The Voice Of Healing

The Voice Of Healing

Not just a church, but the movement of God. Our purpose is to bring healing by a revelation of Jesus


Everyone has experienced rejection in their lives; most followers of Jesus will admit they have experienced some kind of rejection or misunderstanding due to their faith.

But guess who was rejected before you? Jesus.

He was rejected in His hometown (ref Mat 13:53-58) by the religious leaders of the time (ref Mat 21:42-46; Mark 8:31); and many left him because they couldn’t understand what he was teaching (ref John 6:66).

Jesus did not stumble when He was rejected, even when it was the people closest to Him. He told His disciples that if the world hated them, to remember that they hated Him first (John 15:18). Regardless of who rejects us, or misunderstands us in this world, our confidence and security should always be in God alone and never dependent on man!

John 6:37 AMP, “All that My Father gives Me will come to Me; and the one who comes to Me I will most certainly not cast out [I will never, never reject anyone who follows Me].”

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Photos from The Voice Of Healing's post 06/06/2024

Job 1:21, “And he said: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, And naked shall I return there. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; Blessed be the name of the LORD.”

During our process with the Lord, problems will arise in our lives that we sometimes won’t understand. It is our job to recognize what God is really trying to show us, so that when we are met with trials and tribulations, we rejoice because we have an understanding of what we need to overcome.

God wants to take you through the tribulation, to give you the double portion just like Job received!

Visit the LINK in bio to view our 'VOH Shop' and purchase the many insightful Christian reads that will take you deeper with God.🌿




Are you in a storm right now?

If you answered yes. . . . that’s good! Believe or not, storms in Scripture are not a bad thing. We usually think that a storm is symbolic of us going through a hard time, but the storm is really a place of God revealing things to us.

In Deuteronomy, the Lord says that His teaching falls like the rain (Deut 32:2). During a natural storm, you can see flashes of lightning and hear thunder; Jesus, in the Book of Matthew, talks about having eyes to see and ears to hear. Lighting is something we can see, but thunder is something we hear. When lighting strikes, it illuminates the whole sky, and you see what was darkened. In Hebrew the word for “thunder” is actually the word for “voice.”

Can you hear the voice of God, can you see what He is doing?

Want to learn more? We have a place for you! It’s called “School of the Spirit.” To enroll, comment the word 'SOTS' and we'll send you the link! 🔗

Photos from The Voice Of Healing's post 29/05/2024

Jesus, Who is the eternal Word, expects a fire to be in His bride when He returns. 👰⁠

Here at , the fire of God is released all the time!⁠

Come and learn, straight from the Scriptures, why this FIRE is important for Christians today. 🔥⁠

For questions, email us at [email protected] 👈⁠


Jesus called us “the light of the world, a city that is set on a hill that cannot be hidden.” (Mat 5:14)

In the Book of Revelation, it is prophesied that Jerusalem, the bride - the lamb's wife, would be a city filled with light and there would be no need of the sun. Scripture tells us that this is a picture of the church.

We are supposed to be a place of refuge, or lights to a world that is living in darkness!
So, what is this light? This light has everything to do with our ability to see and understand what the Scriptures are saying.

Have you watched our Sunday services LIVE on YouTube yet? To watch these teachings, follow us 🔔

Photos from The Voice Of Healing's post 26/05/2024

Did you know, the more pure in heart you are the closer to God you will be? You don’t become pure on your own; this process comes from being washed by the water of the Word.

When you wash a cup, you clean the inside and the outside. Jesus rebuked the Pharisees because they were focused on how they appeared on the outside, but never changed their character or heart to reflect who God is.

God desires for us to know everything about who He is, so we can begin to understand who we are!

FOLLOW us for all ministry news! 🗞️




In loving memory of Bishop Michael Petro, a beacon of uncompromising faith and inspiration to countless souls around the world.

Michael Petro was more than just a name; he was a dedicated servant of God, an apostolic minister, a spiritual father to many, and a visionary. His life was a testament to his unwavering commitment to spreading the message of healing and restoration through the revelation of Jesus Christ.

As the Bishop of The Voice of Healing Church, Michael led a non-denominational congregation and a media-broadcasting movement that reached millions globally. His teachings on The Voice of Healing Radio resonated with thousands, aligning with the Early Church Fathers and calling the modern-day church to awaken.

In the early 2000s, Michael obtained the trademark for “The Voice of Healing,” honoring the Ante-Nicene Fathers and their prophetic revelations. Through his books and teachings, he equipped believers with foundational truths, empowering them to become leaders and ambassadors of faith.

As we celebrate the life of our beloved spiritual father, we remember a man of great wisdom, faith, integrity, and compassion. His legacy of healing, restoration, and unwavering devotion to God will live on in the hearts of all who were touched by his ministry.

Rest in peace, beloved servant of God.

With love,

The Sons and Daughters of The Voice of Healing

Service Times and Locations:

Friday, May 24 | Celebration of Life Service
Time: 4 PM - 8 PM CT
Location: 2001 Post Oak Blvd., Houston, Texas 77056
*Stream on Facebook, YouTube, Rumble, and Telegram

Saturday, May 25 | Viewing Service
Time: 10 AM - 2 PM CT
Location: 2001 Post Oak Blvd., Houston, Texas 77056
*Stream on Facebook, YouTube, Rumble, and Telegram

For more information email mailto:[email protected]


It all started with the words: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Gen 1:1)

The question is, do I believe those words? Why do I believe them? Maybe, and not too often asked, is how do I believe them? The “how” question is related to which interpretation of the Scriptures I receive because how they are interpreted will determine how I experience them.

If I understand them naturally, historically, or literally then the Bible may just be comparative literature.

However, if I begin to understand them parabolically: “I will open My mouth in a parable” (Ref Psalm 78:2), a figurative story or common human experience I can relate to, God will show me a deeper meaning from His perspective using my experience. This allows me to symbolically see them, which allows me to prophetically understand, or interpret through His understanding!

To continue reading this article, visit the LINK in bio! 📚️


In loving memory of Bishop Michael Petro, a beacon of uncompromising faith and inspiration to countless souls around the world.

Michael Petro was more than just a name; he was a dedicated servant of God, an apostolic minister, a spiritual father to many, and a visionary. His life was a testament to his unwavering commitment to spreading the message of healing and restoration through the revelation of Jesus Christ.

As the Bishop of The Voice of Healing Church, Michael touched the lives of many, leading a non-denominational congregation and spearheading a media-broadcasting movement that reached far beyond the confines of a physical church. Through his tireless efforts, church services were broadcast globally, reaching millions.

The Voice of Healing Radio, a cornerstone of his ministry, resonated across the airwaves, touching hearts and souls with its message of the unveiling of Jesus Christ through the revelation of the Word. Bishop Michael’s teachings were backed by the doctrine of the Early Church Fathers, and his message to wake up the modern day church resonated with thousands worldwide.

In the early 2000s, Michael answered a divine calling to obtain the trademark for "The Voice of Healing," a name deeply rooted in the annals of spiritual history. With humility and reverence, he carried forward the legacy of healing and revival, honoring the Ante-Nicene Fathers and their prophetic revelations.

Through his books and teachings, Bishop Michael Petro sought to equip believers with the foundational truths of Christianity, empowering them to become leaders and ambassadors of faith.

As we celebrate the life of our beloved spiritual father, Bishop Michael Petro, we remember a man of great wisdom, faith, integrity, and compassion. His legacy of healing, restoration and unwavering devotion to God, will live on in the hearts of all who were touched and whose lives were transformed by his ministry.

Rest in peace, beloved servant of God.

With Love,

The Sons and Daughters of The Voice of Healing
Locations and times for each service below.

Click HERE to submit photos and videos of Bishop Michael Petro:

Service Times and Locations:

Friday, May 24 | Celebration of Life Service
Time: 4 PM - 8 PM CT
Location: 2001 Post Oak Blvd., Houston, Texas 77056
*Stream on Facebook, YouTube, Rumble, and Telegram

Saturday, May 25 | Viewing Service
Time: 10 AM - 2 PM CT
Location: 2001 Post Oak Blvd., Houston, Texas 77056
*Stream on Facebook, YouTube, Rumble, and Telegram

For more information email [email protected]


Excuse making is a common human tendency we’ve all succumbed to at one point or another as did many biblical figures. When God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, he said he was not eloquent in his speech. However, God assured Moses He would teach him words to say (Exo 4:10-12).

When God told Jeremiah he would be a prophet to the nations, Jeremiah said he did not know how to speak because he was young. God assured Jeremiah that He would put His words in his mouth (Jer 1:4-10).

In the Gospel of Luke, those who were invited to attend the banquet made excuses as to why they couldn’t come, and they were not accepted by the host (Luke 14).

Making excuses can stem from fear, insecurity, lack of faith and even laziness. Instead of making excuses to avoid our responsibilities and callings, God tells us to rely on His strength in our weakness (2 Co 12:9). He is our strength in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1-3).

Proverbs 22:13, “The lazy one [manufactures excuses and] says, "There is a lion outside! I will be killed in the streets [if I go out to work]!"

No more excuses, the harvest is ready and God is looking for those who are prepared to gather them in. For more information, email us at [email protected] 🙌


Are you:
Depressed? 😔
Confused? 🤔
Angry? 😠
Grieving? 🤧
Hopeless? 😮‍💨


No matter what you are going through right now, Jesus is the answer you are looking for.
“The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call upon Him sincerely and in truth.” (Psalm 145:18). Call on Him, He opens the door for those who knock!

👉️ Do you want to get closer with God? Connect with us by emailing [email protected]

We can’t wait to hear from you! 😇


Blessings Saints of God,

It is with the greatest joy that we announce Bishop Michael Petro, a great minister of the Word, a brother, a son, a leader and a Father with a passion for souls for the Kingdom, has crossed over from this mortal body to be with the Lord in Glory.
Around 12:15am on Tuesday morning, after spending a day of fellowship with brothers in the ministry, he returned home joyful, strong and present. He greeted everyone in the house and retired to his bedroom. One of his spiritual sons checked on him a little while later, and asked him if he was alright. Bishop Michael smiled, and speaking from within a tranquility that filled the room, he said, "Yes, I feel great. I'm good." The same son checked on him again within a few minutes but found him unresponsive and not breathing. The ambulance was called and they attempted intervention, but around 1:25am he crossed over to be with the Lord in Glory. We believe that he chose to be with the Lord.
Tonight, The Voice of Healing Church, will have it’s normal Tuesday evening service where we will continue our Bishop’s legacy of uncompromising Christianity. We are called to gather together even more as we see the Day approaching.

Service time is 6:30pm at the Sharpstown PlazaAmerica Mall (in the basement) at 7500 Bellaire Blvd, Houston Texas.


Being a Christian isn’t just about going to church on a Sunday, or praying to God during tough times; being a Christian is likened to running a race!

The Apostle Paul says we are to lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and run with endurance the race that is set before us (Heb 12:1). Just as he completed his race and kept the faith unto death despite the many hardships he endured (2Ti 4:7).

The Greek word for race, Agon was used regarding strife, contention, contest for victory or mastery, such as was used in the Greek games of running, boxing, wrestling.

This race set before us is not a simple short sprint; it's more like a marathon, or cross country race. It’s one of endurance and battle, and consists of allowing God to heal our souls by removing and purifying sin from our lives.

Look away from everything that distracts you and look to Jesus as the example for He is the author and finisher of our faith (Heb 12:2).

Dig deeper into the Scriptures each week; registration is open for you at 💻️


When a farmer is harvesting, the first produce from his harvest is known as the first fruits. In the Bible, first fruits is also one of God’s dedicated feast days, or appointed times (Lev 23). It was also the day marked for the resurrection of His Son.

Jesus, who is the first fruits of many brethren, rose from the dead or parabolically speaking, awoke from sleep, so that through Him we would be made alive (1 Co 15).

To be spiritually asleep or dead comes from interpreting the Bible like a history book. Jesus was awake to the truth that the Scriptures contained everlasting life. We can grow up in church and read the same book, but never experience the same Jesus!


Do you want to learn more about biblical symbolism? We have classes around the clock, no matter what part of the world you live in! To register, email us at [email protected] 🍇


Imagine living with back pain that has been ongoing since childhood, coming to a prophetic conference and walking out healed!

That was what happened for Edgar, who heard the word of the Lord, brought forth by Prophetess Lucy Rael, that he was going to leave with his miracle.

Being in the presence of the Lord each night for hours allowed Edgar to receive a supernatural healing where he felt no pain. The Lord does incredible things when we hunger and desire more of Him.

🔎 Check out more incredible testimonies at or search on our Rumble and YouTube channels!⁠


Since we can’t physically see God, He uses parables, or natural phenomena to explain heavenly concepts. The parable of our physical sun is meant to reveal God’s characteristics or attributes.

John 8:12, “Once more Jesus addressed the crowd. He said, I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me will not be walking in the dark, but will have the Light which is Life.”

Through this Scripture we see God saying that He is the Sun, He is the Light and the epicenter of all life on earth. We know that if the earth had no sunlight, there would be no life; similarly, those who walk in darkness, without the Light of God, have no life either.

Visit the LINK in bio to continue reading this article! 🔗


The Vargas family receives a confirmation from God to continue in their family business! Prophetess Lucy Rael visits during the Prophetic Fire 2024 Conference and confirms a blessing over their family and declares that there will not be any lack in the name of Jesus.

We are excited for what the Lord is doing in the Vargas Family!

To hear more of the exciting miracles God is doing here at , click the 'VOH Testimonies' LINKED in bio! 🔗


Did you know that God has healing He wants for you? For John, the miraculous healing power of Jesus was revealed through studying the Word of God:

“Upon studying the Word of God and attending Bible study classes, I could feel my faith deepening and a profound sense of peace enveloped me. I began to have revelations while reading Scripture and I felt a comfort within my body. This began to dispel the pain I was feeling from my horrific injury, I am grateful and humbled, and I now embrace each day as a testament to the divine grace that has been bestowed upon me, like a new lease on life.” - John

There is power in the Word: power to heal; power to transform. The Word has what you need!

Are you ready to receive your miracle?

FOLLOW to hear MORE testimonies about the Word of God coming to life! 📖




Vigilance of the soul comes through guarding ourselves against sin and pursuing truth. God does not show us the weaknesses in our soul for us to just be overwhelmed and have no way to overcome.

His Word says that He will not let us be tempted beyond what we can handle, and will always provide a way for us to escape that we may bear it (1 Corinthians 10:13).

If we are vigilant over our soul, watchful to not indulge in our weaknesses, and pursue God for the healing of our soul, He will light the path and give us the understanding we need (Proverbs 2:2-5; Proverbs 3:13-18).

Picture the fiercest warrior standing watch over a tribe, showing no mercy to the enemy that comes to even survey the land, this is the type of mentality we need to have toward the vices of our soul in this hour.

Visit the LINK in bio to continue reading this article! 🔗


A good parent wants the best for their kids. Scripture says how much more will our Father in heaven give good things (Matt 7:11).

For Gage and Courtney, hearing that their three children would become prophets of God was an incredible gift. So many lives were touched during our 2024 Prophetic Fire Conference as the Lord poured out to His children.

Listen as both Gage and Courtney share their testimony of the words that were spoken through God’s prophets, and how their willingness to leave it all behind for the Word’s will become a manifestation in the lives of their children.

We have so much happening at . Join us each week as the Word is revealed to us and Christ becomes real!


During the Feast of Passover is also the Feast of Unleavened Bread. This is where the people ate bread without leaven for seven days to commemorate their deliverance from Egypt (Exo 23:15).

But why unleavened bread? What's so bad about bread with yeast? Jesus told the disciples to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, but He was not speaking about physical bread, rather their doctrine (Mat 16:5-12).

Jesus is the bread of life (John 6:48), and the Word of God (John 1:1). The Feast of Unleavened Bread isn’t about abstaining from bread with yeast in it, but eating the Word of God correctly and avoiding false doctrines and interpretations of Scripture. Paul also spoke of keeping the feast day; not with old leaven, or with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth (1Co 5:8).

When we misunderstand Scripture, we misunderstand the intention of God in His Word, leaving us without sound doctrine (Titus 2:1). Where are you at in your understanding of Scripture?
Are you confident the doctrine you believe in is sound?
Is your heart searching for truth and correct interpretation of the Bible?

Email us at [email protected] and we can help you get plugged in to the true bread of life! 🍞


Powerful things happen when we put ourselves in atmospheres that provoke the Spirit of God! This month, we witnessed a sister who has battled cancer for six years, become tumor free after prayed over her life!⁠

Hallelujah! He is Jehovah Rapha! Our God is our healer!⁠

We can’t wait to see what the Lord continues to do.⁠

Give us a FOLLOW for the most updated information on all locations, dates and times! 🔔⁠




God has a way of moving in our lives when our will is His will.⁠

As you listen to Kendall’s powerful testimony: leaving everything in the modeling and design world in order to pursue God, you’ll be shocked to hear the prophetic word released over her life!⁠

We serve a powerful God! One who desires our obedience to His will over our sacrifice. He wants us to prosper, as His children, and anything will be given to His kids as long as it is in His will.⁠

Listen to Kendall and Ryan’s full testimony and many more by visiting on our Rumble and YouTube channels!⁠


Most of us are familiar with Goliath: the giant of the Philistine army who taunted and mocked the army of Israel, and was eventually slain by David (1 Sam 17). ⁠

Goliath isn’t just a biblical character; he is still present today. In our battles, we’ve all had to deal with “Goliaths”, or the things that have held us back from what God has for us. It’s time we understand what he represents, so we can take the giant down.⁠

As every name represents a character and function, Goliath’s name means: to uncover or reveal/expose. Goliath doesn’t just represent a giant in our path, but represents a spirit that wants to bring shame by exposing. It operates in slander and gossip and uncovers all the negative things in ourselves or about others.⁠

The Spirit of God is all about restoration. He wants to bring people back to a relationship with Him by restoring the glory that was lost in the beginning. ⁠

The rock killed Goliath, meaning the Word of God, that is anointed to bring restoration, will kill a slandering, gossiping, uncovering spirit.⁠

Join us each week as we seek to understand the Word in a deeper way to kill all the giants in our life! Email [email protected] for more information. 🙌⁠


Free this weekend? Come to worship with us every Sunday! 🕊️

⏰ 2PM CT

📍 PlazAmericas 7500 Bellaire Blvd, Houston, TX 77036 (in basement)

About The Voice of Healing

What was “The Voice of Healing”?

Every new revival throughout history was always accompanied by new revelation, an unfolding of the Scripture, and the power of God. Many powerful, Spirit-filled men of God were used to bring salvation, deliverance, prophecy, and healing in numerous lives. During this time, a minister by the name of Gordon Lindsay collaborated with minister William Branham to produce The Voice of Healing magazine to document this new healing revival. A few of these mighty men included Oral Roberts, A.A. Allen, Jack Coe, and William Branham, as mentioned before. The focus of these generals was to preach the Word of God with power and release mass healing and deliverance to those in need.

Evangelist Michael Petro

Pastor Michael Petro always knew he had a great commision on his life to be used by God. He attended bible college only to realize there was something missing. He began to seek God through an intense time of prayer and extended fasting. This hunger and desperation for God led Pastor Michael into a life changing visitation from the Lord, and he was never the same. He knew God was calling him to the ministry and to the nations. The Lord began to show Pastor Michael deep things of the Scripture and eventually led him to minister the Word of revelation to over 70 nations.

Videos (show all)

VOH Worship | Houston, TX | 08/06/2024
VOH Sunday Service | Houston, TX | 08/04/2024
Come and Jump with Us!We invite you to experience the joy of worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ with us. If you’d like to ...
VOH Service | Houston, TX | 7/28/24
God has blessings for us, but we have to actually pursue them in order to see the fruit? ⁠⁠For Leanne, a word from the p...
VOH Worship | Houston, TX | 07/23/2024
Don’t miss this powerful testimony! ⁠⁠When Prophet Lucy told Pastor Joe he would be birthing miracles in his life for ot...
The Decalogue | Prophet Nathan Padilla |  07/21/2024
VOH Worship | Houston, TX | 07/20/2024
✨It's an exciting new season... The Voice of Healing has moved to a brand new location!We welcome you to join us for wor...
And we have come to know and believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God...
VOH Worship | Houston, TX | 07/06/2024