Stephanie I Byerly MD

Stephanie I Byerly MD

I help women physicians take back control of their lives, so that they don't have to leave medicine.


In my most recent newsletter, I discuss the differences between fixed and growth mindsets. Which do you have?

Sound interesting?

Don't miss out... click the link to sign up for my monthly newsletter.


Do you have a fear of failure? In order to achieve greatness, one must first fail... failure is a part of growth.

Book a Breakthrough Call today and let me help you grow!


My next newsletter is coming out this week!
Don't miss out, sign up for my monthly newsletter here:


✨ What vision is waiting to unfold? 🌟

Many of my clients seek coaching because they're tired of being sick and tired. They're ready to break free from the pain! This pain can stem from personal or professional areas of their lives.

What they quickly discover is that this pain signals it's time to uplevel and step into their greatness. 🚀

As women, we often don't fully recognize the vision pulling us because we only realize about 50% of our potential. Yet, we sense something stirring within us that needs to come forth. These inner yearnings, little voices, and subtle pulls are guiding us toward our true potential. 💫

What’s the deeper truth of who you are and your power to succeed? You are limitless when you are empowered!

Let's embrace the vision and step into our greatness together! 💪

Book a Breakthrough Call today:

Photos from Stephanie I Byerly MD's post 21/06/2024

It is important to note that not all women are afraid to fail, and fear of failure is not exclusive to women. However, there are several societal and cultural factors that can contribute to women feeling more hesitant or fearful of failure in certain situations. Some possible reasons include:

Book a Breakthrough Call today:


Do you think you get GASLIGHTED at work?

Do you know what Gaslighting means?

It is an utterly destructive form of psychological manipulation and abuse!
There is NO Psychological Safety in this environment!

It makes you question your own sanity.

You doubt yourself and certainly question your self-worth.

If you are a woman, you are already challenged with self-doubt and self-worth!

Gaslighting occurs in every industry, especially in medicine but certainly also in the corporate world.

If you are in a leadership role and are being challenged with Gaslighting and would like to learn strategies to counteract the GASLIGHTER, book a Breakthrough Call at


Coaching women involves more than coaching. Coaching women also involves mentoring, sponsoring, and consulting because women can only imagine 50% of their potential due to the expectation gap.
Additionally, other women and men can only imagine 50% of women’s potential.
Ladies, please find a coach who can see your greatness and gifts and help you on your journey to limitless possibilities…
Book a Breakthrough Call with me today!


Women understand women! Let me help you shatter your inner glass ceilings. You are NOT alone!
Book a Breakthrough Call and let's start today!


Have you ever been told you are too bossy, too aggressive, too much, and the list goes on and on? Especially, if you are in a leadership role.🙄

If you want to unapologetically show up in the world sharing your gifts, talents, leadership, and explore your true purpose for being on this planet, you need a coach who is trained as a Women Centered Coach who understands what holds women back.

I want to help you feel confident and take up space to be unapologetically you!!!

Jump on over to my website and book a complimentary Breakthrough Call:


How many times have you answered "Fine." to the question "How are you today?" Are you really fine?? Watch my quick video for an interesting perspective on "being fine" then book a Breakthrough Call to see if my style of coaching is what you need!


Wow! Just Wow! Kara Loewentheil’s new book "Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head — and How to Get It Out" made the New York Times Best Seller list!

I did my Advanced Certification in Feminist Coaching with Kara and it changed my life and my coaching life. Grab your copy today!


Brain check?!?!

As humans, we are always looking for what’s wrong with us.

This is partially a survival response from our brain constantly scanning for danger because, ugh, it still thinks we live in a cave and may be eaten by a saber-toothed tiger.

Our brain is so powerful that it takes breaking down these neural pathways to begin to think differently.

Yes, there are actual neural pathways that fire automatically without us thinking about it.

This, of course, is great when you are truly in danger but isn’t always helpful in everyday life.

So how do we take control of our brain and begin asking “What is Right with Us?”

I bet if you could block out the constant internal chatter about what is wrong with you, there would be so many many things that are so right with you!

As women, we have been raised to always believe there is something wrong with us and that we constantly need fixing.

If you are in a leadership role, you are probably having many thoughts about how you think your leadership is flawed.

Well, I want you to know, that nothing has gone wrong, it’s just our sneaky brains.

But, most of us need help to work through the chatter and constant internal criticism.

Let’s stop giving our brains so much power over us.

Let’s take back control so you can show up confidently with “all the what’s right with you” in your leadership role.

Take the next step… book a Breakthrough Call:


As I have been mentioning, self-awareness is critical for a leader, especially a woman in leadership.

Self-leadership is another critical characteristic of a leader.

We have to realize that we must first lead ourselves and understand barriers to self-awareness.

Women make shame-based meaning out of things that happen 80% more than men do.

This leads to isolation, fear, self-criticism, and playing small because you don’t want to feel the pain of shame.

Dr. Claire Zammit explained that anyone with a marginalized identity such as women especially women of color, have never been in the power seat. We are not as physically strong as men and were not part of the patriarchy that created the power structures and religions of our world today. So guess what? We base everything about us on how we as women are being perceived!!

Think about that. Isn’t it sadly so true?

First, we must lead ourselves and understand these types of barriers that lead us to play small and stay quiet.

Let’s decide it’s time to lead ourselves into the greatness that we were put on this EARTH to do!!

We can’t do this by ourselves, we need others to show us the way or our lives would already be different.

Finding a coach is a great way to begin this process - book a Breakthrough Call today!


Hi everyone and happy Friday! Do you know the importance of practicing gratitude on a regular basis? Did you know that gratitude can improve your health and extend your life??

Listen to my short video and then book a Breakthrough Call so I can help you start this important practice!

Break the glass ceiling 29/05/2024

Hi friends! My most recent newsletter came out today. I talk about breaking your inner glass ceilings and overcoming your inner barriers. Check it out here:

Not signed up for my newsletter? Don't miss a thing - sign up here:

Break the glass ceiling  I am so grateful for the mentorship and training I am receiving with Dr. Claire Zammit.  Dr. Zammit is a revolutionary leader and is the founder of  Women-Centered Transformational Coaching.


On this Memorial Day, we honor and remember the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Their courage, selflessness, and dedication will never be forgotten. Let us come together as a nation to express our deepest gratitude and ensure their legacy lives on. 🙏🏼🎗️


Are you longing for the amazing empowered life that you deserve?? Book a Breakthrough Call and let me help you find the way!


So thankful to have received such wonderful feedback from one of my current coaching clients. Book a complimentary Breakthrough Call and find out for yourself how I can help coach you to success:


OMG, OMG, I got to meet Kara Loewentheil, J.D., Master Certified Life Coach in person during her book signing event in Dallas.

I was with 20 other women who are followers.

I did my Advanced Certification in Feminist Coaching with her and it changed my life and my coaching life.

She is awesome and I hope you will take a look at her book. If you are a woman or have a woman in your life, this book is a must-read. Here's the link to pre-order today:


🌺 I hope you are enjoying the Spring where new life, new dreams, new beginnings, new destinies are being created 🌺

I continue to learn and hone my coaching skills during my training and mentoring with Dr. Claire Zammit, founder of Feminine Power and Woman-Centered Coaching. I am well into the process of completing my certification as a Woman-Centered Feminine Power Transformational Coach. The combination of this training and my Feminist Coaching Certification are the keys to unlocking women’s potential and purpose.

My life has been transformed by this work, and it’s my joy to be able to pay it forward and share it with as many women as possible. Every woman who experiences this, causes a ripple effect that is felt all around her.

It will support you especially if you desire to……

✨ Experience a rich, rewarding personal and professional life filled with true connection.

✨ Become more spiritually connected and attuned to your own inner compass.

✨ Find your greatness and deepen your intuition.

✨ Expand your prosperity while expressing your creativity.

✨ Empower others in your family, your community, and the world at large.

I would love to meet you on a complimentary 60-minute Breakthrough Call.

Take a look at my calendar and book a session. Your greatness is calling you.



📢 Hey friends! 🌟 I had an eye-opening experience listening to the Ed Mylett podcast, and I wanted to share it with all of you. 🎧

🎙️ In this episode, Ed Mylett so powerfully discusses "What are your fears costing you?" 💭

💔 As humans our brain wants us to live in fear because it thinks we are still living in a cave and going eaten by a saber-toothed tiger.

So many of us live in fear of doing something different, ending relationships, going for new jobs, taking on a leadership role, blah blah blah. Again, part of this is our brains not wanting us to burn any extra energy in case there is nothing to eat for several weeks. But, we have to decide that our primitive caveman brain is no longer allowed to drive the bus!

Literally, it MUST get in the trunk!

What dreams are not pursued because of fear and limiting beliefs?

What life are you missing out on because of fear?

🌱 That's where coaching comes in. It's not just for athletes or executives; it's for anyone who wants to break free from the limitations and self-doubt that fear creates.

🧠 A coach can help us identify those fears, challenge our limiting beliefs, and provide the support and guidance we need to overcome them. They can help us reframe our mindset, build resilience, and unleash our true potential. 💪Coaches help you become the best version of you.

🤝 Consider investing in yourself and seeking out a coach who can guide you on this transformative journey. Remember, the first step towards growth is acknowledging and confronting our fears. 🌱

🎧 If you're ready to be inspired and motivated, I highly recommend checking out the Ed Mylett podcast episode.

It's a game-changer! 🙌

Let's break free from our fears, unlock our true potential, and live the extraordinary lives we were meant to live! 🚀💫

Book a Breakthrough Call:


Happy Friday! My newest newsletter came out this week. I talk about Spring awakenings and how they may be yearnings for a deeper, more meaningful, and fulfilled life.
Read the post here:

Sign up to receive my newsletter in your inbox each month:


Combat your constant self-doubt with women's empowerment coaching. Book a complimentary 1-hour Breakthrough Call with me today!


Hi friends and colleagues, I am sharing this information about the next opportunity for training on trauma mitigation. Taking this class has changed my approach to student support, colleague support, and equity and inclusion endeavors. Please consider and/or share with folks in your network involved in student support and restorative justice. Please see the link below for more information. I recommend registering soon because the groups are small and they tend to fill quickly. If you're interested but cannot make these sessions, fill out the waitlist info and you will receive subsequent notices. FYI in the spirit of transparency: I am an independent faculty contractor for Lodestar for some trainings. I do not receive monetary benefit from your enrollment in this course, nor will I be involved in any of these sessions.

 8-week session: September 2, 2024 - October 22, 2024 (Tuesdays)

You may read more and Register here:


Hi friends! I'd love to share this Tony Robbins podcast with you! Tony and his wife Sage address the 4 Incredibly Powerful Questions To Ask Yourself Every Day.
After you check it out, connect with me on a complimentary one-hour Breakthrough Call:

The Tony Robbins Inner Circle Experience:


I wanted to share a pic from our recent trip to Cabo for a family wedding.

🌴 Cabo is such a beautiful destination and Las Ventanas is a magical place. 🌊

It was such a wonderful time with family to rest, unplug ,play, and enjoy.

I am so grateful for this time with family…


Wouldn't you love a map of your future? I can help you on your way to a successful, meaningful path. Book a Breakthrough Call today:


Are you a Gabrielle Bernstein Fan?

I came across a book she published in 2014, Miracles Now.

108 Life-Changing Tools for Less Stress, More Flow, and Finding Your True Purpose!!

A great resource full of immediate tools for improved well-being.

Here is a sneak peek of some of the chapter titles:

🌟 Be a love machine
🌟 Compare no more
🌟 Forgive and delete
🌟 See the tormentor as the mentor
🌟 Surrender your obsessions

Sounds amazing right?!?!

I immediately put some of these tools in place…

Take a listen… it's so good!


Have you ever had the feeling that something is missing in your life? Dr. Claire Zammit helped me with trained women-centered coaching - let me help you find your missing pieces. Schedule a complimentary Breakthrough Call today:


Hi friends! I'd like to share a recent article from JAMA regarding a randomized clinical trial of Physician Coaching by Professionally Trained Peers for Burnout and Well-Being. Check out the article in the link below and then schedule a Breakthrough Call and let me show you the benefits of having a coach!

Article link:

Schedule a 45 minute Breakthrough Call:

Videos (show all)

In my most recent newsletter, I discuss the differences between fixed and growth mindsets. Which do you have?Sound inter...
Do you have a fear of failure?  In order to achieve greatness, one must first fail...  failure is a part of growth. Book...
Women Centered Coaching Video.mp4
How many times have you answered "Fine." to the question "How are you today?" Are you really fine?? Watch my quick video...
Memorial Day.mp4
Friday 5-24.MOV
So thankful to have received such wonderful feedback from one of my current coaching clients.  Book a complimentary Brea...
📢 Hey friends! 🌟 I had an eye-opening experience listening to the Ed Mylett podcast, and I wanted to share it with all o...
Combat your self doubt.mp4
Hi friends!  I'd love to share this Tony Robbins podcast with you!  Tony and his wife Sage address the 4 Incredibly Powe...