JAKO - O Asia
德國 JAKO-O 品牌的亞洲總部 經營JAKO-O 品牌 兒童服裝及兒童產品
HABA Mongolia Германы хүүхдийн сэтгэл судлаач, тоглоомын аргазүйч нарын олон жилийн судалгаанд үндсэлсэн "Haba"
We are happy that we were able to help!
In these times, cohesion is more in demand than ever. It was therefore a matter of the heart for us as a HABA family of companies to procure this urgently needed protective equipment quickly and without red tape.
We would be delighted if we can do a little to make the day-to-day work of the hospital staff easier in the coming weeks.
Let's stick together ❤️
In these times, our everyday lives offer even more challenges - at work and in the family. And right now it is important to stick together and be there for each other.
That is why we continue to do our best for you. We strive to ensure that you receive your orders as quickly and reliably as possible. Our online shop is still open and our order hotline is also available to answer your questions and clarify all concerns.
The children of our employees are also currently at home - and use the time to paint and simply make the best of the situation! They show us how much creativity there is in them. And what is particularly important in times like these: hope, confidence ... and a smile.
Stay healthy!
Your JAKO-O team
▶ ️ https://bit.ly/jakoo-wirsindfuereuchda
Royalty-free music by Toy Invention: https://toyinvention.de/gemafreie-musik-fuer-multimedia/
by Daydaycook mom
Yeah, not long until our 2020 spring catalog is in your mailbox. 😍📪 In the next few days you can look forward to many new exciting highlights for spring. Can you hardly wait for spring? 🌷