
Of your mind,
I smooth the furrows
of your brow,
Where you laid me,
Enshrined, by
disapproving perceptions
Your mental confines.
Laying trapped
under the shadow of,
the overhanging
boulders of your mind...

...and far beyond the limits,
Of your carefully gleaned beliefs,
I wait,
I weep,
I will ,
I go on still..


...I AM...
I am love
I am you in me
I am me in you
A river of truth,
Love, unconditional,
That weaves all
Into its breast.
With arms
wide open
Eyes closed,
Shut tight,
I wait for you
To find me
in plain sight.
I am right here.

Photos from indu Gupta's post 02/11/2022


One day I met the stillness
And my defenses fell.
It was my very first encounter
With the me that dwells
Beyond this form .
and deep within
That volt that I had built...and...
I found myself inside the silence,
Between each word I spoke.
I was there in the quiet stillness,
Of every pause that bore,
My indrawn breath
to meet, the next,
released into the world.
There I AM !
upon that bridge...
That bridge,
that joined me,
to my soul...and...
My breath,
is the breath of the universe
In unison we breathe
poured out am I
With every pulse
Into its flow
Its heave...
This heart beats along,
to the rhythm of its song,
And this form,
Its expression of me.
I am but ,
a concept born,
into this grand
illusion ,
You call,

I am that space where all things happen.



I am that space,
that fiery furnace
Where the truth of me
is formed
With pain and guilt
and anguish,
I am smelted ,strong.
Bellows blowing,
Upon my sandy walls.
I melt ,
refined ,
I am burnished,
Into clear glass,
unblemished ,
incandescent ,
the flame within,
Me, visible at last.

So I hold up my light
Unfloundering ,
This time,
I can finally see!
I look around
And find,
All the paths,
I had walked
In search of home,
All leading back to me.

I am that space where all things happen.



So now,
I sit here at the shore
Of this endless sea
of thought.
In my stillness I observe
How it's ebb and flow is wrought.
I watch each word as it appears,
Out of the ever living mist ,
taking on the colour
of my mood
and the strength
of my desire ,
my bliss.
And I follow it down,
as it is poured,
Like water,
it flows,
Into my head.
Unquenched, as I,
Riding unbridled,
On my tongue
And all its eloquence.
It slips from my mouth,
Hangs in a cloud ,
Then escapes on a wave
Into the world...
To then return,
To its place,
If birth,
That endlessly ,
formless swirl
Of all consciousness .
And I...
I am that space ,
where all thoughts
take shape,
And form words
And notions,
propell ...
Into motion,
The parts of which
I am made.

I am that space where all things happen.



And as I gaze upon me in wonder
I see myself construed,
Of tiny shreds,
And every speck ,
Is my perception ,
Of all I have lived through. believing I was those little bits,
That shaped this form ,
you know as me.
But I have been told
What you behold
It certainly isn't ,
what you should see!
I am the light that shines
and intertwines,
These floating dots called me.
These tiny specks of stardust ,
And bits of dried up leaves.
Shards from broken tortoise shells,
and the grit off sharks teeth.
Butterfly wings, and spiders' webs,
Ferns , tall palms and oaks,
Twigs unwoven out of nests.
Fireflies and whisps of smoke.
They are bits of clouds ,
Torn from the sky,
And magic dust off mushrooms,
From dark enchanted groves.
Fragments of great mountain tops,
Tumbling down their mighty slopes.
Blue and purple feathers,
Pearls, petals ,fur and
horns of antelopes.
And like the wind,
I hold within,
Tiny bits of everything,
And much, Oh! so much more!

From this dust ,
Is this shape devised,
and planted into the world.
These precious bits
Of the mother earth,
Mould the form,
that holds my soul ...

So where am I ?...



There's music in everything,...
In every single drop of rain
Dangling on its own refrain,
trickling down a window pane.
Or the lullaby in a speck of dirt
That holds on to a lump of earth
Cradling in their deepest bass ,
A seed ! tucked away,
So safe .
And birds, I see,
perched , patiently ,
On wires, marking highs and lows,
Like strings of peaceful notes.
Torn from sheets of music,
and strung on electric poles.

And the flowers in the bower,
each bears a special, enchanting song
Luring the humming honey bees,
To match their beat and hum along.
Listen close, to the wind that blows
Whistling through the trees
And the conch,that housed a hermit
Now holds the the song
of the seven seas.

So,I too,
close my eyes and listen,
To catch the music of my soul,
Searching deep within my heart,
For my symphony to unfold.
It rises sweet upon my waves ,
I am urged to sing out bold,
" Let the earth resound your music
Don't let it die within your soul."



I climbed the top of the highest mountain,

Searched far as eye could see,

This river that followed, my every path,

Was indeed, pouring out of ME!!




Let us go now,
for rest,
My darling,
Into the soundless, beckoning wood.
As silence covers all,,
under her darkening
And gently cradles,
Each creak and tread.
Rocking them softly
Against her breast.
Until all around,
stillness drowns ,
Every sound,

Only spirit speaks

Sit by me,
my darling,
In the quiet of that night.
As tall trees point
From shadows,
The path
that rends
the endless night.
And In that
shadowy, starry stillness,

spirit begins to move

Parting the boughs
In whispers ,
of love,
To let the light shine through.
