Pro Life Society

Pro Life Society

We are an Advocacy group highlighting the need for legal protection for vulnerable people at the star

Giant Pro-Life Rally in Dublin 23/07/2024

Giant Pro-Life Rally in Dublin Decent Irish people are gathering together to resist various evils foisted on them by their liberal elite - and abortion is right at the top of the list! Thousands have marched in Dublin urging the Government to act in response to the “heartbreaking” escalation in abortions.

Abortions Surge to UK Record 22/07/2024

Abortions Surge to UK Record "The sewers of Britain's cities run red with the blood of aborted babies". That's the verdict of Life League founder Jim Dowson as just released 2022 abortion figures for England and Wales set a bloody record.

Pro-Lifer's Powerful Courtroom Speech 18/07/2024

Pro-Lifer's Powerful Courtroom Speech Dennis Green, a pro-life rescuer and Christian father of 13, posted the following testimony to his page. Green, who ultimately escaped jail time, was looking at a maximum of 10.5 years in prison and six-figure fines after being convicted in January of violating the FACE (Freedom of Access t...

US State Leads Pro-Life Charge 10/07/2024

US State Leads Pro-Life Charge While many Western nations - including Ireland, Scotland and indeed now the entire UK - seem hellbent on killing as many unborn babies as possible, many Republican-run states in the USA are heading in the opposite direction. Leading the pro-life charge is Arkansas, which has distributed $999,999.77....

Pro-Life Archbishop Excommunicated 09/07/2024

Pro-Life Archbishop Excommunicated One of the bravest and outsopken ckergymen of our time - the staunchly pro-life Archbishop Carlo Vigano, has been excommunicated by the Pope and the Vatican's homos*xual mafia. The Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) announced July 5 that it has declared former U.S Nuncio Archb...

Abortion Survivor in Video Campaign 08/07/2024

Abortion Survivor in Video Campaign A new pro-life video features the powerful story of Hope Hoffman, a 32-year-old woman who survived an abortion attempt at ten weeks and was later adopted into a loving family.

Covid Deaths Study Breaks Lancet Censorship 04/07/2024

Covid Deaths Study Breaks Lancet Censorship Suppressed evidence of the link between Covid vaccine shots and sudden deaths has finally broken through the wall of censorship shamefully erected by The Lancet. A systematic review of autopsy-related literature following COVID-19 vaccination found that 73.9 percent of the 325 deaths were linked to....

Hero Teacher Free After 400 Days 03/07/2024

Hero Teacher Free After 400 Days The hero teacher Enoch Burke has been freed after serving more than 400 days in jail as part of a dispute born out of his refusal to address a transgender pupil by biologically inaccurate pronouns. The Irish Christian was jailed for refusing to comply with his school principal’s May 9, 2022, order...

Covid Really IS a Clot Shot 22/06/2024

Covid Really IS a Clot Shot The Covid jabs really are a 'clot shot' - more than 200 times more likely to give recipients brain clots than other jabs. This is the shocking conclusion of a new review by Dr. Peter McCullough and other medical experts. They found 5,137 cases of cerebral thromboembolism since the COVID-19 shots hav...

Brits Increasingly Oppose Trans Ideology 21/06/2024

Brits Increasingly Oppose Trans Ideology The trans lobby have really overplayed their hand! Opposition to legal ‘s*x swaps’ and transgender ideology is on the rise, new research has shown.

Drug Expert Warns of Cannabis Crisis 16/06/2024

Drug Expert Warns of Cannabis Crisis Writing in the Scotsman, retired senior police officer and former drugs charity boss Tom Wood called on Scotland to “wake up” to the dangers of cannabis.

UK Doctors Against Euthanasia 15/06/2024

UK Doctors Against Euthanasia The Royal College of Nursing conference has just voted in favour of shifting the union's stance on "assisted su***de" from neutrality to supporting killing off patients. So it's good to remember that a very clear majority of UK doctors surveyed last year said they would refuse to help operate such a...

NHS Pregnancy App is Woke 14/06/2024

NHS Pregnancy App is Woke An NHS pregnancy app that asks mothers-to-be for their ‘preferred pronouns’ is just another example of the NHS ‘imposing gender ideology’, a prominent women’s rights campaigner has said.

Telegraph Admits to Covid Vaxx Deaths 08/06/2024

Telegraph Admits to Covid Vaxx Deaths The Telegraph, which is financed by the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation (biggest vaccine investor) is playing down the serious consequences of the covid jab. It doesn’t mention that the covid jab can trigger all sorts of illnesses through immunodeficiency, such as turbo cancer. However, the articl...

Clampdown on Black Market Trans Drugs 07/06/2024

Clampdown on Black Market Trans Drugs Trans s*x hormones are permanently damaging a growing number of children, but despite some recent attempts to restrict their availability in the UK, black market sales mean the problem is getting worse. The good news is that the UK Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has cracked down o...

Trans Madness in Scottish Schools 06/06/2024

Trans Madness in Scottish Schools The official promotion of child-mutilating trans madness has now infiltrated Scotland to a frightening level. Almost all Scottish secondary schools allow young people to ‘self-identify their gender’, it has been revealed.

Is Bird Flu the Next Elite Power Grab Hoax? 05/06/2024

Is Bird Flu the Next Elite Power Grab Hoax? Are the global elite preparing to use a massive Bird Flu scare as the excuse to destroy a large part of our countries' meat producing capacity? There is already a very obvious elite war on farmers and food production, but the Bird Flu 'threat' could provide the excuse for a massive ramping up of the...

Wheelchair Bound Pro-Lifer Gets 2 Years Prison 04/06/2024

Wheelchair Bound Pro-Lifer Gets 2 Years Prison Being in serious ill-health is no defence against the spite of the left-wing bigots running America. Pro-life activist Paulette Harlow was sentenced on Friday to 24 months in jail for blocking access to a late-term abortion facility in the nation’s capital. It is just a latest in a series of harsh...

Covid Jabs May Contaminate Blood Transfusions 03/06/2024

Covid Jabs May Contaminate Blood Transfusions The Covid jabs nightmare looks as though it could get a whole lot worse. A Japanese study warns of risks in transfusing blood from COVID vaccine recipients to other patients, indicating it may cause significant health risks, including death. The researchers also call for safety measures to screen an...

Trans Lobby Bullying Silences Medical Experts 31/05/2024

Trans Lobby Bullying Silences Medical Experts Bullying and threats by the increasingly aggressive trans lobby is stopping doctors and other medical experts speaking out in defence of vulnerable children and teenager. Medical experts are too afraid to provide evidence in court cases about trans procedures for young people, a top KC has warned.

Bloody Record in England & Wales 30/05/2024

Bloody Record in England & Wales In 2022, England and Wales set a bloody record: according to the Office for Health, 252,122 abortions were committed, the highest ever recorded. The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) noted that this was a 17% surge over a year and that “these are not merely statistics, but preci...

South Korea Declares Birth Rate Emergency 22/05/2024

South Korea Declares Birth Rate Emergency South Korea’s president has declared the country’s low birth rate a “national emergency” and announced a new government ministry to address the problem.

Abortionist WHO Under Pressure 21/05/2024

Abortionist WHO Under Pressure A group of Republican lawmakers wants the World Health Organization (WHO) to lose its federal funding if it moves forward with plans to partner with the pro-abortion Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR), warns a letter to the embattled international agency led by Republican U.S. Rep. Andy Biggs of A...

Jailed Pro-Lifer Sings Ave Maria 20/05/2024

Jailed Pro-Lifer Sings Ave Maria Joan Andrews Bell went to jail singing this week after supporters gave her a standing ovation. She has already been terribly treated while in prison on remand, for her part in a peaceful prayer vigil at an abortion mill.

Christians to be Criminalised? 17/05/2024

Christians to be Criminalised? Christians in the UK face being criminalised by a law promoted by the LGBTQ lobby. Church leaders from a range of Christian denominations have urged the Prime Minister to oppose attempts to outlaw so-called conversion practices.

America's Abortion Shame 16/05/2024

America's Abortion Shame In its 2024 report on “Gestational Limits on Abortion in the United States Compared to International Norms,” published last week, the pro-life Charlotte Lozier Institute found that the U.S. is one of only eight countries in the United Nations that allows abortion on demand without any gestationa...

Isle of Man Warned Vs Assisted Dying 15/05/2024

Isle of Man Warned Vs Assisted Dying With assisted su***de being pushed hard in Scotland, the Isle of Man has been warned by a top lawyer of the dangers of becoming a “death island” by legalising euthanasia.

Non-Binary Witch Shames Ireland 14/05/2024

Non-Binary Witch Shames Ireland An Irish witch and self-professed “non-binary” individual is representing the once-Catholic nation in the 2024 Eurovision song contest, performing a song with blatant representations of satanism and occult behavior. The national shame is only heightened by senior politicians joining in the campa...

Pro-Lifers on the March 13/05/2024

Pro-Lifers on the March Tomorrow, thousands of Canadians will come to Ottawa to rally on Parliament Hill. They will then march through the city’s streets. Some will be carrying signs. Some will be praying. Some will be chanting slogans.