Western Mass. Geocachers

Western Mass. Geocachers

As the old saying goes "the only bad question is the one not asked", and we stand by that 110%.

Our members regularly hold Geocaching Events here in Western Massachusetts and we strongly encourage new Geocachers to come out and take part in these events, and get to know other Geocachers and ask questions.


The geocaching community is in mourning today, and will be for some time.

A fellow Geocacher and personal friend of mine "trainlove" aka. Raymond Jerome passed away.

Ray always enjoyed the events that we (WMG) held and made it to virtually every one that I or a fellow Geocacher hosted.

No one could ever question his love for geocaching, both of his FB profile pictures could easily prove it.

Ray, You will be greatly missed, not only by me but by the hundreds of people that have had the privilege of meeting you at events or on the trail along the way.


I haven't posted anything in quite a while as where I moved to we didn't have land line Internet and having only my cell phone to really keep up on things made it extremely difficult to stay with geocaching. I do see posts from people and I do look at the group once in a while but I don't always respond.