Lisa Marshall

Lisa Marshall

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Photos from Lisa Marshall's post 21/06/2021

⭕️ Toddler Tantrums ⭕️

When your toddler is upset, angry, tired, hungry, or frustrated he may throw a tantrum and even bite. Toddlers use temper tantrums as a way of communicating and dealing with big feelings.

Here 6 strategies to help your toddler...


Is Your Child Lying? Here's What To Do

Find out how to turn this situation into a valuable teaching moment by following these simple steps!

Transformational Non-Fiction 08/06/2021

Searching for your next Transformational Book?

Look no further!

These bestselling authors have teamed up to offer a delightful selection of free books.

*Available for a limited time.

Transformational Non-Fiction Searching for your next Transformational Book? Look no further! These bestselling authors have teamed up to offer a delightful selection of free books. Available for a limited time.



👉 How Can I Make It Easy?

We tend to glorify things that are "hard," don't you think? An accomplishment was hard-earned. We got a lot of things done during a hard day's work. It took blood, sweat, and tears to finally meet a goal. Meanwhile, "easy" seems to be a cop out. That's "easy money," or "that's easy for you to say."

We assume that anything worth doing is going to take a lot of work. Of course, many times they do, but not always. The problem is assuming that everything worth doing will be hard...

Including parenting.

We've all heard that parenting is the hardest job there is, and we listen to friends lamenting about the sacrifices they make for their kids. We've done it ourselves, and know firsthand that raising kids isn't always easy. But what if we start watching what we say and NOT always assume that everything has to be hard?

In other words, what if we start asking ourselves, "How can I make this easy?"

Let's say you can't get your child out of the house on time in the mornings. How might asking yourself "How can I make this easy?" help you brainstorm new ideas?

Maybe "easy" means simplifying breakfast so that you're eating the same meal Mondays through Fridays. He could pack his water bottle and snacks the night before, ready to go in his backpack. Perhaps everyone wakes up 10 minutes early to accommodate last-minute things to do.

It's not griping about how much you have to nag him or getting into another power struggle every morning. By asking yourself how things can be easier, you're more likely to simplify and get creative with the solutions that will work.

So, tell me: What are some struggles you're dealing with as a parent? How could you simplify and make it easier? Hit "comment" and let me know!


Group Audio Promo

For Audiobook Lovers...

If you're a first-time parent you could be interested in listening to some of will get tons of tips!


👉 Awesome Nonfiction eBooks For My Readers! 📖
Get these books fast! This promotion ends June 30th!

p.s. don't forget to support these fellow authors by leaving a review...

Thank you!


[What are some changes you'd like to make in your day-to-day life?]

Have you ever said you'd make a change, only to find yourself repeating the same thing you swore you wouldn't do any longer?

Let's say you haven't exactly been present and mindful when you're with the kids. You vowed not to get distracted and focus on them instead, especially since doing so makes you more patient and less likely to yell.

You might have been able to pull it off for a little while, but a week into your commitment, and you find yourself right back to being distracted and impatient.

What gives?

Well, it turns out that our roadblocks aren't always so obvious. You might have "excuses" galore: you're rushing in the evening hours after having just gotten home from work, or your phone won't stop pinging with notifications, or that weekends are already jam-packed with activities.

Instead, the very roadblock that can be keeping you from changing is... YOU.

Deep down, we all tend to cling to the very habits we want to change. Even when we know they don't serve us well, and even when we do our best to try to turn things around.

We see this so many times. For instance, we might laugh or complain about how hectic and busy life is or how little time we have for the kids, even though we know exactly what we need to do to change that.

Why? We're afraid of what might happen if we make those changes.

Maybe that means we now have to actually wake up early in the mornings instead of grumbling about how hard it is to get out of the house on time. Maybe we're afraid that setting boundaries at work to go home by 5 pm means we'll look bad to our coworkers and bosses.

So, how do we actually turn things around then, if we're the very roadblock that's keeping us from making any changes?

The first step is to be aware of the things you're doing that are contributing to the problem.

Let's take the example of wanting to be more present and mindful with your kids. Think of all the ways that are keeping you from doing so. Maybe it's checking your phone all the time, getting home later than you'd like, or thinking about work when you should be playing with them.

Then, and here's the important step, find out how you're benefiting from doing those things.

Yup. You, my friend, are getting something out of doing those things you swear you want to stop doing. For instance, even though you know you shouldn't check your work email—you might even complain about how annoying work is—you still get something out of it.

Maybe you feel like you're on top of things, that you're in control, or that you're getting a lot of tasks off your plate. Maybe checking your work email is even a way to avoid dealing with the kids at the moment.

You see, sometimes the biggest thing holding us back is ourselves. We have a genuine fear of what might be if we actually made the changes we know we should make.

We might be afraid that work will see us as less reliable, or we don't want to admit that we don't always like hanging out with the kids when we're exhausted. So we stay "safe" in our old habits, benefiting from putting off changes we say we want to make.

Change can definitely be hard, but because it's so often tied with fear, we end up sabotaging our own efforts, even when we know better. Only by being aware of the "hidden perks" you get from holding yourself back can you make long-lasting changes.

So try it today: What are some changes you'd like to make in your day-to-day life? Next, think about what you're doing that's contributing to the problem (for instance, checking your phone too often with the kids). And finally, ask yourself what you're getting out of doing that habit, and debunk those "hidden perks."

Then tell me: in what ways are you holding yourself back from making changes you've been meaning to make? Hit "reply" and let me know!


BOOK GIVEAWAY on Google Play

"Toddler Discipline Tips"

Copy this promo code 👉 HHE4LTYXE7WS8 👈 and redeem your FREE copy of my book on the link below...

p.s.(Only 10 downloads left!)

Available now at your favorite digital store! 20/05/2021

[Don't be Convincing—be Curious]

We spend a lot of time "convincing" our kids, don't you think?

Just this morning on our way to school, one of my kids scoffed off ahead of us, "fast walking" in what could only have been his way of showing that he was upset. So, of course, I tell him—twice, no less—to stay with the group and not walk way ahead of us. I hated the feeling that this morning wasn't off to a good start, and that I had to tell him what to do once again.

In other words, "convincing" him one way or another.

And we do this a lot. We plead with them to stay in bed for the night or bribe them to do their homework. We enforce consequences, hoping to, well, convince them to think otherwise. From nagging to threatening, we're usually trying to sway them to see reason or follow instructions.

While many of these actions are common, it also made me wonder why we turn to it as a first resort. What if, instead of convincing them in one way or another, we get CURIOUS instead?

Curiosity makes us think differently. We're forced to ask hard questions, like why our kids are upset, to begin with, or why has homework led to so many power struggles. We ask ourselves why they don't listen, and why we have to nag them in the first place.

When we come from a place of being curious, we're better able to get answers that actually address the problem. Maybe homework during homeschool needs to take a break so that you can reset and start from a more positive place. What would happen if you stopped nagging and simply let a forgotten lunch or a broken toy do more of the teaching?

And in my case, I realized that my son had stormed off upset because of the way I had spoken to him on our way out. He felt rushed, especially when everyone else was already outside. By being curious, I learned to take mornings slow and not make it a big deal to be out of the house when we're nowhere near late.

Because sometimes, the most effective way to parent isn't to convince your child to do something but to be curious about why he's behaving that way in the first place.

So, tell me: When was the last time you tried to "convince" your child of something? How might being curious instead help in the long run? Hit "reply" and let me know!

Then, check out this book that could help you to understand better what to do:

Available now at your favorite digital store! Toddler Discipline Tips by Lisa Marshall


NO-CRY Baby Sleep Training Steps

Download your copy with 6 easy steps...

Memory Improvement for Kids 10/05/2021


Memory Improvement For Kids - Audiobook version 🎙

Now live on Audible! 🎧

Memory Improvement for Kids Check out this great listen on Discover a Perfect Toolbox Filled With Proven Methods to Boost Your Child's Memory and Intelligence! If your little one struggles to remember things or seems uninterested and absent while learning new things, there is no reason for panic. There are so ma.....

Baby Sleep Training: A Healthy Sleep Schedule For Your Baby's First Year (What to Expect New Mom) (Positive Parenting Book 5) 07/05/2021

Baby Sleep Training is FREE
> May 8
> on Amazon

GET YOUR FREE COPY (and please, leave your honest review)

Baby Sleep Training: A Healthy Sleep Schedule For Your Baby's First Year (What to Expect New Mom) (Positive Parenting Book 5) Baby Sleep Training: A Healthy Sleep Schedule For Your Baby's First Year (What to Expect New Mom) (Positive Parenting Book 5)

Transformational Non-Fiction Deals 02/05/2021

🦋 Searching for your next Transformational Book? 🦋

👉 Look no further!

✍️ These bestselling authors have teamed up to offer a delightful selection of new books. 📚

p.s. Available for a limited time❗

Transformational Non-Fiction Deals Searching for your next Transformational Book? Look no further! These bestselling authors have teamed up to offer a delightful selection of new books. Available for a limited time.


Baby Sleep Training > FREE AUDIOBOOK <

Follow this link for your free copy...

If you prefer to get another offer, you can still open a new free account with Audible where you get a code every month to get another free audiobook...

Baby Sleep Training 26/04/2021

UNDERSTANDING SLEEP - Blog post on Goodreads

Baby Sleep Training Baby Sleep Training: A Healthy Sleep Schedule For Your Baby's First Year (What to Expect New Mom)- UNDERSTANDING SLEEP - Think of your brain and body as...

Non-Fiction 23/04/2021

Hi nice people!

During this month I decided to gift you a lot of resources to help you improve your life, solving your problems, or just entertaining you with a good read...

This week you can choose between 11 nonfiction books:

- Mothers in The Bible (A 7-Day Devotional)
- Investing For Beginners (4 Books in 1)
- Devotionals for Women (31 Days To Deeper Faith)
- Baby Sleep Training (I think you know this one 😉)
- The Mindset of Home Activities
- Kids on Hearth
- Life of Bailey (A True Life Story Form Puppy to Dog)
- Conquer Your Inner Demons (A Guide for Mental Health)
- Your Attitude Of Gratitude
- The Mindset Of Home Gardening
- The Mindset Of Crisis Management

I hope you can find your favorite reading...

Non-Fiction Nonfiction | Clean


Thank you Stephanie Ewing

Becoming a Dad 15/04/2021


Congratulations! Learn All You Need To Know With This Practical Guide.
Whether you’re still dealing with the shock or you’ve been waiting for this moment for years, finding out you’re going to be a father is a life-defining moment.
It’s normal to have a mixture of feelings, from pure joy to outright terror — even if this is something you’ve always wanted.
In all honesty, it’s hard to ever feel completely prepared to become a father.
However, whether your baby is born or you are still waiting we’ve got all in place for you...
✌️ With this incredible guide in your hands, you will make fatherhood look like a piece of cake. You will be doing everything right, and you won’t even break a sweat!


Becoming a Dad Check out this great listen on The ultimate pregnancy preparation guide for dads-to-be with step-by-step solutions to support your partner during pregnancy plus 101 tips and tools that will help you to be fully prepared!  Becoming a Dad is the only guide of its kind in the world ...

Baby Sleep Training: A Healthy Sleep Schedule For Your Baby's First Year (What to Expect New Mom) (Positive Parenting Book 5) 14/04/2021

A Healthy Sleep Schedule For Your Baby's First Year


End on April 18th!!

Baby Sleep Training: A Healthy Sleep Schedule For Your Baby's First Year (What to Expect New Mom) (Positive Parenting Book 5) Baby Sleep Training: A Healthy Sleep Schedule For Your Baby's First Year (What to Expect New Mom) (Positive Parenting Book 5)


Click on the link, get your code, and enjoy your audiobook for FREE!

So easy...isn't it?

Inspirational and Courageous Stories 11/04/2021

Search for your next favorite story?

Look no further! These bestselling authors have teamed up to offer a delightful selection of new books. Available for a limited time.

Click on the link and download your favorite book for FREE!

Inspirational and Courageous Stories Searching for your next favorite story? Look no further! These bestselling authors have teamed up to offer a delightful selection of new books. Available for a limited time.

Transformational Non-Fiction 08/04/2021


Book giveaway...📓 📔. 📒. 📕. 📗. 📘. 📙

👉 More than 40 books FREE! Choose your favorite, and enjoy your reading...

Transformational Non-Fiction Searching for your next Transformational Book? Look no further! These bestselling authors have teamed up to offer a delightful selection of free books. Available for a limited time.



Finally, live in the major store and libraries!


And many others!

*Stay tuned for FREE promo codes...

Baby Sleep Training: A Healthy Sleep Schedule For Your Baby's First Year (What to Expect New Mom) (Positive Parenting Book 5) 31/03/2021

Thank you JM Bernaldez...

"Wow, I wished I had this book when I had my children and I wouldn't have grown eyebags due to lack of sleep. This is actually also one of the reasons that I am hesitant to have another one (even when my husband wants to) because the thought of going through the whole ordeal over again makes me feel tired and stressed. I have lots of reasons why I don't want more kids but this book would have been a godsend when I had my first two; makes having a baby much easier to manage especially when you are a new mom and still adjusting to family life.

I got this book because a friend recommended it to me and I thought, "Why not, the knowledge may come in handy." And it sure is!"

Baby Sleep Training: A Healthy Sleep Schedule For Your Baby's First Year (What to Expect New Mom) (Positive Parenting Book 5) Baby Sleep Training: A Healthy Sleep Schedule For Your Baby's First Year (What to Expect New Mom) (Positive Parenting Book 5)

Sindy Castellanos's review of Baby Sleep Training 28/03/2021

Thank You Sindy!

"Extraordinary help to understand and thus achieve to enjoy a restful sleep for the father and mother, by assisting the baby to conciliate his own sleep. With great empathy and in a very successful way, Lisa explains the sleep cycles and offers reasonable and easy exercises to carry out, to acquire baby sleep routines."

Sindy Castellanos's review of Baby Sleep Training 5/5: Extraordinary help to understand and thus achieve to enjoy a restful sleep for the father and mother, by assisting the baby to conciliate his own sleep. With great empathy and in a very successful way, Lisa explains the sleep cycles and offers reasonable and easy exercises to carry out, to acqu...

Memory Improvement For Kids 26/03/2021


(Updated Edition)

Download your FREE copy, click on the link below...

Memory Improvement For Kids Every parent wants to ensure their child the right brain development, having a good memory is a useful tool in your child's development. Good memory skills are helpful for your child to do better in learning, perform well in school, and achieve success in life. Clearly, the first five years present....

How to Massage a Baby - Techniques & Tips 26/03/2021


Learn all about how to massage a baby with tips and techniques by real parents, for parents. The benefits of a baby massage are plenty. It is a great way to bond with your baby, helps in their overall development, and also aids baby weight gain. Besides, massage can help soothe babies, and provide relief from cold, congestion, colic, or gas problems.

When it comes to massaging a baby, knowing the right tips and techniques really helps! Not sure when to start massaging, what is the best way to massage a baby’s arms and legs, or the right pressure to be applied for a baby’s tummy and back massage?
We’re here to help!

This video contains a step-by-step guide on the right technique for an infant massage, the best practices to follow, and ensure you and your baby reap maximum benefit from this age-old practice!

How to Massage a Baby - Techniques & Tips Learn all about how to massage a baby with tips and techniques by real parents, for parents. The benefits of a baby massage are plenty. It is a great way to ...

SELF SOOTHING 18/03/2021

Baby Self-Soothing handbook....Get your copy for FREE!

SELF SOOTHING When your little one is able to self-soothe themselves to sleep, it’s a big deal. While every baby is different and no one solution will work for everyone, we’ve compiled some tips to help make the process as quick and easy as possible. Inside Baby Self-Soothing you will discover:

Advance Review Copies for Baby Sleep Training by Lisa Marshall 17/03/2021

Here we are finally!

I'm looking for advanced readers for my latest book "Baby Sleep Training - Healthy Sleep Schedule for Your Baby's First Year"

Click on the link to download your copy for free.

Advance Review Copies for Baby Sleep Training by Lisa Marshall Be the first to read Baby Sleep Training!



Go in the comments, copy your gift code and follow the instructions on Authors Direct (link below) to redeem your FREE audiobook.


5 Questions to ask yourself before SLEEP TRAINING

*Baby Sleep Training book is coming...stay tuned for further information about the release date in order to get your copy for free!

Safe Sleep Practices 05/03/2021


Sleep-related deaths are one of the leading causes of death for infants between 1 month and 1 year of age. These deaths used to be called Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Most sleep-related deaths are preventable causes of death in infants. To make sure that your baby is sleeping safely, follow the ABC’s of safe sleep (below).

👉 The ABC's of safe sleep 👈
• ALONE - Babies should always be on their own sleep surface. Bed sharing is a risk factor for SIDS and other sleep-related deaths.
• BACK - Babies should be on their back for every sleep.
• CRIB - The crib should be empty. This means no bumper pads, pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, toys or supplies, like diapers and diaper wipes.

👉 Make a safe place to sleep 👈
(Always place your baby on their back at bedtime and at nap time).
• Do not put your baby to sleep on their side. Your baby will not choke if they spit up. See more information in this video about safe sleep at
• Always place your baby on a firm mattress in a safe crib with a tightly fitted sheet. A safe crib is a bassinet, play-yard or crib that has the spindles no wider than 2-3/8 inches apart and sides that do not drop down.
• Never use soft bedding, comforters, pillows, loose sheets, blankets, sheepskins, toys, positioners or bumpers in the crib or sleep area. These could cause your baby to suffocate.
• If your baby changes positions in their sleep, let them stay where they are.
• Decorate your baby’s room as you choose, but leave the baby’s sleep space empty.
• Babies should not sleep on adult beds, couches, armchairs or other soft sleep surfaces – they should be on a firm mattress in their own sleep space.
• Babies should not sleep in car seats or swings, as they may not be able to keep their airways open. If they fall asleep while in a car seat or swing, move them to a safe sleep place.
• Always put your baby to sleep in a separate, but close-by, safe place to sleep.
- DO NOT bed share. It can increase your baby’s chance of SIDS. Adult beds and bedding are soft and can cause the baby to suffocate, or an adult can roll over on the baby, causing suffocation.
Bed-sharing includes:
o Your baby sleeping in bed with you
o Your baby sleeping in bed with other children o Your baby sleeping in bed with pets
- DO room share if you can. It can help prevent SIDS. Room sharing is when your baby sleeps in your room, on a separate, safe surface, like a bassinette, crib or portable play yard.
• Breastfeeding has been shown to decrease the risk of SIDS. You may breastfeed your baby in bed with you, but always remember to put them back in their own separate safe place to sleep when you are finished nursing. If you fall asleep while nursing, put your baby back into their own bed as soon as you wake up.

👉 Make a safe home environment 👈
Never let anyone smoke around your baby. SIDS occurs more often in babies who are around smoke than in babies who have a smoke-free environment.

Pacifier use can help prevent SIDS.
• Offer a clean, dry pacifier to your baby at sleep times.
• Do not force your baby to use a pacifier.
• If the pacifier falls out while the baby is sleeping, you do not need to put it back in the baby’s mouth.
• Do not attach a pacifier to your baby’s clothing, prop the pacifier or use pacifiers attached to stuffed animals.

Keep sleeping rooms at a comfortable temperature.
• If you are comfortable in the room, then your baby will be, too.
• Do not overheat your baby. Overheating may cause problems with the control the baby’s brain has over-breathing and waking up. Do not over-bundle your baby. They should not feel hot to the touch.
• Babies need one more layer of clothing than adults. You can put an Onesie under the pajamas, or dress your baby in warmer pajamas than you would wear.
• Use a sleep sack or wearable blanket instead of loose blankets to keep your baby warm.

Ask your baby’s health care providers about over-the-counter products.
• Do not use products that claim to reduce the risk of SIDS, such as wedges, or baby positioners. These products have not been tested for effectiveness or safety.
• Do not use non-prescription home monitors for your baby to reduce the risk of SIDS. If your baby has a medical reason for a monitor, the doctor will prescribe a medical home monitor for them.

Tummy time
• Stay with your baby and watch them while they do tummy time.
• Tummy time reduces the chance that the baby will get flat spots and bald spots on their head.
• Do tummy time ONLY when your baby is awake and you can stay with them.

Safe Sleep Practices Sleep-related deaths are the leading cause of infant death between 1 month and 1 year of age. In Ohio, more than three infant deaths each week are sleep-related. Many of these deaths are preventable.



I'm looking for first-time moms interested in reading my new book "BABY SLEEP TRAINING" in advance, and receive their honest feedback.

To thank you, once the book is published, I will personally send you a paperback copy.

Thanks in advance,

Lisa Marshall


🐣 8 Self-soothing techniques to help your baby sleep 🐣

ℹ️ Download your cheat sheet for free! Click on the link below...




(Download it for free)

10 step strategy to get your baby to sleep through the night (by 3 months) 09/02/2021

How to get your baby to sleep through the night: 10 steps for an awesome nights sleep, no cry-it-out!

10 step strategy to get your baby to sleep through the night (by 3 months) 10 baby sleep tips to get your newborn to sleep through the night by 3 months. Start gently sleep training now so you can avoid cry-it-out
