

A place for Nancy Gemaehlich to engage with you on her books and writing projects.

Photos from Nancy.Gemaehlich.Author's post 01/10/2023

Fun to catch up with some DTS friends at Dr. Sandra Glahn's book launch for Nobody's Mother: Artemis of the Ephesians in Antiquity and the New Testament. Great evening:) Great book!

Beholding God as He Is 07/09/2023

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Beholding God as He Is One of the ways that God’s character and power are made known to us is through the names attributed to Him in the Bible. To mention a few of these names from the Hebrew Old Testament…we find God called Adonai: The Lord our Master. We find Him called El Olam, meaning God Everlasting. We find Him ...

The Immense Value of Life 26/07/2023

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The Immense Value of Life Do you consider your life as precious? We often don’t realize, as in knowing and experiencing, the depths of the value of our lives. As I was singing in church last Sunday, “The Lamb who was slain for the sins of the world, His blood breaks the chains,”[1] I realized in a fresh, deeper way tha...

Taste and See that the Lord is Good! 06/06/2023

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Taste and See that the Lord is Good! As I spend time in the Psalms this summer, the Lord blesses me daily! Today, I was in Psalm 34 where David sang a song of praise after escaping from Achish, the king of Gath (1 Samuel 21:10-15). David says he will “bless the Lord at all times” (34:1). A powerful statement from one who was being ...


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Writing on Purpose-Biblical Authors 24/02/2023

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Writing on Purpose-Biblical Authors Writers write for a purpose: to inform, to entertain, to persuade, to comfort, etc. Biblical writers also wrote with a purpose in mind. Their accounts are divinely inspired, and flow through the writer’s abilities, knowledge, and experiences. For instance, each of the four gospel writers penned fr...

Who Named Jesus and Why? 20/12/2022

Merry Christmas!

Who Named Jesus and Why? While Joseph was betrothed to Mary, she became pregnant. In the culture of the time, Mary could have been stoned for her seeming infidelity. Instead, Joseph being a God-fearing man was going to put her away quietly. But an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Joseph, son of D...

Kingdom Ways: Aiming High by Going Low 29/11/2022

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Kingdom Ways: Aiming High by Going Low When the mother of the sons of Zebedee tried to secure the best seats in the kingdom on Jesus’s right and left for her boys, she was in for a surprise. Jesus will teach that for her sons, James and John, to aim high in the kingdom of God, they will need to go low. The Lord turns her request into a...

A Shoot Out of Jesse 24/10/2022

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A Shoot Out of Jesse In the Gospel of Matthew Jesus regularly confronted the leaders of the Israelite nation as being hypocrites and having hearts far from God (Matt. 15:7-9). Jesus warned His disciples to “Let them alone,” as the Pharisees and scribes were blind guides (Matt. 15:14). The Lord also used an interesti...


Join the journey through the Gospel of Matthew with Dusty Sandals Bible study guide! Visit for more!

Finding Jesus in Sukkot/The Festival of Booths 17/09/2022

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Finding Jesus in Sukkot/The Festival of Booths In Matthew's Gospel, the author skillfully shows how Jesus fulfills Old Testament prophecies, people, places, geography, and, yes, even Jewish holidays! One women's Bible study group going through the Dusty Sandals: A Woman's Walk Through the Prophecies and Promises of Matthew recently celebrated Su...

Photos from Nancy.Gemaehlich.Author's post 17/09/2022

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Women's Bible Study Author - Nancy Gemaehlich 06/09/2022

Nancy will be leading an in-person Bible study through Dusty Sandals: A Woman's Walk through the Prophecies and Promises of Matthew, Volume 2.

The kick off for the study is on Monday, September 12th, 2022, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

It will be held at Calvary Chapel Honey Creek, 115 West Street, Celina, Texas 75009

If you live in the DFW area and would like to attend, you can contact us HERE.

Women's Bible Study Author - Nancy Gemaehlich Women's Bible study author Nancy Gemaehlich shares her books, events, and blog.

A Breadcrumb Trail for the Gentiles 20/08/2022

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A Breadcrumb Trail for the Gentiles When Jesus sent the disciples out to minister, He told them to go only to the "lost sheep of the house of Israel" (Matthew 10:6). Jesus does this because He came to the Jewish nation in fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy (Matthew 15:24). However, when the nation’s leaders rejected Christ as the...

Who Will Rule the World? 30/07/2022

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Who Will Rule the World? The Gospel of Matthew is the story of a King. In today’s vernacular, it’s the story of a world leader—the world leader, Jesus Christ. Even some Christians fidget at the idea of Jesus as a world leader—but He absolutely will be. Let’s back up a bit. In the Old Testament portion of the Bible...


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Reader's Choice 25/04/2022

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Reader's Choice Biographies are a favorite choice for many readers. People’s lives are fascinating—what they do and why. The Bible is no exception. The New Testament opens with four different eyewitness or based-on-eyewitness accounts of the life of Jesus Christ. Because in some way, we all see and record event...

Get Your Sandals Dusty! 02/04/2022

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Get Your Sandals Dusty! I’m continually amazed by the fulfillment of Old Testament Scriptures regarding our Savior and King. They never fail to take my breath away! The disciple Matthew learned from his Master how to bring “out of his treasure things new and old” (Matthew 13:52). In other words, more than any other g...

Women Are Loving This Study! 18/07/2021

Women Are Loving This Study! -

Women Are Loving This Study! “Nancy's ‘Come Lord Jesus’ study helps women sharpen their spiritual lens for what lies ahead ...and readies them for refocused, real-life impact TODAY! Jesus said, ‘...Blessed is the one who stays awake...’ who eagerly looks for His return, there is no doubt Jesus is using Nancy to turn t...

This Big Development in China Is Setting Up the World for the Mark of the Beast 08/07/2021

Interesting update... Checkout my women's Bible study: Come Lord Jesus: A Women's Walk—Spirit, Body & Soul—Through the Book of Revelation.

This Big Development in China Is Setting Up the World for the Mark of the Beast China is on the cusp of launching a digital currency that will give the communist regime total control over its citizens. The move has huge implications for the rest of the world, and CBN's CEO Gordon Robertson says it's setting us up for the fulfillment of End Times prophecy.

The Book of Ruth Through Today's Lens 06/07/2021

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The Book of Ruth Through Today's Lens Last blog post, we looked at the story of Ruth through the lens of the author’s perspective. The author included the genealogy at the end of Ruth to tell the story of David’s lineage as the rightful king from the tribe of Judah sitting on the throne of Israel—fulfilling Jacob’s prophecy (Gen...

Ruth's Story Through the Telescope of History, Part 2 23/06/2021

What did they see?

Ruth's Story Through the Telescope of History, Part 2 Last blog post, we looked at the story of Ruth through the lens of history. We considered the perspective of Boaz, Naomi, and Ruth—what they knew in their day. In this post, we are going to zoom the focus of our telescope out a bit. We’re going to look from the vantage point of the time of the a...

Ruth's Story Through the Telescope of History 26/05/2021

"Ruth's Story Through the Telescope of History" Check it out!

Ruth's Story Through the Telescope of History Telescopes help us understand our world by bringing images of things far away up close. The story of Ruth and its place in God’s big story, His-story, can be understood as if looking through a telescope. Let me explain—by zooming our telescope all the way out, we can see the perspective of the p...

Returning from Bitter Places: Naomi's Journey 26/04/2021

"Returning from Bitter Places: Naomi's Journey" Check it out!

Returning from Bitter Places: Naomi's Journey Have you ever known someone or been someone who suffered a loss, blamed it on God, and then gotten bitter? I worked with a man named Frank who was the black sheep in his Catholic family. Everything was a struggle for him, especially substance abuse. One Sunday at a certain low point Frank decided to...

Empty Cupboards in the House of Bread? 15/04/2021

I've recently spent some great time studying/teaching through the book of Ruth! Fantastic book of the Bible! Check out the blog post below.

Empty Cupboards in the House of Bread? Have you ever noticed that some cities don’t live up to their names? For instance, in California, in the city of Eureka you might expect to find treasure…EUREKA! This word comes from an ancient Greek word meaning, “I’ve found it!” Instead, of treasure in Eureka, one finds the chance of bec...


Why did God give us the book of Revelation? And what’s more, why did He promise a blessing to those who read it and heed its words? The book of Revelation is the consummation of God’s grand story that He has given to us as an anchor and a hope for our lives. The Bible study, Come Lord Jesus: A Woman’s Walk—Spirit, Body & Soul—Through the Book of Revelation will guide you on a journey through this important book of the Bible encouraging you to experience spirit, body, and soul the Lord’s message to His church. LEARN MORE HERE...

I Will Dwell in the House of the Lord Forever 04/03/2021

I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever...

I Will Dwell in the House of the Lord Forever Today, we are pondering the final verse in Psalm 23. If you’ve been tracking with us, we have been walking verse-by-verse through this psalm to gain peace as we leave a tumultuous 2020 and enter 2021. You can find all of the previous posts on this blog, Lighting Our Path. Please begin by reading P...

You Have Anointed My Head With Oil 20/02/2021

You have anointed my head with oil...

You Have Anointed My Head With Oil This week, as we journey through Psalm 23, we are focusing on verse 5. If you are new to this blog, we have been pondering a verse a week through Psalm 23 to gain peace as we leave a tumultuous 2020 and enter 2021. You can find all of the previous posts on Please begi...

I Will Fear No Evil 09/02/2021

I will fear no evil...

I Will Fear No Evil How is your New Year starting? If you’re just joining us, we are beginning our New Year on the right foot by meditating on Psalm 23. Our minds and hearts are bombarded daily with anxiety-producing news and even just worrisome internal dialog. Personally, it is helpful for me to recite Psalm 23 mor...

He Restores My Soul 01/02/2021

He restores my soul...

He Restores My Soul If you’ve been tracking with me, we are starting our New Year well by meditating on Psalm 23, a verse a week for 6 weeks. I'm currently reciting Psalm 23 to myself morning and night. Find your own way of feeding on this psalm. We can walk through this year with the peace that comes from drawing ne...

He Makes Me Lie Down in Green Pastures 22/01/2021

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He Makes Me Lie Down in Green Pastures Hello everyone and again... Happy New Year! This is week 2 of meditating on Psalm 23 as we wrap ourselves in the Lord’s care. I hope you have had a chance to speak these words of life and peace to yourself this week. I’m continuing to let this psalm wash over me morning and night, as I wake and ...

The Lord is my Shepherd, I Shall Not Want 13/01/2021

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The Lord is my Shepherd, I Shall Not Want Happy New Year to you all! As we put away the Christmas tree and a pull out our calendars for the new year, let’s be mindful of the Lord’s provision for us as his people. Though 2020 was a challenging year, there is no reason for us as God’s people to begin 2021 in a state of anxiety. This wee...


Today, we celebrate our Immanuel, God with us!

Isaiah, prophesied about his future virgin birth into our world (7:14). Then Matthew testified to his arrival (1:23). And, finally, John the Revelator spoke of his second coming when we will dwell with Christ face to face forever (Rev. 21:3-4; 22:4)!

Merry Christmas!

At Christmas—Looking to Christ's Second Advent 01/12/2020

At Christmas—Looking to Christ's Second Advent

At Christmas—Looking to Christ's Second Advent At Christmas time, we celebrate the wonder of the birth of Jesus. During this season, we often read Matthew’s account of Christ’s birth. From this gospel, we learn of the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy, “Behold, the virgin shall be with child and shall bear a Son, and they shall call His n...

Why Did the Lord Give Us the Book of Revelation? 14/11/2020

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Why Did the Lord Give Us the Book of Revelation? The book of Revelation tells us that it is a prophecy five times (1:3; 22:7, 10, 18, 19). The introduction and the close to this prophetic letter says that it is to be shown to the Lord's bondservants (1:1; 22:6). God gave believers this vision to know his future intentions. This beautiful future th...

Jesus' Second Coming and Lot's Wife 13/10/2020

Jesus, talking about His Second Coming, refers to Lot's wife. Check it out!

Jesus' Second Coming and Lot's Wife In Luke 17, Jesus explains to His disciples about His Second Coming. He tells them that on the day that the Son of Man returns it will be like the days of Lot; He exhorts them to "Remember Lot's wife" (Luke 17:32). And this is her story (based on Genesis 19)... She was still reeling from the encount...

Two Types of Harvests 01/10/2020

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Two Types of Harvests The biblical writers often use contrast to make their point powerfully. This is true in the book of Revelation, as well. In Revelation, we see two riders on white horses. One creates a false peace on the earth (6:2), while the other, known as the Prince of Peace, brings eternal peace between mankind...

Christ as Our Alpha & Omega 04/09/2020

Christ as Our Alpha & Omega Revelation proclaims Jesus by many names. These names describe who He is so we can begin to grasp his greatness and God's plan. A few titles given Jesus in the Bible's final book are the faithful witness (1:5), the root of David (5:5, 9), the Amen (3:14), the Lion of the tribe of Judah (5:5, 9), the...

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