Gracefully Gabbie

Gracefully Gabbie

wellness | lifestyle | mindset | travel ✈️ Denver - FoCo 💌 PR/UGC: [email protected]

Photos from Gracefully Gabbie's post 05/07/2024

happy 4th from Amsterdam ❤️


Photos from Gracefully Gabbie's post 21/06/2024

making the Queen’s Court as 4th runner up for Miss Colorado & HEADING TO NATIONALS!!! 👑 not too bad for my first pageant :)

Also excited to announce I got:
- Heart of Service Winner
- 1st Runner Up in Spokesmodel
- 1st Runner Up in Screentest
- 1st Runner Up in Media Correspondent
- Spirit of Pageantry Award

In all the plans I had for 2024, doing a pageant wasn’t in a single one of them. This was the most unexpected and fulfilling fork in my road.

This last weekend with miss has been filled with laughter, nerves, infectious joy, tears, and moments I will forever cherish. I was surrounded by girls who have become my best friends. All beautiful and brave in their own ways, they taught me so much and showed me the true meaning of girlhood.

I have been prepping for this pageant since March and have had to stretch and grow myself in so many ways. From learning to do full glam makeup (as a girlie who is bare faced everyday), to walking in heels, working on my interview skills, and improving my public speaking and poise; I have grown so much. Yet, I know I still have so much to learn and so much room for improvement.

To all of my sponsors, friends, family, and especially my mom . None of this would have been possible without y’all. I am forever grateful for all of the support. Thank you God for putting this pageant in my life and for being with me every step of the way. All glory to you 🤍

Pageantry is so beautiful and I cannot wait to continue this journey as I head to nationals. I am so excited for all the friends I’ll make, ways I’ll improve, and time I get to spend inspiring girls online and serving in my town and hoping that one day I’ll take home the Miss Colorado title ✨


Photos from Gracefully Gabbie's post 20/03/2024

cheers to 21 years ✨🎀🥂



Photos from Gracefully Gabbie's post 16/02/2024

valentine’s day ‘24 💗 so thankful for all those i love in my life! hope everyone had a lovely day 💐

qotd: how did you spend valentine’s day?

aotd: we visited these cute heart signs, went to a park, ate at qdoba, went to the gym, had a hearty dinner, and watched the movie Valentine’s Day!


Photos from Gracefully Gabbie's post 02/01/2024

cheers to ‘24 🥂


Photos from Gracefully Gabbie's post 24/11/2023

happy thanksgiving 🍁 i would love to hear what you are thankful for and how you spent yesterday!

we watched the Macy’s Day Parade, went on a walk, played lots of games, watched a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, had a hearty meal and dessert, and ended the day with a Christmas movie!

so thankful for my family, friends, the opportunities and journey content creating has taken me on this year, and continuing to see God in my life everyday!

hope everyone had a lovely week 🧡

Photos from Gracefully Gabbie's post 06/11/2023

i remember it all too well❣️

QOTD: have you seen the Eras Movie?

AOTD: it was so so good and brought back so many memories 🥹

Photos from Gracefully Gabbie's post 01/11/2023

just a little dead 🌺💀🎃 hope everyone had a fun Halloween!

QOTD: what did you dress up as this year?

AOTD: I dressed up as Day of the Dead / Día de los Mu***os!

Photos from Gracefully Gabbie's post 22/10/2023

At some point along the line stuttering went from a disorder to an opportunity. It went from something I despised about myself, to a chance to better myself. Over 80 million people stutter worldwide and I am sure none of those people want to stutter, but I can say that those 80 million people have used their stutter as an opportunity to be brave and strong.

There is an opportunity in repeating sounds; in frozen speech; in elongating syllables; and in being unable to say things how you plan to. You get to show others that every voice matters, that what happens to us doesn’t define who we are or who we can become, and that hard situations don’t have to get the best of us. In return, others get the opportunity to show kindness, to have patience, and to listen better.

Stuttering isn’t easy and can make life so frustrating, but we can choose to see the opportunity in it. Stuttering has made me so much stronger. It has encouraged me to perform in plays, compete in speech competitions, do public speaking, and so much more, despite how much harder I have to work to get there. It has made me extremely thankful for everyone who ever patiently listened to me, helped me, and loved me for who I am. It has helped me connect with others who have struggled with speech disorders and finding their voice. It has even provided a source of laughter (in a good way) for myself and those around me.

The hard part is that you don’t have a choice when it comes to if you stutter or not, but the good news is that you have a choice to see the opportunity in stuttering or not. You can choose to continue showing up every day, even when it is hard. You can choose to keep speaking, no matter how long it takes or how rough it comes out. You can choose to inspire others with your resilience.

Choosing to use your voice is hard. Choosing to speak, despite the stutter is even harder. BUT no one talks just like you do. No one has a story just like you do – and no one has the opportunity to tell it just like you do. Happy International Stuttering Awareness Day 2023!


So excited for book 3 to come out!!!

The magpie has landed! Here it is! The promised cover reveal for book three! I am very happy with the end result and can’t wait what everyone else thinks.

The publication date for Lost Souls is March 11, 2024

Photos from Gracefully Gabbie's post 19/08/2023

hey you! smile :) just a reminder in case you haven’t already today 🤍 

QOTD: when do you start school? if you’re not in school, what is your current chapter in life?

Guys I feel so cool in these glasses haha. Thank you so much for gifting me with these! The pink pair are a sunglasses / blue light combo pair and the aviators are mirrored.


“I don't have a testimony.” or so I thought. For youth camp, the leaders were asked if any of us wanted to share our testimony. I immediately thought “No, because I do not have a testimony.” Deep down I knew that wasn't true, we all have a testimony, but it sure didn't feel like I did. My life felt uneventful, like nothing worth sharing. No huge story of how I came to know Christ or a hardship I faced where I had no choice, but to lean on God. I grew up in a Christian family and had gone to church my whole life. That was it. End of story.

Only that was just the start of my story. It wasn't until I sat down and listed big moments in my life that I realized how much God has worked in my life. That is what a testimony is. It is the story of how God has worked in your life and through you. Whether you have gone through unspeakable tragedies, have lived a pretty 'normal life', or fall somewhere in between; and whether you are dealing with the loss of a loved one or are stressed about a math test, God is working through it all. He is accomplishing work in you and He is writing your testimony.

You have a testimony and people need to hear it. Do not deny people hearing what God has done in your life because it doesn't reach a level of 'tragedy or miraculous'. God works in the highest of highs, the lowest of lows, and even in what feels “normal” or 'mundane”. God's fingerprints are all over your life. 💕

📸 creds: .t

Photos from Gracefully Gabbie's post 23/07/2023

Ooh, you and me, we got big reputations, ah… 🖤 love Taylor and these gals sm!

one more post because i have major post eras concert depression and got so many cute pics last week 😭💕 

Photos from Gracefully Gabbie's post 19/07/2023

I said remember this moment 💫 Eras Tour Denver Night 2 💜

I will forever be thankful for the opportunity to see Taylor Swift. From trading friendship bracelets, to singing ‘Long Live’ at the top of my lungs, to crying during the fireworks at the end; every moment of this day was magical. 4th grade me who knew every word to ‘I Knew You Were Trouble’ would be so happy to know I got to see her perform that song live so many years later.

Also, can I just say with ‘Starlight’ and ‘Back to December’ as the surprise songs and ‘Long Live’ being added to the setlist, Denver Night 2 really won!

Photos from Gracefully Gabbie's post 29/06/2023

I had no idea what to put in this caption :) It is the first normal post I have done in forever and while I wanted to do a long motivational caption, I couldn’t settle down on one topic.

So instead update me on your life!! How has your summer been? Anything exciting going on? I’d love to hear how you are doing 💕

Blood Ties: The King's Chosen, Book 1 21/06/2023

Blood Ties is out in audiobook now!! I love this book so much! Go check it out!!!

Blood Ties: The King's Chosen, Book 1

Photos from Gracefully Gabbie's post 13/06/2023

Happy 3 years to one of the biggest adventures of my life. Since starting this account, I have never felt more like myself than when I have a camera in my hand. I have been so blessed with finding a passion in content creation and all the opportunities it has brought me. God opened a door in my life that I didn’t know I needed and He has taken me down a road I never even imagined for myself.

I have no idea what my future with this account looks like, but I am so grateful for the journey it has led me on. From my online best friends that I am slowly getting to meet in person, to helping me find my voice, to giving me the opportunity to inspire and motivate so many others, this account has been quite the adventure. There has been a lot of pain and tears, but also so many laughs and triumphs. It hasn’t always been easy, but this account has always been worth it.

So thank you to everyone who has ever supported me! Thank you for every follow, like, comment, and share. It means the world to me and I wouldn’t be here without any of you 💕

QOTD: How long have you had your account for?

Photos from Gracefully Gabbie's post 29/04/2023

hope ur ok 🦋

After having the SOUR album on repeat this last month, this song has been on my mind a lot lately. Despite summer, a time of fun and ease, being right around the corner, everyone I talk to seems to be dealing with some pain or another.

Whether it is the all night studying for finals, or the grinding loop of work, or the draining sickness a family member is fighting, or the ongoing battle in your mind, or the hurt from a strained relationship, or the fear of an unknown future; the list can sadly go on forever and there is pain and tiredness tucked into all of it.

I hope you know the pain will not last forever. I know it might not seem like it right now, but this season of hurt will end.

So I hope you are okay

and if you are not okay right now

know that that is okay

because one day you will be okay again 🦋

Photos from Gracefully Gabbie's post 23/03/2023

Thank you all so much for the sweet birthday messages 🥳 I have had the best time celebrating this last week and wanted to show my favorite moments of my birthday!!!

QOTD: When is your birthday?

AOTD: March 17th 🍀

Photos from Gracefully Gabbie's post 21/03/2023

20 🌟 let another decade of adventures begin! So blessed for another year 💕

Photos from Gracefully Gabbie's post 12/03/2023

From online to in person 💕 after following each other for nearly 3 years, I finally got to meet Grace in person this week! She is such a sweet gal and I still cannot believe we actually met up!

QOTD: have you ever met an online friend in real life? how has your week been?


Photos from Gracefully Gabbie's post 07/03/2023

Remember why you started 💫 My social media and content creating journey has been a pretty crazy and emotional roller coaster this last year! 🎢

I’ve been so paralyzed and scared when it comes to posting and making new content these last 6 months that I have just frozen. With the exception of holidays and a few brand deals, I have barely created any new content since October.

And I miss it so much. I miss creating for the fun of it and not trying to fit into any niche or please an algorithm. So I’m going back. 🥹

I’m going back to the beginning when I created because I loved it and I posted what I wanted; when I posted with the hopes to add joy to someone’s day or inspire them.

So here’s to a new ‘old’ chapter 💕

QOTD: How have you been? What have you been up to?

Photos from Gracefully Gabbie's post 15/02/2023

Happy Valentines Day 💕 hoping everyone felt all the love yesterday!!!

QOTD: how was your Valentine’s Day / what did you do?

Photos from Gracefully Gabbie's post 16/01/2023

One last goodbye to 2022 ✌🏽😘

What a journey last year was. A beautiful mess of learning, letting go, making new friends, discovering new passions, chasing dreams, finding my place in this world, and getting new opportunities. Smiles existed alongside tears; joy and pain both grew and taught me so much. I learned to dance in the rain. 🌦️🪩💃🏽

This year can’t be summed up in a few photos, but I tried 🫶🏽

Some of this year’s highlights include
- hitting over 19,000 followers
- Arkansas trip for my brother’s graduation
- joining a small group
- having my stickers in a local coffee shop
- KLOVE Red Rocks concert
- Grammie coming for the holidays
- Weekend in Frisco / Dillon
- hitting so many exciting milestones and opportunities for my content creating and entrepreneurial journey
- reading 100 books
- exercising at least 30 minutes each day
Thank you 2022, here’s to a new year 💕


Photos from Gracefully Gabbie's post 02/01/2023

Hey there 2023 💫

Wishing everyone a Happy New Years 🎆🥂✨

I’m excited for so much this year and here are my biggest goals for 2023:
- go on 12 trips in 12 months
- exercise everyday for at least 30 min
- start a blog
- live for God in all I do
- give my all to furthering my creative, small business, and social media career
- start vlogging
- choose experiences over things
- get better at ASL and Dutch
- read 100 books
- invest more time and effort in relationships
- get into article writing and public speaking
- have better time management

QOTD: What are some of your goals and resolutions for 2023?

I’m wishing the best for everyone this year!! I hope you achieve your goals and have fun every minute of the way. Make this YOUR YEAR 🌟


Photos from Gracefully Gabbie's post 31/12/2022

4 hours later… Making gingerbread houses is always one of my favorite Christmas traditions! My siblings and I get a little competitive haha and more candy may end up in our mouths than end up on the houses, but its all good 😂

QOTD: What is your favorite Christmas tradition?

This is probably my last post of the year! Cannot believe how fast 2022 went 🥺


Photos from Gracefully Gabbie's post 30/12/2022

Christmas Eve 🎄 The night we hear the story of Jesus’ birth that has been told every year for over 2000 years! It’s a story full of love and trust.

It’s the overwhelming unfathomable love our God has for us that caused Him to send His own son to die for us. It’s Jesus’ love for us in Him being willing to suffer a life on this earth and then die a painful death to forgive us of our sins. It’s Mary’s trust in God that leads her to give birth to the savior of the world. It’s Joseph’s trust in God that stops Him from divorcing Mary and instead helps her raise a son that is not even his own. It’s the shepherds trust in God that leads them to follow the star, find Jesus, and help spread the good news.

Let this story sit with you, not just in the Christmas season, but everyday, as you realize what comes from accepting God’s love and placing your trust in Him! ❤️

Had to share some Christmas Eve photos! We dressed up and went to a Christmas Eve Candlelight service, which was beautiful 🤩 We then visited a giant Christmas tree, ate dinner, and played board games!


Photos from Gracefully Gabbie's post 28/12/2022

Some Boxing Day moments 🎁🎄 Do you celebrate Boxing Day?

QOTD: What was your favorite gift you received this year and your favorite gift you gave this year?

AOTD: My mom is Dutch so we all celebrate Boxing Day! We started the morning watching It’s a Wonderful Life and then we went on a family walk in the snow! We played some soccer and had lunch. We spent the afternoon / evening opening gifts (we give gifts that us kids bought for each other and our parents on Boxing Day). We ended the day eating homemade pizzas for dinner and playing board games until late.

My favorite gift I got was a Nikon Content Creator Camera and my favorite gift I gave was a Marvel hoodie for my sister!


Photos from Gracefully Gabbie's post 27/12/2022

Christmas ‘22 🎄 My family and I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas this year!!!

QOTD: How did you spend your Christmas Day?

AOTD: We started the morning with a waffle breakfast and a hallmark movie. We then took turns opening gifts and listened to Christmas music. After taking family pictures, my mom and I took a walk and looked at the holiday lights. My dad cooked a delicious dinner and we had pie for dessert. We ended the day playing board games and I had a sleepover with my sister!


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