Helen Fogarassy, Internationalist Writer

Helen Fogarassy, Internationalist Writer

Helen Fogarassy is an internationalist writer by birth and experience. She is a Hungarian-American immigrant avid about promoting democracy around the world.

Her latest book is entitled America Votes Obama to Biden Past Trump.


"The only thing to fear is fear itself." FDR about QQII is true. Ukraine won Allies w/ its infectious courage. With Wagner part of Ruddian army working incognito in Africa & Middle East, Putin is spreading fear throughout the world, reinforced w/ daily shelling all over Ukraine. Only antidote is to resist the grip of fear, refuse to let it take hold, actboldly as if there were no fear, exert pressure on Putin & Netanyahu while generously funding Ukraine. That's what Ukraine has taught the world. Act unafraid on the path of justice & justice lovers will coalesce yo your sideHang tight together until the aggressor exposes his own fear by whistling louder in the darkness enveloping him. God bless the good, internationalist writer helenfogarassy.com.


"By their deeds you will know them." Ninle predicted from the start. Russia destroys Ukraine for spite. N Korea starves is own ppl to act fierce w/ arms. Israel kills thousands of Palestinians hunting Hamas enemy the has 1,000 heaks. By contrast, Japan suffers earthquake, then air disaster on tarmac. Safely evacuates near-300 ppl bin under 2 min before fire erupts. The BRICS (Brazil,Russia,India,China,SAfrica) added 5 new members today, including Iran & Saudi Arabia) Those emerging countries aim to establish a new economy to undermine western democracy. Know them by their deed. Internationalist writer helenfogarassy.com.


New Year's eve is like Fat Tuesday, the day before Lent begins. New Year's Day stars the most miseravle month of the year, the season of good will in the rear view mirror, a dreary, icy 30 plus days before the groundhog tells how much longer left to suffer. New Year's day, like Sunday night w/ school the next day & homework's not done. Oppressive, so why not change it up, pretend something great happened during the seasin of good will & now it's time to celebrate. Eat a special meal, make a toast, then make exciting plans on how to make it a reality in the month ahead. It can bring miracles, like Russia out of Ukraine before the month ends. Go for it, sign up everywhere to help. Feel better? I do, so hsppy New Year to you. Cheers, internationalist writer helenfogarassy.com.


New Year's resolution for world's near-200 countries, mobilixe the David vs Goliath triumph in the world's near-200 countries. Way to do this is to see & share the truth. Mali ousting of France & UN is part of Russian Wagner plan to fleece Africa of natural resources as it once did in Eastern Europe & former Soviet captives like Ukraine. Connect the dots & the power of freedom can win. Makes for a very happy New Year indeed. Internationalist helenfogarassy.com.


The United Nations is a forum for airing & resolving differences& challengeslike climate action. Discussions end in written resolutions that get worked into national legislation og near-200 countries. US Security Council deals w/ threats to international peace & security. Yesterday, it condemned Russian shelling of Ukrainian civiliansRussia is 1 of 5 permanent members. No doubt it abstained from the scathing resolution on its own actions, the way the UN abstained from voting on a resolution calling for a cease fire involving Israel. These actions will carrt more weight q/ briader public botice. Tell friends & family, urge them to air views on the US Mission to the UN website. Don't sit & feel helpless or detached. Take action, feel great. internationalist helenfogarassy.com.


Democracy. Potentially optimal stimulation for humans. Not too soft, not too hard to get involved in running the country.Out of whack now, world transiting to global level. Big biz, big tech usurps power from ppl EU regs make ppl lethargic. Liberated former Soviet countries like Uktaine, Estonia & neighbors have the best mix. Get more regional allies by freeing Ukraine from Russian aggression to let the whole region blossom in harmony w/ other emerging smaller powers. Internationalist helenfogarassy.com. Cheers for a great Nre Year.


Disappointment is a testing ground for daith. Ukraine fights on for its freedom w/o loss of Ukraine spirit to win for justice. It simply adjusts use of resources to get results within new limits. Ingenuit, resilience, commiyment to goal. US has proposal US has national security pkge to fund border security against illegal migrants & protection of democracy thru Ukraine. Sensible, only opposed by far right & far left. World leader US can learn from Ukraine in sticking to a goal of defending itself. Reasonable Americans, urge Congress to support the two-pronged national security package. Internationalist helenfogarassy.com.


Transit from old to new this year by simplifying global politics into good versus bad. Consider, there are more good ppl than bad but the squeaky wheel gets the grease expecially when armed w/ explsives Now look at Russia invading Ukraine by shelling train stations when all Ukraine wants is Russia to leave so Ukraine ca be free in the free world. Then think of Israel turning into bad guy in its hunt for bad guys at the heedless cost of Palestinian lives. rising power India is visiting Russia this week to make trade deals, claims it is neutral on Ukraine. Is it possible to be neutral in the question of good versus bad? Speak now or forever forget your peacethrough jusice. Slava brave Ukraine & allies. helenfogarassy.com.


Transition, moving from one state to another. Down-time week berween joy of Chrismas & earnest setermination for New Year lies the opportunity for a radical change. US media is full of dire threats to America in 2024. Imstead of quaking w/ fear, America can turn to the British BBC & see itself reflected as the strongvoice of reason backed by nilitary & economic night in a highly volatile world. To reinforce that strength against global bully Russia looking to take down America, US can give fukk-throated support trye blue ally Ukraine in its fight fir freedom from enslavenebt bt brutal Russia. Internationalist helenfogarasst.com.


Tyranny works until it doesn't. Jesu came to the world on Christmas to free us from evil impulses like Tussia's brutal invasion of brave Ukraine or Israeli vengeance againsy Hamas w/ no respect for Palestinian lives. Russia has elections in March. Putin is exerting his full mean muscle in the belief that that's what ppl want. Ukraine w/ all the good world is proving him wrong. Like any power-grubber, he doubles down instead of hearing the message. Oppo leader Navalny has been found in an aeric prison. Putin knows he's on the wrong end of being able to hold his grip w/ strong-arm tactics, We can unseat him through concerterd allied action on behalf of Ukraine. Visit the posts at helenfogarassy.com w/ views on Ukraine from every angle possible. Share those that hir home, leave comments whever tech allows. Raise a toast to Ukraine front line defenders fighting the Russians who shell supply lines to starve them into submission. Sheesh, puts the Grich to shame & he's proud of it. Unseat this man.


Winterrholidays, end of old year & start of new, season of good will over ill. Fact is, nobody celebrates ill-will like Russia invading Ukraine or Israel massacring Palestinians in retaliation for ill-will of Hamas. Good wiil vs ill will is obvious. In between are majority who stand neutral. Today, 2,000 yrs after Jesus brought gave us the road map to good will, global challenges like climate change call for good will solutions of cooperation. Support the courage of Ukraine fighting foagainst the global ill will of Russia. Raise a toast to Ukraine celebrating Christmas on the same day as Allies over the ill will of Russia. Emjoy, God bless, internationalist writer at helenfogarassy.com.


Good will is a good start that needs action to make good on. That's the West supporting Ukraine who really is actively supporting Western good will by fighting Russia w/ ill will for the US-led West. Though disappointed by West not coming through w/ urgently needed funds by Cjristmas, Ukraine shares its joyous spirit by breaking w/ Russia to celebrate on Dec 25 instead of Jan 7 as in the past. "God rest ye merry gentlemen let nothing you dismay," we sing w/ Ukraine fighting for our values against global ill ill. Internationalist writer helenfogarassy.com.


"Ask & it shall be give," Jesus said. But what if it isn'y? Joseph asked for room at the inn but didn't get it. Ukraine asked for help & didn't get it for Christmasbut Palestinians are. Tricky path between asking & getting, sometimes have to go through a lifetime of suffering like Jesus before desire is granted. Shouldn't take that long in the digital age where we can roust attention in a minute. Chose well among all those asking for support. The posts at helenfogarassy.com lay out scenarios on why Ukraine deserves ours. God bless your holidays & ours.


Emotional couragebeing able to sit w/ feelings & process them until relief comes insight. The ability comes from practice putt, putting yourself on the line, asking for something &responding ever better when rejected. Countries do this on a bigger scale. Compare the hothead Israel response to Hanas arrack vs the measured, , committed god nature of Ukraine despite lawless invasion by Russia. Just works better if you can control your trsponse, even if you have to cry to do it. The only way to handle the holiday season ups & downs, so enjoy the practice. Cheers, helenfogarassy.com.


This year for Christmas, give yourself & your loved ones the joy of spreading good will throughout the world. The helenfogarassy.com websiye is an easy-reading intro to the world and the underpinnings o that hold the world togethert when conflicts & supply chain snafus threaten to destroy it. Our focus now is on dislodging lawless from the courageous Ukraine fighting to defend itself & our shared democratic values. Please give a donation to help spread good will on eart this holiday season w/ a Ukraine front line soldier fund that will buy food and equipment to replace belongings destroyed by daily Russian shelling as soldiers fight their way through landmines & barbed wire in the frigid December mud. Wishing you & yours the happies o of the holiday season as we work it just that for the front line soldi identified by military & oress alike as "superheroes. Cheers. We'll happily senda a printed acknowledgment of your generous contribution. God bless our blessings so we can keep them.


In a misinfo age, start w/ adages & debunk the ones no longer true. "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth" doesn't hold in anld when options abound. Allied aid to Ukraine hits domestic snags, Russia gloats, Ally media & pundits dis-spirited. Not Ukraine, stays in touch w/ trusted m Ally sectors & keeps fighting w/ measured pac until Big ally aid comes through. So if you're resourceful Ukraine who doesn't hold grudges & refuses to be beaten by lawless savage evil, do look that gift horse in the mouth & find a dentist w. big pliers. Keep the faith, internationalist writer helenfogarassy.com.


"Whistling in the dark" may be what America is doing as it tries for a happy holiday season while knowing it has betrayed its it has been betrayed by its own values. Loyalty to Israe; seems tmisplaced under present leader Putin-pal Netanyahu disregarding Palestinian human rights in vengeance against Hamas terrorist enabled by Israel blunders. Meanwhile, loyalty to valiant Ukraine fighting for US values has lapsed, undermined by a superficial cop-out on greater depth that made America vulnerable to Putin-pal Trump. Holiday season, celebration of light over dark. To make it festive this year, America can send support to ?Ukraine. It'll feel a whole lot better than whistling in the dark. Cheers from internationalist writer helenfogarassy.com.


ulture gaps among the world's near-200 countries make it hard to empathize. News is a seies of platitudes that mean nothing personal. We see & hear weeping Palestinian children & Moms, but we don't live in such poverty, such dire subjugation. Ukraine is easier for us to feel with, they are our peers, brutalized by Russia in the same way as if Canada were to invade us w/ a series of terrorist cohorts. Allies will be wise to step up aid to Ukraine. Putin is a power-brubber in a country that has menaced to world for more tha 100 yrs. He vows to stay in Ukraine 'til it gives in. Then he plans to move on to Poland & now he threatens Finland for joining NATO. Putin already has a toe in Europe through autocrat Orban of Hungary who already blocked EU aid to Ukraine & plans to derail Ukraine membership in EU. For those who can't empathize, use your head for a happy holiday season w/ Putin in his place. Internationalist writer helenfogarassy.com.


"Faith can move mountains" but only when it's solid. Easy to believe when things go your way. How long does it last when adversity hits? Ukraine has suffered big blows this week. US & EU allies fought for it but not hard enough. Ukraine has fought savage Russia for 2 years to stop it from stealing more territory than it did 10 yrs ago. Ukraine front line defenders fight now in the bitter snow & allies say no to more ammo to get the job done even as Putin shells Ukraine daily & boasts about having defeated Ukraine b/c allies have abandoned it. If faith means supporting a friend when the going gets tough for one, then Ukraine allies can reinforce their ability to keep the faith in hard times by pulling forward the the love that is a hallmark of the holiday season in all good faith. God bless our holiday seasonthroughout the world, internationalist writer at helenfogarassy.com.


Russia;s Putin shelled Ukraine last night. Today he holds a press marathon to gloat over the Ukraine alliance ce on shaky ground. Now that the "freebes" are over, he gloats, there will be no peace untl Russia achieves its aim Echoes of Israel;s Putin pal Netanyahu, made worse by Putin-pal Orban gumming EU vote on Ukraine membership. Mostly he mocks America's betrayal of Ukraine. That is heartbreaking to a Hungarian-American internationalist writer seeing both her birth & adoptive countris turn callously away from Ukraine. Especially to the vindictive gloating gkee of penal colony Putin. Have mercy on all the caring people in the world by calling Congress at Urge concession, release of Ukraine aid & defeat or Orban inat the EU before Russia in its glestarts to shell Poland, his next target after Ukraine. helenfogarassy.com.


Reindeer Rudolf w/ the shiny nose everybody scoffed, is the hero of every-underappreciated superpower including Ukraine & this internationalist. Takes a lot of confidence & experience to keep fightingfor justice when outside reinforcement is thin. But as Churchhill once said, "Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." Ukraine has already succeeded in shoring up democratic values grown flacid in the US. Unleash nilitary armaments to Ukraine full force at a crisis level to defeat a lawless cryel Russia as a Christmas present from America to all the world. Make this a truly happy holiday season. Cheers, helenfogarassy.com.


A fish knows water when it jumps out of the fishbowl. Chinese proverb. Ukraine prez Zelensky travels to US to make a pitch for its justcause in fighting for US values, barely mentioned in US press & media. Russ, meanwhile, holds rare press conference & even rarer press propagana marathon. It ha cohorts around the world menace our troops & ships. It diasppeared oppo leader Navalny in penal colony system & it refused trade of two American hostages. All this is seen by the world's near-200 countries. Tone feaf America will help itself by taking off blinders to "see" the music of life the way Beethoven did after he becane bkind. God bless America & its leading freedom-fighter Ukraine, internationalist helenfogarassy.com.


Putin the Pretender. Ukraine battle throw-away Russian desperados in the frigid coldwhile world grows weary w/ wait for win it doesn't remember how hard it is to fight for. With the help of Allies, Ukraine is single-handedly doing the job that tw world wars couldn't get done, putting Russia in its place as a law-abiting nation. If not for Russian pretender propaganda, Putin would be laughably transparent. To bolster Allied support for Ukraine, US Pres Biden invites Ukraine prez Zelensky to White House & Russia strafes all Ukraine w/ missiles. Big picture crystal clear. Ukraine wanted freedom, Russia moved to crush Ukraine. US came to the aid of nob of heroic underdog Ukraine, Putin tuned his campaign into a Russia vs US match. Call Congress at 202.224.3121 to make sure the US wins this battle w/ Bully Russia through herogh loyal hero UUkraine. internationalist writer helenfogarassy.com.


"The quality of mercy is not strained, it droppeth as a gentle rain...blesses those both that give & those that take. Shakespeare. Merchant of Venice w/ antisemitic strains. However justified Israels wrath, its inhumane disregard of Palestinians in hunting terrorist Hamas is doing nothing to cure antisemitism. While that horror plays out, keep the focus on heroic Ukraine, fighting the global menace of Russia under Putin. The fact that Ukraine's leader Zelensky is Jewish i blows holes in any antisemitic stereotype. God bless our one world of near-200 countries, helenfogarassy.com.


Russian writer Dostoevsky wrote that freedom was the greatest burden that humans had to bear & that they would gladly trade it for a dictator who promised to meet all their needs. That theory is playing out now in a global world of near-200 countries.. As a child of the failed Hungarian revolt against the Russian Doviet Union, a child refugee & ultimately US immigrant, I am passionate about freedom . I support Ukraine's stance against Russian aggression full heartedly. I am distressed that more of my adoptive countryfolks don't feel so strongly. And I am curious about the rest of the world. How do you feel about freedom vs security, even if under a dictator?


Who is America in a world of near-200 countries? Maybe the global "ego" in the Freudian scheme of personality that develops fro lowest id instinct to highest supergo mediating between those two extremes. Selfish, violemce-prone egotistic MAGA is popping up worldwide. Brave & savvy Ukraine fights for the highest vdemocratic values now in peril US stateside. They are allies in league w/ other allies having the highest aims, They all spot each other when one gets weak or needs help against predators. In that way thanks to the stamina of Ukraine, America becomes the world's peacemaker in a world struggling to find its go center between highest superego ideals battling lowest, easiest id impulses. God bless the world, internationalist writer helenfogarassy.com.


"Forget loving my enemies, let me kinder to my friens." Anonymous, apt for the US on Pearl Harbor day. When we were attacked, we joined w/ friends to fight the common global enemy. That enemy is now in our midst in the form of far right haters led by US MAGA. Best way forward is for media & political groups to stop focusing on the sensationalism of that enemy & start reinforcing the strength that allies give each other.Hold hands w/ Ukraine fighting for our values. Do the same w/ South & Central American countries reaching for our standards. In this year's season of good will,give an offering of an open hand to global friends who make us feel better about ourselves. Cheers, internationalist writer helenfogarassy.com.


Loyalty, Judas betrayal & betrayal by neglect, which can also be called loyalty light., separate from conditional loyalty. Big concepts beyond gifs & emojis but critica for personal integrity & well-being. A woman once befriended me w/ an eye on my love partner & I watched the seduction take place until she won him. I was heartbroken that his loyalty had been so fragileeven tho I did not fight to keep him or deflect the predator. America now is in the position I was in back the, the verge of losing Ukraine's loyalty to predator Rssia b/c America is neglecting Ukraine's critical needs in a time of duress. Luckily, Ukraine is battle-hardened against invader Russia. Its value added asset is appreciated by other allies the integrity of Ukraine's self-image will keep the alliance cemebted. God bless those democratic values, internationalist helenfogarassy.com.


Compliance, going along is a good thing when it comes to law, civilization's barometer. To get compliance in any of the world's near-200 countries, the law must be known & adhered to as dircted by by national courts in line w/ international laws adopted byin the United Nations. Long process, slow & open to corruption all along the way. The process works onlythrough the integrity of all its parts On broad display in two big global spots now. Nip 'em in the bud. Get lawless invader Russia out of Ukraine. God Israel to hold off on hunting Hamas until Palestinians are protected like Ukraine needs to be. internationalist writer helenfogarassy.com.


Put your mouth where your money is, twist on the usual money where mouth is. Now at Cop28 Climate Summit in UAE, dignitaries of 140 out of total near-200 countries in the world are ine place. Arab countries defending Palestinians against Israel aggression can prove their integrity by calling out Russia for its aggression against Ukraine. It is an opportunity to redress the hypocrisy that many countries feel is weakness of Western democracy. Hey, carpe diem, seize the day on behalf of internationalism at helenfogarassy.com.