

Financial Planning

Photos from winniethemummy's post 12/07/2024
Photos from winniethemummy's post 12/02/2023

Super hot weather, must have ice cream.

Timeline photos 10/05/2020

No present for Mother's Day but a glass of Dalgona Coffee made by my girl Janelle Chu. Thank you my sweetie!

Timeline photos 08/03/2020

To all the wonderful ladies:
Remember to love yourself more

Photos from winniethemummy's post 06/03/2020

My career..My families..My DPG

Photos from winniethemummy's post 24/02/2020

My beautiful ladies in the DPG team

@ National Stadium, Singapore

Timeline photos 24/01/2020

Wish all my loved ones, relatives and friends a Happy New Year 🍊🍊 in 2020, all everyone good health, 🍍🍍 a abundance of wealth and success in whatever you do🧧🧧🧧 .
2020 祝大家🐁年财源滚滚!🐁年旺旺!🍍🍍

Photos from winniethemummy's post 25/12/2019

Merry Christmas everyone and happy birthday to me!! ☃️🎄 Had such a fun time giving and receiving gifts 🎁, eating and catching up with my family.

Always to my family for celebrating this joyous day with me, 🎊 especially my brother and sister-in-law who put in so much effort to make this a wonderful celebration. (Doesn't my brother make a good santa Claus🎅?) As I look back on the year, there is so much I have to celebrate and I hope everyone is equally lucky! 😊😊

Photos from winniethemummy's post 24/12/2019

a very fun yesterday 🍻 After so long, I finally get some ME time! Moments to myself are few and far between now that I have a family so this was extra enjoyable! Really cherish this chance to party with my son and family 😊😊

Timeline photos 12/12/2019

As a mum myself, I know how hard it is for us mummies need to find our footing after giving birth. 🤰🏻That’s why I’m so happy to introduce PRUMum to you guys!

PRUMum is a 4-year maternity term plan that protects you from as early as your 13th week of pregnancy.

It aims to provide the protection you and your baby🤱🏻 need!

PRUMum covers pregnancy complications, mental wellness, gestational diabetes mellitus, congenital illnesses like down syndrome and hospitalisations for your baby 🍼 and you!

Mummies, I would love to tell you more about PRUMum, so do feel free to PM me! 👼🏻

Timeline photos 05/12/2019

Last week was occupied with choosing a Secondary school for my girl. 🎒 After days of research and asking around, we finally settled on CHIJ! Our main considerations were distance and school environment. 🏫 I didn’t want her to be worn out by long travelling times or be unhappy in school. Feeling confident about our choice and fingers crossed that she has a great time in CHIJ! 🤞🏻Thank you to all our friends and family who were more than happy to offer advice! 😊

Timeline photos 21/11/2019

Today is a big day for my girl and I - her PSLE results are going to be released. Though I went through this before with my eldest son, I still feel so anxious. 😟 She has studied so hard and improved a lot, all I want is for her results to reflect that. But I know that sometimes, things happen and it comes down to luck. 🍀 Regardless, I also know she has tried her best and I am already proud of her. I only hope she feels the same about herself. .

Timeline photos 12/11/2019

Happy graduation to my girl!! 🎓 Today’s graduation marked the end of her primary school education and we’re all very proud of her for pushing through her first major exam. 📝 Thank you to all her teachers, friends and family for accompanying her this far, hopefully she will have a great time in Secondary school too! Always exciting to see what the future has in store for my kids. 😊

Timeline photos 06/11/2019

One problem I face that I’m sure many of you do too is burning fats – no matter what I do, I always can’t lose the excess weight! 😔 However, I’ve recently been trying out these four tricks and they’ve actually been working for me!

1. Abstain from sugary drinks.
2. Lift weights 🏋🏻‍♂ with compound exercises.
3. Go for a run 🏃🏻‍♀in the morning before breakfast.
4. Halve your meal portions 🍜 but eat more regularly to boost your metabolism!

What about you? How do you maintain your healthy lifestyle? Would love to know of other methods! (As long as they don't involve having to eat pills to maintain a healthy weight! 😊)

Timeline photos 25/10/2019

It is always very sad to see first-time clients who have fallen on hard times or run into serious accidents 🤕🚑 and are unable to get sufficient insurance coverage because they did not pick a suitable insurance plan. But what if there were a flexible, customisable insurance plan that allowed you to boost your coverage up to 5⃣ times until you were 80 years old 🧓🏻, to cover against unfortunate and serious accidents?

PRUActive Life is a whole-of-life insurance plan that optimises your coverage while accumulating cash value over time. 💰 Apart from that, it has features like early crisis care and critical illness coverage customisation. 🏥 What’s more, you get additional coverage when your immediate family member 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 purchases a PRUActive Life plan too! I’m so happy that my clients now have this option and hope you guys check it out! PM me if you want to find out more!

Timeline photos 13/10/2019

As parents, it’s our duty to ready our kids for adulthood and an important part of that is teaching them to spend wisely! 💸💸 Here are my favourite ways to teach them that!

Make the OPPORTUNITY COST relatable – if they want to buy an expensive toy🧸, don’t just tell them it costs a lot. Try saying something like, “if you buy that, you won’t have money to buy another video game 🎮.” Encourage them to THINK before they spend. 🤔 If you sense that their request is an impulse buy, you could ask them to sleep on the decision and see if they still want it the next couple of days.

Introduce them to a BUDGETING app. 🤳🏻 Nowadays, kids are always on their phones. Take advantage of this by getting them onto a budgeting app 💰 and frame saving as a challenge! 📈 This will not only encourage them to save more, but also familiarise them with the price of day-to-day items.

Here are my tips, what are yours? .

Timeline photos 08/10/2019

Super happy because my daughter just finished her PSLE last Wednesday! Brought them all out to the zoo on Children's Day for a day of fun. 😊😊 It was my daughter's first major exam 📝 and she has been very stressed so seeing her relaxed and smiling makes me smile too!

Exams are a stressful time for our kids and often, us parents as well but over the years I’ve learnt to cope with the stress and help my kids better. 💪 My top three tips are to have realistic expectations 📈, make sure they sleep 🛏 and eat 🍎 well, and emphasise the importance of study breaks! Before the exam period, make sure they’re being consistent in their work so that they don’t panic when it’s crunch time. ✍ What are your methods of dealing with the stress?

Timeline photos 03/10/2019

As we age, our life circumstances change and so should our financial plans! ✍🏻 Here are some indicators that it’s time for a change!

1. There may not be enough money to support your dependants in event of your death or disability.
2. Necessary medical treatment 🏥 may be hard to finance in the future.
3. Your loans are not insured and will still be due when you’re not around.
4. You may not be able to provide for your child’s university 🎓 education.
5. You lack the money to retire 🧓🏻 comfortably.
6. The inflation rate 📈 outpaces your investment or savings returns.

Ignoring any of these warning signs could cause you a significant amount of regret further down the line, so always be financially vigilant! 👮🏻‍♂ PM me if you need any help or advice, am always here for you! 🥰

Timeline photos 25/09/2019

🤔PLANNING for financial protection sounds boring but no amount of boredom can ever match up to the horror of realising you have no financial safety net when catastrophes ⛈ happen.

Events like illness 🤒 and accidents 🤕 can have lifelong impacts. Should one suffer a serious accident 🤕, it would be near impossible to regain independence, let alone return to work, without financial coverage that can pay your medical bills🏥. Some illnesses require lifelong treatment. There is no room for error - one catastrophe alone can wipe out all your savings 💸and any hope of retirement. And when it comes to finances, every decision you make has lasting *impacts* on your family.
Even happy events like having a child 👶🏻 require good financial planning 📉 so that your child can have good opportunities in future!
Don't gamble on your family's quality of life, make sure you’re sheltered on a ☔☔☔ rainy day!

Call ☎ me now, what are you waiting for...

Timeline photos 17/09/2019

Does anyone else find it hard to instil a reading habit in kids nowadays? 🤦🏻‍♀ Kids today are so distracted by their gadgets📱and games! 🎮 Luckily, I’ve found some methods that really help in getting them to enjoy reading!

Firstly, your kids emulate everything you do so make sure they see you reading! 📖👀 Secondly, I like to keep reading materials somewhere easily accessible and visible in the house. 🏡 Better still if the books have pretty covers as this will pique the child’s interest! 😃 Lastly, try to visit the library often. The kids’ section is often brightly decorated and with the huge variety of books, your child will never be bored! 🏬😊

Timeline photos 13/09/2019

The best time to save is when you have money. After all, what’s a little thriftiness in the face of a penniless retirement? Here's 3 great ways for you guys to start preparing for retirement! 😊

1. OPTIMISE YOUR SPENDING by spending within your means and not relying on credit.

2. MAKE YOUR “TAKE HOME” MONEY WORK FOR YOU by investing your money. Invest in skills training as this goes a long way towards job advancement and some skills can also be a great way to earn extra income, such as giving piano lessons.

3. BUILD YOUR WEALTH WISELY. Given the low interest rates, it’s better to look for higher-return tools than lumping all your money into a savings account. However, always be clear on what risk-return balance you are comfortable with. .

Photos from winniethemummy's post 11/09/2019

Had a wonderful experience art jamming with today! Amidst a backdrop of lively chattering and teambonding, painting this picture was both challenging and meditative. Feeling refreshed and re-energised for the rest of the week now! 💪🏻 I’m pretty proud of how my artwork turned out too! Not too bad for a first try, don’t you think? ☺

Timeline photos 08/09/2019

To improve your chances of financial health when you retire,

1. BE REALISTIC. Financially, it’s tough being a millennial. To retire comfortably, save early, save a lot, and plan for rising healthcare costs.

2. Be BALANCED. Spread your money over savings and various investments. Above all, be a discerning investor – don’t fall for the “zero risk” hoax!

3. PLAY IT SAFE. Having insurance will prevent you from having to dip into retirement funds in case of unforeseen circumstances.

4. Use TECHNOLOGY to help you track and plan your finances

For more info, click on the link in my bio! ☺️

Timeline photos 04/09/2019

Many parents use negative or positive reinforcement to foster healthy habits in their children, such as tidying up or eating vegetables. However, those methods may be counterproductive as the child may grow up to dread, or think that they should be rewarded for, very ordinary tasks.
For example, avoid saying, “I’ll confiscate your toys if you don’t pack them!” or “If you pack your toys, you can have some chocolate.” Instead, try modelling the ideal behaviour and breaking down the task by directing them to put away one thing at a time!
A little mindfulness goes a long way! Paying attention to our words and tweaking our approach will help our children develop healthy mindsets! .

Photos from winniethemummy's post 27/08/2019

Kids grow up so fast! Feels like just yesterday when I could carry my son in one arm.

We always lament the disappearance of their chubby cheeks but another challenging aspect of their fast growth is buying clothes that last! I’ve gotten much better at that over the years and my top 3 go-tos are: clothes with elastic waistbands, second-hand clothes, and clothes with a loose fit and extra sleeve/pant length. Of course, it’s always good to be mindful of the and donate or repurpose old clothes!
What are your strategies when shopping for kids? Would love to hear from you! 😊

Global Logistics - International Shipping | DHL Home | 21/08/2019

I believe alots of people like myself receiving the DHL scams call. Pls hang up the phone immediately.

Global Logistics - International Shipping | DHL Home | DHL is the global leader in the logistics industry. Specializing in international shipping, courier services and transportation.

Timeline photos 21/08/2019

It's old news that Singapore has an ageing population and hence an increase in age-related illnesses and healthcare costs. While this may sound scary, fret not! You can start preparing for such expenses right now. By making well-informed, thoroughly researched health insurance choices, you can allay a large portion of your financial worries.
This doesn't just extend to the elderly and middle-aged adults. Young adults should already be shopping around for suitable insurance as life expectancy and healthcare costs will only rise across generations. In other words, the costs of ageing is an even bigger problem for you than your parents!

Lost and don't know where to start? Don't worry! Just PM me for advice and I will be happy to help! ☺️ Credit: .sg
Link to article in bio!

Timeline photos 20/08/2019

Every parent knows that despite the cute pictures, parenting is not a bed of roses! Disciplining my children when they do something wrong is not my favourite part of parenting but as mothers, we’ve got to do what we’ve got to do! I’ve found that the best method of teaching them a lesson is to firstly, be firm and uncompromising when I tell them off or punish them, secondly, clearly explain what they did wrong and why it was wrong, and thirdly, always model the correct behaviour so that it is naturally reinforced.
Every parent has their own style of parenting, what works best for you? Would love to hear from you guys! 😊


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Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00