Dm Death Master

Dm Death Master

I am a Dungeon Master and known as the
Master of Death, the killer of player Characters.


So much to talk about and sessions to go over ill try and go through things from where we were.

This is about the quiet Riot my Tabletop Group.

After the death of the wizard a ranger Joined. The players returned to receive payment and ran into a trap, escaping by the skin of their teeth they left Mirabar behind them.

The group decided to follow the river and mountain round and camped in the woods. That night many monsters came out and chased them out of the forest promising to eat their faces off if they returned.

Scared, tired and cold the Quiet Riot back tracked cold wet and tired and slowly made it to Xanatharls keep. One major change happened when the original Ranger multiclassed into Druid so the party could have some heals.

Now one problem with being a druid? Well they dont wear any metal, so off comes the scale mail and a shocking discovery....The ranger never actually picked up their clothes from the starting point, so here we have a now naked ranger druid with a feather beard walking down the road.

They met a Goblin who had invented a card game that only he knew the rules to but was nice enough to the party and sent them on their way rejoicing.

The party arrived at Xanatharls keepand were given an Audience by the Iron Viper, Patches was a bit of a loud mouth to the Iron viper who quickly put him in his place by cutting off part of his tail and using it as an earring, also cropped one of his ears as a warning.

The quest was on and into a town that was going mad. But that is for the next post.


New Dead Pool for my players

Descent into Avernus

Donatella - Tortle - Wild Magic Barbarian
Ser Jebediah Varangu -Yuan ti - Watchers Paladin ☠️☠️
Jean Cotoure - Forest Gnome - Swords Bard ☠️
Prah Fett - Warforged - Tempest Cleric ☠️

Rise of Vecna

SIlvereyes - Lightfoot Halfling - Lore Bard
Cassie Turnskull - Half Orc - Moon Druid ☠️
Lar - Eladrin - Assassin Rogue
Fleemis von Picklesnitch - Mountain Dwarf - Wild Magic Barbarian
Carius Trony - V-Human - Champion Fighter
Yasen - Tiefling (Mephistopheles) - Fiend Warlock


Illendir Sanveen - Half Elf -Paladin ☠️
Uklador - Gem Dragonborn (Amethyst) - Barbarian
Capra Purpura - Satyr - Celestial Warlock ☠️
Celesti - High Elf Grave Cleric

Death House

Murthrun Fistjammer Hill Dwarf -Death Cleric
Piotyr Pahrkyr - Human - Monk ☠️
Gwennora Ironbrow - Mountain Dwarf - Paladin
Sargent Doomcutter - V-Human - Fighter
Renni - Eladrin -Ranger ☠️
Barbarian Unknown as of posting

Pick who will be the next death gain a special Dm Inspiration


Its been a while, damn looking at this and where did time go lots to catch up on.


One of the lows from Friday was we lost the Drow Wizard, who was half mad, 2 levels of exhaustion 2 completions of indefinite madness, had amnesia, and other things all going wrong and at the time was blind, Zak touched the wrong creature casting shocking grasp on it all while low on hp.

Alas the creature then exacted furious revenge on him and struck him down.

3 failed death saves in a row and boom RIP Zak the war magic Wizard.

Onto FNG the human dual wielding ranger who shall arrive next time we play.


This week there is no Friday Tabletop game because on Saturday we shall be doing Wheel of Tarrasques

Photos from Dm Death Master's post 23/04/2023

Hermie the Tarrasque

Many thanks to Justin for getting and painting him.


One of the highs from Friday night, one of the players hit a pocket of wild magic and got turned into a sheep. Fortunately I had a sheep figure available to use. The hilarity of the next 45 mins of play time will go down in the books.


Here we go with round 2 of the dead pool there are 3 games going all at different stages, a group of level 1's a group of level 3's and a group of level 4's. Pick the first one to die get a free inspiration die.

Cassie - Half-Orc Druid
Cerilion - Half-Elf Bard
Fleemis - Dwarf Barbarian
Monk- Elf Monk
Yasen - Tiefling Warlock

Motmar (now McKraken Mu*****er)- Dwarf Barbarian ☠️
Silvereyes - Halfling Bard ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Kradr - Half-Orc Barbaraian
Brykrana (19) - Elf Sorcerer
Mr. E - Tiefling Warlock ☠️

Kemba - Goliath Barbarian
Mordn - Half-Orc Fighter
Alkazar - Half Elf Ranger
Patches - Tabaxi Monk ☠️
FNG - Human Ranger


It has been a week of highs and lows.

50 shades of Menace was born
The Princes group came to the consensus that the adventure was a steaming pile and decided to put it to rest but then started a new group called:
Just the tip who are now running through a new abridged version of The Doomed Forgotten realms where i will change a few things up.

Finally The quiet ones lost their Wizard and are now going through things all Melee.

To top it all off my pc had some issues and i couldn't use it for a few days.

PRE-ORDER - D&D Replicas of the Realms: Baby Owlbear Life-Sized Figure 11/04/2023

For the person who has loved them since she first saw one.

PRE-ORDER - D&D Replicas of the Realms: Baby Owlbear Life-Sized Figure PRE-ORDER NOTICE: This is a Pre-Order item and will NOT ship until the product release date. Pre-Order release dates always subjected to change. If you include Pre-Order items in your order, the entire order will be held until all pre-orders become available. If you would like to receive each pre-or...

Photos from Dm Death Master's post 08/04/2023

Some of the minatures that have been aquired for the game, all from booster boxes various icons of the realms and most have been used already for something or other or will appear during the game at some point.


The dead pool....

Yes its fun to do get the players to wager on who will die next with a prize on the line (inspiration generally)

Cast your votes people...

Worms replacement
Persnippins - Human Wizard
Motmar (now McKraken Mu*****er)- Dwarf Barbarian
Silvereyes - Halfling Bard

Kradr - Half-Orc Barbaraian
Keegan - Gnome Ranger
Brykrana (19) - Elf Sorcerer
Cyltora Gurglin - Elf Bard

Kemba - Goliath barbarian
Mordn - Half-Orc fighter
Alkazar - Half Elf ranger
Cebaz - Tabaxi monk
Zak - Drow Wizard


I havent really discussed my tabletop game of the Doomed Forgotten Realms.

It is a group of 5 so 1 more than the rest but last night was the first time we actually played with 5, there just seems that there is something happening and we end up missing a player.

This is what happens when you have a group of guys who are no longer kids, we are not in our 20's anymore and most of us have kids.

Life always always comes first and with life events you have the possibility of not making a session and so it has been thus far.

We managed to get through the entire first part the academy always a player down and then started part two never managing to get all together.

Last night though the first session with all 5 was a lot of fun, some ups and downs players almost dying but they got through and arfe the first major point of part 2 and next week they shall hit level 4.

I wish them all the best going around the table

Joe - Kemba Goliath Barbarian
Matt - Half Orc Fighter (first time player)
Justin - Half Elf Ranger
Rony - Tabaxi Monx with a bald spot (dont ask)
William - Drow Wizard


50 Shades of Slay met with tragedy last night when Worm sadly passed in the House of the Bright Blade. Having already been helped with a medicne check and regained 1 hp he was surprised by a smoke mephit who mowed him down, then with the death saves on 2 success and 2 fails he managed to stabalize, but then the steam mephit died too close to him and his death burst caused death saves to re start and well a failed medicine check and a couple of failed death saves caused him to depart the world and allow Vecna to grow more powerful.



Saturday April 29 and Sunday April 30th I am running Wheel of Tarrasques.

3 games in 2 days all players are level 20 all have magic items and potions, all will see how long they can survive against an onslaught of Tarrasques.

One Tarrasque starts, then at round 5 another joins the fray, then every 5 rounds another joins, no long rests, no short rests, how long can the players survive? How many Tarrasques can they kill?

Oh you think its easy? Its just Tarrasques, WELLLLLLLLLL......the first one is a standard one but then i roll the dice and see which of the 20 variations of Tarrasque joins, will it be a flying one, one with a breath weapon, one that petrifies, each play through is different.

I will be streaming the games live.


Group 2 from the Expo...
2 brand new players all they had done was a little introductory thing at one of the vendors earlier
1 player who had sort of played but was given a sheet and told this is what you are playing
1 player who had played before

Well lets just say I helped 2 of the players create characters for the very first time and the other new player a little with her spells.

The Ducks of Doom as they called themselves absolutely blew everyone away with some great roleplaying and spell placement and the new record holders with 15 Frogs killed.

Congratulations Ducks of Doom


The First Group at the Expo, They did really well before tapping out so to speak.

Other groups in order of when they attempted it.

50 Shades of Slay 0 (Donut)
Marshmallows of Menace 7 Frogs
The Quiet Ones 7

The group Called themselves Still Not Dead and managed to kill a whopping 13 Frogs.

The group included a 10 year old who i helped create his warlock and came out with "it's ok I dont need any other spells... I have Eldritch Blast"

Great group and Max's dad came and checked on him and was happy that he was having a great time.

Photos from Dm Death Master's post 06/04/2023

IN March I went to the Long Island Tabletop Gaming expo, met some great people. I decided to run Clash at the killer Frogs, it was part of the Academy of Adventure.

I had a lot of fun running this. I even let the players keep the dice that they used during the game.

Doomed Forgotten Realms Testing 06/04/2023

I have been keeping track of my players as they played through the The Academy of Adventure, there were trials and tribultaions and i have kept the results of the "tests" the players have taken.

Doomed Forgotten Realms Testing Sheet1 Team/Players,Race/Class,Clash of the Killer Frogs,The Challenge,Total,Intellectual Arts Exams,Total,Social Arts Test 50 shades of Slay,Score,Athletics,Constitution,Acrobatics,Arcana,History,Nature,Religion,Insight,Deception,Intimidation Donut Motmar,Mountain Dwarf Barbarian,13,23,14,50,3,...


Welcome to my page.

I am known as the Death Master thanks to the high rate of charater deaths I have had in games I have ran. Some have come thanks to player bad luck, some have come thanks to poor choices and lastly well I have a one shot that is still to be conquered straight up thanks to how hard it is.

I have gotten better and more relaxed but still have a game or two where its all about surviving as long as possible before you all die.


I have 3 groups running through the Doomed Forgotten Realms right now

Marshmallows of Menace
50 Shades of Slay
The Quiet Ones

First two groups are online playing on Roll20 and i have started streaming them on Twitch starting with the beginning of part 2 of the adventures and the final game being on Tabletop.


Currently Running The Doomed Forgotten Realms Trilogy.
Part One: The Academy of adventure (Levels 1-3)
Part Two: The Rise of Vecna (levels 3-10)
Part Three: The Fall of Vecna Levels (10-20)

Imagine a world where Tiamat was summoned successfully. Where the Princes of Elemental Evil tread unfettered. Where Demogorgon prowls the Underdark with the Wand of Orcus, leaving an army of undead in his wake. Where the storm giants have been cast to the bottom of the Ordning. Where Baldur's Gate has been banished to the Nine Hells. . . .

That is what this adventure is all about levels 1-20

All three parts are available on Dungeon Masters Guild
