Barry Seal's Last Words

Barry Seal's Last Words

The prearranged agreement with Barry Seal and the FBI about his death.


Kevin Ives and Don Henry's murders by cartel drug dealers who were staying on a nearby decommissioned military base used for a CIA operation that flew a South American volunteer army to train along with women and children being housed on the base. Because of immunity inside the housing area on the base the volunteer army occupied Pablo Escobar's cartel took advantage of this free storage facility shipping massive amounts of money and drugs through the base during the CIA operation before it was terminated.

During the summer of 2nd grade my father is sent to a military base in Arkansas to do a job for the water tower service company he worked for taking me with him and is where we met Barry Seal and Barry asked my father to go to his land in Mena to do a job for him that my fathers boss accepts and asks me to go with him several weeks to Arkansas where the CIA agent introduces me to the volunteer South American army being trained for taking over strategic targets in several adjacent countries in South America to hold until they can become recognized by the united nations who America was going to help influence for their favor in attempts to create a new South American country run exclusively by democracy during the 1980s it was considered and given support but ultimately failed and the efforts yielded mainly cartel information from Noriega and Pablo Escobar who often met at the base used for housing the volunteer army training in Arkansas where inside the compound the united states laws didn't apply beyond a certain line literally drawn on the floor in the compound where they governed themselves having no jurisdiction Pablo Escobar kept drug shipments and money that was funneled all across america at one time relatively freely in the early 1980s while trying to gain Pablo Escobar's trust even producing co***ne in america by Pablo Escobar's people flown to an Oklahoma Indian reservation after attempting to make it in Arkansas. I was taken to South America by Pablo Escobar and brought back the same day during the summer of 2nd grade and the CIA agent told Pablo he planned to go back in a couple of weeks and leave me in South America. Pablo told me that Stephen Shaffer the CIA agent was planning to leave me on the trip if I went back but I didn't believe him. Pablo Escobar was being honest about what would happen. After starting 3rd grade after the summer break at elementary school in Calhoun Louisiana about 2 weeks later the CIA agent Stephen Shaffer came to check me out of school and brought me to Arkansas where Pablo Escobar shortly arrived in a Cessna plane and took both Stephen and me back to South America this time leaving me at the recently acquired compound given to Pablo Escobar's cartel in an attempt to gain his trust this time I was placed under terrible phycological burdens at the compound by the security force who worked for Pablo given instructions not to kill me.
The compound was a military outpost of Russia given to America after the Cuban missile crisis and was conveniently located next to the bloodline compound where the organ harvesting was still going on having bodies brought to be burned in a pit behind the cartel compound. The FBI had used the location for training purposes and was under constant surveillance by the US military even having a satellite connection to the Pentagon 24 seven 365 accessible by a monitor inside the small shed connected to the satellite that you only had to push a button on the monitor for a live video connection to a room in the Pentagon that staffed an military officer 24 7 to handle any requests or messages from the compound. Pablo Escobar's cartel was permitted to use the compound which housed children being raised by the cartel that once old enough would become workers for the cartel either used to pick coca leaves or other labor in drug production including walking drugs across borders growing up supporting the drug trade. The FBI had a small presence on the compound and struck deals with x military and federal employees who had chosen to work on the compound they acquired a large number of documents left by the FBI in hopes of using them as leverage to barter a deal if they become captured. The documents identified military locations and lists of what weapons and equipment were in different locations all over the world. Incapable of compromising the military but capable of creating unnecessary losses if the information fell into the wrong hands. The military gives access to the FBI and CIA to a certain list of information that can be used in covert operations as long as they don't compromise the information being used for whatever reason it's usually used as bait or leverage to serve the interest of an operation by the agency if the military finds the information being leaked or used in such a way not approved then immediately the military can seek to bring the operation to an end and eliminate any loose ends. Along with the military documents of value there were propaganda leaflets and papers that were only known at the time to be located in Hawaii the propaganda was silent weapons for quiet wars. I brought several complete propaganda papers of silent weapons for quiet wars and several military sensitive documents that the security Force did not know I had before I left. However, they brought me to the bunker showing me the propaganda and documents just before the plane flown by my pastor Fred J Foster a retired CIA photo analyst. Which leads me to believe it was no mistake I left with the sensitive documents.

Several weeks later I was brought to Barks Dale AFB by my pastor who came to get me using a church youth group trip to South America as a cover. Then left to be found on the AFB with military documents that were taken from the security forces guarding the cartel location. Once I was found I gave the documents to the base commander. Who called Fred J. Foster my pastor to come back and pick me up. The CIA agent Stephen Shaffer brought me to government land where a meeting with certain members of the CIA and officials from the Pentagon gathered to discuss what happened to me in South America all this was arranged by the government official who was trying to get me to become a serial killer. The Pentagon officials expressed gratitude for the documents being brought back having known how they ended up in the hands of the security forces who intended to use them as leverage should they end up in a tight spot unable to get away. They were x military and federal personnel hired by Pablo Escobar as a security force to protect the compound. The CIA agent asked me to fly back to the compound not telling me what the real plans were which involved using me to establish radio communication with the security forces as confirmation of where the documents came from. Then Navy jets from an aircraft carrier off the coast of Peru were sent to our location and began blowing up the compound along with other cartel locations and drug platforms used to get drugs into America. The plane was flown by Oliver North and used during the operation to film the destruction of the cartel locations. Then I was flown back to Arkansas where all the volunteer army's living quarters were being burned along with volunteers left after the majority had been taken earlier by the cartel who slaughtered them once they landed at the compound because it reached capacity. They were being flown all at once in a convoy of military planes and the cartel couldn't move them to other locations fast enough so several plane loads were shot as they ran out the back of the plane. Those left in Arkansas and on the Oklahoma Indian reservation were killed and burned with everything left in their housing structures. The bodies were put into a metal container with a lid and taken to military incinerators nearby destroying all traces of their presence even using machinery to compact the land erasing all footprints. Leaving nothing as evidence but a few pieces of framework which were remains of a wooden platform used to produce co***ne by Pablo Escobar's cartel workers who had been flown to the Oklahoma Indian reservation along with everything needed to produce co***ne.

The decommissioned military base in Arkansas where the volunteer army was flown from South America to be housed men women and children. This base had property extending back to where the railroad tracks passed by a fence surrounded the base and in the very back towards the railroad tracks was a hole in the fence that I went through to get on the railroad tracks walking in the direction of Little Rock. 20-30 minutes later I'll come across Kevin and Don walking nearby the railroad tracks claiming to be hunting Don was holding a gun and Kevin was holding a bottle of whiskey when I met them. I foolishly tried to make friends by telling them about what was going on at the military base and they didn't want to walk 20-30 minutes in that direction and find out I was lying telling me they would do something to me if I wasn't telling the truth. Seeking to impress them I told them about a room filled with dead bodies on the base.

After I brought them to the room filled with people who died on the base either from natural causes, drug overdose, or murder mainly all South Americans. They would pile the bodies in the room for storage until the time came to dispose of them. Barry Seals's wife's brother-in-law RJ found out I brought Kevin and Don on the base and quickly came to separate us by offering them drugs and something better to do than hang around a ten-year-old. Later that day RJ brought a group of people on the base interested in profiting from any organs or removing adrenaline glands from any fresh bodies if possible. The Columbians told RJ it was ok to remove any organs or body parts from any already dead being kept in the room but we're not permitted to kill anyone. Kevin and Don had been with RJ all day since I brought on the base earlier that day and became caught up in what was going on but didn't have any desire to be a part of it. They had planned to separate from the group when they left later that night walking in the opposite direction of the group with RJ towards their home. I saw them going into the room with the dead bodies and followed asking questions about what they were doing when my disagreement with the group caused them to take a special interest in me and forced me to eat a human adrenaline gland. Instantly I refused but they quickly pushed it into my throat forcing me to swallow all my morals and ability to discern right from wrong as a child and because they promised me more I did whatever they told me. Each time I did what they said expecting another piece but they refused and told me to do something else each task more undesirable than the first sending me on an emotional rollercoaster ride of seeking their approval. It was the most intense feeling I ever experienced. Soon they talked me into luring a South American boy in the room telling me they would kill him and take his adrenaline gland promising to give me a piece. They were using him to manipulate me and I left and told the Colombians who worked security by the time we came back they had killed the boy and taken his adrenaline gland leaving the body. Once the Colombians found the boy they immediately wanted to know everything that happened. I told them the truth but they didn't blame me claiming I had no control because they fed me that adrenaline gland. They wanted me to tell them that it was RJ responsible for the Columbian boy being killed because they were looking for a reason to get rid of him but he had told me that he was going to kill me if I told on him. I refused to blame RJ then they found out about Kevin and Don being on the base. Questioning me about their involvement explaining someone had to be held responsible for the death of the Columbian boy. Later that night they were going to meet Billy Jack about 40 miles from the base to sell him drugs they asked me to go with them which was unusual. I went along because I did what everybody told me to do. Kevin and Don had been hiding in the bushes off of the railroad tracks when the Jeep would go by because I told them if they found them along the tracks they would kill them.

The Columbians drove a Jeep from the base along the tracks to avoid any public roads as possible on the way to meet Billy Jack they stopped near where they knew Kevin and Don were hiding and told me to go over to them and convince them to come up to the Jeep. Don had the gun they were carrying when I met them and felt confident enough to approach when a Columbian told them to get in the Jeep because they intended to kill them further up the tracks. Immediately they refused and started talking back overconfident holding the gun and under the influence of what drugs RJ had previously given them on the base. Remarking with a comment concerning what they would be doing especially holding the gun and refusing to submit the boys carelessly turned their backs on the Jeep when a Columbian jumped down thrusting a large knife stabbing Don completely through his back leaving the knife penitentiary through his chest when Don dropped to his knees and screamed out what happened as he looked down he saw the knife in his chest instantly he went into shock panicking as he screamed out he had been stabbed. The Colombians quickly took the gun away before the boys could focus then told Don to get up and get in the Jeep he refused then they began to drag him violently throwing him in the back of the Jeep while telling Kevin to get into the Jeep without any trouble or they would stab him.

Then we were taken down the tracks while another Jeep followed from the base that was going to separate to meet Billy Jack once we got further down the tracks where they planned to kill Kevin who understood they intended to kill him asking me to ask the Columbians if he could be let go but I had no real influence over them. Kevin asked if he had to die he didn't want to be killed from a stabbing because it was very horrifying watching Don die that way. The Colombians agreed they wouldn't stab him to death but whatever way they decided Kevin had to do what they said or they would stab him. While Kevin waited with a couple of Colombians on the tracks I was told to go with the other Jeep asking not to see them kill Kevin under the impression they would kill him before we returned. We went to meet Billy Jack who was waiting in an old-timey car as they began the drug deal someone known to Billy Jack approached to advise him of Kevin and Don being killed and how they needed someone to give a statement to the police establishing another reason for there deaths than the Colombians from the base being impacted.
At first, Billy Jack refused and they offered a bribe to change his mind but when Billy Jack refused the second time they told him he had to or they would kill him. Immediately he changed his mind agreeing because there was nothing he could do and then asked for everything that they had offered him the first time because he figured if he was going to do it he might as well profit from it. Billy Jack waited as one Jeep took the money claiming they had to return to the base to get the drugs. However, the drugs were with the Colombians in other Jeep nearby at the tracks. Returning to deliver the drugs and leaving me to find out Kevin hadn't been killed yet and before they would take me back to the base they had to kill Kevin telling me if I didn't want to watch I could sit in the Jeep they parked a fur piece back from the tracks while they did it at first I said in the Jeep and waited but hearing the commotion I got out and approached the since. They told Kevin to stand still while they hit him in the head with the gun Don was carrying before he was stabbed. Telling him that hopefully he would be knocked out and they would continue to hit him after he was unconscious until he died.

Kevin didn't like it but there was nothing he could do so he stood up and took it as they began to hit him in the head real hard several times telling him every time he fell he better stand back up quickly or they would stab him instead. Terrified and panicking Kevin stood there as they kept hitting him and knocking him down yelling for him to stand back up until finally it got to the point where he couldn't stand back up and he started crawling away whimpering as they screamed he would be stabbed if he refused but I could tell he quit listening and just kept attempting to crawl away but without any results being almost on the verge of dying unable to escape. Then the Columbian swung the gun hitting him in the head but because he was lying on the ground the stock of the gun struck the railroad track at the same time causing the gun to break at the stock then they took the stock and continued to bash his head until Kevin finally stopped moving and died. Then they loaded his body in the Jeep with Don's carrying them to the location they planned to leave them on the tracks closer to the time the train would pass. I was told that I could go back to the base in the other Jeep but I had to return later that morning when the train came because they wanted me to watch the train run over Kevin and Don as a punishment for what happened to the Colombian boy. Billy Jack was told not to leave until it was time for him to make his statement to the police after the train ran over Kevin and Don later that morning but Billy Jack complained that he had to go take the drugs somewhere refusing to talk to the police with the drugs and his vehicle the Colombians sent someone with him that he had to bring back at the time they requested for him to be at the specific location they wanted him to be when the police arrived. I went back to the base and attempted to go to sleep but they came and woke me back up telling me it was time to go watch Kevin and Don get run over by the train we drove down the tracks and the Jeep and then near a metal structure close by the tracks we waited slightly on a hill looking down towards the tarp covering Kevin and Don that they laid on the tracks. We laid down to not be seen and soon the train began to approach at its normal speed which was much too fast to stop in time. So the train slowed down as much as it could but once it reached the point of impact the brakes were released and the train continued to pass over the tarp covering Kevin and Don's body. After a few cars passed and the engine got far enough away from the bodies the train put the brakes on again and began to slow down until finally it stopped. After the train had run them over the Colombians got in the Jeep and returned to the base telling me that I could wait as long as I wanted to but I had to walk back to the base once again giving me an explanation that I was being punished for the Colombian boy getting killed. I waited around near the place where Billy Jack was to be before the police arrived talking with Billy Jack on the tracks about what happened telling him the truth and having him explain he didn't want me to be around when the police got there to give a conflicting statement because his life was in danger if he didn't do what they said and even threatened to kill me if I told the truth. I waited until the police arrived and once they began to get closer to where we were I considered the threat of Billy Jack being killed if I did say anything having felt responsible for Kevin and Don's death I didn't want to add another. I started out walking back to the base not realizing the true distance from where we were as the day continued I watched the sun come up and begin to go down as I began to panic and worry if I was going to be capable of reaching where the fence is that had the hole in it to get on the base before the sun went down not having a light to shine walking down the tracks it would be easy to walk past the fence if you couldn't see it in the dark. Just before the light in the sky after the sun began to set, I spotted the fence up ahead and was relieved that I had made it back. I was 10 years old when Kevin and Don were killed on the tracks before their bodies were laid and covered by a trap on the tracks to be run over by the train in August of 1987.

That's what happened to Kevin Ives and Don Henry I'm an eyewitness and confess my statements to be true in the name of Jesus Christ

Dennis Homer Love Jr


I received a call on my original home phone that was with BellSouth Telecommunications from a man claiming to be with the CIA saying not to worry about going to the interview that I previously agreed to do with Gary Webb. When I asked why the man said he was killed because I agreed to the interview and it was arranged to look like a su***de. I had previously spoken with Gary several times about what I experienced before and after I was left in South America by the CIA, involving Barry Seal, Oliver North, Pablo Escobar and a CIA agent by the name of Stephen Shaffer.


Barry Seal bravely and knowingly faced his death

The FBI and CIA created the terms and conditions of Barry Seals' death. It was prearranged and Barry agreed to it. Not to mention the deal made with an American citizen who was connected to a cartel to ride along like a boss ensuring the Colombians used in killing Barry did what they agreed to. I was to be the only child eyewitness to his death and given the task of going on TV after it happened to tell Barry Seals' last words and make known the particulars of how he faced his death. The FBI offered this deal to me because I was taken from an Arkansas military base and flown to South America with CIA agent Stephen Shaffer and Pablo Escobar. Pablo and Stephen left me in Colombia and flew away from a compound on a Colombian mountaintop complex used to house workers of the cartel, mainly women and children. I had to wait several weeks before I was brought back to the United States. Barry Seal knew about what happened to me in South America and when he attempted to come get me his plane was shot at and not allowed to land. I agreed to the FBI's terms to participate in Barry's planned death after Barry said he wanted me to. The FBI kept Barry and me separated until the day of his death after the deal was made. The FBI told me it would have to happen within a certain week and twice that week the FBI told me if I'm ready to go we could do it that day. Both times I said I wasn't ready thinking if I just kept refusing then Barry Seal would be able to live. On the third time, the FBI told me to get ready and that it was going to happen today rather I like it or not. I was driven to the halfway house parking lot. While talking with the Colombians repeatedly asking them not to kill Barry they told me they wouldn't and not to worry and go ask Barry who just pulled up parking behind us if he would be brave enough to get out of his car without his bulletproof vest on. I went to Barry's car and he told me to get in then we began talking.

When I told him what the Colombians wanted me to say about the bulletproof vest Barry became concerned and assured me that the Colombians were going to shoot him that day. I began to panic because I believed the Colombians were joking. I wanted out of the situation but it was too late he said to stay in the car and left me his pistol for protection but I wasn't in danger it was just a way of giving me a reason to stay in the car. I watched as Barry without his bulletproof vest got out and approach the Colombians in their car and talked to them briefly then walk into the halfway house doorway as if pacing back and forth going over a few last thoughts and getting himself ready for the end. As he left the doorway and walk past the Colombians towards his car. All the Colombians got out except for the hired man in charge of the hit who stayed inside the car and watched. Surrounding Barry, the Columbians said they were fixing to shoot but Barry wanted to get closer to his car because he had agreed with the FBI that he would be found dead in the driver's seat of his car and was worried if he would make it from so far away. The Colombians agreed and let him get closer to his car then just circled around him and sprayed him with the Mac10 Barry stood still when the gun would fire and then step towards the car with a very strong and brave attitude. After spraying him the first time the Colombians thought they didn't shoot him well enough and sprayed him again as Barry paused standing still taking several Mac 10 bullets around his torso. This time when he began to step towards the car his efforts were tremendously slower and showed more pain with each step as he approached the car only dropping to kneel catching his balance as the Colombians made fun of him telling him he wasn't as strong as he said taunting him by saying he wouldn't make it to the car walking on his own. Then Barry seal stood up and slowly stepped closer and closer till finally reaching the driver's side door and spoke out to the Colombians taunting them back prideful that he did what he said he would about walking to his car then when he reached out to open the door he fell completely to the ground collapsing when pulling on the door to open it threw his shot up body off balance. Barry pulled open the door as he was looking up under it laying on the ground calling out to me explaining I had to help him and to come to his side of the car and pull him into the car but my light body offered no real help and Barry told me to move back and he would do it himself reaching up pulling himself first on the door then on the stirring wheel finally climbing back into the car seat exhausted. I had a panic attack watching the event and before Barry got out when he gave me his gun he said the words the FBI agreed would be known as his last words and they didn't set well with me.

The words he told me to say would be I was the kid that got him killed because of the panic attack I forgot it was part of the plan and truly believed he blamed me for getting him killed. I asked him if he wanted to shoot me with his gun that he gave me to hold as I passed the gun to him on the seat waiting for a response feeling as a guilty looking kid and Barry yells out of course not what are you talking about and had to come to terms with my panic-stricken state of mind grabbing the gun away from my reach. Then loudly saying I don't need this right now I'm dying over here angry I couldn't understand tells me that I'm not the reason and that was what the FBI agreed with him for me to say as his last words. Telling me that the last words I agreed to tell at the interview after his death was a lie and not the truth made me feel even worse I had not considered that the words I would have to repeat at the interview might not be the truth. The Colombians began to get ready and the man in charge was in the car watching told me they would be leaving and that I had to stay there because I kept trying to get in their car after being told to get out I began to walk away as a man came out of the dinner across the street approaching me telling me he saw what happened and I ask him to prove it by taking me to the window inside the dinner when I looked out the window I saw he could only see who was walking around outside the cars he couldn't see me inside the car or who was in the Colombians car but he watched as Barry was shot walking back to his car and climbing back in. The man had a camera and wanted to take a picture of Barry before the police get there but he was afraid of the Colombians that were still waiting for Barry to stop breathing I told the man I would walk back over there with him and ask the Colombians if he could take a picture. When we got there the man giving orders to the Columbians said no and to run the man with the camera out of the parking lot when they did.

I became upset that he couldn't take the picture and told him to wait and I would tell him when he could run up and snap a picture then leave while the Colombians were waiting in their car. I was told to wait in the car with Barry while they went back to there's and to come and tell them when he stops breathing. Barry was passing in and out of consciousness each time getting further apart compared to when he first started dosing in and out of consciousness. While Barry was slowly dying and the Colombians were waiting in their car I told the man with the camera to come quickly and he ran up to the car door and snapped the camera when the Colombians saw what he did the man giving orders told them to chase him down and get the camera. The Colombians ran after the man but he quickly got out of sight of the parking lot and the Colombians were mad at me. Then the man giving orders says to shoot Barry again while he is in the driver's seat to make sure he would be dead because they were fixing to leave. Then the man with the camera came back and took another picture. The Columbians saw the man going back into the parking lot and stop their car in the road turning around and racing back sending the man running as the car stops and a Colombian takes chase of the man. I ask if I can leave with them and the man giving orders says no but the Colombian driving says yes I get in and we take off towards the direction the man with the camera went and find the man getting in a car as the Colombian jumps back in the car we start to chase the man with the camera beginning to go very fast until the man giving orders tells them to stop chasing him because he got the cars license plate number and he would have some one track him down and get the camera back. Arguing with the driver that didn't want to stop chasing him and speaking up again about how I had to be taken back and dropped off at the parking lot because I was supposed to be found by the car Barry died in. The Colombian driver starts going back to the parking lot and then turns around before he gets there claiming I could go with them if I wanted because he didn't know about the FBI plan that only the man in charge of the Colombians, Barry Seal, and I knew. The man in charge says it's a mistake and agreed to quit arguing and for the driver to just go to the drop-off point prepared for him so he could get away from the mess that was developing before it gets any worse and that he wouldn't be taking the blame for me not being at the parking lot where Barry Seal was shot and said that would be my fault. The Columbians check in a motel that is adjacent to another motel and the man in charge walks from the motel we checked in to the adjacent one and gets into a black GM model four-door SUV looking identical to a GM government SUV and drives away telling the other Colombians his contact would use the license plate number and find the man with the camera. Meanwhile they were to lay low and go find another motel.

The Colombians drove us to another motel across town. I got out of the room and a familiar car came into the parking lot. I got in but was told I had to stay and he couldn't call in the location I would have to wait for a police or FBI car to drive in and out of the motel parking lot because everyone was searching the area for who killed Barry Seal and that they were driving through motel parking lots checking suspicious vehicles and looking for anything out of the ordinary. Telling me to go back and wait with the Colombians till I see a police or FBI car pulling thru the parking lot. Disappointed I had to go back I began to question the Colombians about my safety and was assured they wouldn't kill me unless they had to. Scared for the first time I didn't want to wait for an FBI or police car and decided to approach the first vehicle to pull in when one did I ran out of the room straight to the vehicle and asked the driver to call the police telling him the Colombians that just killed Barry Seal were in the room I came out of. The man commented on how he just heard something on the radio about him getting shot and couldn't believe it at first. Then the man agreed to call the police at a nearby business and I waited in the vehicle with him until the police began to show up. I got out and went to a state trooper's car and explained my experiences and what happened. Then I was approached by the FBI and told to get ready to go on camera to tell Barry Seals' last moments and words like I had previously agreed to but I was frozen with guilt and indecision about the whole thing and didn't want to grow up being known as the kid that got Barry Seal killed even though I knew it was a lie. I was being forced to not tell the truth and refused to go on camera. The reporter had to settle for reporting that an eye witness to Barry Seals murder exists but the FBI says the witness wishes to remain unidentified.

The FBI understood I was too panic-stricken and agreed to allow me to remain anonymous. The man in charge of the Colombians that killed Barry did get the license plate number of the man with the camera to his contact because later the man was stopped by the FBI getting on a flight to leave the area and his baggage was searched and the camera with film containing pictures of Barry Seal dead in his driver's seat. The pictures as far as I know were not released to the public and any picture with me was never claimed to have been found by the FBI. I didn't talk about Barry Seals' death for over 20 years before I became comfortable expressing my feelings about my experience. The man with the camera came out before his death as a witness to his death. The FBI allowed him after making him agree not to mention the boy that was there along with the man who was in charge of the Colombians who were now convicted of killing Barry Seal and sentenced to prison. The Louisiana state police that found me at the motel believed my story and have no other reason to explain my being there or leaving with the FBI later that night. That is the truth about how Barry Seal was killed and that he bravely faced his death. My name is Dennis Homer Love Jr born in 1977. I first met Barry Seal when the company my father worked for had a job at a decommissioned military base that required a way to increase water pressure without using the existing water system. The base was housing south American volunteers that were flown here to be trained by the CIA. The base had a water storage tank but without being connected to the public system that used elevated tanks for pressure. The volunteers couldn't take proper showers. After the job at the base, Barry Seal asked the owner of the company if he could purchase the pressure tank needed to fix the water issue, but the boss would only allow him to rent it. He also asked if they would do some work for him at his property in Mena Arkansas. Pete Mims took me during trips to Barry's house in Mena during the summer back and forth from Louisiana where the company P.M. Tank was located that my father worked for.

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Barry Seal Bravely accepted his death walking from the entrance to the salvation army halfway house to his car not falli...
