Eniabiire ABASS Foundation

Eniabiire ABASS Foundation

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Once in every year, 15th of May is that special day in ENAF that we celebrate the birth of our dear brother, MR ABASS ISMAIL.
Dear brother as you increase in age, may you achieve big things in life. May you always be happy.
Happy birthday.


The unique people are born on a unique day, 23rd of March is the day. It's with a great joy we celebrate our dear brother, MR ABASS ODUN IBRAHIM on his birthday. Dear brother, as you celebrate your birthday today, the Lord who has been on your side, will for ever be with you and increase you on every side. May success never leave your path and always follow you whatever you do in life....
Happy birthday anniversary.

The Rev'd D. O Abass.



Every 21st of February marks the glorious day you came into the world. The importance of this day is not just that it’s your birthday, it is a day to celebrate a wonderful person, a known humanitarian whose good deeds has brought succour to many, put smiles on people’s faces and uplifted the downtrodden you are. Sir, you are a shining example to me and for many other who has grow to know you. I tend to follow your example sir.
You have taken the onus of bringing out the best of those around you on your shoulders, may you receive grace to continue in this humanitarian cause and may this special day of your birth bring you abundance from above. May you continue to enjoy many years of prosperity, intelligence, and good health.
Sir, i hope you continue to love life and never stop dreaming. You are a year older to continue being your fab self and an example of exemplary to us all.


Ayo abara Tintin.
Rejoice with us for God has added to ENAF family today.


26 years have passed yet its hard to forget the day it was noised that "SURAJUDEEN ABIODUN ENIABIRE ABASS IS DEAD". The hurt is the same like an open wound, yearly the pain grows stronger that it makes we your children sick and weak... They say grief is easier to bear as time goes by, but this doesn't stop us from wondering WHY?. Why our dear, sweet dad was taken so soon, when he was our guiding star, our sun and moon...There are no answers to question like this, so we will cherish your memory, and mourn the years we will continue to miss you Dad...
Above all, our greatest joy is that you met Christ before you depart this world. We will continue to remember you for who you are, a discplinarian but loving....SUN RE O BABA ONINU RE O,
Omo Iwopin Eliken.
Omo osa kan o ja lagon
Omo osa fere wuji fere.
Omo afeja yon eja.
Omo eni tao'fe o soro baje
Eni ti a fe lon'ga loju eni bi esin
Omo Okanlawon
Omo oriwu, a sale gege,
Bi eniti ko robirin ri,
O robirin O nfiwon rera ni.
Omo idesan arowo Ren. Omo arowo roda, dudu bi Koro esin.
Omo aji fojo gbogbo dara bi egbin.
Omo olodo ide
Omo ake maa jo gberu-gbeye.
Eso, omo a woyi Ra,
Wo yi ra ko o ma ba reru-keru,
Eru-keru a bilala lenu.
Omo oriken ebuworo legbe
Omo igi meta nurun Ito oriken
Okan nsowo, okan nsa*o, okan nsalari baba a*o..... REST ON WITH YOUR MAKER!

The Rev'd D. O Abass


Thus says the Lord God, the enemy has planned, but I will expose his devices. He has taken, but I will restore. The strategy of hell against you will only serve to be the metric of blessing and outpouring upon you in exponential measure, for I will never leave or forsake you in any way. Know that the lies told against you will die on the vine, but My truth will always outlive their misrepresentation. You don’t wrestle against flesh and blood; this is true but know this – he that touches you touches the apple of My eye. I will bless the one who blessed you, but I will ferociously respond to the one who even dares to trifle with you in the slightest way. This is who I Am, and this is what I do. I Am your defender and your rescue. I Am your strong right hand bringing deliverance.
Open your eyes and see the mercy and the love I’ve shown you. Know that your captivity is turned back this day, week, month, and guilt and shame are lifted. In place of anger, I give you forgiveness, and in place of displeasure, I cover you with My kindness till favor overflows and My rivers in your life break all their banks and completely reframe what blessing and goodness look like by My hand. I will love you and cause My love to be demonstrated in you, to you, and around you that all the world might see that you are the one I Am working with both to show and to work My good pleasure.
You are coming into your inheritance, says the Lord God. The sons of Keturah have received their gifts and gone their way, but on your shoulders, the mantle of sonship rests, and on your hand, the ring of the authority is given that you might go out and execute My will in the earth. This is your call, and it is without repentance. Some have changed their mind and gone another way, and you knew you couldn’t work with them, but I say the plan is still intact, and triumph is just ahead. Those who defected only excluded themselves from the fulfillment of My promise, but you will receive in full measure all that I had in mind when you went to My house together to hear My voice and do My bidding. Keep seeking the kingdom. Refuse to be distracted by foolish questions that only gender strife. When objections come and the gainsayers mouth their lies – humble yourself as Moses did before Janes and Jambres and I will act and bring you into the blessing place that is your portion. I send you a new month's blessings, says the Lord God. Shalom shalom.


Dream a bigger dream, says the Lord God Almighty. You're one of those people like Jabez in the Scriptures who found his life limited in certain ways, and he cried out to Me and asked Me to enlarge his coast. I Am speaking enlargement over your life, says the Father. Don't look at the natural. Don't go by what common sense says can or could be accomplished. Listen to My voice and concentrate on the vision I Am painting in your heart.
Your life has seemed bounded and limited, but I Am not limiting you, says the Lord God Almighty. I Am not limiting you, but I Am enlarging you. I'm expanding the boundaries and borders of your life. I'm giving you the warrior spirit to slay the Giants and overcome the obstacles that would prevent you from coming to your destined purpose. Shalom shalom.


Happy birthday to an illustrious son of ENIABIRE ABASS, MR ISMAIL ABASS. Bro, we wish you many more greater years. CONGRATULATIONS.


The entire ENAF family rejoice with you our dear sister, OLAMIDE on this joyous day of yours. Happy birthday dear sister.


What are you waiting for........


Admission in progress. Don't miss this great opportunity.
We encourage parents anywhere within Ogun Waterside to visit the school and be convinced that it's a training ground for leaders of tomorrow.


A birthday is a perfect time to inspire someone with great pearls of wisdom. One's birthday is just the beginning of another 365 days journey around the sun.
Our brother and father, Mr KABIRU OLATUBOSUN ABASS, your birthday is supposed to be celebrated like New Year's day/celebration, a time to welcome the new year, a time to reflect over the past years, and a time to set new goals for the years ahead...
May God's blessings abound to you in every little way, May you taste and see His goodness every time you kneel to pray. May your days be brightened more with your Father's loving touch. And, may you sense He's with you now
and loves you very much. You will live to enjoy your life . Age in grace Sir.
The Rev'd D. O Abass


A new year is like a blank book; the pen is in your hands. It is your chance to write a beautiful story for yourself... Receive a hug and many kisses for this New Year, may prosperity chase you wherever you go, and may the health and well-being of your family be what God always offers you. May everything be harmonious for you. May your proposed plans and your future projects be fully achieved this year. HAPPY NEW YEAR. Shalom shalom.



( 41 Days prayer for the late MRS TEMIPOPE ADENIKE ABASS "NEE SHONIBARE" )

Our Father and our God, we will forever be grateful unto You for Thy infinite love and tender compassion, for Your great understanding heart, and for the as­surance that everything works together for good to all who love and serve You.
We thank Thee for the person of our dear Sister, friend, and wife; LATE MRS TEMIPOPE ADENIKE ABASS ( NEE SHONIBARE ), for her years of service as a great champion for faith; for her indomitable cour­age, her tenacity of purpose, her dedication to life. We thank Thee for what she did for Your cause and for humanity, for what she inspired others to do, and for what the memory of her life will continue to do in the lives of those who carry on. Nobly, she lived and serenely she passed to her rest in simple faith in You. We praise You our God that we need not sorrow as those who have no hope, and that we may gather new courage from the testimony of our siste's life.
We thank You our God that Jesus, and not death, has won the victory, and that our beloved Sister, friend, and wife will awake in our Lord's likeness. How wonderful to know that You walked with her into the shadows that she might walk with You her God in the sunrise of the glorious resur­rection day. Lord, hasten that hour when the morn of eternity shall rise on the gloom, and the night of death and sorrow shall be no more.
Wipe away every tear and comfort our hearts, dear God. Give us relief from our distress and fill our hearts with great joy. Overshadow us with Your presence that we may be joyful as we celebrate a life well-lived of our dear Sister, friend and wife, LATE MRS TEMIPOPE ADENIKE ABASS ( NEE SHONIBARE ) as we remember her today marking her 41 days with You. Cover the husband, Mr Kabiru Olatunbosun Abass and the Children under Your canopy of love and peace. Cause the Children, O eternal God, to face each new day with hope and the certainty that nothing can destroy the good plans You have for them. May their memories become joyful, their days enriched with friendship, and their lives encircled by Your love. Give everyone that her transition has hurt stillness in our hearts as we call to mind the good days we had with her. Help us to grieve like believers knowing that the separation is only for a sea*on. Let calmness reign in our hearts. Help us to be faithful in prayer and joyful in hope.
For the families of Abass and Shonibare, we confess our need of You in a time like this. Fill us fresh with Your Spirit, renew our hearts and minds in Your truth. We ask for Your hope and comfort to continue to heal our hearts where they’ve been broken. Give us the courage to face another day, knowing that with You before us and behind us, we have nothing to fear.
Father Almighty, when the burden of grief is heavy, lighten our load and lift our spirits.When despair darkens our horizon, shine forth Your light and lead the way. When our hearts feel broken, comfort us and hold us in Your embrace. When we are overwhelmed in the dark of night, may the breaking of dawn bring peace. Deal gently with our pain, speak to our sadness, and remove the barriers that imprison our Spirit.
We are so thankful, Lord, that at the bedside of death we need only say good night and not good-by. So we pay our tribute to a noble life at rest, and simply say, "Good night, be­loved, sleep on and take thy rest." We will say good morning on the resurrection day which is almost here! In the precious name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen

The Rev'd D. O Abass




It seems impossible to thank you enough for all of the care and compassion individuals and corporate organizations showed our family. On behalf of Mr Kabiru Abass, Shonibare, and Eniabire Abass family, we extend to you our sincere appreciation for your sympathy, kindness, and professionalism during the loss of our beloved wife, sister and friend, MRS TEMIPOPE ADENIKE ABASS ( NEE SHONIBARE ). Losing her was hard but knowing her last wishes were carried out with such perfection, style and grace comforted us all.
Your heartfelt guidance and sincere expressions of sympathy to our family is genuinely appreciated. We recognize the extra measures of assistance given by the Borno State government, IFFPAN, TeacherX representative, WSSSRP team, Ogun State Ministry of Education, International Rescue Committee ( IRC), European Union Delegation to Nigeria, Ministry of Budget & National Planning, WISE Staff and management, St. Kizito's high School alumni; The RT Rev Dr J. Akin Atere ( Bishop of Awori Anglican Diocese), the Vicar and members of St Peter's Anglican Church Iwopin, Church of Holy Trinity ( Lugbe, Abuja ), Christ Embassy ( FHA2, Abuja ), Salem Academy ( National Assembly Qtrs, Lugbe, Abuja ), Egbe Afobaje ( Age group ), the Queen's club, the CONCORDs, the Liken & His Council your presence at the burial ceremony is prized and will not be soon forgotten.
Thank You, is a simple phrase, but still it’s meant to show that we appreciate the Olaotan's, Foye', Oso's, Musa's, Achegbulu's, Atsuwe's, Bala Isa ( Borno State ), the Charles ( Adamawa State ) Aiyepe's, the Shonibare's, the Abass, the Akereles, the Ogunpitans, the Ogunsajos, the Olojumetas, the Sanni'sfriends, the Bankole's, the Oduroye's, families and associates, Mr Ikenna & family. We appreciate your kindness more than you could imagine. Our entire family appreciates your time and sacrifice. We know it wasn't easy for you to get to the funeral, but we are glad you made it a priority. Once again my thanks and compliments.

Rev D. O Abass.
For Eniabiire Abass Foundation (ENAF).




It seems impossible to thank you enough for all of the care and compassion individuals and corperate organizations showed our family. On behalf of Mr Kabiru Abass, Shonibare, and Eniabire Abass family, we extend to you our sincere appreciation for your sympathy, kindness, and professionalism during the loss of our beloved wife, sister and friend, MRS TEMIPOPE ADENIKE ABASS ( NEE SHONIBARE ). Losing her was hard but knowing her last wishes were carried out with such perfection, style and grace comforted us all.
Your heartfelt guidance and sincere expressions of sympathy to our family is genuinely appreciated. We recognize the extra measures of assistance given by the Borno State government, IFFPAN, TeacherX representative, WSSSRP team, WISE Staff and management, St. Kizito's high School alumni; the Vicar and members of St Peter's Anglican Church Iwopin, Church of Holy Trinity ( Lugbe, Abuja ), Christ Embassy ( FHA2, Abuja ), Salem Academy ( National Assembly Qtrs, Lugbe, Abuja ), Egbe Afobaje ( Age group ), the Queen's club, your presence at the burial ceremony is prized and will not be soon forgotten.
Thank You, is a simple phrase, but still it’s meant to show that we appreciate Bala Isa ( Borno State ), the Charles ( Adamawa State ) Aiyepe's, the Shonibare's, the Abass, the Akereles, the Ogunpitans, the Ogunsajos, the Olojumetas, the Sanni'sfriends, families and associates, Mr Ikenna & family. We appreciate your kindness more than you could imagine. Our entire family appreciates your time and sacrifice. We know it wasn't easy for you to get to the funeral, but we are glad you made it a priority. Once again my thanks and compliments.

Rev D. O Abass.



"Say not in grief SURAJUDEEN ABIODUN ENIABIRE is no more, but be thankful that he was".
Losing a father often means losing a protector, a guiding hand, a best friend, and a superhero. The loss of a father could be the biggest loss for anyone in the family. It’s like losing the most efficient part of the big machine. The experience of grief over a father’s death never ends—but one can learn to live with the pain of his loss. Although the hurt may subside with time, certain days can trigger a wave of new grief that feels difficult to handle.
So we wish to make this year's anniversary date of your death a particularly significant one.
Undeniably, Daddy -ENIABIRE as foundly called, you were the finest father a child could ever ask for. You have taught us how to live life to the fullest and in a dignified manner.
Daddy, It’s because of your innumerable sacrifices, relentless hard work on us as a disciplinarian, and astonishing father and friend we have turned to be such fine and successful Children making your good name fly higher and higher. Daddy, if you are reading this, we wish you know that we are doing best to carry forward your legacy and cement your surname in the pages of history both in our extended family, community "IWOPIN", and in the Church of God, and wherever we are destined. You were the torchbearer for us. Today, among your Children are many graduates of various profession, 2nd degree holders, house owners, car owners, business establishers, and a REVERED MAN OF GOD.
It is always difficult to say farewell to you SURAJUDEEN ABIODUN ENIABIRE. Who would have thought that you will leave us 25 years ago? Life has become so lackluster after your departure. Nothing excites us and nothing makes us smile as you did, but we will always remain thankful for the guidance that you passed on to us your Children. You lived to love your family, the less privileged, orphans, and your community. To sustain your passion and activities , we have established the Eniabire Abass Foundation ( ENAF ), a pacesetting organization.
Our Mothers also remember you their beloved husband today. With them we pray the soul of your wife, MRS TAIBAT ABASS who has gone to be were you are in heavenly paradise find rest in the bossom of our Lord.
Bami, your love leaves us with a memory no one can steal. You are a successful FATHER - you lived well, laughed often and loved much; you gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of children; you filled your niche and accomplished your tasks; you left the world better than you met and found it; you never lacked appreciation of earth’s beauty or failed to express it; you looked for the best in others and gave the best you had....

ENIABIRE, Omo Iwopin Eliken.
Omo osa kan o ja lagon
Omo osa fere wuji fere.
Omo afeja yon eja.
Omo eni tao'fe o soro baje
Eni ti a fe lon'ga loju eni bi esin
Omo Okanlawon
Omo oriwu, a sale gege,
Bi eniti ko robirin ri,
O robirin O nfiwon rera ni.
Omo idesan arowo Ren. Omo arowo roda, dudu bi Koro esin.
Omo aji fojo gbogbo dara bi egbin.
Omo olodo ide
Omo ake maa jo gberu-gbeye.
Eso, omo a woyi Ra,
Wo yi ra ko o ma ba reru-keru,
Eru-keru a bilala lenu.
Omo oriken ebuworo legbe
Omo igi meta nurun Ito oriken
Okan nsowo, okan nsa*o, okan nsalari baba a*o.....

Sun re oo

Rev D. O Abass


We welcome you all to this platform.
