Windsor Juniors Debating Competition

Windsor Juniors Debating Competition

Debate competition


Dear all participants,
Emails have been sent out to all those with all the important information regarding the tournament. If you did not receive the email (check your spam folders) and you filled out the registration form and see yourself on the tab here:, please do notify us immediately by messaging this page.

For all those who have not registered on the discord server, here is the link to the server: Please do register on the discord by Friday at the latest, otherwise, your team will be cut!
Any further questions, feel free to ask us and we look forward to seeing you at the competition on Saturday!


Hi all!
We will be sending out confirmation emails tomorrow to everyone that has registered, so be on a lookout in your inboxes.

Any teams and judges registered after that can still be considered for the competition.


A reminder that you can register a team using this form:
And you can register as a judge using this one:

Those who have signed up will receive an email confirming their registration along with further information for the competition closer to the date.

We look forward to seeing you there!


We are proud to announce our second CA: Our very own Hasit Nanda!!

Hasit will soon be laying to rest an illustrious schools debating career consisting of winning Bluebonnet Worlds 2020, Dulwich Schools 2021, NDT Worlds 2021, UPenn Worlds 2021, and Durham Schools in both 2021 and 2022! He has also won a number of speaker awards including being a Top 10 Speaker at Imperial Schools 2020 and 2021, UCL Schools 2021, Gwalia Worlds 2020, ARGO Worlds 2021, as well as being the Top Speaker of KCL Schools in both 2020 and 2021.

He has also been successful in the University debating circuit, having broken at SIDO Open 2020, Imperial IV 2020, Beihang Open 2020 and Cape Town Open 2020.

Not only is Hasit an excellent debater, but he is also a passionate coach. He founded the Art of Debating organization ( 3 years ago, through which he provides debate workshops to students from state schools and runs an annual online summer program for underprivileged students from around the world.

In the first edition of our competition, he played a crucial role and was an excellent equity officer.

We are happy to welcome him to our team!


We are delighted to announce our first CA: Brian Wong!!!

Brian is a dinosaur. They have broken at WUDC 2020 (Open Semifinalist), EUDC 2017 (Open Quarterfinalist), LSE Open 2019 (Open Semifinalist), amongst 53 open speaking breaks across four different continents.

Brian has also DCAed EUDC 2019 and NAUDC 2019. Other CAP experience include HWS RR, Oxford IV, LSE Open, SIDO, USUDC, and such. They have chaired Grand Finals at WUDC, Australs, and ABP, alongside breaking at 83 competitions in total.

They are also Eton's resident long-serving coach (fourth year now!).

We're very excited to have them on our team!

Windsor Juniors 2022 Judge Form 03/05/2022

And here is the judge form for the competition:

Windsor Juniors 2022 Judge Form All judges should be available for 9th and/or 10th of July

Windsor Juniors 2022 Team Registration 03/05/2022

Hi all,
Here is the team registration form. Remember that the team cap is 60, so be quick!

Windsor Juniors 2022 Team Registration All speakers should be 16 or under at the time of the competition 9th and 10th of July) or have less than two years of debating experience. Please check the schedule (in UKT & GMT) to make sure you can attend all rounds.


Schedule: (all times are in GMT +1)

9th of July (Saturday):

9:00 - 9:30 - Check in
9:30 - 10:30 - Announcements
10:30 - 12:15 - Round 1
12:15 - 1:15 - Lunch break
1:15 - 3:00 - Round 2
3:00 - 4:45 - Round 3

10th of July (Sunday)

9:30 - 10:30 - Check in
10:30 - 12:15 - Round 4 (Closed Round)
12:15 - 1:15 - Lunch break
1:15 - 1:30 - Break announcement
1:30 - 3:15 - Quarter finals & Novice semi finals
3:15 - 5:00 - Semi finals & Novice finals
5:00 - 5:30 - Tea Break
5:30 - 7:15 - Grand finals
7:15 - 7:30 - Closing ceremony


Hi all,

We are pleased to announce the return of Windsor Juniors this year! Key information:

1. All debaters must be 16 or under at the time of the competition (or have less than two years of debating experience)
2. British Parliamentary format
3. Platform: Discord
4. Reg fee: Free!
5. Provisional dates: 9th and 10th of July
6. Team cap: 60
7. Breaks: Open quarter-finals, Novice semi-finals
8. Time zone: UKT or GMT+1

Keep an eye out for the schedule and registration forms coming soon!


List of shame

Moravia red
Sorry No
SHHS Rockhopper
Francesca and Estefania
Tony Blair 4 Life
Wezzie AD-TF
The Armada
Kid Krow

Just under 8 hours until reg closes so make sure reg on our discord server ASAP:


Dear all participants,

Emails have been sent out to all those with all the important information regarding the tournament. If you did not receive the email (check your spam folders) and you filled out the team registration form and see yourself on the tab here:, please do notify us immediately by messaging this page.

For all those who have not registered on the discord server, here is the link to the server: Please do register on the discord by Friday at the latest, otherwise, your team will be cut!

Any further questions, feel free to ask us and we look forward to seeing you at the competition on Saturday!


Hi all,
After careful consideration, we have decided to expand our team cap (again) to 72 teams! This also means that we will be adding another round: the quarterfinals! This means that 16 teams will now break open, and we can confirm that we are also doing a novice finals. Please check the updated schedule on Facebook and notify us immediately if you, as a debater, or judge, cannot make the added round.

Windsor Juniors Waitlist form 24/07/2020

Hi all, we have filled our team cap of 60 after just 3 days of announcing our plans of extending it! We will no longer be accepting responses to the original team reg form. Therefore, we have created a team waitlist form for teams who are yet to sign up, these teams can still compete if teams that have already signed up drop out. As a result, if there are any teams who have already signed up but cannot make it, please notify us immediately by messaging this page/event, or by emailing us at [email protected]!

Team waitlist form:

Windsor Juniors Waitlist form For teams that will be put on the waiting list if a team that has already signed up drops out

Windsor Juniors Debating Competition Team Registration 21/07/2020

Due to the very high interest we have had from judges and debaters alike, we have reached our team cap and have decided to extend it to 60 teams! The reg deadline for judges and debaters will be on the 30th of July at 11:59 pm BST. Those who have signed up will receive an email confirming their registration along with further information for the competition shortly after the deadline.

Team reg form:
Judge reg form:

Windsor Juniors Debating Competition Team Registration All speakers should be 16 or under at the time of the competition (8th and 9th of August) or have less than two years of debating experience


We are proud to announce our third and final CA: Zarina Bell-Gam!!!

Zarina is best known as the kid who introduced the term 'rahhh' to the Schools Debating Circuit, something she was only able to achieve using the clout which (as she describes it) 'magically came from ranking well in an activity my parents still don't understand'. Nevertheless, as a schoolie, she was captain of Team England at WSDC 2019, as well as being top speaker at Oxford and KCL Schools.

Now on a gap year, she pops into the odd university competition now and then, winning the Manchster IV and SOAS Mini-Open this year, as well getting to the final of LSE Womens and Delft Open, ranking in the top 10 speakers at all of the above. She has also been a breaking speaker at WDO 2020 and the Imitation Cup Open. Most importantly, she has CAed DM Schools, SOAS Schools and LSE Schools!

We're excited to have her!


We are proud to announce our second CA: Senkai Hsia!

Senkai’s first foray into running a debate competition was as Equity Officer of the Eton Open 2018, but he has come a long way as a debater since then.

You may also have heard, or seen, that Senkai has a spreadsheet! Senkai has often had many spreadsheets, but his current spreadsheet on global competitions is not only a godsend to debaters (and debating officers) but is also very dear to his heart. The spreadsheet also reflects Senkai’s insane desire to judge at any competition that will have him, but once there, to judge very well. He has broken as a judge at several competitions - judging the Oxford Finals of the Doxbridge Open, judging the semi-finals of Bluebonnet World Schools and chairing the semi-finals of ICYD. He has also been invited to IA Australs, WSDC and EUDC this summer. In addition, he has a judging break at WUDC as a first year, so you really can’t complain about his judging credentials.

Senkai’s inordinate obsession with debating started as a schoolie where he has a modest record of success. Long mocked by his Westminster teammates for not breaking at anything, he proved his doubters wrong in his last year by championing Durham Schools, making the semi-finals of Cambridge Schools and apparently overcoming an ocean to reach the finals of Hart House High Schools in Canada. Throughout his schools debating career, he has racked up at least ten top 10 speaker awards. Furthermore, at university level he has also finalled at the Berkeley IV and won the illustrious Newcastle IV.

Now debating for Stanford, he is returning to fulfil his longstanding debt to the British Schools circuit, and we are happy to have him!

Windsor Juniors Debating Competition Team Registration 09/07/2020

Hi all,

50% of team spots have been filled after 5 days! Hurry before we fill the team cap!

Here is the link to the form:

Windsor Juniors Debating Competition Team Registration All speakers should be 16 or under at the time of the competition (8th and 9th of August) or have less than two years of debating experience


We are incredibly proud to announce our first CA: Brian Wong!!!

Brian is a WUDC 2020 Open Semifinalist and 13th best speaker. They are also a EUDC 2017 Open Quarterfinalist, LSE Open 2019 Open Semifinalist, Cambridge IV 2019 Open Quarterfinalist, and LSE Open 2018 Open Quarterfinalist. They have 53 open speaking breaks across four different continents. They have won 6 competitions, including PEP IV 2018, Kyushu Debate Open 2018, Helsinki Open 2017, and the Shanghai International Debate Opens 2016 and 2017. They also reached the finals of 29 tournaments in total, including JSMM English Mace 2016, Manchester IV 2018, Imperial Open 2018 and 2017, Singapore Debate Open 2015, Durham IV 2018, Inner Temple IV 2016 and 2019, Vienna IV 2019, and IIUM Open 2018. They have further broken at Sydney Mini 2016, Inner Temple IV 2018, Durham Open 2017, SOAS IV 2016, NCH Open 2017, and various other tournaments; they have been a top-10 speaker at 37 tournaments, including Malaysia BP 2019, Paris Open 2016, WUPID 2017, KCL IV 2017, LSE Women's 2019, and QM-LSE IV 2018.

They have also coached two incredibly successful schools debating teams: WSDC China and Eton College.

As a judge, Brian was a DCA at Athens EUDC 2019 and at NAUDC 2019. They have 83 judging breaks. They chaired the ESL Grand Final of WUDC 2019; having previously judged the EFL Grand Final and chaired an Open Octo Final at WUDC 2018, and judged an Open Octo Final and Masters Final in WUDC 2017. They are a three-time Australs breaking judge, chairing the Open Grand Final and ranking as the #1 judge of Australasia in 2019, having previously judged the Open Grand Final and chaired the Open Quarter Final in 2017, and judged the ESL Grand Final and chaired the ESL Semi Final in 2016. They are also a three-time EUDC breaking judge, having judged the ESL Grand Final and chaired the ESL Semi Final in 2018, and judged the ESL Grand Final and Open Semi Final in 2019. They chaired the Open Grand Final of the North American Universities Debating Championships 2019, and have thrice judged the Grand Finals of Oxford IV (ESL in 2017 and 2018, Open in 2019), and chaired the Open Grand Finals of Northeast Asian Open 2017 and Asia BP 2018, where they were ranked the third best judge of Asia.

We're very excited to have them on our team!

Windsor Juniors Debating Competition judge form 03/07/2020

Hi all,

Here is the judge form for the competition:

Windsor Juniors Debating Competition judge form All judges should be available for 8th and/or 9th of August

Windsor Juniors Debating Competition Team Registration 03/07/2020

Hi all,

Here is the team registration form. Remember there is a team cap of 40 so be quick!

Windsor Juniors Debating Competition Team Registration All speakers should be 16 or under at the time of the competition (8th and 9th of August)


Schedule: (all times are in GMT +1)

8th of August (Saturday):

9:00 - 9:30 a.m. - Registration
9:30 - 10:30 a.m. - Announcements
10:30 - 12:00 - Round 1 and Feedback
12:00 - 1:00 p.m. - Lunch break
1:00 - 2:30 p.m. - Round 2 and Feedback
2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Round 3 and Feedback

9th of August (Sunday)

9:30 - 10:30 a.m. - Registration
10:30 - 12:00 - Round 4 (Closed Round)
12:00 - 12:45 p.m. - Lunch break
12:45 - 1:00 p.m. - Break announcement
1:00 - 2:30 p.m. - Quarter finals
2:30 - 4:00 p.m. - Semi finals
4:00 - 5:30 p.m. - Grand finals


Hi all,

We would like to introduce you to the Windsor Juniors debating competition! Key information:

1. All debaters must be 16 or under at the time of the competition or have less than two years of debating experience
2. British Parliamentary format
3. Platform: Discord
4. Reg fee: Free!
5. Provisional dates: 8th and 9th of August
6. Team cap: 40 and break to semis
7. Time zone: UKT or GMT+1 (schedule coming soon!)
