Authentic Gentleman

Authentic Gentleman

Helping the single man date women from online dating apps easily and simply, and give him the ability to choose the love life he deserves. Join us.

Dear single man,

has online dating become a twisted version of eBay shopping, that you can never hope to succeed at? Is it even possible for you to get a date from online? If you've done online dating before, you must have experienced the common problems most men face...

Problems such as:

* Sending thoughtful, honest, and sweet messages only to get 0 replies.
* Women disappearing after you ask

Discover the Powerful Framework to Quickly Connect with Your Tinder Matches 25/06/2024

New dating workshop for men in Singapore. Happening on July 10th. See you there!

Discover the Powerful Framework to Quickly Connect with Your Tinder Matches This Masterclass will teach you how to build an emotional connection with your Tinder matches simply and easily, so you can get the date.

The Problem with Qualification | Authentic Gentleman 28/05/2024

This post is written specifically for the pickup artists out there, with a new perspective on one of the techniques you guys have been using.

The Problem with Qualification | Authentic Gentleman Personal Transformation | If you are a Pickup Artist (PUA), this post is for you. As men who want to get better with women, all of us know there are plenty of dating coaches who teach different methods to getting us the love life we want.

11 Beginner Rules to Being An Attractive Man | Authentic Gentleman 16/05/2024

New post up!

And you can be sure to see more new content soon as well. In the meantime, check out this beginner's list for any man who wishes to become more attractive.

11 Beginner Rules to Being An Attractive Man | Authentic Gentleman It's not just about your looks, your personality matters too. So if you are wondering how you can become a more attractive version of yourself, this list is a good starting guide for you.


I don't follow American football, but I saw this post somewhere on Reddit the other day.

It's very interesting to read some of the comments posted by other men.

"You can be Tom Brady and she'll still cheat on you."

"She's not yours, it was just your turn."

"These h*** are not loyal and will drop you regardless."

While everyone's focusing on how a "high value" man like Tom Brady can still get cheated on, I'd like to shine a different perspective on this.

Regardless of whether Gisele Bundchen cheated or not (since none of us really know the truth about this), I'd like to point out that...

Maybe looks, money and status aren't as important as it seems.

For the men out there who believe that the above qualities will make women flock to you, I'm inviting you now to open up your minds a little.

This piece of news may make it seem like women will cheat on you regardless of who you are... but I think it is good to recognise the man Gisele went for (Joaquim Valente) isn't exactly the best looking dude out there.

So perhaps... just perhaps... your personality plays a massive part in having women desire for you as well.

Don't get me wrong. "Hitting the gym" is great advice. "Make more money" is a good one too.

And so is "develop a better personality". You never know till you try it...


I saw this screenshot on Reddit and got genuinely curious about what you single men out there are thinking.

Would you match with a woman who put this in her Hinge prompt, assuming she's extremely gorgeous?

If you do swipe right on her, what would you say to her?


Single men looking for dating advice, listen up!

If you've been reading up on techniques to meet and attract women, then you should have seen some level of success.

Perhaps you got her phone number. Or a few Instagram follows.

And I hate to be the bearer of bad news. But that success is not gonna last.

Because the techniques that you used to get her, is not going to help you keep her.

At the end of the day, who she is attracted to, is the person you are deep down inside.

The EXCELLENT news is, if you are a good person, then who you are is enough to attract her.

All you need to know... is how to bring the attractive parts of you out and show it to the world.

If that's something you'd like to do, DM me and let's talk. It's a free consultation, so no worries about getting hustled into anything you don't wanna do.

Let's bring you some clarity, so you know what your next step needs to be.


We've created a Discord server to help single men with their dating lives, by offering powerful and exclusive FREE lessons that will help make you attractive to women. Click on the link below and join us today.


I am sure you've seen this piece of dating advice before - "Don't be boring!"

You may think it's been said too many times.

In fact, you may even think that if the guy is ugly, it doesn't even matter if he's boring or not.

But after so many years of meeting so many women from online dating apps... the #1 feedback I hear from them is... they encounter boring men all the time.

And so, if someone semi-interesting comes along, women will start to pay attention.

That is exactly what happened with my girlfriend and I.

This was a conversation we had not too long ago. I asked her why she had decided to meet with me, and she said...
.. that she matches with so many men who turns out to be boring, that when she and I ended up matching and having a conversation, she found me really witty and funny. And she decided she HAD to meet me, because I stood out immediately.

In fact, she was the one who took the initiative to follow up with me, to find out if I was well enough to meet that weekend (I had told her I was recovering from a flu).

So I hope my story is a good example of why it's important for you to NOT be boring. At the very least, you wanna have good banter with your matches.

I guarantee you. You will get more dates for sure.


I get it. Rejection can be painful.

That's why when we do end up talking to a woman, we play it safe. We ask safe questions. We reserve our opinions instead of saying how we really feel.

But life is not a zero risk game.

In fact, we're taking risks every day.

And if you don't take risks, someone else will do that and they will get what you want instead.

Here's something you may not know as well.

Safe may be stable... but it's also boring.

If you just started getting to know a woman, sure, she doesn't want her life in danger... but she definitely does not want boring either.

She wants interesting. Exciting. Fun.

She wants to feel. She wants an experience.

So give her that.

Be the one to initiate the flirting, even if you think she may not like it. Be the one who is willing to push the boundaries of the conversation. Be someone who dares to disagree with her, even if it's just playfully.

She is more likely to remember you when you take risks. And who knows, the next time you interact with her again, she may just initiate something of her own...


Have you ever seen a beautiful woman walk by on the streets, and she seems like she would be totally your type... but you are afraid to approach her?

Perhaps you think she will reject you right away.

Maybe you feel like you are unattractive, and that she wouldn't be interested in you.

As a result, you just let her walk past you and disappear into the distance... as you wonder about what might happen if you did approach her in an alternate reality.

Here's the thing.

Your ego is trying to protect you from rejection, so it came up with all sorts of excuses that made you decide not to approach that beautiful woman.

But those excuses are simply excuses. They are not real.

Think about it. What if you approached her, and she was warm and receptive? What if she said yes when you asked for her number?

So instead of letting your ego talk you out of taking your chances, maybe you should stop listening to it... and just make that approach happen.

For all you know, that could be the start of something new.


Everyone has a "type".

In fact, plenty of us have more than 1 type.

But being attracted to someone has never been logical. There are just simply some people out there who aren't conventionally attractive, but we are still drawn to them.

So if the woman you're interested in has a specific type and you're not it, that doesn't mean she will say no if you shoot your shot.

Why not give it a try and see where it goes? For all you know, she may say yes to you because she appreciates that you are brave enough to try...


Being nice is important.

Because everyone loves a good person. And if you are naturally nice, that's a good start.

But being nice is not enough, and there are a couple of reasons why.

1. It's not that being nice hurts your chances with women, but a lot of nice men are TOO nice. They don't have boundaries, and it makes them look like people pleasers. That is unattractive.

2. At the same time, being nice is the basic standard. You want to be a good person, but there are plenty of good guys out there. What makes you different from them? The woman can easily choose another good guy, so why you?

So you wanna be more than just good. You want to showcase your unique qualities to her, and those unique qualities are what gives you an edge over other good men.

And if you wanna know what unique qualities can help you achieve dating success, DM me for a free consultation. I'll be more than happy to help!


Let's get you a date from online dating apps (Part 9).

If you're a single man feeling like online dating apps just don't work, I'll show you how to get a date from apps like Tinder or Bumble with this series.


Let's get you a date from online dating apps (Part 8 ).

If you're a single man feeling like online dating apps just don't work, I'll show you how to get a date from apps like Tinder or Bumble with this series.



Are there women whom you believe are out of your league?

What if I told you... that you should go ahead and try to talk to them anyway?

Just imagine. How different would your life be if you didn't fear rejection?

Often times, we tell ourselves a story in our mind. We think that there are certain women out there who just simply won't give us the time of the day.

But that's just the story we've constructed in our heads.

What if it's not true?

What if that beautiful stranger is open to talking to you?

Think of the opportunities you may have missed, simply because you let the story in your mind take over... and you chose not to approach the woman.

She could be someone you have the time of your life with.

So let go of your fear of rejection. And walk up to her and say hi.

You just might be surprised by her reaction.


Do you wanna reply better to her messages? Would you like to connect better with her in person?

If your answer to both questions is a yes, then you definitely wanna do this.

First, you wanna listen intently.

Her words are just the surface of what she's trying to say.

You wanna listen for the theme instead. She could be speaking about her childhood, but her theme could be about wanting to remain childlike.

If you can relate to her theme with yours, then you'll achieve a much deeper connection as compared to responding to the surface level of her words.

So give it a try today with the woman you're interested in. I guarantee you'll see a difference in the way she responds.


If you wanna get more phone numbers from women...

If you wish to get more dates...

If you wanna have women feel like they can connect better with you...
.. then this is definitely a tip you wanna use in your conversations with women right away.

Women pay attention to the meaning of your words and actions. So whatever you say/do, or don't say/do, it's the meaning behind it that matters.

If she asks you whether she's fat and you hesitate, the meaning is... she's fat but you don't wish to tell her the truth.

If you talk to her, but you cannot maintain eye contact, that tells her you are not fully committed to the interaction.

Or if you are trying to hype yourself up with her, that means you are chasing for her validation.

So, read between the lines and recognise what it is you are doing wrong in your interactions with women.

And then do the opposite.

It's that simple 😉


If you're a single man feeling like online dating apps just don't work, let me show you how to get a date from apps like Tinder or Bumble with this series.



Saw this on Reddit from some random guy. Not sure how he got the stats, or whether it's true or not.

But I wouldn't be surprised if it's real.

Plenty of men don't believe in online dating, because it hasn't worked for them at all.

Even if the average man were to get more than 1 date out of 68 chats, it's still not easy because it's just so easy for the first date to go nowhere.

And then it's likely the woman will ghost the guy because she wasn't impressed by him.

This is not a critique on the man or the woman.

But a stat like this... a guy can be made to feel incredibly unattractive, and develop the fear that he may end up single forever.

And let me tell you this... if I got only 1 date out of 13,000 swipes, I'd be freaking out at how I'd never find a partner.

It doesn't have to be that way though.

I know, because I changed my dating life around with online dating.

I also know, because I put in the time and effort to figure out dating itself.

You can dramatically shortcut that time and effort, and get rid of all your fears about never finding someone... just simply by learning how dating works.

You don't even have to learn it from me.

There are plenty of other coaches out there who can do as good a job.

But if you like my advice, and if you think it resonates well with you, drop me a DM. I am happy to chat and see how we can work together.

No hard feelings too if you choose to back out.

What's most important is, you get a clear idea of what you need to do to achieve the kinda dating lifestyle that you want.

So let's talk. I believe I can help.

But do you believe you deserve happiness?


Does chasing the woman work?

Of course it does.

But there is a much better way than having to chase and prove yourself over and over again.

She has to work hard at the relationship as much as you do too. This is not just about impressing her. She has to impress you as well.

And the only way to do that is to encourage mutual appreciation from the start.

Encourage a dynamic where the both of you are putting your best foot forward for each other. To work hard for each other.

Because a relationship of any kind is all about teamwork.

And when you work as a team, the rewards are always so much greater.


"She's on the apps just to get validation."

"She's actually not interested in dating."

"She's only interested in men above 6 feet."

"She's talking to 5 other men right now."

Do any of these sound familiar?

These are some of the very common things I see men say about women on online dating apps.

On the other hand, as I speak to the women I meet from dating apps, I find a lot of what I hear men saying has very little truth to them.

So who's speaking the truth here?

The answer is simple:

Let go of what you cannot control, and focus on what you can control.

And what you can control... is yourself.

So focus on yourself and what you can do.

Improve on your photos on your dating profile. Learn how other men are meeting women from dating apps successfully.

Disregard all the things other men are saying about women on dating apps. If they're not getting dates, they're not the ones you wanna listen to.

And finally, change your approach if it hasn't been working.

You just might be surprised by the results you get.

Videos (show all)

Let's get you a date from online dating apps (Part 9).If you're a single man feeling like online dating apps just don't ...
Let's get you a date from online dating apps (Part 8 ).If you're a single man feeling like online dating apps just don't...
#tinder #bumble #datingadvice #datingapp #tinderdate #datingcoachformen #pickuplines #datingtipsformen #datingadviceform...
If you're a single man feeling like online dating apps just don't work, let me show you how to get a date from apps like...
If you're a single man feeling like online dating apps just don't work, let me show you how to get a date from apps like...
If you're a single man feeling like online dating apps just don't work, let me show you how to get a date from apps like...
If you're a single man feeling like online dating apps just don't work, let me show you how to get a date from apps like...
If you're a single man feeling like online dating apps just don't work, let me show you how to get a date from apps like...
If you're a single man feeling like online dating apps just don't work, let me show you how to get a date from apps like...
#bumble #datingadvice #datingapp #tinderdate #datingcoachformen #pickuplines #datingtipsformen #datingadviceformen #dati...
Many thanks to my buddy, the short form creative video consultant guy @valsenan , who proposed the idea for this video a...
#bumble #datingadvice #datingapp #tinderdate #datingcoachformen #pickuplines #datingtipsformen #datingadviceformen #dati...