Urgent Seas

Urgent Seas

Stop corporations & corrupt governments from ra**ng our waters! Read this blog and get educated.

SeaWorld Fact Check - Wild Capture 27/03/2023


SeaWorld Fact Check - Wild Capture Fact-based scientific information about killer whales, both wild and captive, with a focused examination of the campaign

Fate of orcas in captivity 27/03/2023

Fate of orcas in captivity There are 56 orcas (killer whales) held in captivity at marine parks around the world in 8 different countries. Please help us stop orca captivity!


Justice for Regan Russell. The 65 year old woman who was killed during a protest at a pig slaughter house outside of Toronto, Ontario Canada in 2020. The trucker who ran her over and ended her life was found GUILTY for careless driving causing death. Regan gave her time and commitment for the betterment of animals everywhere. She was a protester at Marineland in 2012. RIP Regan your love for living creatures and dedication to animal welfare will never be forgotten.

Why are these orcas killing sharks and removing their livers? 27/03/2023

Predatory behaviour or species alteration?

Why are these orcas killing sharks and removing their livers? When sevengill shark carcasses with pectoral tears and missing livers began washing up on the South African coast, questions abounded. Then a marine biologist found something: orca tooth impressions.


The oceans are dying. Marine life is suffering. Corporate greed and corrupt governments keep ra**ng the planet and our waters. How can the average citizen stop these practices? Initiative, education and action. Every generation has the ability to make real, positive changes. Let’s stop it together! Urgent-Seas (a take on the word “urgency’) is a blog to help you learn and keep you up to date on the latest oceanic news from around the world. We cover everything, from the big business of marine animal capture to the horrific shark fin trade. Other topics include the inconceivable draining of our fish populations and the death of our oceanic ecosystems. If there is something you’d like to learn, let us know.