Renee Davenport - Independent Norwex Consultant

Renee Davenport - Independent Norwex Consultant

June 2020 BRIO met NORWEX. LOVE resulted as I realized that we can sanitize without harmful chemica

Neti Pots Linked to Eye, Brain and Spinal Cord Infections Caused by Amoeba in Water 14/03/2024

Health Alert: Make sure your clients know that using distilled water or cooled water that has been boiled is the safest way to use a neti pot. Share this one. It's important.

Neti Pots Linked to Eye, Brain and Spinal Cord Infections Caused by Amoeba in Water The CDC recommends people use distilled water instead of tap water, which is not sterile, for nasal irrigation practices

Do You Know What’s Growing on Your Towel? 19/01/2022

Check out our amazing towels with micro silver. After watching this vid, you're really going to want them. :-)

Do You Know What’s Growing on Your Towel? Run, don’t walk, to the laundry room. Inside Edition met up with three women with a wide range of towel washing habits to test their bath towels for bacteria...


Tomorrow is the day! It's going to be amazing. Actually, there's already so much interaction in the group and it hasn't even officially began! Please let me know if you would like the login link You will learn soooo much about our incredible products.... you'll be healthier for it as well. Good health to you!


Join us at 6pm EST for a NORWEX Presentation.
Be there or be SQUARE. LOL
Zoom ID - 670-422-1969 PC 040265


Now, this is smart.


Clean it up, Ladies and Gentlemen! Toxicity out, NORWEX in! :-)

The Worst Laundry Detergents With Ingredients Linked to Allergies, Lung Distress, and Cancer 19/09/2020

The Worst Laundry Detergents With Ingredients Linked to Allergies, Lung Distress, and Cancer While your clothes might smell fresh and look clean, these laundry detergent brands pose a number of health concerns. Here's everything you need to know.


Be the change you wish to see in the world.

Kick the Single-Use Habit 08/09/2020

What is one habit you would like to adopt for the sake of our planet? Comment after watching the video.

Kick the Single-Use Habit Norwex sustainable products make it super simple to build new habits and help eliminate waste.


It is of the utmost importance for the health and vitality of the earth and humans on it that we remove harmful chemicals from our homes and environment. What steps are you taking? Share your thoughts.


So, to get your safe haven established check out this package. You’ll have everything needed to sanitize your have with just water and eliminate harmful chemicals.

Woman Finds Beautiful ‘Flower Mantis’ Insect That Looks Just Like a Flower Living in Her Garden 12/08/2020

We have to protect our homes for the sake of every living thing. :-)

Woman Finds Beautiful ‘Flower Mantis’ Insect That Looks Just Like a Flower Living in Her Garden Wow, this might be the most beautiful insect we’ve ever seen.

Sea Turtle in Recovery After Passing 100 Pieces of Plastic in Stool 05/08/2020

Sea turtles see plastic as food. Another reason why we all need to do the responsible thing by removing single use items from our life. Let's care about more then personal convenience.

Sea Turtle in Recovery After Passing 100 Pieces of Plastic in Stool A rescued sea turtle in Boca Raton has been in recovery after passing 100 pieces of plastic in her stool. The turtle was in the Gumbo Limbo Nature Center for hook removal surgery.

Turning 315 billion pounds of plastic ocean pollution into sea-saving art 04/08/2020

Norwex has partnered with the Washed Ashore project to bring awareness to the problem of ocean pollution. Awareness is just the beginning.

Over more than 6 years the washed ashore project has created at least 66 sculptures from more than 38,000 pounds of debris collected from a stretch of Oregon's coastline. That, my friends, is just scratching the surface in debris collection because it is estimated that there are 315,000,000,000 pounds of plastic in the worlds oceans.

It is abundantly clear that we have become a throw away nation and it's adversely affecting our home, the earth, and the billions of creatures that have been lovingly created for our enjoyment.

WHAT TYPE OF CONTRIBUTION ARE YOU MAKING? Are you part of the problem or part of the solution? Are you still using single use products, such as paper towels, napkins, plastic straws, plastic bags, drinking from plastic bottles and using products that will need to be recycled under the guise convenience of expediency?
Well.... STOP IT!

I am extremely happy that Norwex is helping me and my family to unselfishly care for more than just our own convenience. I am asking all my friends and fellow practitioners to JOIN MY TEAM. You can do so by going to my website and hitting the join button. It's as little as $11.00 to receive the necessary tools to start helping you help me spread the mission. It's as urgent as it has ever been for the health and longevity, not only of my family but the entire planet. Norwex is a company on a mission to be part of the solution. We are helping people to join the mission because more can be done if we all lock arms, do our part and HELP other people do theirs, as well. It's an amazing home that we have been gifted. Let's not take that for granted.

Be the Change you want to see in the world!

Turning 315 billion pounds of plastic ocean pollution into sea-saving art At the Smithsonian’s National Zoo, a massive exhibit made entirely of 315 pounds of plastic pollution fished from the Pacific is on display. Called "Washed A...

Norwex Home - Premium Microfiber & Sustainable Cleaning Products 03/08/2020

Norwex Home - Premium Microfiber & Sustainable Cleaning Products Norwex Home - Premium Microfiber & Sustainable Cleaning Products


This stuff is so exciting. Makes you wanna clean everything!


This stuff is amazing!

FDA issues warning over certain hand sanitizers due to potentially toxic chemicals 30/07/2020

FDA issues warning over certain hand sanitizers due to potentially toxic chemicals Hand sanitizer manufactured by the Mexico-based company, which are still on the market, may contain methanol, which can be poisonous if absorbed through the skin or ingested.

Basic Information on PFAS | US EPA 29/07/2020

Be educated on the effects of harmful chemicals...and avoid them for the sake of yourself and your family. Although some chemicals are banned they may still be making their way into our life and because these chemicals persist for a long time their harmful affects remain long after exposure. Protect yourself and your families by choosing a healthy alternative. Let's do a healthy home makeover! You will thank me.

Basic Information on PFAS | US EPA Basic Information about Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA), Perfluorooctyl Sulfonate (PFOS) and Other Perfluorinated Chemicals (PFCs) including how people are exposed and health effects

The Harmful Effects Bleach Can Have On Children 29/07/2020

With our microfiber and just water alone you can RADICALLY reduce harmful chemicals in your home. Studies show these chemicals can harm y/our family, to say nothing about what it is doing to our precious earth. What steps are you taking to benefit the earth? Let's get the conversation started?

The Harmful Effects Bleach Can Have On Children Bleach, a very common cleaning supply and one that can almost surely be found in most homes in the U.S., may be extremely harmful to your children. While most people are well aware of the dangers of ingesting bleach, or allowing it to come in contact with the eyes or skin; not everyone is aware   ...