Claire Farley Coaching

Claire Farley Coaching

I am an Eliminate Your Limits Mindset specialist and sleep coach. Coaching adults and young people


Feel like you want to makes some changes?

Are there things you want to do but just not sure where to start?

Do you want to focus a little more on you and your life?

Join me on the 14th December .. I’m running an online workshop to help you create your 2024… im also offering a free 1-1 call for the first people to sign up..

DM me for details..



"When you feel low it is hard to come out of that place"

This is a quote from a client.. how she felt before we started working together.

Sometimes it's hard to see the wood for the trees, to keep all the plates spinning.

If you want to create change..

*Self awareness - do the work on you. Dig deep, understand whats really holding you back. Pay attention to the narrative running.

*Self love - work on healing and loving yourself. It really does start with you.

*Start small - be simple and consistent

I've been on this journey too.. no one is coming to save you. Which yes, is scary but also the greatest thing..

You are more capable than you realise

My client now? “I absolutely know I am in a better space”



How conscious are the actions you are taking?

So many of our decisions are driven by our unconscious..

Driven by unserving stories..

Patterns will keep repeating until we consciously stop them..

I’m running a workshop in December to help you consciously choose what you want 2024 to look like.. and help you break it down into an easy plan..

If you need help breaking that negative cycle.. dm me..



Happy Monday..

Thought for today..

“You do not have to earn the right…”

Take care of you..

Stand up for YOU..

I’m here if you need to chat..

Or you can come join my create your 2024 workshop.. DM me ❤️


"Your mindset is a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world and yourself. It influences how you think, feel, and behave in any given situation."

Wherever you want to create change..

It starts with mindset, self awareness, kindness and action..

It starts with YOU..

So take the time to work on you - journal, create habits and behaviours that serve you, assess - look at what areas of life need your attention

Then, take action.. simple and consistent steps..

Need support? Reach out, let chat.

Or come and join my December workshop and plan your 2024..



Ask, then ask again..

That negative narrative can be so loud..

Need help turning it around?

Reach out.. let’s chat..



Hands up if…

You’re hard on yourself
You ruminate on all the things you haven’t achieved
You brush off compliments
You can always find ‘yeah but..’ to turn a positive into a negative

Our brains focus on the negative, we’re never encouraged to shout about ourselves and celebrate what brilliant human beings we are…

Today I challenge you 😉 shout about how brilliant you are in the comments, what wins do you have? What’s going well for you? What changes are you making?

Let’s celebrate those everyday achievements that make us feel good. Let’s support each other



Comparison is the thief of joy.. or it can be an inspiration ..

But the bottom line is it starts with you..

Showing up for yourself..
Being kind..

Working on YOU..

It doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing.. what do YOU want? How do YOU want your life to look? Where can you create joy, find the wins, be your best self?

Find your starting point
Find your 1%

You can create change..

47 days of the year left.. I’ve had a few curve balls this year, things to work through.. comparative Chloe has definitely popped up more than once.. but my focus has to be on who I am.. and who I want to be.. let go of who I was..

47 days to tie up my year, count my wins and reset.. write my vision for a whole new year and then go and get it..

I’m running an online workshop in December.. so if you need a hand with your 2024 vision, figuring out what you want, creating some purpose and direction.. dm me or comment below.. I’ve got you..



Life’s too short..

I realise over the years how much time I’ve wasted worrying.. has it changed anything? Nope..

What does change it? Trying to find some perspective and take action..

Sometimes a good cry too 😂



Today is world kindness day..

To be honest.. shouldn’t that be everyday??!!

Kindness is crucial.. not just to others but to ourselves too.. that negative voice can be anything but kind, it says things that we would never say to other people..

So today what kind thing can you do for yourself? What kind thing can you do for someone else?

I’m going to give someone a free place on my ‘create your 2024 vision’ workshop.. just comment with ‘me’ and I’ll draw a name at random..



Even in those moments when you don’t feel it, when all you can see is darkness and it feels like there is no hope.

Trust yourself, hold the vision, keeping shining bright ⭐️

Happy Saturday ❤️



Last chance to grab your spot!

DM me..



Life is full of choices..

Our brain is constantly choosing..

We’re just not always conscious of it..

Just ‘settling’.. that’s still a choice..

So much of our life can be dictated by our unconscious.. stories, habits, fear..

How much of it is serving?

Stand your ground. Make a conscious choice. Remember that it starts with you..



What do you want?

In six months time, where do you want to be?

It’s ok to ask these questions, to make changes, to work on yourself..

In December I’m running an online workshop to help you create your vision for 2024.. the first 10 people will get a free 1-1 call too.. (still a few places available)

Dm me for details..



When things are going well it’s easier to love ourselves, to feel positive and motivated..

But when we don’t feel so good or curve balls hit.. that’s when we have to love ourselves harder, be disciplined in doing what will help us move forward (motivation can’t be relied upon!) and know that it will not last forever..

It’s all part of the journey, it’s all a learning experience..

Nothing is linear.. We just have to follow our path and keep showing up..

Need help moving forwards? Let’s chat..



Happy Tuesday..

What matters most today?



Words matter..

Kindness matters..



Your energy is precious..

We don’t have infinite amounts..

It’s only when you suddenly find yourself without it that you realise just how precious..

how crucial it is to check in with yourself, to make sure you take the time for energy in.

It’s been a long journey trying to manage my energy and I’m learning a lot!!

Not just physically, mentally too .. what am I giving too much time to..

Are you aware of where yours goes?

Create a list - energy in/energy out.. how can you create the right balance for you?

I offer a free 20 minute zoom call if you want to chat more..

Also in the 11th I’m cohosting a workshop all about sleep and energy 👌 dm me for details..



‘If we’re not assessing, we’re guessing’

For so long I pushed myself, ignored my needs…

I tested my physical limits… stress, lack of sleep, not eating properly, pushing with exercise…

There’s only so much the body can take before it says enough. It will stop asking politely and start screaming.

I made a choice that I needed to find a better way forward, I needed to work on my health, mindset, self love and self care… I needed to realise that I matter, my voice is valid.

You are the greatest project you will ever work on!

There are always new challenges, new levels to step in to.. I’ve collected so much data this year and now it’s about taking action with it..

I’m here if you want to chat, to figure out how you can take the next step… you matter ❤️

I’m also running a workshop in December to help you figure out your 2024..


61 days of the year left..

I feel like I’ve blinked and the year has disappeared!

My thoughts are already turning to a new year, reflecting on this year, re reading my vision story and getting ready to write a whole new one..

My year may not look quite as I thought, I’ve taken the scenic route.. but it doesn’t mean there aren’t wins to celebrate..

It’s never too late to figure out what you want, to make changes, to choose differently ..

Reasons why we don’t do something tip into excuses..

“I’ll do it when..”

When what?

Nothing changes overnight.. it takes simplicity and consistency in your actions.. change can go at your pace.. you are in control of writing your future..

If you want to start the new year differently, if you want to create change, if your feeling stuck and have no clue.. let me help..

I’m running an online workshop in December where I’ll help you figure it out, create a 2024 plan and for the first 10 to book I’ll give you a free 1-1 call.. places are filling up.. DM me for info..



We all have mental health..

It’s something we all need to take care of..

You don’t have to be at crisis point to reach out for help..

It’s ok to need a little extra support, to talk, to learn, to grow, to change..

Nearly 4 years ago I made the decision that I needed that support, I needed to make sense of everything

We’re not taught how to human, how to cope, how to live our best life..

But we can always learn



Our worth is not defined by these things…

I know so many, including myself are or have been challenged with feeling like we are not enough..

But we are, simply by being…

This is something that we need to work on..

We are enough, we matter ❤️


The body holds the score..

This has been a huge lesson for me..

Teaching my body it’s safe.. That everything is ok..

It requires patience, consistency, curiosity….

You’re body will keep talking to you until you pay attention..

Don’t wait until it’s screaming, take the time now..

Where are your thoughts at?
How are you feeling?
What habits and behaviours are being repeated?
How are you feeling physically?
Where are your stress levels?
Are you eating well, moving, sleeping??

Are they serving or non serving?

My body tolerated a lot.. It kept going.. But then it started sending me signs..

Until I said enough..

Come join my free group (link in comments..) or Dm me ❤️


“With realization of one's own potential and self-confidence in one's ability, one can build a better world” Dalai Lama

How often do you find yourself thinking I can’t do this, I’m not good enough.. (insert all those other negative things that go through your head!)

I’m right there with you! For years those thoughts circled my head. Worrying about what other people thought, what I should and shouldn’t do.

But that wasn’t getting me anywhere.. it just kept me stuck..

Just in case you need reminding YOU’VE GOT THIS ❤️

If you need help, reach out.. I’ve got some 1-1 spaces available and 2 upcoming workshops around sleep and planning your 2024..


Can you relate?!

The moment your head hits the pillow your thoughts start racing..


It’s 4am panic..

Take it as a sign that something is out of balance.. a sign that you should pay attention to..

I’ve had my share of sleep challenges .. it knocks my entire day of balance.. which is why I added sleep coaching to what I do.. to help me and others.. it’s amazing how many of us just settle for lack of sleep..

On the 11th November I’m cohosting a workshop at Elmslie House.. we’ll dive in to all things sleep, energy, stress and introduce you to some tools, yoga and Breathwork to help..

Interested? DM me or comment below and I’ll reach out..



what makes you feel unstoppable?


‘Faith is taking the first step even when you can't see the whole staircase.’
Martin Luther King

In March 2020 like for a lot of people things fell apart. 14 years running a theatre company and all of a sudden it came to a halt.

It was overwhelming ... what do I do? The temptation was to give in to the panic and anxiety, hide under the duvet.

7 months later and it all changed ...

faith > fear

I’m eternally grateful for the mindset work I’d started doing at the beginning of 2020. It gave me focus and purpose. It got me out of the rabbit hole. I realised that I had to take the opportunity and run with it. Perfect Circle found its feet and I started coaching the EYL mindset system that I use and I LOVE it!

3 years later and still going.. I didn’t know what was ahead of me.. I still don’t but I’m planning, creating my 2024 vision and then I’ll break it down into tiny steps..

I’m hosting an online workshop to help and guide you to create your vision for 2024 .. in any area of your life.. it’s super affordable.. if you’d like more details, please dm me. I’m offering a free 1-1 call for the first 10 people to book.



Simplicity + consistency + patience

The key to achieving any goal…

So often we over complicate things. I’m definitely guilty of that one! Then we feel like we’ll never get there… how many people just give up??

ANYTHING is possible… you’ve just got to break it down.

There’s the saying ‘how do you eat an elephant - one chunk at a time’ (strange saying 😆)

But it’s true

1% a day and you can achieve whatever you set out to do…

Need help? Let’s chat.. I have some coaching spots available and 2 workshops coming up..



“Give yourself permission to be kind to yourself”

This should be the first thing we’re taught.. showing kindness to ourselves..

When we feel good, we do good..

Whatever you want to accomplish in life start by showing a little kindness to yourself..

It’s a skill.. practice..

Of course your negative voice might have a thing or two to say. It’s important to hear the language, how you speak to yourself, the narrative that is running.. with awareness comes change..

I didn’t show myself the kindness I deserved in the past.. it’s a lesson I’ve had to learn..

Stop blaming myself, stop self sabotaging, stop taking it all out on me..

Create better ways to cope, understand myself a little more and learn to take care of me.. be kind.. I am enough..

Where can you be a little kinder today?

If you want to chat, please reach out..

I have 2 exciting workshops coming up around sleep and new year planning..



I know that’s it’s still October..

But my thoughts are already turning to the new year..

And how I can help you make 2024 amazing..

So I’m going to be a hosting an online workshop to help you do just that.. I’ll help you set your direction and create a plan.. I’ll share with you lots of tools that will help you stay on track


For the first 10 people to sign up I’ll include a free 1-1 coaching call..

For more info DM me or Comment below and I’ll reach out..



Choose your hard..

This always sticks with me..

We’re always faced with choices.. Yes sometime both choices suck! But there’s always a choice..

One choice leads to another..

No matter how hard.. Keep choosing

Keep choosing you, your health, your well-being, the life you want to create..

Start small, find your 1%, be conscious in your choice..

You can do this



Sometimes we’re focused on the wrong thing..

Take a moment to appreciate your journey.. it’s completely unique.. as are you..

Happy Tuesday 😘


Journaling has been a big part of my life for the last 4 years..

All my clients use it differently..

But the foundation is the same..

I love that even now, I’m finding new things.. about myself, about the journaling process and I’m learning which bits I need to lean into..

Questions are big for me right now.. focusing on the direction I’m taking..

What story am I choosing to tell?
How can I love myself a little more?
What will help me heal today?
What matters most right now?

There will always be new layers to uncover because life doesn’t stop.. and I don’t stay the same..

Change is inevitable .. but growth is optional..

Interested in learning to journal, in creating change, in finding direction?

Reach out, I have some coaching spaces available..



Who are you?

I mean really… putting aside who you think you should be, the labels you’ve been given… who are you really? Who do you want to be?

What lights you up?

What inspires you?

What do you truly care about?

Now ask yourself what’s holding you back?

Need help? Let’s chat…



Excited to be co hosting this…

Sleep better
Manage stress
Improve energy

… we’ll cover all this and more.. you’ll leave with practical things you can implement into everyday life..

Any questions or to book .. message me or comment below and I’ll reach out..



What are you doing today to show yourself some love and care?



How well do you really know yourself?



“Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult are spending our lives running from it.

Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.”

Brené Brown

We all have a story, we all have ‘stuff’ … let it shape us rather than define us.

Step up and shine your light…


Photos from Claire Farley Coaching's post 18/10/2023

You know that thing you’ve been ignoring ..

Whether it’s your health.. Physical or mental, work or just life in general ..

It doesn’t make it go away.. Sorry..

We can only sit on things for so long..

Our body and mind will continue to send us signals until we pay attention..

Fear can hold us back, stop us from taking action.. Our brain just wants to protect us. But in the long run that’s not what happens..

I’ve just had my bloods done, collecting data, so I can take action and move forwards..

Our health is our wealth.. don’t leave it to chance.. or ‘settle‘ for how things are..

I’m playing the long game.. My health matters.. Sometimes it feels like I’m not going anywhere but right now I’m reminding myself to

Hold my vision
Trust the process
Commit to today..

Obviously my negative voice has a few things to say.. Change is scary.. But I’m working on it

One day at a time..

It’s all in the 1%..

Showing up, no matter how tough

Taking tiny steps of action..

No one is coming to save us.. we’ve got to save ourselves.. seek the support, accountability, knowledge we need to help us in our journey..

If you want to take the next step, reach out.. let’s chat ❤️

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