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ready to leave their pods 💚 It’s Sunday and they want to fly free in the blue sky. Ps: if you want to propagate this beautiful , cutting is much better, easier and faster than sowing.

Photos from Thegardeneditor's post 24/01/2024

Back to school đź’š Corso di (ed altre propagazioni agamiche) da Vivai Gaggero.
Ormai sono una “pro” di talee, margotte e propaggine, ma sull’innesto mi blocco un po’. Sarà perché proprio non mi piace potare, tagliare, capitozzare…o forse perché mi produco da sola tutti i piedi franchi da seme (il porta innesto più facile che c’é) e quindi poi mi spiace doverli mettere in pericolo (dopo averli cresciuti con cura per circa 2 anni) a causa di un mio errore. Ma ora sono pronta! Ho anche acquistato il mastice da innesto e in settimana, tempo permettendo, inizio con i prunus. Good luck! Ps: c’é qualcuno di voi che innesta? Chi e soprattutto su cosa? Quando? E che tipo di tecnica usa? Dai, raccontatemi: non fatemi sentire sola…(grazie per il lavoro che fate di informazione capillare sul territorio: l’unico modo per diffondere l’amore per piante e fiori e’ la conoscenza. Perché una pianta felice ci rende felici).

Photos from Thegardeneditor's post 21/01/2024

alias ’ 💚 Ebbene sì, da 10 anni sono una scambista (di , , naturali, ma anche di marze e di talee). E oggi sono stata a (non pensavo che in Liguria potesse fare così freddo) x conoscere persone come me: stessa , stessa vita a rincorrere piante antiche, aria aperta e terra più o meno buona, ma sempre sana. Cosa succede al ? Si scambia un po’ di tutto (vegetale, eh), si acquistano libri deliziosi e fuori circuito (Diario di un giardiniere anarchico, Il Bugiardino…), ci si iscrive ad associazioni da urlo (A.Di.Pa che ha rete in tutta Italia e con la quota annuale puoi ricevere fino a 25 tipi di , parlo di piante buonissime e di fiori bellissimi), si incontrano gli amici di sempre (.farmer ) e se ne conoscono di nuovi, si impara, si sogna, si progetta il futuro. SI FA RETE. Perché per fare tutto…ci vuole un seme. E se e’ naturale é molto meglio (leggi NO glisofato, NO ogm, NO genoma editing, ma soprattutto NO a brevetti sui semi! ). Ho visto che a breve c’è un altro appuntamento a : chi viene? Io ci sarò.

Photos from Thegardeneditor's post 13/01/2024

Grateful 💚 The first day of practice was cooler than yesterday’s theory. Working in such a beautiful place, surrounded by wild nature and alike souls is priceless. And the are growing fast and furious. At with


Who did it? 💚 Living in the wild is (also) this: sharing food with garden-mates. I think a very hungry feasted with the last night. They love the peel…


Unconventional Beauty đź’š A is a rose is a rose (cit. Gertrude Stein). Yes, she is a rose and she will always be, also without her pretty petals. (Variety: ).

Photos from Thegardeneditor's post 07/01/2024

From the tree 💚 First you the pretty , then you take care of it, waiting -without getting tired- few years for . Then “that” magic moment arrives: the . What than? Few hours later a super yummy is ready for…


Happily tired (and surrounded by Love) đź’š Days of cleaning (my , my thoughts): this is the way I always start a new year. I am working to bring back to their old splendor some dry-stone-wall terraces. In love with my land, in love with the landscape, in love with you.


December đź’š The plant came to my garden last summer and she felt so good and welcomed that she decided to stay. Here I pamper her, I feed her and, most of all, I love her deeply.

Photos from Thegardeneditor's post 25/12/2023

The Greatest Gift 💚 It doesn’t matter what the present is when you receive such a beautiful wrapping. Apparently, the is the greeting card: what else do I need for Christmas? Auguri a tutti!


Happy ! đź’š So lucky and grateful to spend these short days in the , planning for spring with no hurry, enjoying the of this majestic (yes, she is always ).


Fragile and Beautiful, like a showing up in winter đź’š This is a very brave and bold , on bloom during these gray days. At her feet, a nascent growing up slowly. Winter is a magic season for plants!


đź’š , peacefully on , looking at the bay. Do you know that Iris are super resilient and easygoing to grow? Here they live -also- in the rocks and they propagate themselves making little communities in a short time. Pure Beauty


Getting ready for a đź’š What do you do to embellish and perfume the and/or the Christmas tree? I prepare a lot of little some heart-shaped .


Getting ready for an (with other species from my ) 💚 Winter is coming very slowly here, but all my are full of fruits looking like Christmas decorations in the garden. Here a and a very uncommon one: ( ). Its juice is very bitter but the peel is so aromatic and fragrant…yummy!


Walking in my wild-wild land 💚 When I say “I can eat my lawn” I mean this: there are more than 15 edible growing here&there on my land, waiting to be picked and cooked, all , grew up without being sown or irrigated. Here is today’s mix: , , , , , , , and few other i eat without knowing the name (don’t do it!). Ps: in the basket -today- there are also few and the very first from my tree. !

Photos from Thegardeneditor's post 23/11/2023

Do you know the ( Mill.) ? 💚 she belongs to the big botanical family of (the same of melon, cucumber, zucchini…) and she is a pretty, super easygoing . I pick the fruits in autumn when they are completely dried and I use this veggy as a for my body and the dishes. The little black things are the that I collect every year to ensure future generations. Did you know this ? Who grows her?

Photos from Thegardeneditor's post 19/11/2023

is coming! đź’š Any among you? The perfect sunny Sunday to some cute things collected in my wild land.


Nutella’s “non-biological” handsome brother 💚 Guardatelo, non è bellissimo? E’ un maschietto di meno di un anno (e meno di 10kg, per chi si interessa al peso di persone, animali e piante…). E’ stato “dimenticato” con suo fratello in Campania, dove abita la prima mamma di Nutella (quella che l’ha curata per mesi, sfamata, educata all’amore). Lui (come lo chiamereste?) cerca casa, e sarebbe bello trovargliela prima di Natale. Nutella e’ arrivata con una staffetta “da giù” due anni fa, proprio prima delle feste, e lui farebbe la stessa cosa. Nutella e’ il regalo più bello che io mi sia mai concessa, mi ha insegnato l’amore. Lui (dai, diamogli un nome che senza non può stare!) e suo fratello sono gli stessi portatori sani di felicità. Please, aiutate me e la suuuuuuuper a trovargli una bella casa per Natale? E, sappiatelo, per loro “bella” significa piena di amore (e crocchette, of course!). Ps: anche Nutella ringrazia con noi.

Photos from Thegardeneditor's post 15/11/2023

đź’š I found a beautiful on the beach, after the storm. Clean it, cut it, smooth it and filled it with water and .


Still 💚 ( ) on my table, during (another!) rainy day. Her pretty pods are as beautiful as the corollas, I’ll dry them for my Christmas decorations.

Photos from Thegardeneditor's post 06/11/2023

Difficult, but worth it! 💚 The in which I live is dramatically beautiful but quite hard to : my , dotted by here and there, makes my daily work even more tiring but i wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. So let’s start prepping for the , transplanting (climbing on the net) and in the field. All , all done without mechanical tools, and without fertilizers: quite proud of what I am doing here.

Photos from Thegardeneditor's post 05/11/2023

Viva l’Italia 💚 E le domeniche italiane, fatte di lentezza, cibo, amore. L’allerta maltempo continua ma si raccolgono le (che qui in danno il loro meglio proprio in autunno) per riempire i ravioli fatti in casa. Perché lentezza e’ bellezza, anche in cucina.

Photos from Thegardeneditor's post 03/11/2023

Getting ready for 💚 The scent of my is very powerful, and the color of their skin is very pretty too (and looking sunny in these rainy days). Impossible to garden outdoor today, so let’s start to prep for holidays and better days.


The very last of an abundant year đź’š While the persimmons were eaten by wild boars (with all the zucchini, pumpkins, loofahs, fennels, onions, lettuces and all the rest of my veggygarden), these resilient fruits survived on the trees. I am picking so many since a month, despite storms and a very strong wind for days. Here the last beauties, and very soon on my table all the winter from the orchard.


heart 💚 Domeniche d’autunno, di pioggia, di pasta fatta in casa. Posso contribuire -solo- con l’amore con il quale coltivo (relazioni&vegetali). Stasera b***o e ?

Photos from Thegardeneditor's post 27/10/2023

, you are not the easiest to eat 💚 There is a form of beauty in slowness, also with this old style . The time I dedicate to seed-grow-harvest-peel-cut-clean and cook it…is the time I dedicate to myself for a better living. Ps: use lemon to preserve your hands clean from the dark and very persistent pigments of the thistle pulp.


Lush in the đź’š The time for is arriving soon, and my are gently ripening on the tree: the rain is welcome and refreshes a bit, while the sun helps the skin tone to warm up a bit more. Autumn is a magic season to grow (in every field).


lush and its color palette đź’š In my Garden (and all around in the bay) the tones are turning warm and greens are finally enjoying this October rain that brings lush and well-being for people, plants and all the wild life.


RIP sweet đź’š Live in the is also (unfortunately) this: try to deal with life and death as part of the wonderful/slash/cruel . I tried my best to safe this pretty one, with the support of (grazie, super helpful and kind). Sometimes I feel powerless: this is a very sad but good emotion for humans.

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